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AAMAS 2007: Honolulu, HI, USA
- Edmund H. Durfee, Makoto Yokoo, Michael N. Huhns, Onn Shehory:
6th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2007), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, May 14-18, 2007. IFAAMAS 2007, ISBN 978-81-904262-7-5
Invited talks
- John Strassner:
Using agents and autonomic computing to build next generation seamless mobility services. 1 - Jeffrey O. Kephart:
Multiagent systems for autonomic computing. 2 - Sarit Kraus:
Automated negotiation in open environments: (by ACM/SIGART autonomous agents research award winner). 3 - Gal A. Kaminka:
Robots are agents, too! 4
Embodied agents and architectures: full papers
- Pedro Sequeira, Marco Vala, Ana Paiva:
What can i do with this?: finding possible interactions between characters and objects. 5 - John Thangarajah, James Harland, David N. Morley, Neil Yorke-Smith:
Aborting tasks in BDI agents. 6 - Sebastian Sardiña, Lin Padgham:
Goals in the context of BDI plan failure and planning. 7 - Manish Mehta, Steven Dow, Michael Mateas, Blair MacIntyre:
Evaluating a conversation-centered interactive drama. 8
Embodied agents and architectures: poster papers
- Linus J. Luotsinen, Hans Fernlund, Ladislau Bölöni:
Automatic annotation of team actions in observations of embodied agents. 9 - Wan Ching Ho, João Dias, Rui Figueiredo, Ana Paiva:
Agents that remember can tell stories: integrating autobiographic memory into emotional agents. 10 - Hong Jiang, José M. Vidal, Michael N. Huhns:
EBDI: an architecture for emotional agents. 11 - David Pizzi, Marc Cavazza, Jean-Luc Lugrin:
Extending character-based storytelling with awareness and feelings. 12 - Prashant Doshi:
Approximate state estimation in multiagent settings with continuous or large discrete state spaces. 13 - Dusan Jan, David R. Traum:
Dynamic movement and positioning of embodied agents in multiparty conversations. 14
Partially cooperative multiagent systems: full papers
- Xiaoqin Zhang, Victor R. Lesser:
Meta-level coordination for solving negotiation chains in semi-cooperative multi-agent systems. 15 - Gita Sukthankar, Katia P. Sycara:
Policy recognition for multi-player tactical scenarios. 16 - Kousuke Shinoda, Yutaka Matsuo, Hideyuki Nakashima:
Emergence of global network property based on multi-agent voting model. 17 - Tino Schlegel, Ryszard Kowalczyk:
Towards self-organising agent-based resource allocation in a multi-server environment. 18
Partially cooperative multiagent systems: poster papers
- Yathiraj B. Udupi, Munindar P. Singh:
Dynamics of contracts-based organizations: a formal approach based on institutions. 19 - Sylvie Doutre, Peter McBurney, Laurent Perrussel, Jean-Marc Thévenin:
Arguing for gaining access to information. 20 - Kiran Lakkaraju, Les Gasser:
A unified framework for multi-agent agreement. 21 - Andrew S. Cantino, David L. Roberts, Charles L. Isbell Jr.:
Autonomous nondeterministic tour guides: improving quality of experience with TTD-MDPs. 22 - Pinata Winoto, Gordon I. McCalla, Julita Vassileva:
Strategic delay in bargaining. 23 - Azzurra Ragone, Tommaso Di Noia, Eugenio Di Sciascio, Francesco M. Donini:
When price is not enough: combining logical and numerical issues in bilateral negotiation. 24
Communications and commitments: full papers
- Michael Rovatsos:
Dynamic semantics for agent communication languages. 25 - Paul Harrenstein, Felix Brandt, Felix A. Fischer:
Commitment and extortion. 26 - Pinar Yolum, Munindar P. Singh:
Enacting protocols by commitment concession. 27 - Duc Quang Pham, James Harland:
Temporal linear logic as a basis for flexible agent interactions. 28
Communications and commitments: poster papers
- Amit K. Chopra, Munindar P. Singh:
Choice and interoperation in protocol enactment. 29 - Shamimabi Paurobally, Michael J. Wooldridge:
Joint conversation specification and compliance. 30 - Huib Aldewereld, Frank Dignum, John-Jules Ch. Meyer:
Designing protocols for agent institutions. 31 - Hywel R. Dunn-Davies, Jim Cunningham:
Deriving agent-centred representations of protocols described using propositional statecharts. 32 - Nirmit Desai, Zhengang Cheng, Amit K. Chopra, Munindar P. Singh:
Toward verification of commitment protocols and their compositions. 33 - Kyle Polich, Piotr J. Gmytrasiewicz:
Interactive dynamic influence diagrams. 34 - Frank Guerin, Wamberto Weber Vasconcelos:
A component-based approach to standardising agent communication. 35 - Doran Chakraborty, Sandip Sen:
Computing effective communication policies in multiagent systems. 36
Multiagent learning: full papers
- Matthew E. Taylor, Shimon Whiteson, Peter Stone:
Transfer via inter-task mappings in policy search reinforcement learning. 37 - Gauvain Bourgne, Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, Henry Soldano:
SMILE: Sound Multi-agent Incremental LEarning. 38 - Sherief Abdallah, Victor R. Lesser:
Multiagent reinforcement learning and self-organization in a network of agents. 39 - Liviu Panait, Karl Tuyls:
Theoretical advantages of lenient Q-learners: an evolutionary game theoretic perspective. 40 - Andriy Burkov, Brahim Chaib-draa:
Multiagent learning in adaptive dynamic systems. 41 - Jason R. Marden, Gürdal Arslan, Jeff S. Shamma:
Regret based dynamics: convergence in weakly acyclic games. 42 - David Sarne, Barbara J. Grosz:
Sharing experiences to learn user characteristics in dynamic environments with sparse data. 43
Multiagent learning: poster papers
- Andriy Burkov, Brahim Chaib-draa:
Reducing the complexity of multiagent reinforcement learning. 44 - Matthew Jon Grounds, Daniel Kudenko:
Parallel reinforcement learning with linear function approximation. 45 - Alessandro Lazaric, Enrique Munoz de Cote, Nicola Gatti:
Reinforcement learning in extensive form games with incomplete information: the bargaining case study. 46
Applications and computational environments: full papers
- Haizheng Zhang, Victor R. Lesser:
A reinforcement learning based distributed search algorithm for hierarchical peer-to-peer information retrieval systems. 47 - David Sarne, Barbara J. Grosz:
Estimating information value in collaborative multi-agent planning systems. 48 - George A. Vouros:
Information searching and sharing in large-scale dynamic networks. 49 - Simon Miles, Steve Munroe, Michael Luck, Luc Moreau:
Modelling the provenance of data in autonomous systems. 50 - Alex Rogers, Esther David, Terry R. Payne, Nicholas R. Jennings:
An advanced bidding agent for advertisement selection on public displays. 51 - Cuihong Li, Bin Yu, Katia P. Sycara:
An incentive mechanism for message relaying in unstructured peer-to-peer systems. 52 - Enrico H. Gerding, Rajdeep K. Dash, David C. K. Yuen, Nicholas R. Jennings:
Bidding optimally in concurrent second-price auctions of perfectly substitutable goods. 53 - Grégory Bonnet, Catherine Tessier:
Collaboration among a satellite swarm. 54 - Christina Theocharopoulou, Ioannis Partsakoulakis, George A. Vouros, Kostas Stergiou:
Overlay networks for task allocation and coordination in dynamic large-scale networks of cooperative agents. 55 - Jianhui Wu, Edmund H. Durfee:
Solving large TÆMS problems efficiently by selective exploration and decomposition. 56
Applications and computational environments: poster paper
- Anton Bogdanovych, Marc Esteva, Simeon J. Simoff, Carles Sierra, Helmut Berger:
A methodology for 3D electronic institutions. 57
Cognitive models for agents: full papers
- Tibor Bosse, Charlotte Gerritsen, Jan Treur:
Cognitive and social simulation of criminal behaviour: the intermittent explosive disorder case. 58 - Ian N. Durbach, Jan H. Hofmeyr:
Interactions between market barriers and communication networks in marketing systems. 59 - Xiaocong Fan, John Yen:
Realistic cognitive load modeling for enhancing shared mental models in human-agent collaboration. 60
Cognitive models for agents: poster papers
- Alexandre Pauchet, Nathalie Chaignaud, Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni:
A computational model of human interaction and planning for heterogeneous multi-agent systems. 61 - Leen-Kiat Soh, Nobel Khandaker:
Forming and scaffolding human coalitions with a multi-agent framework. 62 - Yifeng Zeng, Dennis Plougman Buus, Jorge Cordero Hernandez:
Multiagent based construction for human-like architecture. 63
Mechanism design: full papers
- Georgios Chalkiadakis, Evangelos Markakis, Craig Boutilier:
Coalition formation under uncertainty: bargaining equilibria and the Bayesian core stability concept. 64 - Vincent Conitzer:
Eliciting single-peaked preferences using comparison queries. 65 - Ariel D. Procaccia, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein, Gal A. Kaminka:
On the robustness of preference aggregation in noisy environments. 66 - Vishal Soni, Satinder Singh, Michael P. Wellman:
Constraint satisfaction algorithms for graphical games. 67 - George B. Davis, Michael Benisch, Kathleen M. Carley, Norman M. Sadeh:
Factoring games to isolate strategic interactions. 68 - David Sarne, Teijo Arponen:
Sequential decision making in parallel two-sided economic search. 69
Mechanism design: poster paper
- Liwei Zheng, Zhi Jin:
Requirements driven agent collaboration. 70
Cooperation, coordination, and teamwork: full papers
- Raphen Becker, Daniel D. Corkill:
Determining confidence when integrating contributions from multiple agents. 71 - Maayan Roth, Reid G. Simmons, Manuela M. Veloso:
Exploiting factored representations for decentralized execution in multiagent teams. 72 - Gal A. Kaminka, Ari Yakir, Dan Erusalimchik, Nirom Cohen-Nov:
Towards collaborative task and team maintenance. 73 - Stephen F. Smith, Anthony Gallagher, Terry L. Zimmerman:
Distributed management of flexible times schedules. 74 - Stefan J. Witwicki, Edmund H. Durfee:
Commitment-driven distributed joint policy search. 75 - Mathijs de Weerdt, Yingqian Zhang, Tomas Klos:
Distributed task allocation in social networks. 76
Cooperation, coordination, and teamwork: poster papers
- Yichuan Jiang, Jiuchuan Jiang, Toru Ishida:
Agent coordination by trade-off between locally diffusion effects and socially structural influences. 77 - Sebastian Stein, Nicholas R. Jennings, Terry R. Payne:
Provisioning heterogeneous and unreliable providers for service workflows. 78 - Mattijs Ghijsen, Wouter N. H. Jansweijer, Bob J. Wielinga:
The effect of task and environment factors on M.A.S. coordination and reorganization. 79 - Mingzhong Wang, Amy Unruh, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao:
ARTS: agent-oriented robust transactional system. 80 - Hojjat Ghaderi, Hector J. Levesque, Yves Lespérance:
Towards a logical theory of coordination and joint ability. 81 - Liad Blumrosen:
Implementing the maximum of monotone algorithms. 82
Formal models of agency: full papers
- Inon Zuckerman, Sarit Kraus, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein, Gal A. Kaminka:
An adversarial environment model for bounded rational agents in zero-sum interactions. 83 - Alon Altman, Moshe Tennenholtz:
Incentive compatible ranking systems. 84 - Thomas Ågotnes, Wiebe van der Hoek, Michael J. Wooldridge:
Reasoning about judgment and preference aggregation. 85
Formal models of agency: poster papers
- Matthias Klusch, René Schubotz:
Programming and simulation of quantum search agents. 86 - Francesco Belardinelli, Alessio Lomuscio:
A quantified epistemic logic for reasoning about multiagent systems. 87 - Wojciech Jamroga, Nils Bulling:
A framework for reasoning about rational agents. 88
Societal aspects: full papers
- Davide Grossi, Frank Dignum, John-Jules Ch. Meyer:
A formal road from institutional norms to organizational structures. 89 - Dorian Gaertner, Andrés García-Camino, Pablo Noriega, Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar, Wamberto Weber Vasconcelos:
Distributed norm management in regulated multiagent systems. 90 - Wamberto Weber Vasconcelos, Martin J. Kollingbaum, Timothy J. Norman:
Resolving conflict and inconsistency in norm-regulated virtual organizations. 91
Societal aspects: poster paper
- Adrián Perreau de Pinninck, Carles Sierra, W. Marco Schorlemmer:
Friends no more: norm enforcement in multiagent systems. 92
Learning: full papers
- David M. Kaiser:
Automatic feature extraction for autonomous general game playing agents. 93 - Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan, Peter Stone:
Batch reinforcement learning in a complex domain. 94 - Nicholas K. Jong, Peter Stone:
Model-based function approximation in reinforcement learning. 95 - Jan Tozicka, Michael Rovatsos, Michal Pechoucek:
A framework for agent-based distributed machine learning and data mining. 96
Learning: poster papers
- Gabriella Pigozzi, Stephan Hartmann:
Aggregation in multiagent systems and the problem of truth-tracking. 97 - David Pardoe, Peter Stone:
Adapting in agent-based markets: a study from TAC SCM. 98 - Eduardo Rodrigues Gomes, Ryszard Kowalczyk:
Reinforcement learning with utility-aware agents for market-based resource allocation. 99 - Matthew E. Taylor, Peter Stone:
Towards reinforcement learning representation transfer. 100
Auctions and electronic markets: full papers
- Chun Wang, Hamada H. Ghenniwa, Weiming Shen:
A winner determination algorithm for auction-based decentralized scheduling. 101 - Benito Mendoza García, José M. Vidal:
Bidding algorithms for a distributed combinatorial auction. 102 - Ioannis A. Vetsikas, Nicholas R. Jennings:
Outperforming the competition in multi-unit sealed bid auctions. 103 - Andrea Giovannucci, Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar, Jesús Cerquides, Ulle Endriss:
Winner determination for mixed multi-unit combinatorial auctions via petri nets. 104
Auctions and electronic markets: poster papers
- Ariel D. Procaccia, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein:
Average-case tractability of manipulation in voting via the fraction of manipulators. 105 - Fenghui Ren, Kwang Mong Sim, Minjie Zhang:
Market-driven agents with uncertain and dynamic outside options. 106 - Paul-Amaury Matt, Francesca Toni:
Infinitesimal nash transfers for resource allocation in strong social alliances. 107 - Jie Zhang, Robin Cohen:
An incentive mechanism for eliciting fair ratings of sellers in e-marketplaces. 108 - Donna Griffin, Dirk Pesch:
A service oriented marketplace for next generation networks. 109 - Florin Constantin, Takayuki Ito, David C. Parkes:
Online auctions for bidders with interdependent values. 110
Distributed constraint processing: full papers
- James Atlas, Keith Decker:
A complete distributed constraint optimization method for non-traditional pseudotree arrangements. 111 - Wim Wiegerinck, Bart van den Broek, Bert Kappen:
Optimal on-line scheduling in stochastic multiagent systems in continuous space-time. 112 - Rajesh Gautam, Kazuo Miyashita:
Robust coordination to sustain throughput of an unstable agent network. 113 - Jianhui Wu, Edmund H. Durfee:
Sequential resource allocation in multiagent systems with uncertainties. 114
Distributed constraint processing: poster papers
- Jilles Steeve Dibangoye, Abdel-Illah Mouaddib, Brahim Chaib-draa:
Periodic real-time resource allocation for teams of progressive processing agents. 115 - Sabyasachi Saha, Sandip Sen:
Reciprocal negotiation over shared resources in agent societies. 116 - Bao Chau Le Dinh, Kiam Tian Seow:
Unifying distributed constraint algorithms in a BDI negotiation framework. 117 - Meir Kalech, Michael Lindner, Gal A. Kaminka:
Matrix-based representation for coordination fault detection: a formal approach. 118 - Ana L. C. Bazzan, Bruno Castro da Silva:
Distributed constraint propagation for diagnosis of faults in physical processes. 119
Multiagent planning: full papers
- Christopher M. Vigorito:
Distributed path planning for mobile robots using a swarm of interacting reinforcement learners. 120 - Zinovi Rabinovich, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein, Gal A. Kaminka:
Dynamics based control with an application to area-sweeping problems. 121 - Jian Feng Zhang, Xuan Thang Nguyen, Ryszard Kowalczyk:
Graph-based multiagent replanning algorithm. 122 - Abdel-Illah Mouaddib, Matthieu Boussard, Maroua Bouzid:
Towards a formal framework for multi-objective multiagent planning. 123
Multiagent planning: poster papers
- Ryan F. Kelly, Adrian R. Pearce:
Knowledge and observations in the situation calculus. 124 - Toshiharu Sugawara, Satoshi Kurihara, Toshio Hirotsu, Kensuke Fukuda, Toshihiro Takada:
Conflict estimation of abstract plans for multiagent systems. 125 - Cees Witteveen, Nico Roos, Adriaan ter Mors, Xiaoyu Mao:
Diagnosis of plan step errors and plan structure violations. 126 - Alexandra M. Coddington:
Integrating motivations with planning. 127