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50th CDC / 8th ECC 2011: Orlando, FL, USA
- 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, 11th European Control Conference, CDC/ECC 2011, Orlando, FL, USA, December 12-15, 2011. IEEE 2011, ISBN 978-1-61284-800-6
- Nikolaos Gatsis, Georgios B. Giannakis:
Residential demand response with interruptible tasks: Duality and algorithms. 1-6 - Konstantin S. Turitsyn, Scott Backhaus, Maxim Ananyev, Michael Chertkov:
Smart finite state devices: A modeling framework for demand response technologies. 7-14 - Karanjit Kalsi, Forrest P. Chassin, David Chassin:
Aggregated modeling of thermostatic loads in demand response: A systems and control perspective. 15-20 - Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis, Binbin Li, Michael C. Caramanis:
A market-based mechanism for providing demand-side regulation service reserves. 21-26 - Alejandro D. Domínguez-García, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis:
Distributed algorithms for control of demand response and distributed energy resources. 27-32 - Arman C. Kizilkale, Shie Mannor:
Regulation and double price mechanisms in markets with friction. 33-40 - Margarida Martins da Silva, Teresa Mendonça, Torbjörn Wigren:
Nonlinear adaptive control of the NeuroMuscular Blockade in anesthesia. 41-46 - Parmod Kumar, Anish Sebastian, Chandrasekhar Potluri, Yimesker Yihun, Madhavi Anugolu, Jim Creelman, Alex Urfer, D. Subbaram Naidu, Marco P. Schoen:
Spectral analysis of sEMG signals to investigate skeletal muscle fatigue. 47-52 - Gautam Kumar, Vikram Aggarwal, Nitish V. Thakor, Marc H. Schieber, Mayuresh V. Kothare:
An optimal control problem in closed-loop neuroprostheses. 53-58 - Levente Kovács, Péter Szalay, Balázs Benyó, J. Geoffrey Chase:
Asymptotic output tracking in blood glucose control. A case study. 59-64 - Joao V. Pinheiro, João Miranda Lemos, Susana Vinga:
Nonlinear MPC of HIV-1 infection with periodic inputs. 65-70 - Long Ton That, Zhengtao Ding:
One-sided Lipschitz observer design for circadian models. 71-76 - Xiaoran Han, Emilia Fridman, Sarah K. Spurgeon:
A sliding mode observer for fault reconstruction under output sampling: A time-delay approach. 77-82 - Vaibhav Srivastava, Francesco Bullo:
Stochastic surveillance strategies for spatial quickest detection. 83-88 - Christodoulos Keliris, Marios M. Polycarpou:
A distributed fault detection filtering approach for a class of interconnected continuous-time nonlinear systems. 89-94 - Carl Svärd, Mattias Nyberg, Erik Frisk, Mattias Krysander:
A data-driven and probabilistic approach to residual evaluation for fault diagnosis. 95-102 - Thomas Friebel, Robert Haber:
Improvement of the sensitivity of T2 quality control charts by variable grouping and dimension reducing. 103-108 - Talel Zouari, Komi Midzodzi Pekpe, Vincent Cocquempot, Moufida Ksouri:
Data projection method for sensor Fault Detection and Isolation on nonlinear systems based on Takagi Sugeno model. 109-114 - Yu Jiang, Zhong-Ping Jiang:
Robust approximate dynamic programming and global stabilization with nonlinear dynamic uncertainties. 115-120 - Silvia Ferrari, Michael Anderson, Rafael Fierro, Wenjie Lu:
Cooperative navigation for heterogeneous autonomous vehicles via approximate dynamic programming. 121-127 - Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis, Frank L. Lewis:
Policy iteration algorithm for distributed networks and graphical games. 128-135 - Hao Xu, Sarangapani Jagannathan:
Stochastic optimal control design for nonlinear networked control system via neuro dynamic programming using input-output measurements. 136-141 - Marcus Johnson, Shubhendu Bhasin, Warren E. Dixon:
Nonlinear two-player zero-sum game approximate solution using a Policy Iteration algorithm. 142-147 - Sean P. Meyn, Amit Surana:
TD-learning with exploration. 148-155 - Aleksandr Y. Aravkin, James V. Burke, Alessandro Chiuso, Gianluigi Pillonetto:
Convex vs nonconvex approaches for sparse estimation: Lasso, Multiple Kernel Learning and Hyperparameter Lasso. 156-161 - Donatello Materassi, Murti V. Salapaka, Laura Giarré:
Relations between structure and estimators in networks of dynamical systems. 162-167 - Christopher J. Quinn, Negar Kiyavash, Todd P. Coleman:
A minimal approach to causal inference on topologies with bounded indegree. 168-173 - Borhan Molazem Sanandaji, Tyrone L. Vincent, Michael B. Wakin:
Compressive topology identification of interconnected dynamic systems via Clustered Orthogonal Matching Pursuit. 174-180 - Siddharth Goyal, Chenda Liao, Prabir Barooah:
Identification of multi-zone building thermal interaction model from data. 181-186 - Vincent Y. F. Tan, Alan S. Willsky:
Sample complexity for topology estimation in networks of LTI systems. 187-192 - Alireza Farhadi, Carlos Canudas de Wit:
An integration framework for Control/Communication/Computation (3C) co-design with application in fleet control of AUVs. 193-198 - Han Yu, Panos J. Antsaklis:
Event-triggered output feedback control for networked control systems using passivity: Triggering condition and limitations. 199-204 - Han Yu, Panos J. Antsaklis:
Event-triggered output feedback control for networked control systems using passivity: Time-varying network induced delays. 205-210 - James Anderson, André Teixeira, Henrik Sandberg, Antonis Papachristodoulou:
Dynamical system decomposition using dissipation inequalities. 211-216 - Babak Tavassoli:
A continuous-time approach to networked control of nonlinear systems. 217-221 - Cong Zhang, Hao Ye:
The informative enough property of the data set in a Networked Control System. 222-228 - Angelia Nedic, Dario Bauso:
Constrained consensus for bargaining in dynamic coalitional TU games. 229-234 - Zachariah E. Fuchs, Pramod P. Khargonekar:
Encouraging attacker retreat through defender cooperation. 235-242 - Quanyan Zhu, Carol J. Fung, Raouf Boutaba, Tamer Basar:
A game-theoretic approach to rule sharing mechanism in networked intrusion detection systems: Robustness, incentives and security. 243-248 - Tejas Bodas, Ayalvadi Ganesh, D. Manjunath:
Load balancing and routing games with admission price. 249-254 - Paul Bogdan, Radu Marculescu:
A fractional calculus approach to modeling fractal dynamic games. 255-260 - Sourabh Bhattacharya, Tamer Basar, Naira Hovakimyan:
Singular surfaces in multi-agent connectivity maintenance games. 261-266 - Hakan Köroglu:
Observer-based generalized asymptotic regulation with sub-optimal transient response. 267-272 - Gareth Basset, Yunjun Xu, Ni Li:
Fast trajectory planning via the B-spline augmented virtual motion camouflage approach. 273-277 - Harsha Simha, Ravi N. Banavar, Dong Eui Chang:
Aspects of time-optimal control of a particle in a Dielectrophoretic system. 278-283 - Kouhei Tahara, Masao Kanazawa, Kazuma Sekiguchi, Mitsuji Sampei:
Experiments of inverse optimal control problem for inverted pendulum with horizontal and vertical inputs. 284-289 - Fernando Ornelas-Tellez, Edgar N. Sánchez, Alexander G. Loukianov, Eva M. Navarro-López:
Speed-gradient inverse optimal control for discrete-time nonlinear systems. 290-295 - Emile Simon:
Optimal static output feedback design through direct search. 296-301 - Majid Zamani, Rupak Majumdar:
A Lyapunov approach in incremental stability. 302-307 - Andrea Garulli, Alfio Masi, Giorgio Valmorbida, Luca Zaccarian:
Piecewise polynomial Lyapunov functions for stability and nonlinear ℒ2m-gain computation of saturated uncertain systems. 308-313 - Shanaz Tiwari, Yuan Wang:
On stability properties of time-varying systems with delays. 314-319 - Alessandro Astolfi, Laurent Praly:
A LaSalle version of Matrosov theorem. 320-324 - Hiroshi Ito:
Disturbance and delay robustness of gradient feedback systems based on static noncooperative games with application to PEV charging. 325-330 - Daniele Casagrande, Alessandro Astolfi, Romeo Ortega:
Global stabilization of non-globally linearizable triangular systems: Application to transient stability of power systems. 331-336 - Yu Zhang, Mihaela van der Schaar:
User adaptation and long-run evolution in online communities. 337-342 - Yaprak Yalçin, Alessandro Astolfi:
Discrete time immersion and invariance adaptive control for systems in strict feedback form. 343-347 - Alex Esbrook, Xiaobo Tan, Hassan K. Khalil:
Tracking an unknown two-frequency reference using a frequency estimator-based servocompensator. 348-353 - Michael A. Demetriou, Stephen S. Nestinger:
Adaptive consensus estimation of multi-agent systems. 354-359 - Jesse B. Hoagg:
Model reference adaptive control for nonminimum-phase systems using a surrogate tracking error. 360-365 - Giorgio Battistelli, Edoardo Mosca, Pietro Tesi:
Dealing with plant variations in multi-model unfalsified switching control via adaptive memory selection. 366-371 - Md. Waselul Haque Sadid, S. Laurie Ricker, Shahin Hashtrudi-Zad:
Multiobjective optimization in control with communication for decentralized discrete-event systems. 372-377 - Maria Paola Cabasino, Alessandro Giua, Cristian Mahulea, Carla Seatzu:
On decentralized observability of discrete event systems. 378-384 - Christoforos Keroglou, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis:
Bounds on the probability of misclassification among hidden Markov models. 385-390 - Samira S. Farahani, Ton J. J. van den Boom, Bart De Schutter:
Model predictive control for stochastic max-min-plus-scaling systems - an approximation approach. 391-396 - Cesar O. Aguilar, Arthur J. Krener:
Power series solutions to the time-varying dynamic programming equations. 397-402 - Ramon Piedrafita Moreno, José Luis Villarroel Salcedo:
Evaluation of the ability of petri net centralized implementation techniques. 403-410 - Carlos A. Cavichioli Gonzaga, Marc Jungers, Jamal Daafouz, Eugênio B. Castelan:
A new class of Lyapunov functions for nonstandard switching systems: The stability analysis problem. 411-416 - Daniel Liberzon, Stephan Trenn, Fabian Wirth:
Commutativity and asymptotic stability for linear switched DAEs. 417-422 - Fouad El Hachemi, Mario Sigalotti, Jamal Daafouz:
Characterization of stability transitions and practical stability of planar singularly perturbed linear switched systems. 423-428 - Marco Baglietto, Giorgio Battistelli, Pietro Tesi:
Set-point tracking in mode-observable switching linear systems. 429-434 - Vamsi Kalyan Putta, Guangwei Zhu, Jinglai Shen, Jianghai Hu:
A study of the generalized input-to-state ℒ2-gain of discrete-time switched linear systems. 435-440 - Aneel Tanwani, Daniel Liberzon:
Robust invertibility of switched linear systems. 441-446 - Navid Mohsenizadeh, Swaroop Darbha, Shankar P. Bhattacharyya:
Synthesis of PID controllers with guaranteed non-overshooting transient response. 447-452 - Zhuoyue Song, Sourav Patra, Alexander Lanzon, Ian R. Petersen:
On state-space characterization for strict negative-imaginariness of LTI systems. 453-458 - Gabriela Iuliana Bara:
On the dissipative analysis and control of state-space symmetric systems. 459-464 - Nicos Karcanias, George Halikias:
Approximate zero polynomials of polynomial matrices and linear systems. 465-470 - Robert Schmid, Amit Pandey:
The role of nonminimum phase zeros in the transient response of multivariable systems. 471-475 - Hien Thi Nguyen, Osamu Kaneko, Shigeru Yamamoto:
Data-driven IMC for non-minimum phase systems - Laguerre expansion approach -. 476-481 - Georg Schildbach, Melanie Nicole Zeilinger, Manfred Morari, Colin N. Jones:
Input-to-state stabilization of low-complexity model predictive controllers for linear systems. 482-488 - Angelo Alessandri, Mauro Gaggero, Flavio Tonelli:
Integer tree-based search and mixed-integer optimal control of distribution chains. 489-494 - Alessandro Casavola, Emanuele Garone, Francesco Tedesco:
Improved Feed-Forward Command Governor strategies for discrete-time time-invariant linear systems. 495-500 - Markus J. Kögel, Rolf Findeisen:
Fast predictive control of linear systems combining Nesterov's gradient method and the method of multipliers. 501-506 - Giulio M. Mancuso, Eric C. Kerrigan:
Solving constrained LQR problems by eliminating the inputs from the QP. 507-512 - Alexander Domahidi, Melanie Nicole Zeilinger, Manfred Morari, Colin N. Jones:
Learning a feasible and stabilizing explicit model predictive control law by robust optimization. 513-519 - Javier Cámara, Antoine Girard, Gregor Gößler:
Safety controller synthesis for switched systems using multi-scale symbolic models. 520-525 - Ilya Tkachev, Alessandro Abate:
On infinite-horizon probabilistic properties and stochastic bisimulation functions. 526-531 - Xu Chu Ding, Stephen L. Smith, Calin Belta, Daniela Rus:
MDP optimal control under temporal logic constraints. 532-538 - George Mathew, Alessandro Pinto:
Optimal design of a class of hybrid systems with uncertain parameters. 539-544 - Reza Ghaemi, Domitilla Del Vecchio:
Safety control of piece-wise continuous order preserving systems. 545-551 - Alessandro Borri, Giordano Pola, Maria Domenica Di Benedetto:
Alternating approximately bisimilar symbolic models for nonlinear control systems affected by disturbances. 552-557 - Huili Yu, Randal W. Beard:
Vision-based local-level frame mapping and planning in spherical coordinates for Miniature Air Vehicles. 558-563 - Jared Wood, J. Karl Hedrick:
Multi-agent path planning for an unknown number of targets over dynamic space partitions. 564-569 - Justin Jackson, Mariam Faied, Pierre T. Kabamba, Anouck R. Girard:
Communication-constrained distributed task assignment. 570-577 - Brandon Basso, Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte, J. Karl Hedrick:
Mission planning in unstructured environments: A reinforcement learning approach. 578-583 - Kyle Treleaven, Marco Pavone, Emilio Frazzoli:
An asymptotically optimal algorithm for pickup and delivery problems. 584-590 - Ricardo Bencatel, Mariam Faied, João B. Sousa, Anouck R. Girard:
Formation control with collision avoidance. 591-596 - Michael A. Demetriou:
Adaptive consensus filters for collocated infinite dimensional systems. 597-602 - Kenji Kashima, Antonis Papachristodoulou, Frank Allgöwer:
A linear multi-agent systems approach to diffusively coupled piecewise affine systems: Delay robustness. 603-608 - Richard H. Fabiano:
Semidiscrete approximation schemes for LQR control of equations in thermoelasitcity. 609-614 - Peter M. Dower, William M. McEneaney:
A max-plus based fundamental solution for a class of infinite dimensional Riccati equations. 615-620 - Yutaka Yamamoto, Mathukumalli Vidyasagar:
Compact sets in the graph topology and applications to approximation of system design. 621-626 - Dhanaraja Kasinathan, Kirsten Morris:
Convergence of ℋ∞-optimal actuator locations. 627-632 - Imad Matraji, Salah Laghrouche, Maxime Wack:
Cascade control of the moto-compressor of a PEM fuel cell via second order sliding mode. 633-638 - Rafael M. Morales, William Paul Heath, Guang Li:
Robustness preserving anti-windup for SISO systems. 639-644 - Mahmood Mirzaei, Hans Henrik Niemann, Niels Kjølstad Poulsen:
A μ-synthesis approach to robust control of a wind turbine. 645-650 - Gayathri Mohan, Chibum Lee, Srinivasa M. Salapaka:
Control techniques for high-speed dynamic mode imaging in atomic force microscopes. 651-656 - Carolina Albea, Suzanne Lesecq, Diego Puschini:
Optimal and robust saturated control for a Clock Generator. 657-662 - N. J. M. van Dijk, Nathan van de Wouw, Henk Nijmeijer:
Low-order control design for chatter suppression in high-speed milling. 663-668 - Robert D. Gregg:
Controlled reduction of a five-link 3D biped with unactuated yaw. 669-674 - Tatsuya Kai, Takeshi Shintani:
A gait generation method for the compass-type biped robot on slopes via discrete mechanics. 675-681 - Ryan W. Sinnet, Matthew J. Powell, Shu Jiang, Aaron D. Ames:
Compass gait revisited: A human data perspective with extensions to three dimensions. 682-689 - Sami Haddadin, Kai Krieger, Alin Albu-Schäffer:
Exploiting elastic energy storage for cyclic manipulation: Modeling, stability, and observations for dribbling. 690-697 - Geon Lee, Byung-Ju Yi, Doik Kim, Youngjin Choi:
New robotic motion generation using digital convolution with physical system limitation. 698-703 - Reza Moazzez Estanjini, Xu Chu Ding, Morteza Lahijanian, Jing Wang, Calin Belta, Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis:
Least squares temporal difference actor-critic methods with applications to robot motion control. 704-709 - M. Vidyasagar:
A metric between probability distributions on finite sets of different cardinalities. 710-715 - M. Vidyasagar:
Optimal order reduction of probability distributions by maximizing mutual information. 716-721 - Vladislav Z. B. Tadic, Arnaud Doucet:
Asymptotic bias of stochastic gradient search. 722-727 - Lorenzo Fagiano, Mustafa Khammash, Carlo Novara:
On the guaranteed accuracy of Polynomial Chaos Expansions. 728-733 - Michael P. Vitus, Claire J. Tomlin:
On feedback design and risk allocation in chance constrained control. 734-739 - Vasile Dragan, Hiroaki Mukaidani:
Stabilizing composite control for systems modeled by singularly perturbed Itô differential equations with two small time constants. 740-745 - Adrian N. Bishop, Iman Shames, Brian D. O. Anderson:
Stabilization of rigid formations with direction-only constraints. 746-752 - Naomi Ehrich Leonard, Alexander Olshevsky:
Nonuniform coverage control on the line. 753-758 - Shuo Zhang, M. Kanat Camlibel, Ming Cao:
Controllability of diffusively-coupled multi-agent systems with general and distance regular coupling topologies. 759-764 - Kazunori Sakurama, Kazushi Nakano:
Formation control with velocity assignment for second-order multi-agent systems with heterogeneous time-delays. 765-770