BibTeX record conf/fimh/VesterinenHSKHTVT05

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  author       = {Paula Vesterinen and
                  Helena H{\"{a}}nninen and
                  Matti Stenroos and
                  Petri Korhonen and
                  Terhi Husa and
                  Ilkka Tierala and
                  Heikki V{\"{a}}{\"{a}}n{\"{a}}nen and
                  Lauri Toivonen},
  editor       = {Alejandro F. Frangi and
                  Petia Radeva and
                  Andr{\'{e}}s Santos and
                  Monica Hernandez},
  title        = {Spatial Inversion of Depolarization and Repolarization Waves in Body
                  Surface Potential Mapping as Indicator of Old Myocardial Infarction},
  booktitle    = {Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart, Third International
                  Workshop, {FIMH} 2005, Barcelona, Spain, June 2-4, 2005, Proceedings},
  series       = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume       = {3504},
  pages        = {278--282},
  publisher    = {Springer},
  year         = {2005},
  url          = {\_28},
  doi          = {10.1007/11494621\_28},
  timestamp    = {Tue, 14 May 2019 10:00:50 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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