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11th ECIS 2003: Naples, Italy
- Claudio U. Ciborra, Riccardo Mercurio, Marco de Marco, Marcello Martinez, Andrea Carignani:
Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2003, Naples, Italy 16-21 June 2003. 2003 - Owen Harte Barry, Brian O'Flaherty:
A case of 'non strategic' alignment - An IT and business unit liaison role. 139-150 - John Mingers:
A critique of statistical modelling from a critical realist perspective. 1277-1288 - Risto Rajala, Matti Rossi, Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen:
A framework for analyzing software business models. 1614-1627 - Rustam M. Vahidov, Gregory E. Kersten:
A framework for situated decision support systems. 2027-2035 - Brian Donnellan, Brian Fitzgerald:
A knowledge management application to support knowledge sharing in a design engineering community. 545-556 - Danilo Ardagna, Chiara Francalanci, Marco Trubian:
A multi-model algorithm for the cost-oriented design of the information technology infrastructure. 59-69 - Wasana Sedera, Michael Rosemann, Gabriella Doebeli:
A process modelling success model: insights from a case study. 1736-1743 - Rüdiger Zarnekow, Walter Brenner:
A product-based information management approach. 2251-2263 - Donal J. Flynn, Zahid I. Hussain:
A qualitative approach to investigating the behavioural definitions of the four-paradigm theory of information systems development. 657-671 - Lloyd Brodsky, Yao-Hua Tan:
A risk management of ASPs. 262-277 - Mario Christ, Steffan Baron, Ramayya Krishnan, Daniel Nagin, Oliver Günther:
A session-based empirical investigation of web usage. 455-460 - Se-Hak Chun, Jhung-Soo Hong, Ji-Ho Joo, Eunjin Kim, Min-Young Kim, Jae-Cheol Kim:
A strategic analysis of internet contents market in electronic commerce. 461-472 - Amany R. Elbanna:
Achieving social integration to implement ERP systems. 560-572 - Jennie Carroll, Daniel Tobin:
Acting out the future: a process for envisionment. 363-378 - Antonio Cordella, Maha Shaikh:
Actor network theory and after: what's new for IS research? 496-508 - Ryan Peterson, Alea M. Fairchild:
Adoption trends in application service provisioning: an exploratory field study of small and medium-size enterprises. 1525-1539 - Aristides Triantafillakis, Panagiotis Kanellis, Drakoulis Martakos:
An agent-based framework for materialized view maintenance in collaborative electronic commerce environments. 2001-2012 - Ben Light:
An alternative theory of legacy information systems. 1093-1111 - Jochen Franke, Tim Stockheim:
An analysis of the impact of reputation on supply webs. 672-686 - Robert Winter:
An architecture model for supporting application integration decisions. 2188-2200 - Vincenzo Morabito:
An empirical investigation of determinants to buy application services from ASPs. 1353-1363 - Weiquan Wang, Izak Benbasat:
An empirical investigation of intelligent agents for e-business customer relationship management: a knowledge management perspective. 2095-2110 - Huixian Li, John Lim, K. S. Raman:
An exploratory case study on IS implementation and organizational change in China. 1062-1072 - Christy M. K. Cheung, Matthew K. O. Lee:
An integrative model of consumer trust in internet shopping. 420-432 - Miltiadis D. Lytras, Athanasia Pouloudi, Nikolaos Korfiatis:
An ontological oriented approach on e-learning. Integrating semantics for adaptive e-learning systems. 1188-1204 - Sven Grolik, Dirk Kalmring, Dietrich Lehner, Chiara Frigerio:
Analysis of interrelations between business models and knowledge management strategies in consulting firms. 730-739 - José A. Moinhos Cordeiro, Joaquim Filipe:
Application of the theory of organized activity to the coordination of social information systems. 480-495 - Jyoti Choudrie, Anastasia Papazafeiropoulou, Heejin Lee:
Applying stakeholder theory to analyse the diffusion of broadband in South Korea: the importance of the government's role. 444-454 - Jörg Becker, Ralf Knackstedt, Thomas Serries:
Architectures for enterprise information portals: an approach to integrate data warehousing and content management. 196-211 - Ruggero Rossi De Mio:
Assessing a measure of social emotional interaction in face-to-face and virtual communication using the Bales' Method. 1289-1298 - Hannu Salmela:
Assessing the business consequences of systems risk. 1670-1682 - Philip O'Reilly, Pat Finnegan:
Assessing the performance of an electronic marketplace: a conceptual model and case study. 1437-1454 - Kamaljeet Sandhu, Brian J. Corbitt:
Assessing web-based electronic services adoption model (E-SAM). 1683-1696 - Prodromos Tsiavos, Ian Hosein:
Beyond good and evil: why open source development for peer-to-peer networks does not necessarily equal to an open society is as imbalanced as copyright law and definitely is not going to make you a better person. 2013-2026 - Roman Beck, Wolfgang König, Rolf T. Wigand:
Beyond the electronic commerce diffusion race: efficiency prevails. 173-184 - Jörg Becker, Christian Brelage, Michael Thygs, Michael Ribbert:
Conceptual design of www-based information systems. 185-195 - Sue Newell, Robert D. Galliers, Jimmy C. Huang:
Conceptualizing the three dimensions of inter-organizational communities of practice. 1391-1397 - Jesper Simonsen, Jens Kaaber Pors:
Conditions for change related to groupware in a distributed organization - a case study. 1816-1829 - Adela Mlcakova, Edgar A. Whitley:
Configuring peer-to-peer software: an empirical study of how users react to the regulatory features of software. 1299-1310 - Bjørn Erik Munkvold, Tero Päivärinta, Anne Kristine Hodne, Elin Stangeland:
Contemporary issues of enterprise content management: the case of statoil. 1364-1383 - Yvonne Arnold, Jan Marco Leimeister, Helmut Krcmar:
CoPEP: a development process model for community platforms for cancer patients. 70-71 - Sven A. Carlsson:
Critical realism: a way forward in IS research. 348-362 - Vanessa Gemmo, Rita Bissola, Andrea Carignani:
Defining prerequisites for banking web site design: the wow! approach. 694-707 - Mariagrazia Fugini, Mario Mezzanzanica:
Development of a security methodology for cooperative information systems: the cooPSIS project. 687-693 - Niki Panteli:
Discourse analysis in IS research: constructing presence in virtual organizing. 1474-1479 - Stefan Kremer, Lutz M. Kolbe, Walter Brenner:
Do you know your terms? - A procedure model for terminology management. 983-994 - Parissa Haghirian:
Does culture really matter? Cultural influences on the knowledge transfer process within multinational corporations. 740-751 - Bill Anckar:
Drivers and inhibitors to E-Commerce adoption: Exploring the rationality of consumer behavior in the electronic marketplace. 41-58 - Stefan Figge, Gregor Schrott, Jan Muntermann, Kai Rannenberg, S.-H. Chun:
Earning m-oney - a situation based approach for mobile business models. 642-656 - Agneta Ranerup:
E-careers guidance in quasi-markets for education. 1628-1641 - Xin Wei Wang, Hock-Hai Teo, Kwok Kee Wei, Choon-Ling Sia, Matthew K. O. Lee:
Effects of learning capacity and knowledge base on executive decision formation for IT adoption: an empirical study of small and medium-sized organizations. 2111-2118 - Chee-Wee Tan, Shan Ling Pan, Eric Tze Kuan Lim:
E-governance: towards a strategic convergence of stakeholder interests. 1913-1929 - Paola Bielli, Jane E. Klobas:
E-learning and SMEs: do demand and supply speak the same language? 227-238 - Cristina Cáliz Rivera, Sandra Sieber:
E-learning: designing new business education. 399-407 - Joze Kuzic, Nicholas Billington:
Electronic commerce issues in the australian manufacturing industry. 995-1002 - Robert M. Davison, Douglas R. Vogel, Joze Gricar, Roger W. Harris, Maddalena Sorrentino:
Electronic commerce on the new silk road: a cornucopia of research opportunities. 531-532 - Paul Beynon-Davies, Ian Owens, Michael D. Williams, Rebecca A. Hill:
Electronic consultation at the national assembly for Wales. 212-226 - Linda Wilkins, Tanya Castleman, Paula M. C. Swatman:
Electronic markets and service delivery: governance and related competencies in virtual environments. 2175-2187 - Walter D. Fernández, Alan Underwood:
Emerging organisations: metateams in major IT projects. 626-641 - Gregory E. Kersten:
E-negotiations: towards engineering of technology-based social processes. 948-958 - Tobias Keim, Frank Färber, Tim Weitzel:
Enhancing partner matching with recommendation systems. 942-947 - Redouane El Amrani, Frantz Rowe, Marc Bidan, Bénédicte Geffroy-Maronnat, Rolande Marciniak:
ERP implementation and change: towards a cross-functional view. 22-40 - Daniel L. Moody, Guttorm Sindre:
Evaluating the effectiveness of learning interventions: an information systems case study. 1311-1326 - Konstantina Vassilopoulou, Polyxeni Ziouvelou, Adamantia G. Pateli, Athanasia Pouloudi:
Examining e-business models: applying a holistic approach in the mobile environment. 2044-2054 - Tom Butler, Aidan Pyke:
Examining the influence of ERP systems on firm-specific knowledge and core capabilities: a case study of SAP implementation and use. 338-347 - Carl Magnus Olsson:
Exploring perceptions of IT support for road haulage companies: a qualitative interview study. 1455-1461 - Joe Peppard, Anna Rylander:
Exploring products and services in cyberspace: towards a categorisation. 1510-1524 - Richard T. Vidgen, Sabine Madsen:
Exploring the socio-technical dimension of information system development: use cases and job satisfaction. 2055-2071 - Bernard Terrill, Andrew Flitman:
Factors influencing users' satisfaction with integrative knowledge management systems - A preliminary investigation. 1960-1971 - Chris Barry, Jeremy Brown:
Finding a home for web-based information systems - perusing the landscape. 126-138 - Ghiyoung Im, Arjan Raven:
Fit and social construction in knowledge management systems. 846-853 - Emanuela Pauselli:
From e-business to knowledge e-trading. 1491-1496 - Christopher J. Hemingway, Karin Breu:
From traditional to virtual organisation: implications for work unit boundaries. 778-787 - Moez Limayem, Sabine Gabriele Hirt, Christy M. K. Cheung:
Habit in the context of IS continuance: theory extension and scale development. 1130-1140 - Eun-Young Kim, Jin-Ho Choi, Jhung-Soo Hong, Tae-Hun Kim, Se-Hak Chun:
Hybrid XML data model architecture for efficient document management. 971-982 - Claudio U. Ciborra, Daniel Osei-joehene:
ICT corporate infrastructures and risk: a dual perspective. 473-479 - Dirk Postma:
ICT enhanced communities of practice: respecting and maintaining the duality between organizations and practices. 1591-1602 - Antonio Acconcia, Alfredo Del Monte:
ICT growth and convergence between rich and poor regions. 1-11 - Marianna Sigala:
Implementing customer relationship management in the hotel sector: does IT matter? 1801-1813 - Michael T. K. Tan, K. S. Raman, Kwok Kee Wei:
Implementing inter-organizational systems (IOS) for strategic advantage: a value-flow framework. 1947-1959 - Timo Lainema:
Implications of constructivism for computer-based learning. 1003-1016 - Laurel Evelyn Dyson:
Indigenous australians in the information age: exploring issues of neutrality in information technology. 557-559 - Xianfeng Zhang, Qi Li, Yong Zhang:
Influencing factors of securities e-commerce in China. 2264-2278 - Qing Hu, Jim Quan:
Information intensity and the impact of IT investments on productivity: an industry level perspective. 822-832 - Georgios P. Papamichail, Ioannis P. Antoniadis:
Information quality issues in telco database marketing campaigns. 1480-1490 - Marius A. Janson, Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic:
Information sysems development and the participatory ethos. 854-863 - Keith S. Horton:
Information systems strategy and configurational technologies: cases from the UK public sector. 810-821 - Sebastián Bruque Cámara, José Moyano-Fuentes, M. Jesús Hernández-Ortiz, Alfonso Vargas-Sánchez:
Information technology and competitive advantage. The role of the ownership structure. 293-307 - Paul A. Pavlou, Yao-Hua Tan, David Gefen:
Institutional trust and familiarity in online interorganizational relationships. 1497-1509 - Marinos Themistocleous, Zahir Irani:
Integrating cross-enterprise systems: an innovative framework for the introduction of enterprise application integration. 1972-1988 - Hung Kit Lui, Rodger Jamieson:
Integrating trust and risk perceptions in business-to-consumer electronic commerce with the technology acceptance model. 1154-1170 - Grace Ng-Kruelle, Douglas S. Rebne, Paul A. Swatman, J. Felix Hampe:
Interfaces in adoption of an evolving innovation: an activity-theoretical perspective and the price of convenience. 1398-1410 - Michal Zaremba, Brian Wall, Jim Browne, Szymon Zaleski:
Internet enabled supply chain integration for SMEs. 2240-2250 - Richard Walker, Ivo Arnold:
Introducing virtual solutions for course design and delivery in business education: experiences from two economics courses. 2084-2094 - Margi Levy, Philip Powell, Philip Yetton:
IS alignment in small firms: new paths through the maze. 1051-1061 - Anita Mangan, Séamas Kelly:
IS and the integrated network organisation: a cautionary tale from the financial services sector. 1220-1235 - Rosemary Stockdale, Craig Standing:
Issues affecting benefit realisation in electronic marketplaces. 1871-1886 - Nikos I. Karacapilidis, Emmanuel Adamides, Christina E. Evangelou:
Leveraging organizational knowledge to formulate manufacturing strategy. 902-918 - Regit Young, Nick Letch:
Linking the emergent microsocial and macrosocial knowledge perspectives. 2232-2239 - Tom Butler, Ciaran Murphy:
Locating IT competencies in a learning organization: a case study of the development of firm specific IT resources at Analog Devices Inc.. 316-326 - Lisa K. Brown, Deemple Tailor, Philip Seltsikas:
Maintaining a CLASP (Customer Leveraged Application Service Provision) on application service providers: a lesson from german SMEs to ASPs. 278-292 - Hans van der Heijden, Lotte Sangstad Sørensen:
Measuring attitudes towards mobile information services: an empirical validation of the HED/UT scale. 765-777 - Daniel L. Moody:
Measuring the quality of data models: an empirical evaluation of the use of quality metrics in practice. 1337-1352 - Reeva M. Lederman, Graeme G. Shanks, Martin R. Gibbs:
Meeting privacy obligations: the implications for information systems development. 1035-1050 - Mikael Schönström, Sven A. Carlsson:
Methods as knowledge enablers in software development organizations. 1707-1718 - Adel Al-Taitoon, Carsten Sørensen, David Gibson:
Modern professionals and their tools ICT supporting organisational flexibility and control. 12-21 - Maria Chiarvesio, Eleonora Di Maria, Stefano Micelli:
Network technologies and local networks: evidence from a three-year survey in north east italy. 433-443 - Jannis Kallinikos:
Networks as alternative forms of organization: some critical remarks. 896-901 - Naureen Khan, Wendy L. Currie, Vishanth Weerakkody:
Offshore information systems outsourcing: strategies and scenarios. 959-970 - Hadas Weinberger, Dov Te'eni, Ariel J. Frank:
Ontologies of organizational memory as basis for evaluation. 2152-2162 - Claudia Löbbecke, Albert A. Angehrn:
Opensource platforms under coopetition: a comparative analysis of sourceforge and 'CodeX' (Xerox) as two 'coopetitive learning and knowledge exchange networks' (coLKENs). 1141-1153 - Calogero Matassa, Paolo Neirotti, Emilio Paolucci:
Organizational change and productivity growth: an empirical analysis of the Italian insurance industry. 1247-1261 - Robert Kay, Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic:
Organizational knowledge and autopoiesis: towards a new view. 927-941 - Priya Seetharaman, Souren Paul:
Organizational memory in group decision making: use of constructive group conflict. 1744-1759 - Jon B. Woodroof, DeWayne Searcy:
Outsourcing a faculty activity application through a self-service web-enabled application service provider. 2201-2220 - Theodor Barth, Yasmin Merali, David Snowden:
Panel: Facing disruption - responsive contents and technological responsability. 151-159 - Joseph Feller, Brian Fitzgerald:
Panel: Is open source revolutionising the software industry? 612-625 - Carsten Sørensen, Jan Damsgaard, Kalle Lyytinen, Daniele Pica:
Panel: Mobile interaction and pervasive social technologies. 1846-1858 - Sara Eriksén, Ina Wagner, Peter Axel Nielsen, Silvia Gherardi, Gianni Jacucci, Claudio U. Ciborra:
Panel: Situatedness, accountabilty or moods to contrast abstraction. 573-586 - Andrea Pontiggia, Claudio U. Ciborra, Domenico Ferrari, Manfred Grauer, Karlheinz Kautz, Marcello Martinez, Sandra Sieber:
Panel: Teaching information systems today: the convergence between IS and organization theory. 1571-1582 - M. Lynne Markus, Ellen Christiaanse, Jan Damsgaard, Kalle Lyytinen:
Panel: The adoption and impacts of B2B marketplaces. 1236-1246 - Dieter Bartmann, Arnaldo Camuffo, Marco de Marco, Robert Winter:
Panel: The future of distribution system in retail banking: strategy resources and technology. 160-172 - Edgar A. Whitley, Sandra Sieber, Cristina Cáliz Rivera, Mary Darking, Chiara Frigerio, Edoardo Jacucci, Michael Rill:
Panel: What is it like to do an information systems PhD in Europe? Diversity in the practice of IS research. 2173-2174 - Karlheinz Kautz, Jacob Nørbjerg:
Persistent problems in information systems development. The case of the world wide web. 919-926 - David Graham Wastell, Peter Kawalek, Michael Newman:
Plus ça change: defensive translations and resistance to IT-enabled change in local government. 2135-2151 - Christopher Bull:
Politics in packaged software implementation. 308-315 - Graeme G. Shanks, Anne N. Parr:
Positivist single case study research in information systems: a critical analysis. 1760-1774 - Michael Schwind, Tim Stockheim, Stefan Seibel:
Price controlled resource allocation for the provision of information products and services employing combinatorial auctions. 1719-1735 - Yossi Lichtenstein, Alan McDonnell:
Pricing software development services. 1073-1083 - Soumit Sain, Sascha Herpers:
Profit maximization in multi service networks - an optimization model. 1653-1669 - Henry Daniels, Bram de Jonge:
Project selection in knowledge intensive organizations based on intellectual capital scorecards. 521-530 - Roland Holten, Alexander Dreiling:
Provision of customer knowledge to supply chains. 788-793 - Josef Schiefer, Jun-Jang Jeng, Robert M. Bruckner:
Real-time workflow audit data integration into data warehouse systems. 1697-1706 - Michel Avital:
Reexamining information systems success through the information technology professionals perspective. 88-102 - Jim Hughes, Steven Jones:
Reflections on the use of grounded theory in interpretive information systems research. 833-845 - Pernille Bjørn Rasmussen:
Re-negotiating protocols: a way to integrate groupware in collaborative learning settings. 1642-1652 - Graeme G. Shanks, Jasmina Nuredini, Daniel Tobin, Daniel L. Moody, Ron Weber:
Representing things and properties in conceptual modelling: an empirical evaluation. 1775-1785 - Ramanathan Somasundaram, Jan Karlsbjerg:
Research philosophies in the IOS adoption field. 1830-1845 - Carmen Joham, Elizabeth Hobson:
Romtelecom: A systemic approach to IT policy: a new perspective for developing countries. 887-895