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13th CSCL 2019: Lyon, France
- Kristine Lund, Gerald P. Niccolai, Élise Lavoué, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Gahgene Gweon, Michael Baker:
13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, CSCL 2019, Lyon, France, June 17-21, 2019. International Society of the Learning Sciences 2019, ISBN 978-1-7324672-3-1 - Melissa S. Gresalfi, Amanda M. Bell, Alexandria Cervantes:
Developing Relationships, Changing Participation: Computational Identity. - Sally Wai-Yan Wan:
Using Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) for Global Curriculum Inquiry: A Case Study in Hong Kong. - Miiikka Turkkila, Henri Lommi, Ismo Koponen:
Initial Knowledge and the Intensity of Online Discussion. - Danielle P. Espino, Seung B. Lee, Lauren Van Tress, Eric Hamilton:
Application of the IBE-UNESCO Global Competences Framework in Assessing STEM-focused, Global Collaborative Learning Within a Digital Makerspace Environment. - Cassandra Scharber, Lana Peterson, Yu-Hui Chang, Sarah Barksdale, Ramya Sivaraj, Angelina Constantine, Jennifer Englund:
SciGirls Code: Computational Participation and Computer Science with Middle School Girls. - Cynthia M. D'Angelo, Jennifer Smith, Nonye Alozie, Andreas Tsiartas, Colleen Richey, Harry Bratt:
Mapping Individual to Group Level Collaboration Indicators Using Speech Data. - Katherine Chapman, Lara Jasien, Paul Reimer, Lauren Vogelstein:
Designing for Productive Problem Posing in Informal STEM Spaces. - Marcela Borge, Tugce Aldemir, Yu Xia:
Unpacking Socio-Metacognitive Sense-Making Patterns to Support Collaborative Discourse. - Valentin Lachand, Aurélien Tabard, Christine Michel:
Toccata: A Multi-Device System for Activity Scripting and Classroom Orchestration. - Amy Semerjian, Collette Roberto:
Impacts to Students of Infused Computational-Thinking, Problem-Based-Learning Science Curriculum: Engagement, Opportunity to Learn, Interest, and Identity. - Zuzanna Lechelt, Yvonne Rogers, Nicolai Marquardt:
How Embodied Interactions Manifest Themselves During Collaborative Learning in Classroom Settings. - LuEttaMae Lawrence, Emma Mercier:
A Review of the Evolving Definition of Orchestration: Implications for Research and Design. - Susan A. Yoon, Kate Miller, Jooeun Shim, Daniel Wendel, Ilana Schoenfeld, Emma Anderson, David Reider:
From Face-to-Face to Online: Considerations for a Social Capital Design to Scale Science Teacher Access to High-Quality PD. - Kshitij Sharma, Jennifer K. Olsen:
An Alternate Statistical Lens to Look at Collaboration Data: Extreme Value Theory. - Xueqi Feng, Jan van Aalst, Carol K. K. Chan, Yuqin Yang:
Fostering Collective Knowledge Advancement Through Idea-Friend Maps in a Large Knowledge Building Community. - Simona Pesaresi, Jianwei Zhang:
Negotiating Uncertainty to Develop a Joint Deepening Focus in Knowledge Building Discourse. - Diana Beirl, Nicola Yuill, Yvonne Rogers:
Using Voice Assistant Skills in Family Life. - Chih Hui Seet, Huang-Yao Hong, Ching Sing Chai:
A Case Study on the Development of Pre-Service Teachers' Design Thinking. - Yuyao Tong, Carol K. K. Chan:
Developing Productive Discourse through Collective Inquiry of Knowledge-Building Principles. - Heisawn Jeong, Joomi Kim, Kristine Lund, Sebastian Grauwin:
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning and Learning Sciences Research in EducMap. - Lucas M. Bietti, Michael J. Baker:
Collaborative Remembering, temporal cement of Collaborative Learning: An Exploration. - Susan Bridges, Lap-Ki Chan, Judith L. Green, Asmalina Saleh, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver:
Dialogic Intervisualizing: Rethinking Text-Discourse-Learning Relations in Multimodal Problem-based Learning. - Kristiina Kumpulainen, Anu Kajamaa:
From Material Objects to Social Objects: Researching the Material-Dialogic Spaces of Joint Attention in a School-based Makerspace. - Shiyan Jiang, Jennifer Kahn:
Data Wrangling Practices and Process in Modeling Family Migration Narratives with Big Data Visualization Technologies. - Kelly Mills, Elizabeth Bonsignore, Tamara L. Clegg, Jason C. Yip, June Ahn, Daniel Pauw, Caroline Pitt:
Social Media in the Science Classroom: Bridging Funds of Knowledge to Scientific Concepts. - James M. Laffey, Joe Griffin, Justin Sigoloff, Troy D. Sadler, Sean P. Goggins, Andrew J. Womack, Eric Wulff, Sean Lander:
Mission HydroSci: Meeting Learning Standards Through Gameplay. - Wenli Chen, Si Zhang, Yun Wen, Chee-Kit Looi, Jennifer Yeo:
A Spiral Model of Collaborative Knowledge Improvement to Support Collaborative. - Haesol Bae, Krista D. Glazewski, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, James C. Lester, Bradford W. Mott, Jonathan P. Rowe:
Intelligent Cognitive Assistants to Support Orchestration in CSCL. - Diane Jass Ketelhut, Emily Hestness, Kelly Mills:
Embedding Computational Thinking in the Elementary Classroom: An Extended Collaborative Teacher Learning Experience. - Jingjing Sun, Brian W. Miller, Michael Finlay:
Rural Students' Cultural Assets During Science Argumentation. - Asmalina Saleh, Yuxin Chen, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Krista D. Glazewski, Bradford W. Mott, Robert G. Taylor, Jonathan P. Rowe, James C. Lester:
Supporting Collaborative Problem Solving in a Game-Based Learning Environment. - Nadine Melzner, Martin Greisel, Markus Dresel, Ingo Kollar:
Effective Regulation in Collaborative Learning: An Attempt to Determine the Fit of Regulation Challenges and Strategies. - Zarifa Zakaria, Danielle Boulden, Jessica Vandenberg, Jennifer Tsan, Collin F. Lynch, Eric N. Wiebe, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer:
Collaborative Talk Across Two Pair-Programming Configurations. - Chris Proctor:
Measuring the Computational in Computational Participation: Debugging Interactive Stories in Middle School Computer Science. - Christopher D. Andrews, Grant T. Chartrand, Daniel T. Hickey:
Expansively Framing Social Annotations for Generative Collaborative Learning in Online Courses. - Abha Vaishampayan, Julia Plummer, Patricia Udomprasert, Susan Sunbury:
Use of Spatial Sensemaking Practices in Spatial Learning. - Judy Perry:
Gaming the Schoolyard: Promoting High School Students' Collaborative Learning Through Geolocative Mobile Game Design. - Veronica Lin, Paulo Blikstein:
Project Bloks: Embodied and Collaborative Learning With Tangible Interfaces for Young Children. - Daniel Rees Lewis, Elizabeth Gerber, Matthew W. Easterday:
Assessing Iterative Planning for Real-world Design Teams. - Dimitra Tsovaltzi, Armin Weinberger, Lara Johanna Schmitt, Henrik Bellhäuser, Adrienne Müller, Johannes Konert, René Röpke, Hannie Gijlers, Elise H. Eshuis, Tessa H. S. Eysink, Melanie Erkens, Sven Manske, Heinz Ulrich Hoppe, Daniel Bodemer, Sreecharan Sankaranarayanan, Cameron Dashti, Christopher Bogart, Xu Wang, Majd Sakr, Michael Hilton, Carolyn P. Rosé:
Group Formation in the Digital Age: Relevant Characteristics, Their Diagnosis, and Combination for Productive Collaboration. - Hee-Sun Lee, Danielle S. McNamara, Zoë Buck Bracey, Ou Lydia Liu, Libby F. Gerard, Bruce Sherin, Chris Wilson, Amy Pallant, Marcia C. Linn, Kevin C. Haudek, Jonathan Osborne:
Computerized Text Analysis: Assessment and Research Potentials for Promoting Learning. - Anna Shvarts, Rosa Alberto, Arthur Bakker, Michiel Doorman, Paul Drijvers:
Embodied Collaboration to Foster Instrumental Genesis in Mathematics. - Mike Tissenbaum, Josh Sheldon:
Computational Action in App Inventor: Developing Theoretical and Technological Frameworks for Collaboration and Empowerment. - Nadav Ehrenfeld, Ilana Horn:
Teacher Monitoring Routines: Understanding Pedagogical Judgments During Students' Collaborative Learning. - Yu Xia, Marcela Borge:
A Systematic Review of the Quantification of Qualitative Data in Proceedings of International Conferences on CSCL from 2005 to 2017. - Chris Georgen:
"Can't Nobody Floss Like This!": Exploring Embodied Science Learning in the Third Space. - Zachari Swiecki, Zheming Lian, Andrew R. Ruis, David W. Shaffer:
Does Order Matter? Investigating Sequential and Cotemporal Models of Collaboration. - Ezequiel Aleman, Pryce Davis:
An Exploration of Female Engagement and Collaboration in the Bricks and Bits Maker Project. - Freydis Vogel, Heisawn Jeong, Susan A. Yoon, Stian Håklev, Léonore V. Guillain, Nour Ghalia Abassi, Sally Wai-Yan Wan, Sancia Wai-San Wan, Anika Radkowitsch, Frank Fischer, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver:
Understanding CSCL Through the Lens of Research Syntheses. - Hamideh Talafian, Mamta Shah, Amanda Barany, Aroutis Foster:
Promoting and Tracing High School Students' Identity Change in an Augmented Virtual Learning Environment. - Leslie Schneider, Berri Jacque, Jim Slotta, Emily Kate McDonough, Jessica Henry:
Using Digital Interrupted Case Studies for Whole Class Inquiry in Life Sciences. - Sinan Yavuz, Michael Forkner, Dana Gnesdilow, Catherine Dornfeld Tissenbaum, Jee-Seon Kim, Sadhana Puntambekar:
Understanding the Effect of Group Variance on Learning. - Wendy Roldan, Paola Vanegas, Laura R. Pina, Carmen González, Jason C. Yip:
The Role of Funds of Knowledge in Online Search and Brokering. - Kshitij Sharma, Ilias O. Pappas, Sofia Papavlasopoulou, Michail N. Giannakos:
Towards Automatic and Pervasive Physiological Sensing of Collaborative Learning. - Yu-Hui Chang, Sarah Barksdale, Lana Peterson, Cassandra Scharber:
Development of Girls' Interests and Identities in Computer Sciences Within an CSCL Environment. - Suraj Uttamchandani, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver:
Structure for Agency: Possibilities and Challenges for Adaptive Collaborative Learning Support in Educational Equity Projects. - Shono Ikeda, Jun Oshima, Ritsuko Oshima:
Epistemic Frames of Idea Evaluation in Collaboration. - Judith Uchidiuno, Evelyn Yarzebinski, Emilio Vargas-Vite, Ken Koedinger, Amy Ogan:
The Effectiveness of Publicly vs. Privately Assigned Group Leaders Among Learners in Rural Villages in Tanzania. - Denise M. Bressler, Susan A. Yoon, Katherine Miller, Jooeun Shim, Daniel Wendel, Ilana Schoenfeld, Emma Anderson, David Reider:
Perceptions of Online Professional Development: Do Newer and Experienced Teachers Differ? - Deborah A. Fields, Gayithri Jayathirtha, Yasmin B. Kafai:
Bugs as a Nexus for Emergent Peer Collaborations: Contextual and Classroom Supports for Solving Problems in Electronic Textiles. - Scott W. Greenwald, Wiley Corning, Gavin McDowell, Pattie Maes, John Winston Belcher:
ElectroVR: An Electrostatic Playground for Collaborative, Simulation-Based Exploratory Learning in Immersive Virtual Reality. - Bertrand Schneider:
Unpacking Collaborative Learning Processes During Hands-on Activities Using Mobile Eye-Trackers. - Ilana Dubovi, Victor R. Lee:
Comparing the Effectiveness of Supports for Collaborative Dialogic Sense-Making with Agent-Based Models. - Shamya Karumbaiah, Sugat Dabholkar, Jooeun Shim, Susan A. Yoon, Betty Chandy, Andy Ye:
Using Participatory Design to Facilitate In-service Teacher Learning of Computational Thinking. - Pei-Yi Lin, Huang-Yao Hong, Leanne Ma:
Advancing Elementary Students' Reading Comprehension Through Knowledge Building. - Rupal Jain, Meredith Moore:
Leveraging the Power of Collaborative Reflection to Promote Learning Through Clinical Practice. - Maria-Dorinela Sirbu, Mihai Dascalu, Scott A. Crossley, Danielle S. McNamara, Stefan Trausan-Matu:
Longitudinal Analysis and Visualization of Participation in Online Courses Powered by Cohesion Network Analysis. - Elizabeth S. Charles, Jim Slotta, Robert Cassidy, Michael Dugdale, Chao Zhang, Kevin Lenton:
How Teachers Implement Active Learning: Typologies of Orchestrational Flow. - Ishrat Ahmed, Victor Girotto, Areej Mawasi, Amanda Whitehurst, Ruth Wylie, Erin Walker:
Co-Design for Learner Help-Giving Across Physical and Digital Contexts. - Anders I. Mørch, Louise Mifsud, Siv Eie:
Developing a Model of Collaborative Learning with Minecraft for Social Studies Classrooms Using Role-play Theory and Practice. - Brigid Barron, Caitlin Kennedy Martin, Judy Nguyen:
Family Collaboration in the Digital Age: Parent Learning Partner Roles Are Linked to Child Expertise and Parents' Work. - Katherine Chapman, Ben Rydal Shapiro:
Lines We Trace: Comparing Data Displays to Support Youth Sailing. - Gaowei Chen, Kennedy K. H. Chan, Carol K. K. Chan, Jinjian Yu, Liru Hu, Jiajun Wu, Lauren B. Resnick:
Designing Learning Analytics for Teacher Learning: An Analytics-Supported Teacher Professional Development (ASTPD) Approach. - Maedeh Kazemitabar, Élise Lavoué, Susanne P. Lajoie, Rubiella Carrillo, Tenzin Doleck:
Examining the Role of Emotion Awareness and Sharing Emotions during Collaborative Learning. - Alejandro Andrade, Chris Georgen, Michael Stucker:
Using Sentence Embeddings to Automatically Extract Cohesion and Alignment Metrics in Problem-Solving Tasks. - María Jesús Rodríguez-Triana, Luis Pablo Prieto, Tobias Ley, Ton de Jong, Denis Gillet:
Tracing Teacher Collaborative Learning and Innovation Adoption: a Case Study in an Inquiry Learning Platform. - Anu Kajamaa, Kristiina Kumpulainen:
Students' Funds of Knowledge and Knowledge Creation During STEM Learning in a Computer-supported Makerspace. - Jun Oshima, Ritsuko Oshima, Ayano Ohsaki, Jin Michael Splichal:
Collective Knowledge Advancement through Shared Epistemic Agency: Socio-Semantic Network Analyses. - Martine Gadille, Maria Antonietta Impedovo:
College Goes Online With Avatars: Extended Learning in a Middle School. - Engida Gebre, Addisu Bailie:
Learning with Multiple Representations and Student Engagement in Secondary Education: A Preliminary Review of Literature. - Xiangdong Chen, Chen Guo:
The Development and Application of a Social Reading Platform and the Double-level Scaffolding. - Kate Thompson, Harry Kanasa, Susan Chapman:
Tools to Facilitate Teacher and Student Collaboration in Assessment. - Penny Thompson, Yam Chaivisit:
Telepresence Robots as Embodied Agents in the Classroom. - Kit Martin:
Mezclado: History of Our Neighborhoods in Augmented Reality. - Danielle P. Espino, Seung B. Lee, Brendan R. Eagan, Eric Hamilton:
An Initial Look at the Developing Culture of Online Global Meet-ups in Establishing a Collaborative, STEM Media-Making Community. - Toni Kempler Rogat, Britte Cheng, Andrea S. Gomoll, Temitope Adeoye, Anne Traynor, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Patrik Lundh:
Theorizing and Operationalizing Social Engagement as a Precursor to Productive Disciplinary Engagement in Collaborative Groups. - Norma Reichelt, Christine Bussian, Christoph Richter, Heidrun Allert, Lars-Arne Raffel:
Collaboration on a Massive Scale - Conceptual Implications of the Crowd. - Erica Halverson, Amy Mueller, Zhaohui Dai:
The Role of Asynchronous Digital Feedback in Youth Maker Projects. - Theodore J. Kopcha, Ceren Ocak:
Embodiment of Computational Thinking During Collaborative Robotics Activity. - Gaoxia Zhu, Leanne Ma, Andrew Toulis, Monica Resendes:
An Exploratory Study of Automated Clustering of Themes to Identify Conceptual Threads in Knowledge Building Discourse. - Daniel Rees Lewis, Matthew W. Easterday, Elizabeth Gerber:
StandUp: Engaging Professionals to Coach Design Projects. - Omid Noroozi, Arash Bayat, Javad Hatami:
Effects of a Digital Guided Peer Feedback System on Student Learning and Satisfaction. - Ahmad Khanlari, Marlene Scardamalia:
Knowledge Building, Robotics, and Math Education. - Deborah A. Fields, Cynthia Carter Ching, Victor R. Lee, Breanne K. Litts, Chase K. Mortensen, Joshua A. Danish, Megan Humburg, Bria Davis, Xintian Tu, Debora Lui, Mia S. Shaw, Gayithri Jayathirtha, Yasmin B. Kafai, Lindsay Lindberg, Robb Lindgren, James Planey, Jason Morphew, Katie Headrick Taylor, Adam Bell, Erin Riesland, Maria Hays, Deborah Silvis, Ilana Dubovi, Noel Enyedy, Rogers Hall:
Personal Embodiment, Social Enactment: Collaborative Learning With Body Technology. - Andrew Phuong, Judy Nguyen:
Evaluating an Adaptive Equity-Oriented Pedagogy on Student Collaboration Outcomes Through Randomized Controlled Trials. - Raja Lala, Marcell van Geest, Stefan Ruseti, Johan Jeuring, Mihai Dascalu, Jordy van Dortmont, Gabriel Gutu-Robu, Michiel Hulsbergen:
Enhancing Free-text Interactions in a Communication Skills Learning Environment. - Amanda Siebert-Evenstone, David W. Shaffer:
Location, Location, Location: The Effects of Place in Place-Based Simulations. - Stian Håklev, Louis Faucon, Jennifer K. Olsen, Pierre Dillenbourg:
FROG, A Tool to Author and Run Orchestration Graphs: Affordances and Tensions. - Erkan Er, Yannis Dimitriadis, Dragan Gasevic:
Synergy: An Online Platform for Dialogic Peer Feedback at Scale. - Sugat Dabholkar, Uri Wilensky:
Designing for ESM-Mediated Collaborative Science Learning. - Joey Huang, Kylie Peppler:
Studying Computational Thinking Practices Through Collaborative Design Activities with Scratch. - Fan Ouyang, Yu-Hui Chang:
An Innovative Social-Cognitive Engagement Network Representation. - Filipa Stoyanova, Nicole Krämer:
Please Don't Shoot the Messenger! Prompts in Online Learning Groups - Influences of Nudging Messages' Sender and Publicness on Recipients' Perception and Attribution. - Sarah Bichler, Sonya Richards, Lisa Hasenbein, Marcia C. Linn, Frank Fischer:
Understanding Climate Change Through Collaborative Versus Individual Inquiry With Constructive or Example-Based Scaffolds. - Sreecharan Sankaranarayanan, Xu Wang, Cameron Dashti, Haokang An, Clarence Ngoh, Michael Hilton, Majd Sakr, Carolyn P. Rosé:
Online Mob Programming: Bridging the 21st Century Workplace and the Classroom. - Fengfeng Ke, Xin Yuan, Mariya Pachman, Zhaihuan Dai, Raymond Naglieri, Xinhao Xu:
Perspective Taking in Participatory Simulation-based Collaborative Learning. - Korah J. Wiley, Allison Bradford, Marcia C. Linn:
Supporting Collaborative Curriculum Customizations Using the Knowledge Integration Framework. - Anja Amundrud, Ingvill Rasmussen:
Embedding Microblogging Technology to Support Classroom Dialogue. - Omar Ceja-Salgado, Sara Price:
Exploring the Potential of IVR Technology to Promote Collaborative Learning in Science Experiences. - Feng Lin, Sadhana Puntambekar:
Designing Epistemic Scaffolding in CSCL. - Abigail Evans, Katie Davis, Jacob O. Wobbrock:
Adaptive Support for Collaboration on Tabletop Computers. - Susan R. Goldman, Andrea S. Gomoll, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Allison H. Hall, Monlin Ko, Angela Fortune, Eleni A. Kyza, Andria Agesilaou, Kimberley Gomez, Louis M. Gomez, Emily Pressman, Katherine Rodela, Iris Tabak:
Technology-Mediated Teacher-Researcher Collaborations: Professional Learning Through Co-Design. - Saeed Latifi, Omid Noroozi, Javad Hatami, Harm J. A. Biemans:
The Impacts of Online Peer Feedback Supported by Argumentation Instruction and Argumentative Scripts on Students' Learning Outcomes. - Pei-Yi Lin, Huang-Yao Hong:
Exploring Group' Design Thinking Patterns in a Principe-based Knowledge-Building Environment. - Guangji Yuan, Jianwei Zhang, Mei-Hwa Chen:
Cross-boundary Interaction for Sustaining Idea Development and Knowledge Building With Idea Thread Mapper. - Clarissa Verish, Amanda Strawhacker, Lauren Westendorf, Christina Pollalis, Amanda Sullivan, Anna Loparev, Marina Umaschi Bers, Orit Shaer:
BacToMars: A Collaborative Video Game for BioDesign. - Tom Moher, Alessandro Gnoli:
RoomCast: Distributing Digital Resources in the Classroom of Things. - Saadeddine Shehab, Emma Mercier:
Exploring Teaching and Course Assistants' Interventions with Groups During Collaborative Problem-Solving. - Haesol Bae, Kalani Craig, Joshua A. Danish, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Suraj Uttamchandani, Maksymilian Szostalo:
Mediating Collaboration in History with Network Analysis. - Si Zhang, Wenli Chen, Yun Wen, Chee-Kit Looi, Aileen S. W. Chai, J. L. Ang:
Collaboration Script Appropriation in a Science Class. - Yael Kali, Iris Tabak, Dani Ben-Zvi, Christopher Hoadley, Hava Ben-Horin, Dror Angel, Keren Aridor, Osnat Atias, Ayelet Baram-Tsabari, Maya Benichou, Oren Golan, Yaela Golumbic, Yotam Hod, Carmel Kent, Adi Kidron, Hana Manor, Nakhi Mishol-Shauli, Carmit Pion, Sheizaf Rafaeli, Amit Rechavi, Malka Shacham, Amit Schejter, Noam Tirosh, Patrice L. Weiss, Oren Zuckerman:
A Wide Lens on Learning in a Networked Society: What Can We Learn by Synthesizing Multiple Research Perspectives? - Susan Walker, Cheuk Hei, Bosco Cheng, Alize Rattenni, Caroline Reynolds, Sam Lapham:
Parent and Educator Perspectives on the Benefits of an Online Space to Promote Offline Program Collaborative Learning. - Andrew R. Ruis, Amanda Siebert-Evenstone, Rebecca Pozen, Brendan R. Eagan, David W. Shaffer:
Finding Common Ground: A Method for Measuring Recent Temporal Context in Analyses of Complex, Collaborative Thinking. - Catherine Dornfeld Tissenbaum, Dana Gnesdilow, Nicole D. Martin, Sadhana Puntambekar:
Emergent Roles, Collaboration, and Conceptual Outcomes for Two Eighth-Grade Groups in CSCL Science Classes. - Chrysanthos Socratous, Andri Ioannou:
An Empirical Study of Educational Robotics as Tools for Group Metacognition and Collaborative Knowledge Construction. - Na Sun, Élise Lavoué, Chulakorn Aritajati, Aurélien Tabard, Mary Beth Rosson:
Using and Perceiving Emoji in Design Peer Feedback. - Philip Tubman, Phillip Benachour, Murat Öztok:
An Interactive Visualization to Enhance Social Learning Practices in MOOC Platforms. - Anna Keune, Kylie Peppler:
Child-Material Computing: Material Collaboration in Fiber Crafts.