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19th AMCIS 2013: Chicago, Illinois, USA
- 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2013, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 15-17, 2013. Association for Information Systems 2013
Accounting Information Systems
- Maryam Heidari, Carsten Felden, Claudia Koschtial:
Integration of Structured and Unstructured Data in the Financial Analysis Domain - A state of the Art. - André Lourenço, Miguel Mira da Silva:
A Cloud-Based Service for Affordable Cost Analysis. - André Schäfferling:
Determinants and Consequences of IT Capability: Review and Synthesis of the Literature. - Kevin E. Dow, Jie Yu, Vincent J. Shea II:
Information Technology Intensity and the Industry Cost of Equity Capital. - Acklesh Prasad, Peter F. Green, Jon Heales, Glen Finau:
On Structural Considerations for Governing the Cloud. - Wipawee Paulsson, Björn Johansson:
Spreadsheets Use in Budgeting: A Dialectic Process Theory Perspective.
Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology
- Donghyun Kim, Sumali Conlon:
Impact of Users' Cognitive Responses on User Satisfaction in Online Community: Content Analysis of Online Reviews. - Tung Cu:
Modeling Adoption and Diffusion: A Multiple-Relation Approach. - Abhijit Chaudhury, Pratyush Bharati, Chen Zhang, Mir Song:
Roles of Fun and Flow in Social Media Usage - A Comparative Study of American and Chinese Students. - Saerom Lee, Jungjoo Jahng:
Tense Moods Make You Use Habitually Facebook: A New Framework for Habitual IT Use based on the Mechanisms of Mood Regulation. - Yan Dang, Yulei Zhang, James N. Morgan:
The Impact of Prior System Beliefs on User Perceptions towards a New System: A Study on E-Learning Systems. - Jyoti M. Bhat:
Adoption of Cloud Computing by SMEs in India: A study of the Institutional Factors. - Hritik Gupta, Brian Nicholson, Michael Newman:
Assimilation of Social Media: Researching Challenges to Adoption. - Placide Poba-Nzaou, Sylvestre Uwizeyemungu:
Barriers to Mission-Critical Open Source Software Adoption by Organizations: A Provider Perspective. - Phlipp Rieger, Heiko Gewald, Bernd Schumacher:
Cloud-Computing in Banking Influential Factors, Benefits and Risks from a Decision Maker's Perspective. - Lin Jia, Dianne J. Hall:
Consumer Learning to Promote Behavioral Intention Toward IT Innovation: Is Word of Mouth Needed? - LeeAnn Kung, Casey G. Cegielski, Hsiang-Jui Kung:
Environmental Pressure on Software as a Service Adoption: An Integrated Perspective. - Paola A. González, Yolande E. Chan:
Exlporing Healthcare Professionals' Resistance to Using Wireless Communication Technology. - Jaeki Song, Hyoungyong Choi, Jeff Baker, Anol Bhattacherjee:
Mobile Application Development Platform Adoption: A Grounded Theory Investigation. - Colleen Schwarz, Andrew Schwarz, Tracey E. Rizzuto, Jason Bennett Thatcher, Wynne Chin:
Understanding the Impact of Individual Creativity with Information Technology upon the Deep Usage of IT Systems. - Bilal Balci, Daniel Grgecic, Christoph Rosenkranz:
Why People Reject or Use Virtual Processes: A Test of Process Virtualization Theory.
Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management
- Olusola Samuel-Ojo, Lorne Olfman, Linda A. Reinen, Arjuna Flenner, David D. Oglesby, Gareth J. Funning, Efosa C. Idemudia:
A Novel Business Intelligence Technique to Improve High Performance within an Organization Applying Insights from Hydrogeological Case. - Michael A. Erskine, Christopher Sibona, Hossein Kalantar:
Aggregating, Analyzing, and Diffusing Natural Disaster Information: A Research Framework. - Markus Manhart, Stefan Thalmann:
An Integrated Risk Management Framework: Measuring the Success of Organizational Knowledge Protection. - Dinko Bacic, Adam Fadlalla:
Business Information Visualization: A Visual Intelligence-Based Framework. - Getahun Semeon, Monica J. Garfield, Million Meshesha, Dessa David:
Conceptualizing the Impact of Social Capital on Knowledge Creation: Mediating Roles of Socialization and Externalization in a Multi-Stakeholder Agricultural Innovation Platform. - David N. Crowley, Maciej Dabrowski, John G. Breslin:
Decision Support using Linked, Social, and Sensor Data. - Kamla Ali Al-Busaidi:
Empowering Organizations through Customer Knowledge Acquisition: A pilot investigation. - Michael A. Erskine, Dawn G. Gregg:
Impact of Geospatial Reasoning Ability and Perceived Task-Technology Fit on Decision-Performance: The Moderating Role of Task Characteristics. - Donald S. McKay, Timothy J. Ellis:
Measuring Organizational Learning, Project Learning, and Project Success in IT Organizations. - Xiang Guo, Andrés Díaz López:
Mobile Decision Support System Usage in Organizations. - Andrés Felipe Díaz López, Xiang Guo, David Pumphrey:
Multidimensional Charts. - Govind S. Iyer, Sury Ravindran:
Organizational Commitment, Knowledge Management Initiative Importance And Success Likelihood As Antecedents Of Knowledge Sharing Intention: An Exploratory Study. - Marco Pospiech, Carsten Felden:
Service-Oriented Business Intelligence Reference Architecture in Face of Advanced BI Concepts. - Xiao Tang, Srikanth Parameswaran, Rajiv Kishore, Tejaswini C. Herath:
Simulation Model of Knowledge Complexity in New Knowledge Transfer Performance. - Deepshika Mungree, Amit Rudra, Diane Morien:
A Framework for Understanding the Critical Success Factors of Enterprise Business Intelligence Implementation. - Suresh Malladi:
Adoption of Business Intelligence & Analytics in Organizations - An Empirical Study of Antecedents. - Ou Liu, Duanning Zhou:
An Event-driven Approach for Modeling R&D Project Selection Process. - Tanja Grubljesic, Jurij Jaklic:
Conceptualization of BIS Embeddedness Determinants. - Uday R. Kulkarni, Jose Antonio Robles-Flores:
Development and Validation of a BI Success Model. - Paul Kruse, Andreas Schieber, Andreas Hilbert, Eric Schoop:
Idea Mining - Text Mining Supported Knowledge Management for Innovation Purposes. - Clyde W. Holsapple, Zhiguo Yang:
Influence Structure and Inter-group Learning. - Jason F. Cohen, Karen Olsen:
Knowledge Management Strategy and Service Firm Performance: A Comparison of Firms Competing on Low-Cost versus High-Quality. - Anand Simha:
Knowledge Sharing Routines in Inter-Organizational Relationships and in the Presence of Partner-Specific Absorptive Capacity and Incentives for Transparency: The Moderating Role of Information Technology. - Tom Hänel, Carsten Felden:
Operational Business Intelligence Meets Manufacturing. - Jörg Becker, Mathias Eggert, Jan Saat, Philipp Dirding:
The Influence of Regulation on Data Warehouse Engineering - Investigating an IT Consulting Case in the Financial Service Industry. - Erez Laks, Adir Even, Yisrael Parmet:
Usage Patterns of Internet-Based Banking and BI Services.
Data Quality and Information Quality
- Sebastian Link, Mozhgan Memari:
Static Analysis of Partial Referential Integrity for Better Quality SQL Data. - Joana E. Gonzales Malaverri, Matheus Silva Mota, Claudia Bauzer Medeiros:
Estimating the quality of data using provenance: a case study in eScience. - Hongjiang Xu:
Factor Analysis of Critical Success Factors for Data Quality. - Tamara Tebaldi Lajara, Antônio Carlos Gastaud Maçada:
Information Governance Framework: The Defense Manufacturing Case Study. - Erwin Folmer, Istvan Zsolt Kulcsar, Jasper Roes:
Instant Standard Concept for Data Standards Development.
eBusiness and eCommerce
- Anil Singh, George Mangalaraj, Aakash Taneja:
Acquire or Perish - Unique Factors Motivating M&A in the Software Industry. - Son Bui, William J. Kettinger:
Adverse Selection in Online New-Goods Market: An Analysis of Product Uncertainty and Seller Uncertainty. - Shari S. C. Shang, Kuan Yu Lin:
An Understanding of the Impact of Gamification on Purchase Intentions. - Martina E. Greiner:
Determinants and Consequences of Herding in P2P Lending Markets. - Xiaolin Lin, Mauricio Featherman, Stoney L. Brooks, Mahmood Hajli:
Do Interactivity and Vividness impact Objective and Subjective Claims of Online Product Presentation? - Keng L. Siau, Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, Haisu Sha:
Efficacy of Communication Support in Collaborative Online Shopping: The Moderating Effect of Task Types. - Louis Yi-Shih Lo, Sheng Wei Lin:
Enhancing Buyers' Perceptions of Product Quality: From Seller and Product Signals to eWOM. - Wu He, Gongjun Yan:
Examining the Use of Social Media in Customer Co-Creation: A Blog Mining Study. - Shu-Ming Wang:
Exploring the Factors Influencing the Usage Intention of Facebook Fan Page - A Preliminary Study. - Yu-Hsiang (John) Huang, Eric C. Larson, Michael J. Shaw:
Using a Mark-to-Market Valuation Technique to Objectively Measure IT Portfolio Value Creation. - Wen-Shan Lin, Chun-Hsien Wang:
A Study of Self-serviced Online Banking System: The Role of Quality and Commitment-assurance. - Christina Di Valentin, Andreas Emrich, Dirk Werth, Peter Loos:
Architecture and Implementation of a Decision Support System for Software Industry Business Models. - Stine Labes, Koray Erek, Rüdiger Zarnekow:
Common Patterns of Cloud Business Models. - Michael Siering, Jan Muntermann:
Credence Goods and Online Product Reviews: An Exploration of the Product Type Concept in the Social Commerce Era. - Michelle Y. T. Gwee, Klarissa Ting-Ting Chang:
Effects of Persuasive Claims on Desirability and Impulse Purchase Behavior. - Seungjae Shin, Burak Eksoglu:
Effects of RFID Technology on Profitability and Efficiency in Retail Supply Chains. - Jason Triche, Qing Cao, Mark A. Thompson:
Exploring the Impact of Online Reviews with Brand Equity for Online Software Purchasing Behavior. - Claudia Loebbecke, Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen:
Extending Successful eBusiness Models to the Mobile Internet: The Case of Sedo's Domain Parking. - Liang Chen, Clyde W. Holsapple:
Impact Analysis in E-Business: A Case of Adoption Research. - Christoph Dorsch:
IT-enabled Excess Capacity Markets for Services: Examining the Economic Potential in Cost-driven Service Supply Chains. - Keehyung Kim, Xiao Ma, Sung S. Kim:
Moderating Roles of Review Credibility and Author Popularity on Book Sales. - Donald Heath, Rahul Singh, Jai Ganesh:
Organizational Engagement in Social Media to Motivate Strategic Directed Action: A Revelatory Case. - Oliver Oechslein, Thomas Hess:
Paying for News: Opportunities for a New Business Model through Personalized News Aggregators (PNAs). - Toan Ong, Michael V. Mannino, Dawn G. Gregg:
Product Reputation Manipulation: The Impact of Shill Reviews on Perceived Quality. - Lemuria D. Carter, Jack Crumbly:
The Impact of Information Technology on the Six "Ts" of Supply Chain Management. - Julian Bühler, Markus Bick:
The Impact of Social Media Appearances During Election Campaigns. - Olga Levina, Iris Vilnai-Yavetz:
Use of Social Software in E-Business: A Cross-Sectional, Cross-Country Study. - Lorraine Morgan, Kieran Conboy:
Value Creation in the Cloud: Understanding Business Model Factors Affecting Value of Cloud Computing. - Thomas M. Wagner, Thomas Hess:
What Drives Users to Pay for Freemium Services? Examining People's Willingness to Pay for Music Services.
- Rui Chen:
An Exploration of Organizational Capabilities for Emergency Response. - Tina Comes, Antonella Cavallo:
Designing decision support systems at the interface between complex and complicated domains. - Iris Heckmann, Tina Comes:
Modeling Supply Chain Risk for Operational Supply Chain Planning. - Onochie Fan-Osuala, Anol Bhattacherjee:
Persuading the acceptance of e-government web transactions. - Carla Cavichiolo Flores, Denis Alcides Rezende:
Strategic Digital City: Techno-social Network Twitter as Communication Channel for Popular Participation in City Comprehensive Plans. - Pei-Hua Chen, Wei-Ching Feng, Seng-cho Timothy Chou:
Designing Public Innovations in Public Sector: The Process and Challenges in Taiwanese E-government. - Wan Satirah Wan Mohd Saman, Abrar Haider:
E-Court: Technology Diffusion in Court Management. - Enrico Ferro, Euripidis N. Loukis, Yannis Charalabidis, Michele Osella:
Evaluating Advanced Forms of Social Media Use in Government. - Andreea Molnar, Ramzi El-Haddadeh, Ray Hackney:
Facilitating the Adoption of Public Services Using High Definition Video: The Case of Primary Education. - Stefan Sackmann, Marlen Hofmann, Hans Betke:
PRIMA: A Model-Based Method for Analyzing Place-Related Information in Disaster Response Processes. - Vinodh Krishnaraju, Saji K. Mathew, Vijayan Sugumaran:
Role of Web Personalization in Consumer Acceptance of E-Government Services. - Nils Walravens:
The City as a Service Platform: A Typology of City Platform Roles in Mobile Service Provision. - Elin Uppström, Carl-Mikael Lönn:
The Promise of a Crowd. - Flávio Eduardo Aoki Horita, Lívia Castro Degrossi, Luiz Fernando Ferreira Gomes de Assis, Alexander Zipf, João Porto de Albuquerque:
The use of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and Crowdsourcing in Disaster Management: a Systematic Literature Review.
End-User Information Systems, Innovation, and Organizational Change
- James O'Farrell, Sharon Purchase, Nick Letch:
Ameliorating ERP Workflow Using a Sociomaterial Lens. - Brenda Eschenbrenner, Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah:
Creative Innovativeness with Information Systems (IS) and its Role in Quality IS Usage. - Elizabeth Ayalew, Detmar W. Straub, Rahel Bekele:
Do Academics Share Knowledge? Ethiopian Public Higher Education Institutions in Perspective. - Zixing Shen, Joy Fluker:
Impact of Unified Communications on Communication, Relationship Building and Performance. - Wolfgang A. Molnar, Henderik Alex Proper:
A Case Study of a Financial Services Provider: Progressing Towards Applying Advanced Enterprise Engineering. - Nina Krüger, Tobias Brockmann, Stefan Stieglitz:
A Framework for Enterprise Social Media Guidelines. - Björn Niehaves, Sebastian Köffer, Kevin Ortbach, Simon Reimler:
Boon and Bane of IT Consumerization: The Burnout-Engagement-Continuum. - Stephan Bögel, Stefan Stieglitz, Christian Meske:
Bringing Together BPM and Social Software. - Michael Loose, Andy Weeger, Heiko Gewald:
BYOD - The Next Big Thing in Recruiting? Examining the Determinants of BYOD Service Adoption Behavior from the Perspective of Future Employees. - Marc Walterbusch, Sebastian Grove, Rüdiger Breitschwerdt, Carl Stolze, Frank Teuteberg, Oliver Thomas:
Case-Based Selection of Business Process Modeling Tools: An Evaluation Criteria Framework. - Kelly T. Slaughter, Mani R. Subramani, Doug Kampe:
CMC Influence on Voluntarily Collaborating Knowledge Workers' Perception of Equivocal Tasks. - Lars-Olof Johansson, Ulrika Lundh Snis:
Co-Creation in a Boundary Practice: Lessons Learned from an Engaged Scholarship Approach. - Traci A. Carte, Shawn Deines:
Conflict, Leadership, and Performance: What Virtual Team Members Need to Know. - Alvin Tarrell, Nargess Tahmasbi, David Kocsis, Abhishek Tripathi, Jay Pedersen, Jie Xiong, Onook Oh, Gert-Jan de Vreede:
Crowdsourcing: A Snapshot of Published Research. - Paul Kruse:
Customer Involvement in Organizational Innovation - Toward an Integration Concept. - Janina Kettenbohrer, Daniel Beimborn, Mirko Kloppenburg:
Developing a Governance Model for Successful Business Process Standardization. - James A. Rodger, Stephen P. Gonzalez:
Emotion and Memory in Technology Adoption and Diffusion. - Daniel Beimborn, Maximilian Palitza:
Enterprise App Stores for Mobile Applications - Development of a Benefits Framework. - Archisman Majumdar, S. Krishna, Pernille Bjørn:
Managers' Perceptions of Social Software Use in the Workplace: Identifying the Benefits of Social Software and Emerging Patterns of its Use. - Adarsh Kumar Kakar, Joanne E. Hale, David P. Hale:
Non-Linear Effects of Information Systems Innovation. - Henri Korvela:
Plz Urgent Help Needed!1!! - Aspects of On-line Knowledge Sharing in End-user Development Support. - Sabine Dernbecher, Roman Beck, Sven Weber:
Switch to Your Own to Work with the Known: An Empirical Study on Consumerization of IT. - Daniel Rudmark:
The Practices of Unpaid Third-Party Developers - Implications for API Design. - Sebastian K. Boell, John Campbell, Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic, Jennifer E. Cheng:
The Transformative Nature of Telework: A Review of the Literature. - Constantin Söldner, Angela Roth, Frank Danzinger, Kathrin M. Möslein:
Towards Open Innovation in Embedded Systems. - Everist Limaj, Edward W. N. Bernroider:
Understanding the Different Priorities of Web 2.0 Technologies for Knowledge Acquisition and Assimilation for Developing an Organization's Potential Absorptive Capacity. - Opal Donaldson, Evan W. Duggan, Nadine A. Maitland:
Using a Design Science Approach to Create and Evaluate a Social Media Crime Reporting Tool in a Developing Country: Case Jamaica. - Kevin Ortbach, Martin Bode, Björn Niehaves:
What Influences Technological Individualization? - An Analysis of Antecedents to IT Consumerization Behavior.
Enterprise Systems
- Bastian Kurbjuhn:
Behaviour Analysis of Distributed Systems under Time Change Constraints. - Dennis Ingelbeen, Maxime Bernaert, Geert Poels:
Enterprise Architecture Software Tool Support for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: EASE. - Venky Shankararaman, Lum Eng Kit:
Integration of Social Media Technologies with ERP: A Prototype Implementation. - Bartlomiej Hanus, John C. Windsor:
Multidimensional Decision Model for Investment in Cloud Computing. - Kim Maes, Steven De Haes, Wim Van Grembergen:
Using a Business Case Throughout an Investment: An Exploratory Case Study on a Business Case Process. - Larry Tribble, Ed Hassler, Joanne E. Hale:
Bundling and Unbundling Tasks in an ERP Acquisition Transaction: An Analysis of Asset Acquisition Incentives. - Sabine Dernbecher, Roman Beck, Marcus Toenker:
Cloudifying Desktops - A Taxonomy for Desktop Virtualization.