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27th AINA Workshops 2013: Barcelona, Spain
- Leonard Barolli, Fatos Xhafa, Makoto Takizawa, Tomoya Enokido, Hui-Huang Hsu:
27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, WAINA 2013, Barcelona, Spain, March 25-28, 2013. IEEE Computer Society 2013, ISBN 978-1-4673-6239-9 - Richard Hable, Thomas Aglassinger:
Strategies for Enhancing Data Quality in Mobile CRM. 1-6 - G. G. Md. Nawaz Ali, Edward Chan, Wenzhong Li:
On Scheduling Real-Time Multi-item Queries in Multi-RSU Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs). 7-12 - Kazuma Mitake, Susumu Ishihara:
A Basic Study of Data Collection Ratio of Drifting Sensor Networks for Monitoring Waterways. 13-20 - Yuta Maruoka, Kazunori Ueda:
A Method for Establishing Routes and IPv6 Addressing Based on the Estimated Distance from Neighboring Nodes in Wireless Mesh Networks. 21-26 - Akihiro Kida, Tatsuro Takahashi, Ryoichi Shinkuma, Hiroyuki Kasai, Kazuhiro Yamaguchi, Oscar Mayora:
System Design for Estimating Social Relationships from Sensing Data. 27-32 - Kazuto Shimizu, Masayuki Iwai, Kaoru Sezaki:
Social Link Analysis Using Wireless Beaconing and Accelerometer. 33-38 - Patricia Morreale, Steve Holtz, Allan Goncalves:
Data Mining and Analysis of Large Scale Time Series Network Data. 39-43 - Pierluigi Del Nostro, Francesco Orciuoli, Stefano Paolozzi, Pierluigi Ritrovato, Daniele Toti:
ARISTOTELE: A Semantic-Driven Platform for Enterprise Management. 44-49 - Mahdieh Shadi, Hamideh Afsarmanesh:
Behavior Modeling in Virtual Organizations. 50-55 - Minh Tuan Nguyen Hoang, Trung Van Nguyen, Hanh Huu Hoang:
A Ontological Collaborative Framework for Bussiness Process Integration. 56-61 - Cung Trong Cuong, Vo Thanh Tu, Nguyen Thuc Hai:
MAR-AODV: Innovative Routing Algorithm in MANET Based on Mobile Agent. 62-66 - Giuseppe Piro, Luigi Alfredo Grieco, Gennaro Boggia, Pietro Camarda:
Simulating Wireless Nano Sensor Networks in the NS-3 Platform. 67-74 - Juliette Dromard, Rida Khatoun, Lyes Khoukhi:
An Admission Control Scheme Based on Transmissions Scheduling for Wireless Mesh Networks. 75-81 - Milos Rovcanin, Eli De Poorter, Ingrid Moerman, Piet Demeester:
An LSPI Based Reinforcement Learning Approach to Enable Network Cooperation in Cognitive Wireless Sensor Network. 82-89 - Noura Aljeri, Kaouther Abrougui, Mohammed Almulla, Azzedine Boukerche:
A Performance Evaluation of Load Balancing and QoS-aware Gateway Discovery Protocol for VANETs. 90-94 - Maurizio Casoni, Alessandro Paganelli, Paolo Valente:
A Modular Architecture for QoS Provisioning over Wireless Links. 95-100 - Alessandro Pellegrini, Giuseppe Piro:
Multi-threaded Simulation of 4G Cellular Systems within the LTE-Sim Framework. 101-106 - Ryosuke Mine, Go Hasegawa, Yoshiaki Taniguchi, Hirotaka Nakano:
Effect of Radio Interference Models on the Performance of Time Slot Assignment Algorithms in IEEE 802.16j Relay Networks. 107-113 - Misfa Susanto, Yim-Fun Hu, Prashant Pillai:
Joint Random Linear Network Coding and Convolutional Code with Interleaving for Multihop Wireless Network. 114-119 - Suraj Verma, Prashant Pillai, Yim-Fun Hu:
Performance Evaluation of Alternative Network Architectures for Sensor-Satellite Integrated Networks. 120-125 - Gábor Fehér:
The Price of Secure Mobile Video Streaming. 126-131 - Daeha Jin, Junhee Ryu, Juyoung Park, Jaemyoun Lee, Heonshik Shin, Kyungtae Kang:
Bounding End-to-End Delay for Real-Time Environmental Monitoring in Avionic Systems. 132-137 - José Miguel Montañana, David de Andrés, Francisco Tirado:
Fault Tolerance on NoCs. 138-143 - Rie Uno, Nobuaki Ozaki, Hideharu Amano:
Research of PE Array Connection Network for Cool Mega-Array. 144-149 - Jorge Hiraiwa, Hideharu Amano:
An FPGA Implementation of Reconfigurable Real-Time Vision Architecture. 150-155 - Kugami Daiki, Takaaki Miyajima, Hideharu Amano:
A Circuit Division Method for High-Level Synthesis on Multi-FPGA Systems. 156-161 - Katsuyoshi Matsumoto, Motoi Yamagiwa, Minoru Uehara, Hideki Mori:
Proposal of Sensor Data Gathering with Single Board Computer. 162-167 - Hideaki Yanagisawa, Kayo Kondou:
Interactive Interface for Web-based Programming Environment. 168-173 - Motoi Yamagiwa, Katsuyoshi Matsumoto, Minoru Uehara:
Proposal of Solar Powered Grid Computing with Reuse Handheld Devices. 174-178 - Eric Lin, Shiaofen Fang, Jie Wang:
Mining Online Book Reviews for Sentimental Clustering. 179-184 - Daniel Garant, Wei Lu:
Mining Botnet Behaviors on the Large-Scale Web Application Community. 185-190 - Takuya Sugitani, Masumi Shirakawa, Takahiro Hara, Shojiro Nishio:
Detecting Local Events by Analyzing Spatiotemporal Locality of Tweets. 191-196 - Jan Kohout, Roman Neruda:
Two-Phase Genetic Algorithm for Social Network Graphs Clustering. 197-202 - Emilie Au, Mohamed Bouguessa, Shengrui Wang:
Document Modeling Using Syntactic and Semantic Information. 203-206 - Shangkun Deng, Akito Sakurai:
Foreign Exchange Trading Rules Using a Single Technical Indicator from Multiple Timeframes. 207-212 - Spyros E. Polykalas, George N. Prezerakos, Agisilaos Konidaris:
A General Purpose Model for Future Prediction Based on Web Search Data: Predicting Greek and Spanish Election. 213-218 - Kin Fun Li, Ana-Maria Sevcenco:
A Feasibility Study on Using Low-Cost Gaming Devices for Rehabilitation. 219-224 - Alfonso Farruggia, Rosario Magro, Salvatore Vitabile:
A Novel Web Service for Mammography Images Indexing. 225-230 - Toshihiro Suzuki, Yoshitaka Shibata, Kazuo Takahata, Noriki Uchida:
Directional Antenna Control Based Mobile Adhoc Network for Disaster Information System. 231-236 - Yuto Sekin, Noriki Uchida, Yoshitaka Shibata, Norio Shiratori:
Disaster Information Network Based on Software Defined Network Framework. 237-242 - Hiroaki Yuze, Yuzhe Qian, Naoyoshi Suzuki:
Development of Smartphone Application for Off-Line Use in Case of Disaster. 243-248 - Noriki Uchida, Norihiro Kawamura, Nicholas Williams, Kazuo Takahata, Yoshitaka Shibata:
Proposal of Delay Tolerant Network with Cognitive Wireless Network for Disaster Information Network System. 249-254 - Saneatsu Arimura, Noriki Uchida, Yoshitaka Shibata:
Self Power Supplied Micro Wireless Ballooned Network for Disaster Recovery. 255-260 - Marlen Hofmann, Stefan Sackmann, Hans Betke:
Using Workflow Management Systems to Improve Disaster Response Processes. 261-266 - Kouhei Umezaki, Evjola Spaho, Leonard Barolli, Makoto Ikeda, Fatos Xhafa, Makoto Takizawa:
A Fuzzy-Based Trustworthiness System for P2P Communications in JXTA-Overlay Considering Positive and Negative Effects. 267-272 - Jungpil Shin, Tomomi Kikuchi:
On-Line Signature Evaluation Using Fuzzy Set Theory. 273-277 - Qi Wang, Leonard Barolli, Elis Kulla, Gjergji Mino, Makoto Ikeda, Makoto Takizawa:
A Fuzzy-Based Simulation System for Controlling Sensor Speed in Wireless Sensor Networks. 278-284 - Brice Ekobo Akoa, Emmanuel Simeu, Fritz Lebowsky:
Using Artificial Neural Network for Automatic Assessment of Video Sequences. 285-290 - Ashok Kumar Das, Bezawada Bruhadeshwar:
A Biometric-Based User Authentication Scheme for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks. 291-296 - Marek R. Ogiela, Lidia Ogiela:
Information Splitting Using Crypto-biometrics Approach. 297-299 - Li Zhang, Xiao Liu, Jie Song, Cathal Gurrin, Zhiliang Zhu:
A Comprehensive Study of Bluetooth Fingerprinting-Based Algorithms for Localization. 300-305 - Chengming Li, Koji Okamura, Wenjing Liu:
Ant Colony Based Forwarding Method for Content-Centric Networking. 306-311 - Admir Barolli, Tetsuya Oda, Evjola Spaho, Leonard Barolli, Fatos Xhafa, Makoto Takizawa:
Performance Evaluation of WMN-GA System for Node Placement in WMNs Considering Normal Distribution of Mesh Clients and Different Selection and Mutation Operators. 312-317 - Petra Perner:
How to Compare and Interpret Two Learnt Decision Trees from the Same Domain? 318-322 - Bo Ma, Dejun Mu, Wei Fan, Wei Hu:
Improvements the Seccomp Sandbox Based on PBE Theory. 323-328 - Thanh Nga Thai:
Estimate Thermo-physical Parameters from Characterization of the Building Materials by Using Artificial Intelligence. 329-334 - Qutaiba Razouqi, Ahmed Boushehri, Mohamed Gaballah, Lina Alsaleh:
Extensive Simulation Performance Analysis for DSDV, DSR and AODV MANET Routing Protocols. 335-342 - Raja Vara Prasad Yerra, Pachamuthu Rajalakshmi:
Effect of Relay Nodes on End-to-End Delay in Multi-hop Wireless Ad-hoc Networks. 343-348 - Mohammed Gharib, Ehsan Emamjomeh-Zadeh, Ashkan Norouzi-Fard, Ali Movaghar:
A Novel Probabilistic Key Management Algorithm for Large-Scale MANETs. 349-356 - Sanjay K. Dhurandher, Isaac Woungang, Raveena Mathur, Prashant Khurana:
GAODV: A Modified AODV Against Single and Collaborative Black Hole Attacks in MANETs. 357-362 - Soumyadev Maity, Ramesh C. Hansdah:
A Secure and Efficient Authentication Protocol (SEAP) for MANETs wIth Membership Revocation. 363-370 - Tao Yang, Elis Kulla, Leonard Barolli, Gjergji Mino, Makoto Takizawa:
Performance Comparison of Wireless Sensor Networks for Different Speeds of Multi Mobile Sensor Nodes. 371-376 - Ashutosh Bhatia, R. C. Hansdah:
A Distributed TDMA Slot Scheduling Algorithm for Spatially Correlated Contention in WSNs. 377-384 - Shigeo Shioda:
Inner-Distance Measurement and Shape Recognition of Target Object Using Networked Binary Sensors. 385-392 - Tatsuhiko Nakano, Yutaka Arakawa, Shigeaki Tagashira, Akira Fukuda, Riadh Dhaou:
Proposal and Implementation of Encounter Data Transmission with Ultrasonic Sensor-Based Active Wakeup Mechanism for Energy Efficient Sparse Wireless Sensor Network. 393-400 - Muhammad Omer Farooq, Thomas Kunz:
On Determining Bandwidth Usage Threshold to Support Real-Time Multimedia Applications in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. 401-406 - Majid Bayani Abbasy, Luis Miguel Lopez Ordonez:
Single-Sink Mobility Performance Analysis on a Wireless Senosr Networks. 407-412 - Dmitry Namiot, Manfred Sneps-Sneppe:
Wireless Networks Sensors and Social Streams. 413-418 - Gerry Howser, Sriram Chellappan, Vamsi Paruchuri:
Vehicle Path Verification Using Wireless Sensor Networks. 419-424 - Janis Jansons, Ernests Petersons, Nikolajs Bogdanov:
WiFi for Vehicular Communication Systems. 425-430 - Michael Charitos, Grigorios Kalivas:
WiMAX-WLAN Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Network Architecture during Fast Handover Process. 431-436 - Jacques M. Bahi, Mohammed Haddad, Mourad Hakem, Hamamache Kheddouci:
Stabilization and Lifetime Optimization in Distributed Sensor Networks. 437-442 - Ravindara Bhatt, Raja Datta:
A Stochastic Process Based Framework of Redeployment Model for Wireless Sensor Network. 443-449 - Morteza Mohammadi Zanjireh, Ali Shahrabi, Hadi Larijani:
ANCH: A New Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks. 450-455 - Alaa Atassi, Naoum Sayegh, Imad H. Elhajj, Ali Chehab, Ayman I. Kayssi:
Malicious Node Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks. 456-461 - N. Bharadiya Bhavesh, Soumyadev Maity, Ramesh C. Hansdah:
A Protocol for Authentication with Multiple Levels of Anonymity (AMLA) in VANETs. 462-469 - Razvan Beuran, Shinsuke Miwa, Yoichi Shinoda:
Behavioral Mobility Model with Geographic Constraints. 470-477 - Sanjay K. Dhurandher, Isaac Woungang, Sahil Sharma, Veeresh Goswami:
A Priority Based Differentiation for Contention Mechanism in Legacy DCF Method. 478-482 - Konstantinos Asimakis, Christos Bouras, Vasileios Kokkinos, Andreas Papazois:
Mobility-Sensitive Power Control for MBSFN Cellular Networks. 483-487 - Aicha Ben Salem, Kaouthar Sethom Ben Reguiga:
Toward Green Mobility in Femtocell Networks. 488-492 - Sassi Maaloul, Mériem Afif, Sami Tabbane:
Vertical Handover Decision Policy Based on the End User's Perceived Quality of Service. 493-498 - Ramzi Bassil, Imad H. Elhajj, Ali Chehab, Ayman I. Kayssi:
Effects of Signaling Attacks on LTE Networks. 499-504 - Mehmet Emin Aydin, Ghazanfar Ali Safdar, Nauman Aslam:
A Novel Learning-Based Spectrum Sensing Technique for Cognitive Radio Networks. 505-510 - Muhammad Talal Hassan, Ejaz Ahmed, Junaid Qadir, Adeel Baig:
Quantifying the Multiple Cognitive Radio Interfaces Advantage. 511-516 - Cesar Augusto Hernandez Suarez, Luis Fernando Pedraza, Camila Salgado:
A Proposal of Traffic Model That Allows Estimating Throughput Mean Values. 517-522 - Sireen Taleb, Mohamad Dia, Jamal Farhat, Zaher Dawy, Hazem M. Hajj:
On the Design of Energy-Aware 3G/WiFi Heterogeneous Networks under Realistic Conditions. 523-527 - Weihong Fu, Lili Ma, Cheng Wang, Qingliang Kong, Weixin Tian:
The Inter-cell Interference Suppression Algorithm Based on the JP-CoMP and Performance Simulation. 528-533 - Sandra Frei, Woldemar F. Fuhrmann, Bogdan V. Ghita:
Framework for Generic Context- and Policy-Based Traffic Distribution in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks: Black Rider. 534-541 - Fernando Fernandez-Valdes Pedrosa, Manuel Fernández-Veiga, Cándido López-García, Andrés Suárez-González:
Decoupling Losses for End-to-End Bandwidth Guarantees in Interdomain Traffic. 542-547 - Luis Fernando Pedraza, Felipe Forero, Ingrid Patricia Paez:
Metropolitan Spectrum Survey in Bogota Colombia. 548-553 - Steffen Elmstrom Holst Jensen, Rune Hylsberg Jacobsen:
Access Control with RFID in the Internet of Things. 554-559 - Silvio Luiz Stanzani, Liria Matsumoto Sato, Marco Aurélio Stelmar Netto:
Scheduling Workflows in Multi-cluster Environments. 560-565 - Chun Pong Lau, Basem Shihada, Pin-Han Ho:
Empirical Evaluation of Superposition Coded Multicasting for Scalable Video. 566-571 - José L. Tornos, José Luis Salazar:
Improving Secure Routing Protocols Using Additional Features. 572-577 - Michael Jensen, José M. Gutiérrez López, Jens Myrup Pedersen:
Analyzing Broadband Divide in the Farming Sector. 578-582 - Michael Mackay, Christopher Edwards:
A Retrospective Analysis of QoS Deployment, Operation and Use in Enterprise and Provider Networks. 583-588 - Kentaro Kameyama, Hiroyuki Koga, Masayoshi Shimamura, Yutaka Fukuda, Takeshi Ikenaga:
Performance Evaluation of Transmission Order Control on Relay Nodes in Multi-hop Wireless Networks. 589-594 - Rubem Pereira, Ella Grishikashvili Pereira:
Client Buffering Considerations for Video Streaming. 595-600 - Shintaro Imai, Mariko Miyamoto, Yoshikazu Arai, Toshimitsu Inomata:
Sensor Data Processing Method Based on Observed Person's Similarity for Motion Estimation. 601-606 - Nasif Muslim, Florian Pregizer:
Designing a Testbed for Broadcast Opportunistic Wireless Data Dissemination Protocols. 607-612 - Asaad Sabah Hadi, Paul Fergus, Chelsea Dobbins, Abbas Muhsin Al-Bakry:
A Machine Learning Algorithm for Searching Vectorised RDF Data. 613-618 - Wun-Yuan Huang, Jen-Wei Hu, Ta-Yuan Chou, Te-Lung Liu:
Design and Implementation of Real-Time Flow Viewer across Different Domains. 619-624 - Ming Hao, Tomasz Wiktor Wlodarczyk, Chunming Rong:
Performance Analysis and Optimization of Map Only Left Outer Join. 625-631 - Cristina Dutu, Elena Apostol, Catalin Adrian Leordeanu, Valentin Cristea:
Efficient Service Management for Multimedia Sessions in Hybrid Clouds. 632-637 - Siqin Chen, Junfei Huang, Yunzhan Gong:
Static Testing as a Service on Cloud. 638-642 - David Simms, Solange Ghernaouti-Helie:
Structured and Unstructured Data in the Cloud: A Swiss Perspective on Readiness and Internal Controls. 643-648 - He-Sheng Wu, Chong-Jun Wang, Jun-Yuan Xie:
TeraScaler ELB-an Algorithm of Prediction-Based Elastic Load Balancing Resource Management in Cloud Computing. 649-654 - Vincent Shi-Ming Huang, Robert Huang, Ming Chiang:
A DDoS Mitigation System with Multi-stage Detection and Text-Based Turing Testing in Cloud Computing. 655-662 - Ching-Hung Yeh:
A Secure Shared Group Model of Cloud Storage. 663-667 - René Leistikow, Djamshid Tavangarian:
Secure Picture Data Partitioning for Cloud Computing Services. 668-671 - Yi-Hsing Tsai:
The Cloud Streaming Service Migration in Cloud Video Storage System. 672-677 - Vlado Altmann, Jens Rohrbeck, Jan Skodzik, Peter Danielis, Dirk Timmermann, Maik Roennau, Matthias Ninnemann:
SWIFT: A Secure Web Domain Filter in Hardware. 678-683 - Nikolaos Pitropakis, Costas Lambrinoudakis, Dimitris Geneiatakis, Dimitris Gritzalis:
A Practical Steganographic Approach for Matroska Based High Quality Video Files. 684-688 - Ruhma Tahir, Huosheng Hu, Dongbing Gu, Klaus D. McDonald-Maier, Gareth Howells:
A Scheme for the Generation of Strong ICMetrics Based Session Key Pairs for Secure Embedded System Applications. 689-696 - Matthias Trojahn, Frank Ortmeier:
Toward Mobile Authentication with Keystroke Dynamics on Mobile Phones and Tablets. 697-702 - Luis Gómez-Miralles, Joan Arnedo-Moreno:
Analysis of the Forensic Traces Left by AirPrint in Apple iOS Devices. 703-708 - Momoko Aoyama, Fumihiro Mori, Hirofumi Yamaki:
Bidirectional Private Policy Matching Based on Additively Homomorphic Encryption Systems. 709-716 - Gianluca Dini, Pericle Perazzo:
Integration of Privacy Protection Mechanisms in Location-Based Services. 717-724 - Shadi Esnaashari, Ian Welch, Peter Komisarczuk:
Determining Home Users' Vulnerability to Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) Attacks. 725-729 - Marat Vyshegorodtsev, Daisuke Miyamoto, Yasushi Wakahara:
Reputation Scoring System Using an Economic Trust Model: A Distributed Approach to Evaluate Trusted Third Parties on the Internet. 730-737 - Sujeong Woo, Jinho On, Moonkun Lee:
Behavior Ontology: A Framework to Detect Attack Patterns for Security. 738-743