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24th AMCIS 2018: New Orleans, LA, USA
- 24th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2018, New Orleans, LA, USA, August 16-18, 2018. Association for Information Systems 2018, ISBN 978-0-9966831-6-6
Accounting Information Systems (SIGASYS)
- Alexander Ekow Asmah, Michael Kyobe:
A Practice-Based Study on the Challenges of IT Governance Auditing in Ghana. - Anna Zaitsev:
Agile Methods as a Risk Management Strategy Tool - A Fintech Case Study. - Yuxin Wang, Joris Hulstijn, Yao-Hua Tan:
Analyzing Transaction Codes in Manufacturing for Compliance Monitoring. - Moutaz Haddara, Kuan Lin Su, Kholoud Alkayid, Maged Ali:
Applications of Big Data Analytics in Financial Auditing- A Study on The Big Four. - Daphne Simmonds, Amanuel F. Tadesse, Uday S. Murthy:
ERP System Implementation and Sustainability Performance Rating and Reputation. - Teagen Nabity, Trevor Sorensen, Peter Johnson:
Go Tell It on the Internet: Twitter Effects on Expectations Management. - Md. Shariful Islam, Jaeung Lee:
Internal Audit Function (IAF)'s Competencies and Cybersecurity Audit. - Mostafa Hassan, Samar Mouakket:
Structuration analysis of accounting-based ERP system organizational change. - Gary F. Templeton, Andrew Miller, Martin J. Ndicu:
The Changing Liability Structures of Information Technology Firms. - Rafael Almeida, João Souza Neto, Miguel Mira da Silva:
Using Analytic Hierarchy Process for COBIT 5 Process Prioritization.
Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (SIGADIT)
- Jalal Sarabadani, Michelle Carter, Deborah Compeau:
10 Years of Research on Technostress Creators and Inhibitors: Synthesis and Critique. - A. K. M. Najmul Islam, Nicholas B. Mavengere, Ulla-Riitta Ahlfors, Mikko J. Ruohonen, Alexander Serenko, Prashant Palvia:
A Stress-Strain-Outcome Model of Job Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Professional Self-efficacy. - Vikram Sadhya, Harshali Sadhya:
Barriers to Adoption of Blockchain Technology. - Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice: Ten Lessons Learned about Enterprise Wearable Computer Systems. - Siddharth Baswani, Joey F. George, Anthony M. Townsend:
Connected Homes and Online Retail: The Case of IoT Enabled Online Shopping. - Yang Shen, Xiaoxia Zhang, Yongchen Guo:
Discrete-Event Simulation of Aviation Rescue Efficiency on Earthquake Medical Evacuation. - Tobias Kißmer, Tobias Potthoff, Stefan Stieglitz:
Enterprise Digital Nudging: Between adoption gain and unintended rejection. - Sarbottam Bhagat, Dan J. Kim:
Examining the Role of Individuals' Need for Online Social Interactions and Interpersonal Incompetence in Game Addiction. - Ruben Post, Koen Smit, Martijn Zoet:
Identifying Factors Affecting Blockchain Technology Diffusion. - Carlo Gabriel Porto Bellini, Malu Lacet Serpa:
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: An Experiment on Feedback and Overconfidence in Computer-Mediated Tasks. - Michael Strobel, Catherine Dwyer:
Obstacles to Adopting Speech Recognition in Emergency Services Solutions. - Claudia Loebbecke, Katherina Michalenko, Stefan Cremer:
Operationalizing Cultural Differences in the Use of New Media Technology. - Deepikah Amirthalingam, Gabrielle Peko, David Sundaram:
People, Process, And Technology Dimensions Of Smart Home Adoption. - Jean-Charles Pillet, Kevin Carillo, Claudio Vitari, Federico Pigni:
Perceived IT Ambiguity: Development of a Measurement Instrument. - Amir Hossein Ghapanchi, Amir Talaei-Khoei:
Rethinking Technology Acceptance: Towards a Theory of Technology Utilization. - Rhoda C. Joseph:
Ride-Sharing Services: The Tumultuous Tale of the Rural Urban Divide. - Joy Galaige, Sebastian Binnewies, Geraldine Torrisi-Steele, Kewen Wang:
The Effect of Students' Technology Readiness on Technology Acceptance. - Fariba Nosrati, Brian Detlor:
The Role of Media on User Satisfaction with City Cultural Digital Stories: A Case Study. - Yang Li:
The Strategic Decision on Mobile Payment: A Study on Merchants' Adoption. - Jason A. Williams, Saurabh Gupta:
There and back again: the cyclical process of IT use. - Kenan Degirmenci:
Toward a Gamified Mobile Application to Improve Eco-Driving: A Design and Evaluation Approach. - Grace Fox, John Mooney, Pierangelo Rosati, Wipawee Victoria Paulsson, Theo Lynn:
Towards an Understanding of Farmers' Mobile Technology Adoption: A Comparison of Adoption and Continuance Intentions. - S. P. Ng, Eric W. T. Ngai, Chun Fong Lei:
Understanding the Effect of Trust, Familiarity and Uncertainty on Use Airbnb. - Margarita Gladkaya, Jana Gundlach, Cora Bergert, Annika Baumann, Hanna Krasnova:
We Need to Talk! Antecedents and Consequences of Children's Smartphone Use - A Literature Review. - Claus-Peter H. Ernst, Birte Malzahn:
'If at First You Don't Succeed, Try, Try Again' Might Not Always Make Sense: On the Influence of Past Technology Category Satisfaction on Technology Usage.
Advances in Management Information Systems Research (General Track)
- Donald Kerr, Amir Talaei-Khoei, Amir Hossein Ghapanchi:
A paradigm shift for bring your own device (BYOD). - Arthur Carvalho, Denise Kroon:
A Study on the Behavior of Crowd Workers when Reporting Forecasts under Proper Scoring Rules. - Badr Alsamani:
Better Trust Between Users in Sharing Economy Platforms. - Asma Aleidi, Daniel Chandran:
Budding Female IT Entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia: Impact of IT and Institutional Environment. - Agnieszka Onuchowska, Saurav Chakraborty, Wolfgang Jank, Utkarsh Shrivastava:
Detection and Classification of Attacks on IoT Networks. - Weiyu Wang, Keng Siau:
Ethical and Moral Issues with AI. - Kelly J. Fadel, Thomas O. Meservy, C. Brock Kirwan:
Expectation Disconfirmation in ENP Information Filtering: An fMRI Experiment. - Michel Kuhlmann, Felix Maximilian Roth, Christian Becker, Erik Theissen:
FinCare - A Digital Spending Conscience or "Do you really need a flamethrower?". - Sonakshi Sharma, Tracy Ann Sykes:
Goal Orientations and Their Impacts on Advice Ties and Employee Outcomes: A Longitudinal Field Study of an Enterprise System Implementation. - Muhammad Binsawad, Osama Sohaib, Igor T. Hawryszkiewycz, Asma Aleidi:
Individual Creativity Towards Technology Business Incubator Performance. - Saman Bina, Glenn Browne:
Information Avoidance in Requirements Determination for Systems Development. - Mathieu Chanson, Marten Risius, Felix Wortmann:
Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs): An Introduction to the Novel Funding Mechanism Based on Blockchain Technology. - Jason H. Sharp, Jeffry S. Babb:
Is Information Systems Late to the Party? The Current State of DevOps Research in the Association for Information Systems eLibrary. - James Wairimu, Jun Sun:
Is Smartwatch Really for Me? An Expectation-Confirmation Perspective. - Eric Bogert:
Mechanical Turk and Financial Dependency on Crowdsourcing. - Marie Esposito, Philip L. Roth, Jason Thatcher:
Signaling your Religion: How Strength of Religious Identity Presentation over Social Media Effects Hireability Assessments. - Weihong Ning, Fred D. Davis, Roman Taraban:
Smartphone Addiction and Cognitive Performance of College Students. - Bih-Huang Jin, Yung-Ming Li, Zhi-Wei Li:
Study on Crowdfunding Patterns and Factors in Different Phases. - Jöran Tesse, Ingrid Schirmer, Paul Drews, Sebastian Saxe, Ulrich Baldauf:
Supporting Diffusion of IoT Solutions Exemplified by the ChainPORT Initiative. - Sampath Bemgal:
Technology Materiality and Individual Sensemaking. - David Goldberg, Nohel Zaman:
Text Analytics for Employee Dissatisfaction in Human Resources Management. - Stephanie Andel, Triparna de Vreede, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Balaji Padmanabhan, Vivek K. Singh, Paul E. Spector:
The Development of a Multidimensional Engagement Measure. - Weian Wang, Lakshmi S. Iyer, Prabin Kumar Panigrahi:
The Impact of BYOD Use on Employees' Proactive Behaviors: A Job Crafting Perspective. - Dale Goodhue, William Lewis, Ronald L. Thompson:
What Do You Mean, My Results are Incorrect? The Impact of Multicollinearity and Measurement Error in Tests of Statistical Significance. - Claus-Peter H. Ernst:
What Drives In-App Purchase Intention in Video Games? An Examination of Patience and the Enjoyment of Routine Tasks. - Deborah Bunker, Christian Ehnis, Linda Levine, Abdul Babar, Anthony Sleigh:
When Worlds Collide: Alignment of Information Systems (IS) Incompatibilities Abstract for Effective Disaster Recovery. - Cameron Chi Sum Taylor, Tiru S. Arthanari:
ZigBee Architecture for Disaster Relief Supply Chain Visibility and Supply Chain Coordination.
Analysis Design
- Mala Kaul, Veda Storey, Carson Woo:
Feasibility of Blockchain Applications. - Dominik Bork, Dimitris Karagiannis, Benedikt Pittl:
How are Metamodels Specified in Practice? Empirical Insights and Recommendations. - Jennifer Hehn, Falk Uebernickel:
Towards an understanding of the Role of Design Thinking for Requirements Elicitation - Findings from a Multiple-Case Study.
Culture in IS
- Sonya Zhang, Mohammad Salehan, Andrew Leung, Ishmene Cabral, Navid Aghakhani:
A Recommender System for Cultural Restaurants Based on Review Factors and Review Sentiment. - Mohammadreza Mousavizadeh, Bidyut Hazarika, Alan Rea:
A Study of News Credibility and Trust on Social Media - A Multi-Cultural Evaluation. - Andrea North-Samardzic:
Audience Evaluation and Biometric Technology: Challenges and Opportunities. - Osam Sato, Prashant Palvia, Tim Jacks, Hiroshi Sasaki:
Effects of Occupational Culture of IT Professionals on Job Satisfaction in Japan. - Karma Sherif, Omolola Jewisimi:
Electronic Performance Monitoring Friend or Foe: Empowering Employees through Data Analytics. - Narasimha Rao Vajjhala, Kenneth David Strang:
Examining Internet Behavior of Young Technology-Literate Consumers in India. - Jobany Rico, Weidong Xia:
Incorporating Culture into The Theory of IT Affordances. - Gaurav Bansal, Wenkai Zhou:
Web-Image Signifier Congruency Theory (WISC): Conceptualization and Examination in an Online Donation Context.
Data Science and Analytics for Decision Support (SIGDSA)
- Divyaa L. R., Aniruddha Tamhane, Nargis Pervin:
A Clustering Based Social Matrix Factorization Technique for Personalized Recommender Systems. - Amirkiarash Kiani, Sameh Al-Natour, Ozgur Turetken:
A Comparison of Sentiment Analysis Tools. - Sérgio Viademonte, Cleidson R. B. de Souza, Níkolas Carneiro, Jair Ferreira, Wallace P. Lira:
A Computational Framework for Railway Incident Analysis: from Data Mining to Data Visualization. - Moataz Soliman, Michael Bliemel, Binod Sundararajan:
A Framework of AR-Enabled GIS Affordances for Disaster Response. - Christian Dremel, Emanuel Stöckli, Jochen Wulf, André Herrmann:
Archetypes of Data Analytics Providers in the Big Data Era. - Srikanth Venkatesan, Sanjukta Das Smith, Raj Sharman, Vandana Prabhu:
Bi-modal Network Relationships in Online Health Networks. - Fabiane Fernando, Tobias Engel:
Big Data and Business Analytic Concepts: A Literature Review. - Kent Marett, Shan Xiao:
Broadband Internet Access as a Localized Facilitator for Improving Security Knowledge. - Yuyang Liang, Young Lee-Argyris, Aziz Muqaddam:
Changing Brand Attitudes through Influencer Marketing. - Christopher Claypool:
Course Offering Support System. - Marilex Rea Llave, Eli Hustad, Dag H. Olsen:
Creating Value from Business Intelligence and Analytics in SMEs: Insights from Experts. - Tejaswi Volety, Rohit Valecha, Naga Vemprala, Kyounghee Hazel Kwon, H. Raghav Rao:
Cyber-rumor Sharing: The Case of Zika Virus. - Natalie Gerhart, Mehrdad Koohikamali:
Decision Support to Business Intelligence and Big Data. - Kenneth D. Russell, Paidi O'Raghallaigh, Philip O'Reilly, Jeremy Hayes:
Digital Privacy GDPR: A Proposed Digital Transformation Framework. - Trevor Clohessy, Thomas Acton:
Enterprise Personal Analytics: A Research Agenda. - Pratik Shivarkar, Wei Wei:
Exploit Social Relations in Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Content for Disaster Management. - Au Vo, Miloslava Plachkinova, Ala Saleh D. Alluhaidan:
Exploring the Spatial Relationships between Language Education and Surrounding Communities. - Gokul Bhandari, David Bussiere, Peter Voyer:
How Loud is the Scream of a Clickstream? Insights from Big Data Analysis. - Jiawei Chen, Hongyan Liu, Jun He, Sanpu Han:
Interaction-Aware Watching Duration Prediction on Live Streaming Platforms. - Anna Sidorova:
Interests and Agency in AI: The case of image with Inception 3 model. - Omar F. El-Gayar, Tareq Nasralah, Ahmed El Noshokaty:
IT for diabetes self-management - What are the patients' expectations? - Vlad Krotov, Leiser Silva:
Legality and Ethics of Web Scraping. - Jay Claiborne, Ashish Gupta:
Machine Learning Classifiers for Predicting Transit Fraud. - Wuyue Shangguan, Shichao Wang, Xi Chen, Alvin Chung Man Leung:
Mining the Value of Network Structure on Stock Performance. - Joel Fredrickson, Michael Mannino, Omar Alqahtani, Farnoush Banaei Kashani:
Mortality Prediction Performance using Similarity Measures for Medical Event Sequences. - Yen-Yao Wang:
Online WOM Spillover Effect in the U.S. Automobile Industry. - Lionel Robert:
Personality in the Human Robot Interaction Literature: A Review and Brief Critique. - David Hoffman:
Privacy with Big Data: A Framework. - Gaurav Jetley, Shivendu Shivendu:
Q&As and Reviews: Substitutes or Complements? - Uchenna Peters, Eric Villafranca, Hope Koch:
Scaling Up Beyond Walls: Discovering New Revenue Streams. - Luwen Huangfu, Daniel Zeng:
Social Media-based Overweight Prediction Using Deep Learning. - Lea Katharina Müller, Jens Mattke, Christian Maier:
#Sponsored #Ad: Exploring the Effect of Influencer Marketing on Purchase Intention. - Kangkang Qi, Yen-Yao Wang:
The Impact of Social Media on Ventures' Success. - Michael Koelbl, Franz Lehner, Saji K. Mathew:
The IT Department's Role in Enabling Business Value from Business Analytics. - Curtis L. Smith, David Schuff:
The role of feedforward-enabled analytics in improving decision quality: a field study. - Caihua Liu, Amir Talaei-Khoei, Didar Zowghi:
Theoretical Support for Enhancing Data Quality: Application in Electronic Medical Records. - Pratyush Bharati, Carol Lee, Romilla Syed:
Trolls and Social Movement Participation: An Empirical Investigation. - Xuan Wang, Helmut Schneider:
Using analytics to gain insights into the cryptocurrency market. - Morgan Anne Wood, Yong Seog Kim:
Validating Hollywood Golden Rules: A Preliminary Study. - Claudia Caceres, Sarah Osailan:
Water Wells Site Selection in East Africa Using GIS Applications.
Digital Agility
- Daniel Gerster, Christian Dremel, Prashant Kelker:
"Agile Meets Non-Agile": Implications of Adopting Agile Practices at Enterprises. - Lila Rao, Maurice McNaughton, Gunjan Mansingh:
An Agile Integrated Methodology for Strategic Business Intelligence (AimS-BI). - Ghazwan Hassna, Paul Benjamin Lowry:
Big Data Capability, Customer Agility, and Organization Performance: A Dynamic Capability Perspective. - Joshua Ofoeda, Richard Boateng:
Institutional Effects on API Development and Integration in Developing Countries: Evidence from Ghana. - Edna Dias Canedo, Ruyther Parente da Costa:
Methods and Metrics for Estimating and Planning Agile Software Projects. - Yi-Ming Tai, Shu-Chiung Lin:
Product Lifecycle Management System and NPD Performance: The Role of Coordination Capability and Organizational Ambidexterity. - Ying Wang, Jaeki Song, Jeff Baker, Yong Jin Kim:
The Role of Service Standardization Capability in Service Innovation: Evidence from the Knowledge-Intensive Service Firms.
eBusiness and eCommerce Digital Commerce (SIGeBIZ)
- Yun Wan, Makoto Nakayama, Jin Qin:
A Test of Search-Experience-Credence Framework Through Online Review. - Xia Zhao, Lei Wang, Cheng Zhang:
Content Snacking and Pricing in Mobile Channels. - Yichen Cheng, Wael Jabr, Sanjay Srivastava, Kai Zhao:
Dynamics of Information Revelation in Online Reviews. - Keertana V. Chidambaram, Nargis Pervin:
Effect of Agglomeration in the Restaurant Industry. - Yen-Hao Hsieh, Hsiao-Hsuan Chiu, Wei-Lun Chang:
Examining the Determinants of Valuable Customer Experiences in O2O Commerce Contexts. - Hsin-Yi Huang, Sheng-Pao Shih:
Exploring an individual's commitment toward the social network sites. - Jing Li, Xin Xu, Eric Ngai:
How Prior Users' Helpfulness Votes on a Review Influence Subsequent Users' Trust of the Review and Corresponding Product Evaluations in E-commerce Context. - Guohou Shan, Dongsong Zhang, Lina Zhou, Lingge Suo, Jaewan Lim, Chunming Shi:
Inconsistency Investigation between Online Review Content and Ratings. - Chris Leberknight, Nivitha Raveendran:
Internet Censorship and Economic Impacts: A case study of Internet outages in India. - Xiaoyu Li, Xia Zhao, Lakshmi S. Iyer:
Investigating of In-app Advertising Features' Impact on Effective Clicks for Different Advertising Formats. - Cong Zhang, Derek L. Nazareth:
Modeling the Impact of the Sharing Economy on Traditional Firms. - Supavich (Fone) Pengnate, Alex Young, Jeffrey Chen:
NEW DETAILS EMERGE! Revealing the Effects of Clickbait Headlines on User Responses. - Brian Cusack, Gerard Ward:
Points of Failure in the Ransomware Electronic Business Model.