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DIS 2018: Hong Kong, China
- Ilpo Koskinen, Youn-Kyung Lim, Teresa Cerratto-Pargman, Kenny K. N. Chow, William Odom:
Proceedings of the 2018 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2018, DIS 2018, Hong Kong, China, June 09-13, 2018. ACM 2018
Keynote & Invited Talks
- Erik Stolterman:
To Study Interaction and Interfaces: An Approach and Some Findings. 1 - Jodi Forlizzi:
Data and Design for Action. 3 - Kun-Pyo Lee:
Design Research, for What?: Different Perspectives on Design Research. 5 - Phoebe Sengers:
Diversifying Design Imaginations. 7
Session 1: Trust & Responsibility
- Eric Corbett, Christopher A. Le Dantec:
Exploring Trust in Digital Civics. 9-20 - Sarah E. Fox, Rafael M. L. Silva, Daniela K. Rosner:
Beyond the Prototype: Maintenance, Collective Responsibility, and Public IoT. 21-32 - Tawanna R. Dillahunt, Jason Lam, Alex Lu
, Earnest Wheeler:
Designing Future Employment Applications for Underserved Job Seekers: A Speed Dating Study. 33-44 - Marisol Wong-Villacres, Arkadeep Kumar
, Aditya Vishwanath, Naveena Karusala, Betsy DiSalvo
, Neha Kumar:
Designing for Intersections. 45-58
Session 2: Experiencing Virtual Reality
- Misha Sra, Xuhai Xu, Aske Mottelson
, Pattie Maes:
VMotion: Designing a Seamless Walking Experience in VR. 59-70 - Mirjana Prpa
, Kivanç Tatar
, Jules Françoise, Bernhard E. Riecke, Thecla Schiphorst, Philippe Pasquier
Attending to Breath: Exploring How the Cues in a Virtual Environment Guide the Attention to Breath and Shape the Quality of Experience to Support Mindfulness. 71-84 - Misha Sra, Aske Mottelson
, Pattie Maes:
Your Place and Mine: Designing a Shared VR Experience for Remotely Located Users. 85-97 - Michael Rietzler, Teresa Hirzle
, Jan Gugenheimer, Julian Frommel
, Thomas Dreja, Enrico Rukzio:
VRSpinning: Exploring the Design Space of a 1D Rotation Platform to Increase the Perception of Self-Motion in VR. 99-108
Session 3: Personal Health & Wellness
- Sander Bogers, Janne van Kollenburg, Eva J. L. Deckers, Joep W. Frens, Caroline Hummels:
A Situated Exploration of Designing for Personal Health Ecosystems through Data-enabled Design. 109-120 - Sun Young Park:
Social Support Mosaic: Understanding Mental Health Management Practice on College Campus. 121-133 - Jessica Schroeder, Chia-Fang Chung
, Daniel A. Epstein
, Ravi Karkar, Adele Parsons, Natalia Murinova, James Fogarty, Sean A. Munson:
Examining Self-Tracking by People with Migraine: Goals, Needs, and Opportunities in a Chronic Health Condition. 135-148 - Corina Sas:
Exploring Self-Defining Memories in Old Age and their Digital Cues. 149-161
Session 4: Making Diversity
- Rebecca Stewart, Sophie Skach
, Astrid Bin:
Making Grooves with Needles: Using e-textiles to Encourage Gender Diversity in Embedded Audio Systems Design. 163-172 - David Green, David Stanley Kirk
Open Design, Inclusivity and the Intersections of Making. 173-186 - Johanna Okerlund, Madison Dunaway, Celine Latulipe
, David C. Wilson, Eric Paulos:
Statement Making: A Maker Fashion Show Foregrounding Feminism, Gender, and Transdisciplinarity. 187-199 - Danielle Wilde
, Patrizia Marti
Exploring Aesthetic Enhancement of Wearable Technologies for Deaf Women. 201-213
Session 5: Augmenting Reality
- Yi-Ta Hsieh, Valeria Orso, Salvatore Andolina
, Manuela Canaveras, Diogo Cabral
, Anna Spagnolli, Luciano Gamberini, Giulio Jacucci:
Interweaving Visual and Audio-Haptic Augmented Reality for Urban Exploration. 215-226 - Tran Pham, Jo Vermeulen, Anthony Tang
, Lindsay MacDonald Vermeulen
Scale Impacts Elicited Gestures for Manipulating Holograms: Implications for AR Gesture Design. 227-240 - John J. Dudley, Hendrik Schuff, Per Ola Kristensson:
Bare-Handed 3D Drawing in Augmented Reality. 241-252 - Thuong N. Hoang
, Hasan Shahid Ferdous, Frank Vetere
, Martin Reinoso:
Body as a Canvas: An Exploration on the Role of the Body as Display of Digital Information. 253-263
Session 6: Therapeutic Design
- Issey Takahashi, Mika Oki
, Baptiste Bourreau, Kenji Suzuki
Designing Interactive Visual Supports for Children with Special Needs in a School Setting. 265-275 - Ravihansa Rajapakse, Margot Brereton
, Laurianne Sitbon
Design Artefacts to Support People with a Disability to Build Personal Infrastructures. 277-288 - Peter Fikar, Florian Güldenpfennig, Roman Ganhör:
The Use(fulness) of Therapeutic Toys: Practice-derived Design Lenses for Toy Design. 289-300 - Suzanne B. da Câmara, Rakshit Agrawal, Katherine Isbister:
Identifying Children's Fidget Object Preferences: Toward Exploring the Impacts of Fidgeting and Fidget-Friendly Tangibles. 301-311
Session 7: Expanding Domestic Design
- Doenja Oogjes
, William Odom, Pete Fung:
Designing for an other Home: Expanding and Speculating on Different Forms of Domestic Life. 313-326 - Sara Nabil
, Aluna Everitt, Miriam Sturdee
, Jason Alexander
, Simon J. Bowen
, Peter C. Wright, David S. Kirk
ActuEating: Designing, Studying and Exploring Actuating Decorative Artefacts. 327-339 - Joep W. Frens, Mathias Funk
, Bastiaan van Hout, Joep Le Blanc:
Designing the IoT Sandbox. 341-354 - Rikke Hagensby Jensen
, Yolande A. A. Strengers, Dimitrios Raptis
, Larissa Nicholls
, Jesper Kjeldskov, Mikael B. Skov
Exploring Hygge as a Desirable Design Vision for the Sustainable Smart Home. 355-360
Session 8: Supporting Designers
- Brendan Strahm, Colin M. Gray
, Mihaela Vorvoreanu:
Generating Mobile Application Onboarding Insights Through Minimalist Instruction. 361-372 - Senthil K. Chandrasegaran
, Devarajan Ramanujan
, Niklas Elmqvist
How Do Sketching and Non-Sketching Actions Convey Design Intent? 373-385 - Garreth W. Tigwell
, Rachel Menzies
, David R. Flatla:
Designing for Situational Visual Impairments: Supporting Early-Career Designers of Mobile Content. 387-399 - Khalil Klouche
, Tuukka Ruotsalo, Giulio Jacucci:
From Hyperlinks to Hypercues: Entity-Based Affordances for Fluid Information Exploration. 401-411
Session 9: Aging and Changing
- Iohanna Nicenboim, Elisa Giaccardi
, Lenneke Kuijer:
Designing Connected Resources for Older People. 413-425 - Soud Nassir, Tuck Wah Leong
Conducting Qualitative Fieldwork with Ageing Saudis: A Visual Diary. 427-439 - Romina Carrasco, Jenny Waycott
, Steven Baker, Frank Vetere
Designing the Lost Self: Older Adults' Self-representations in Online Games. 441-452 - Maximilian Altmeyer, Pascal Lessel, Antonio Krüger
Investigating Gamification for Seniors Aged 75+. 453-458
Session 10: Things of Inquiry & Knowledge Creation
- Sabrina Hauser
, Doenja Oogjes
, Ron Wakkary
, Peter-Paul Verbeek
An Annotated Portfolio on Doing Postphenomenology Through Research Products. 459-471 - Raune Frankjær, Peter Dalsgaard
Understanding Craft-Based Inquiry in HCI. 473-484 - Kevin Lefeuvre, Sören Totzauer, Michael Storz
, Albrecht Kurze, Andreas Bischof
, Arne Berger
Bricks, Blocks, Boxes, Cubes, and Dice: On the Role of Cubic Shapes for the Design of Tangible Interactive Devices. 485-496 - Martin Murer
Making Things Apart: Gaining Material Understanding. 497-509
Session 11: Places of Interaction
- George J. Schafer, Susan King Fullerton, Ian D. Walker, Amith Vijaykumar, Keith Evan Green:
Words Become Worlds: The LIT ROOM, a Literacy Support Tool at Room-Scale. 511-522 - Susan Ali, Boriana Koleva
, Ben Bedwell
, Steve Benford
Deepening Visitor Engagement with Museum Exhibits through Hand-crafted Visual Markers. 523-534 - Seungki Kim, Jiwoo Hong, Jaeyeon Lee, Hyun-Sook Choi, Geehyuk Lee, Woohun Lee:
TouchBranch: Understanding Interpersonal Touches in Interactive Installation. 535-546 - Tomasz Jaskiewicz, Aadjan J. C. van der Helm:
Unlocking the Interactive Office: Concurrent Prototyping Approach. 547-558
Session 12: Designing with Machine Learning
- Tad Hirsch, Christina Soma, Kritzia Merced, Patty Kuo, Aaron Dembe, Derek D. Caperton, David C. Atkins, Zac E. Imel:
"It's hard to argue with a computer": Investigating Psychotherapists' Attitudes towards Automated Evaluation. 559-571 - Qian Yang, Jina Suh, Nan-Chen Chen, Gonzalo A. Ramos:
Grounding Interactive Machine Learning Tool Design in How Non-Experts Actually Build Models. 573-584 - Qian Yang, Alex Sciuto, John Zimmerman, Jodi Forlizzi, Aaron Steinfeld
Investigating How Experienced UX Designers Effectively Work with Machine Learning. 585-596 - Rahul R. Divekar
, Jaimie Drozdal, Yalun Zhou, Ziyi Song, David Allen, Robert Rouhani, Rui Zhao, Shuyue Zheng, Lilit Balagyozyan, Hui Su:
Interaction Challenges in AI Equipped Environments Built to Teach Foreign Languages Through Dialogue and Task-Completion. 597-609
Session 13: Fingers, Gestures & Bodies
- Rachel Eardley
, Anne Roudaut, Steve Gill, Stephen J. Thompson
Designing for Multiple Hand Grips and Body Postures within the UX of a moving Smartphone. 611-621 - Bogdan-Florin Gheran
, Jean Vanderdonckt, Radu-Daniel Vatavu:
Gestures for Smart Rings: Empirical Results, Insights, and Design Implications. 623-635 - Bokyung Lee
, Joon Gi Shin
, Hyoshin Bae, Daniel Saakes:
Interactive and Situated Guidelines to Help Users Design a Personal Desk that Fits Their Bodies. 637-650 - Jakob Karolus
, Hendrik Schuff, Thomas Kosch
, Pawel W. Wozniak, Albrecht Schmidt:
EMGuitar: Assisting Guitar Playing with Electromyography. 651-655
Session 14: Co-performing with Machines
- Claire Mikalauskas, Tiffany Wun, Kevin Ta, Joshua Horacsek, Lora Oehlberg:
Improvising with an Audience-Controlled Robot Performer. 657-666 - Laurens Boer
, Harvey Bewley:
Reconfiguring the Appearance and Expression of Social Robots by Acknowledging their Otherness. 667-677 - Jeroen Peeters, Ambra Trotto:
Designing Expressions of Movement Qualities. 679-690 - Heesoon Kim, James A. Landay
Aeroquake: Drone Augmented Dance. 691-701
Session 15: Reflection, Remembrance & Connection
- Mehmet Aydin Baytas, Aykut Coskun
, Asim Evren Yantaç, Morten Fjeld:
Towards Materials for Computational Heirlooms: Blockchains and Wristwatches. 703-717 - Eli Blevis
, Shunying An Blevis:
Design Inspirations from the Wisdom of Years. 719-732 - Euijin Hwang, Reuben Kirkham, Andrew Monk, Patrick Olivier
Respectful Disconnection: Understanding Long Distance Family Relationships in a South Korean Context. 733-745 - Daisuke Uriu, William Odom, Hannah Gould
Understanding Automatic Conveyor-belt Columbaria: Emerging Sites of Interactive Memorialization in Japan. 747-752
Session 16: Design Research Methods
- Audrey Desjardins
, Aubree Ball:
Revealing Tensions in Autobiographical Design in HCI. 753-764 - Andrés Lucero:
Living Without a Mobile Phone: An Autoethnography. 765-776 - Szu-Yu (Cyn) Liu, Jeffrey Bardzell
, Shaowen Bardzell:
Photography as a Design Research Tool into Natureculture. 777-789 - Lucas Colusso, Tien Do, Gary Hsieh:
Behavior Change Design Sprints. 791-803
Session 17: Immersive Experiences, Scenarios & Technologies
- Guy Schofield, Gareth Beale, Nicole Beale
, Martin Fell, Dawn Hadley
, Jonathan Hook, Damian T. Murphy, Julian Richards
, Lewis Thresh:
Viking VR: Designing a Virtual Reality Experience for a Museum. 805-815 - Joshua McVeigh-Schultz, Max Kreminski, Keshav Prasad, Perry Hoberman, Scott S. Fisher:
Immersive Design Fiction: Using VR to Prototype Speculative Interfaces and Interaction Rituals within a Virtual Storyworld. 817-829 - Han-Jong Kim, Chang-Min Kim, Tek-Jin Nam:
SketchStudio: Experience Prototyping with 2.5-Dimensional Animated Design Scenarios. 831-843 - Zhengqing Li, Shio Miyafuji
, Toshiki Sato, Hideki Koike, Naomi Yamashita, Hideaki Kuzuoka:
How Display Shapes Affect 360-Degree Panoramic Video Communication. 845-856
Session 18: Interacting with Conversational Agents
- Alex Sciuto, Arnita Saini, Jodi Forlizzi, Jason I. Hong
"Hey Alexa, What's Up?": A Mixed-Methods Studies of In-Home Conversational Agent Usage. 857-868 - Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard, Lone Koefoed Hansen
Intimate Futures: Staying with the Trouble of Digital Personal Assistants through Design Fiction. 869-880 - Rafal Kocielnik
, Daniel Avrahami, Jennifer Marlow, Di Lu, Gary Hsieh:
Designing for Workplace Reflection: A Chat and Voice-Based Conversational Agent. 881-894 - Mohit Jain, Pratyush Kumar, Ramachandra Kota, Shwetak N. Patel:
Evaluating and Informing the Design of Chatbots. 895-906
Session 19: Animals & Wilderness
- Clara Mancini
, Jussi Lehtonen:
The Emerging Nature of Participation in Multispecies Interaction Design. 907-918 - Donghyeon Ko, Daye Kwon, Eunjin Kim, Woohun Lee:
BubbleTalk: Enriching Experience with Fish by Supporting Human Behavior. 919-930 - Matej Kaninsky, Sarah Gallacher, Yvonne Rogers:
Confronting People's Fears about Bats: Combining Multi-modal and Environmentally Sensed Data to Promote Curiosity and Discovery. 931-943 - Andrew Quitmeyer:
Hiking Hacks: Workshop Model for Exploring Wilderness Interaction Design. 945-956
Session 20: Design Issues in the Wild
- Matti Nelimarkka
, Salla-Maaria Laaksonen
, Bryan C. Semaan:
Social Media Is Polarized, Social Media Is Polarized: Towards a New Design Agenda for Mitigating Polarization. 957-970 - Chorong Kim, Haesung Yang, Sukwoo Jang, Ki-Young Nam:
Grumble to Policy Need: Deriving Public Policy Needs from Daily Life on Social Media Platform. 971-983 - Samarth Singhal, Carman Neustaedter:
Caller Needs and Reactions to 9-1-1 Video Calling for Emergencies. 985-997 - Marko Radeta
, Nuno Jardim Nunes
, Dinarte Vasconcelos
, Valentina Nisi:
POSEIDON - Passive-acoustic Ocean Sensor for Entertainment and Interactive Data-gathering in Opportunistic Nautical-activities. 999-1011
Session 21: Sports and Training
- Markus Wirth, Stefan Gradl
, Dino Poimann, Hannes Schaefke, Julia Matlok, Harald Koerger, Björn M. Eskofier
Assessment of Perceptual-Cognitive Abilities among Athletes in Virtual Environments: Exploring Interaction Concepts for Soccer Players. 1013-1023 - Hayati Havlucu, Terry Eskenazi, Baris Akgün
, Mehmet Cengiz Onbasli
, Aykut Coskun
, Oguzhan Özcan:
Flow State Feedback Through Sports Wearables: A Case Study on Tennis. 1025-1039 - Laia Turmo Vidal
, Elena Márquez Segura
, Annika Waern
Movement Correction in Instructed Fitness Training: Design Recommendations and Opportunities. 1041-1054
Session 22: Exploring Interaction Design
- Yuan-Yao Hsu, Wenn-Chieh Tsai, Wan-Chen Lee, Rung-Huei Liang
Botanical Printer: An Exploration on Interaction Design with Plantness. 1055-1068 - Harvey Bewley, Laurens Boer
Designing Blo-nut: Design Principles, Choreography and Otherness in an Expressive Social Robot. 1069-1080 - Nic Lupfer, Hannah Fowler, Alyssa Valdez, Andrew M. Webb
, Jeremy Merrill, Galen Newman, Andruid Kerne:
Multiscale Design Strategies in a Landscape Architecture Classroom. 1081-1093
Session 23: Crafting Fabrication
- Tianyi Wang, Ke Huo, Pratik Chawla, Guiming Chen, Siddharth Banerjee, Karthik Ramani:
Plain2Fun: Augmenting Ordinary Objects with Interactive Functions by Auto-Fabricating Surface Painted Circuits. 1095-1106 - Nir Dick, Naama Glauber, Adi Yehezkeli, Moran Mizrahi, Shani Reches, Maiayn Ben-Yona, Anna Carmi, Amit Zoran:
Design with Minimal Intervention: Drawing with Light and Cracks. 1107-1120 - Rony Ginosar, Hila Kloper, Amit Zoran:
PARAMETRIC HABITAT: Virtual Catalog of Design Prototypes. 1121-1133 - Florian Heller
, Jan Thar, Dennis Lewandowski, Mirko Hartmann, Pierre Schoonbrood, Sophy Stönner, Simon Voelker
, Jan O. Borchers:
CutCAD - An Open-source Tool to Design 3D Objects in 2D. 1135-1139
Session 24: Design for Collective Action
- Anton Fedosov, William Odom, Marc Langheinrich
, Ron Wakkary
Roaming Objects: Encoding Digital Histories of Use into Shared Objects and Tools. 1141-1153 - Matthew V. Law
, Mor Naaman
, Nicola Dell:
ShareBox: Designing A Physical System to Support Resource Exchange in Local Communities. 1155-1167 - Can Liu
, Ben Bengler, Danilo Di Cuia, Katie Seaborn
, Giovanna Nunes Vilaza, Sarah Gallacher, Licia Capra, Yvonne Rogers:
Pinsight: A Novel Way of Creating and Sharing Digital Content through 'Things' in the Wild. 1169-1181 - Saskia Coulson, Mel Woods
, Michelle Scott, Drew Hemment, Mara Balestrini
Stop the Noise! Enhancing Meaningfulness in Participatory Sensing with Community Level Indicators. 1183-1192
Session 25: Micro-Sites of Interaction
- Sylvain Pauchet
, Catherine Letondal, Jean-Luc Vinot, Mickaël Causse, Mathieu Cousy
, Valentin Becquet, Guillaume Crouzet:
GazeForm: Dynamic Gaze-adaptive Touch Surface for Eyes-free Interaction in Airliner Cockpits. 1193-1205 - Kening Zhu
, Morten Fjeld, Ayça Ünlüer
WristOrigami: Exploring Foldable Design for Multi-Display Smartwatch. 1207-1218 - Taeyong Kim, Hao Ju, Jeremy R. Cooperstock:
Pressure or Movement? 1219-1227 - Juntae Kim, James A. Self
, Young Woo Park:
Traffico: A Tangible Timetable Delivering Transportation Information between Schedules. 1229-1234
Session 26: Creativity and Design
- Jonas Frich, Michael Mose Biskjaer, Peter Dalsgaard
Twenty Years of Creativity Research in Human-Computer Interaction: Current State and Future Directions. 1235-1257 - César Torres, Sarah Sterman
, Molly Nicholas, Richard Lin, Eric Pai, Eric Paulos:
Guardians of Practice: A Contextual Inquiry of Failure-Mitigation Strategies within Creative Practices. 1259-1267 - Jandy Luik
, Jenna Ng, Jonathan Hook:
"More than just Space": Designing to Support Assemblage in Virtual Creative Hubs. 1269-1281 - Volodymyr Dziubak, Andrea Bunt:
Prism: Enhancing Graphic Designers' Visual Research with Interactive Search Trails. 1283-1294
Session 27: Measurements and Guidelines
- Salvatore Andolina
, Valeria Orso, Hendrik Schneider, Khalil Klouche
, Tuukka Ruotsalo, Luciano Gamberini, Giulio Jacucci:
Investigating Proactive Search Support in Conversations. 1295-1307 - Andrea Marrella, Tiziana Catarci:
Measuring the Learnability of Interactive Systems Using a Petri Net Based Approach. 1309-1319 - Quan Li
, Ziming Wu, Peng Xu, Huamin Qu, Xiaojuan Ma:
A Multi-Phased Co-design of an Interactive Analytics System for MOBA Game Occurrences. 1321-1332 - Nico Herbig, Gerrit Kahl, Antonio Krüger
Design Guidelines for Assistance Systems Supporting Sustainable Purchase Decisions. 1333-1344
Session 28: Values & Ethics
- James Pierce, Sarah E. Fox, Nick Merrill, Richmond Y. Wong
, Carl DiSalvo:
An Interface without A User: An Exploratory Design Study of Online Privacy Policies and Digital Legalese. 1345-1358 - Richmond Y. Wong
, Nick Merrill, John Chuang:
When BCIs have APIs: Design Fictions of Everyday Brain-Computer Interface Adoption. 1359-1371 - Nick Logler, Daisy Yoo, Batya Friedman:
Metaphor Cards: A How-to-Guide for Making and Using a Generative Metaphorical Design Toolkit. 1373-1386 - Rikke Hagensby Jensen
, Dimitrios Raptis
, Jesper Kjeldskov, Mikael B. Skov
Washing with the Wind: A Study of Scripting towards Sustainability. 1387-1400

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