Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC)

Venue statistics

records by year

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    frequent authors

      16th QUATIC 2023: Aveiro, Portugal

      15th QUATIC 2022: Talavera de la Reina, Spain

      14th QUATIC 2021: Algarve, Portugal

      13th QUATIC 2020: Faro, Portugal

      12th QUATIC 2019: Ciudad Real, Spain

      11th QUATIC 2018: Coimbra, Portugal

      10th QUATIC 2016: Lisbon, Portugal

      9th QUATIC 2014: Guimarães, Portugal

      8th QUATIC 2012: Lisbon, Portugal

      7th QUATIC 2010: Porto, Portugal

      6th QUATIC 2007: Lisbon, Portugal

      5th QUATIC 2004: Porto, Portugal

      4th QUATIC 2001: Lisbon, Portugal

      3rd QUATIC 1998: Guimarães, Portugal

      2nd QUATIC 1995: Lisbon, Portugal

      1st QUATIC 1994: Lisbon, Portugal