Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science (CALCO)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      10th CALCO 2023: Bloomington, IN, USA

      9th CALCO 2021: Salzburg, Austria

      8th CALCO 2019: London, UK

      7th CALCO 2017: Ljubljana, Slovenia

      6th CALCO 2015: Nijmegen, The Netherlands

      5th CALCO 2013: Warsaw, Poland

      4th CALCO 2011: Winchester, UK

      3rd CALCO 2009: Udine, Italy

      2nd CALCO 2007: Bergen, Norway

      CALCO 2007 Home Page

      1st CALCO 2005: Swansea, Wales, UK

      CALCO 2005 Home Page