Workshop on Programming based on Actors, Agents, and Decentralized Control (AGERE!)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      AGERE!@SPLASH 2021: Virtual Event / Chicago, IL, USA

      AGERE!@SPLASH 2020: Virtual Event, USA

      AGERE!@SPLASH 2019: Athens, Greece

      AGERE!@SPLASH 2018: Boston, MA, USA

      AGERE!@SPLASH 2017: Vancouver, BC, Canada

      AGERE!@SPLASH 2016: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

      AGERE!@SPLASH 2015: Pittsburgh, PA, USA

      AGERE!@SPLASH 2014: Portland, OR, USA

      AGERE!@SPLASH 2013: Indianapolis, IN, USA

      AGERE!@SPLASH 2012: Tucson, Arizona, USA

      AGERE!@SPLASH 2011: Portland Oregon, USA

      Proceedings published in: SPLASH'11 Workshops Compilation Proceedings