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GLOBECOM 2006: San Francisco, CA, USA
- Proceedings of the Global Telecommunications Conference, 2006. GLOBECOM '06, San Francisco, CA, USA, 27 November - 1 December 2006. IEEE 2006, ISBN 1-4244-0357-X
Control and Management of High Performance Networks
CAM-01: Admission and Congestion Control
- Miad Faezipour, Mehrdad Nourani:
A Customized TCAM Architecture for Multi-Match Packet Classification. - Kevin Ross, Nicholas Bambos:
Capacity Maximizing Packet Scheduling Algorithms for Interconnection Networks with Finite Buffers. - Fahad Rafique Dogar, Laeeq Aslam, Zartash Afzal Uzmi, Sarmad Abbasi, Young-Chon Kim:
Connection Preemption in Multi-Class Networks. - József Bíró:
Bandwidth Requirement Estimates Based on Asymptotic Loss Performance Analysis with QoS Constraint. - Aditya Dua, Nicholas Bambos:
Low-Jitter Scheduling Algorithms for Deadline-Aware Packet Switches. - Dongli Zhang, Dan Ionescu:
Robust and Optimal Control of Packet Loss Probability.
CAM-02: Transport Control Protocols
- Mario Baldi, Andrea Vesco:
Time-Driven Early Discard (TED) to Improve the Fairness of TCP Congestion Control. - Ioannis Psaras, Vassilis Tsaoussidis:
WB-RTO: A Window-Based Retransmission Timeout for TCP. - Christopher Marty, Mohamed A. Ali:
TERM: TCP Friendly Explicit Rate Congestion Control for MPLS Networks. - Bart De Vleeschauwer, Filip De Turck, Bart Dhoedt, Piet Demeester:
Online Management of QoS Enabled Overlay Multicast Services. - Joanna Moulierac, Alexandre Guitton, Miklós Molnár:
On the Number of MPLS LSPs using Multicast Tree Aggregation. - Peng Wang, David L. Mills:
Further Analysis of XCP Equilibrium Performance.
CAM-03: Dynamic Provisioning and Control
- Malathi Veeraraghavan, Xiuduan Fang, Xuan Zheng:
On the Suitability of Applications for GMPLS Networks. - Qiang Song, Zhaoming Li, Ibrahim W. Habib:
Cheetah Virtual Label Switch Router Design and Deployment in GMPLS Optical Networks. - Jiayue He, Mung Chiang, Jennifer Rexford:
Can Congestion Control and Traffic Engineering Be at Odds? - Tim Wauters, Wim Van de Meerssche, Filip De Turck, Bart Dhoedt, Piet Demeester, Tom Van Caenegem, Erwin Six:
Management of Time-Shifted IPTV Services through Transparent Proxy Deployment. - Isabella Cerutti, Piero Castoldi:
Influence of Label Stack Depth on the Performance of MPLS Networks. - Eric He, Xi Wang, Venkatram Vishwanath, Jason Leigh:
AR-PIN/PDC: Flexible Advance Reservation of Intradomain and Interdomain Lightpaths.
CAM-04: Dynamic Routing
- Georgia Sakellari, Maurizio D'Arienzo, Erol Gelenbe:
Admission Control in Self Aware Networks. - Mingyu Chen, Manohar N. Murthi, Kamal Premaratne, Xingzhe Fan:
A Congestion Control Method Jointly Utilizing Delay and Marking/Loss Feedback. - Essia Hamouda Elhafsi, Mart L. Molle:
Optimal Routing Between Alternate Paths With Different Network Transit Delays. - Jian Qiu, Lixin Gao:
AS Path Inference by Exploiting Known AS Paths. - Jun Li, Zhen Wu, Eric Purpus:
Toward Understanding the Behavior of BGP During Large-Scale Power Outages. - Abhishek Kashyap, Bobby Bhattacharjee, Richard J. La, Mark A. Shayman, Vahid Tabatabaee:
Single-Path Routing of Time-varying Traffic.
CAM-05: Protection and Restoration Techniques
- Michael Menth, Rüdiger Martin, Ulrich Spörlein:
Impact of Unprotected Multi-Failures in Resilient SPM Networks: a Capacity Dimensioning Approach. - Ricardo Marin, Julio Vivero, Hai Nguyen, Joan Serrat, Philipp Leitner, Martin Zach, Claire Fahy:
A Distributed Policy Based Solution in a Fault Management Scenario. - Konomi Mochizuki, Masafumi Shimizu, Seisho Yasukawa:
Multicast Tree Algorithm Minimizing the Number of Fast Reroute Protection Links for P2MP-TE Networks. - Junling Wang, Zifei Zhong, Srihari Nelakuditi:
Handling Multiple Network Failures through Interface Specific Forwarding. - Joshua B. Goldberg, Sukrit Dasgupta, Jaudelice Cavalcante de Oliveira:
Bandwidth Constraint Models: A Performance Study with Preemption on Link Failures. - Gaurav Agrawal, Deep Medhi:
Lightpath Topology Configuration for Wavelength-routed IP/MPLS Networks for Time-Dependent Traffic.
Communication Theory
CTH-01: Multicarrier Signaling Schemes
- Paschalis Tsiaflakis, Jan Vangorp, Marc Moonen, Jan Verlinden:
A Low Complexity Branch and Bound Approach to Optimal Spectrum Balancing for Digital Subscriber Lines. - Angel Lozano, Antonia M. Tulino, Sergio Verdú:
Optimum Ergodic Power Allocation for Multiuser OFDM with Arbitrary Signal Constellations. - Long Gao, Shuguang Cui, Feifei Li:
A Low-complexity Adaptive Subcarrier, Bit, and Power Allocation Algorithm for OFDMA Systems. - Xiaoyu Fu, Hlaing Minn, Cyrus D. Cantrell:
Two Novel Iterative Joint Frequency-Offset and Channel Estimation Methods for OFDMA Uplink. - P. Vijay Kumar, Reza Omrani, Joe Touch, Alan E. Willner, Poorya Saghari:
A Novel Optical CDMA Modulation Scheme: Code Cycle Modulation.
CTH-02: Error Control Coding
- Jean-Baptiste Dore, Marie-Hélène Hamon, Pierre Penard:
High Speed Decoding of Serial Concatenated Codes. - Shumei Song, Shu Lin, Khaled A. S. Abdel-Ghaffar, Zhi Ding, Marc P. C. Fossorier:
Cyclic Codes for Correcting Bursts of Errors or Erasures With Iterative Decoding. - Jeebak Mitra, Lutz H.-J. Lampe:
Simple Concatenated Codes Using Differential PSK. - Stefan Laendner, Thorsten Hehn, Olgica Milenkovic, Johannes B. Huber:
When Does One Redundant Parity-Check Equation Matter? - Miguel Griot, Andres I. Vila Casado, Richard D. Wesel:
Non-linear Turbo Codes for Interleaver-Division Multiple Access on the OR Channel.
CTH-03: OFDM Systems
- Shaohua Li, Defeng Huang, Khaled Ben Letaief, Zucheng Zhou:
Reduced Complexity Receiver Design for MIMO-OFDM Systems with Space-Time-Frequency Coding. - Taeyoon Kim, Jeffrey G. Andrews:
Balancing Pilot and Data Power for Adaptive MIMO-OFDM Systems. - Geert Van Meerbergen, Marc Moonen, Hugo De Man:
Reed-Solomon Codes Implementing a Coded OFDM Scheme for Rayleigh Fading Channels. - Kun Fang, Geert Leus, Luca Rugini:
Alamouti Space-Time Coded OFDM Systems in Time- and Frequency-Selective Channels. - Kibeom Seong, David D. Yu, Youngjae Kim, John M. Cioffi:
Optimal Resource Allocation via Geometric Programming for OFDM Broadcast and Multiple Access Channels. - Rui Zhang, John M. Cioffi:
Approaching MIMO-OFDM Capacity with Closed-Loop V-BLAST.
CTH-04: Information Theoretic Aspects of Source-Channel Coding
- Fredrik Rusek, John B. Anderson:
On Information Rates for Faster than Nyquist Signaling. - Pradeepa Yahampath:
A Multiple-Description Trellis Quantizer for Sources With Memory. - Gerhard Maierbacher, João Barros:
Source-Optimized Clustering for Distributed Source Coding. - Stefan Franz, Urbashi Mitra, Giuseppe Caire:
Capacity Bounds for Training-Based UWB Systems. - Xue-Bin Liang:
A New Iterative Algorithm for Calculating the Capacity of Discrete Memoryless Channels. - Morten Holm Larsen, Claudio Weidmann, Michel Kieffer:
Iterative Decoding of Entropy-Constrained Multiple Description Trellis-Coded Quantization.
CTH-05: Diversity Techniques
- Ravi Narasimhan:
Effect of Channel Estimation Errors on Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff in Multiple Access Channels. - Urs Niesen, Uri Erez, Devavrat Shah, Gregory W. Wornell:
Rateless Codes for the Gaussian Multiple Access Channel. - Aydin Sezgin:
On Mutual Information of Stacked OSTBC. - George K. Atia, Masoud Sharif, Venkatesh Saligrama:
Effect of Geometry on the Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff in Relay Channels. - Mustapha Benjillali, Leszek Szczecinski, Sonia Aïssa:
Evaluation of Bit Error Rate for Packet Combining with Constellation Rearrangement. - Yao Ma, Jinghua Jin:
Hybrid-Selection/Equal-Gain Combining for Non-Constant Modulus Signals.
CTH-06: Multiple Access Schemes
- Sumanth Jagannathan, John M. Cioffi:
Optimality of FDMA in Gaussian Multiple-Access Channels with Non-zero SNR Margin and Gap. - Onur Kaya:
Window And Backwards Decoding Achieve the Same Sum Rate for the Fading Cooperative Gaussian Multiple Access Channel. - Luca Reggiani, Umberto Spagnolini:
Collision Model for Bit Error Rate analysis of Time Hopping Impulse Radio in Multipath Nakagami-m Channels. - Reza Hoshyar, Ferry P. Wathan, Rahim Tafazolli:
Novel Low-Density Signature Structure for Synchronous DS-CDMA Systems. - Harish Ganapathy, Rohan Grover, Dimitrios A. Pados:
Scalable TSC-Optimal Overloading of Binary Signature Sets. - Chiang-Yu Chen, Kibeom Seong, Rui Zhang, John M. Cioffi:
Optimized Transmission for Upstream Vectored DSL Systems Using Zero-Forcing Generalized Decision-Feedback Equalizers.
CTH-07: MIMO Systems-I
- Kaibin Huang, Bishwarup Mondal, Robert W. Heath Jr., Jeffrey G. Andrews:
Effect of Feedback Delay on Multi-Antenna Limited Feedback for Temporally-Correlated Channels. - Siavash Ekbatani, Hamid Jafarkhani:
Design of Multi-Antenna Coded Modulators Using Noisy Quantized Channel State Information. - Haitong Sun, Zhi Ding:
Optimal Linear Transceiver Design for Mimo Flat Fading Channels Exploiting Channel Mean Feedback. - David W. Browne, Michael W. Browne, Michael P. Fitz:
Singular Value Decomposition of Correlated MIMO Channels. - Qianling Cao, Maïté Brandt-Pearce, Stephen G. Wilson:
Free Space Optical MIMO System Using an Optical Pre-Amplifier.
CTH-08: LDPC and Convolutional Codes
- Bo Zhou, Ying Yu Tai, Lan Lan, Shumei Song, Lingqi Zeng, Shu Lin:
Construction of High Performance and Efficiently Encodable Nonbinary Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes. - Yige Wang, Marc P. C. Fossorier:
EXIT Chart Analysis for Doubly Generalized LDPC Codes. - Alexandre Graell i Amat, Daniele Vogrig, Sergio Benedetto, Guido Montorsi, Andrea Neviani, Andrea Gerosa:
Reconfigurable Analog Decoder for a Serially Concatenated Convolutional Code. - Dariush Divsalar, Christopher R. Jones:
Protograph LDPC Codes with Node Degrees at Least 3. - Zhengang Chen, Stephen Bates, Duncan G. Elliott, Tyler L. Brandon:
Efficient Encoding and Termination of Low-Density Parity-Check Convolutional Codes. - Gil I. Shamir, Li Wang, Joseph Boutros:
Context Based Decoding of Split-LDPC Codes.
CTH-09: MIMO Systems-II
- Giorgio Taricco:
On the Capacity of Separately-Correlated MIMO Rician Fading Channels. - Yao-Nan Lee, Chao-Kai Wen, Pangan Ting, Jiunn-Tsair Chen:
A Time-Efficient Approach for Designing LDPC-Coded MIMO Systems. - Shuangquan Wang, Ali Abdi:
Statistical Characterization of Eigen-Channels in Time-Varying Rayleigh Flat Fading MIMO Systems. - David L. Milliner, John R. Barry:
A Lattice-Reduction-Aided Soft Detector for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Channels. - Julien Dumont, Philippe Loubaton, Samson Lasaulce:
On the Capacity Achieving Transmit Covariance Matrices of Mimo Correlated Rician Channels: A Large System Approach. - Marco Chiani, Moe Z. Win, Hyundong Shin:
Capacity of MIMO Systems in the Presence of Interference.
CTH-10: Space-Time Coding
- Alenka G. Zajic, Gordon L. Stüber:
Optimization of Coding Gain for Full-Response CPM Space-Time Codes. - Christian Pietsch, Jürgen Lindner:
On Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes and Packings on the Grassmann Manifold. - Kyungmin Kim, Hamid R. Sadjadpour, Rick S. Blum, Yong Hoon Lee:
Scalable Design of Space-Time Trellis Code with Low Decoding Complexity. - Sanjay Karmakar, B. Sundar Rajan:
High-rate, Double-Symbol-Decodable STBCs from Clifford Algebras. - Oliver Henkel:
Space Time Codes from Permutation Codes. - Anna-Marie Silvester, Lutz H.-J. Lampe, Robert Schober:
Diagonal Block Space-Time Code Design for Continuous-Phase Modulation.
CTH-11: MIMO Systems-III
- Sriram N. Kizhakkemadam, Dinesh Rajan:
Queuing Aspects of Multiantenna Multiple Access Channels. - Oren Somekh, Osvaldo Simeone, Yeheskel Bar-Ness, Alexander M. Haimovich:
Distributed Multi-Cell Zero-Forcing Beamforming in Cellular Downlink Channels. - Pedro C. Pinto, Moe Z. Win:
Spectral Outage due to Aggregate Interference in a Poisson Field of Nodes. - Charbel Abdel Nour, Catherine Douillard:
On Lowering the Error Floor of High Order Turbo BICM Schemes Over Fading Channels. - Daniel J. Ryan, I. Vaughan L. Clarkson, Iain B. Collings:
New Lower Bounds for Noncoherent Channel Estimation and ML Performance. - Marco Chiani, Maria G. Martini:
Performance Analysis of Frame Synchronization for Non-Uniformly Distributed Data Symbols.
CTH-12: Detection and Coded Modulation-I
- Leszek Szczecinski, Hong Xu, Xin Gao, Rolando Bettancourt:
Efficient Calculation of BER for Arbitrary Modulation and Signaling in Fading Channels. - Yan Li, Pooi Yuen Kam:
Space-time Trellis Codes Over Independent, Non-identically Distributed, Rapid, Rayleigh Fading Channels with Channel Estimation. - Yutaka Jitsumatsu, Tahir Abbas Khan, Tohru Kohda:
Gaussian Chip Waveform Together with Markovian Spreading Codes Improve BER Performance in Chip-Asynchronous CDMA Systems. - Irene Masinjara Mahafeno, Charlotte Langlais, Christophe Jégo:
Reduced Complexity Iterative Multi-User Detector for IDMA (Interleave-Division Multiple Access) System. - Ning He, Cihan Tepedelenlioglu:
Acquisition Performance Comparison of Transmitted-Reference and Coherent UWB Receivers. - Santosh V. Nagaraj, Mark R. Bell:
Analysis Techniques for Coded Modulation Based Cooperation Protocols.
CTH-13: Cooperative Networks-I
- Guosen Yue, Xiaodong Wang, Mohammad Madihian:
Design of Multiplexed Coding for User Cooperation. - Ramy Tannious, Aria Nosratinia:
Relay Channel with Private Messages. - Yifan Liang, Andrea J. Goldsmith:
Symmetric Rate Capacity of Cellular Systems with Cooperative Base Stations. - Alfonso Cano, Tairan Wang, Alejandro Ribeiro, Georgios B. Giannakis:
Link-Adaptive Distributed Coding for Multi-Source Cooperation. - Yifan Liang, Taesang Yoo, Andrea J. Goldsmith:
Coverage Spectral Efficiency of Cellular Systems with Cooperative Base Stations. - Yabo Li, Wei Zhang, Xiang-Gen Xia:
Distributive High-Rate Space-Frequency Codes Achieving Full Cooperative and Multipath Diversities for Asynchronous Cooperative Communications.
CTH-14: Detection and Coded Modulation-II
- Somasundaram Niranjayan, Norman C. Beaulieu:
On the Integrated Cross-Noise Component in Correlation Receivers. - Rolando Bettancourt, Leszek Szczecinski, Rodolfo Feick:
Analytical Method for Approximate Performance Evaluation of BICM with Iterative Demapping. - Leszek Szczecinski, Rolando Bettancourt, Rodolfo Feick:
Probability Density Function of Reliability Metrics in BICM with Arbitrary Modulation: Closed-form through Algorithmic Approach. - Emre Aktas:
Pilot-Assisted Communication Over ISI Channels Based on the Belief Propagation Algorithm. - Leszek Szczecinski, Mustapha Benjillali:
Probability Density Functions of Logarithmic Likelihood Ratios in Phase Shift Keying BICM. - Quentin H. Spencer:
Error Correction Using a Message-Passing Decoder to Process Cyclic Redundancy Checks.
CTH-15: Cooperative Networks-II
- Jinjun Xiao, Shuguang Cui, Zhi-Quan Luo, Andrea J. Goldsmith:
Linear Coherent Decentralized Estimation. - Kyoung-Lae Noh, Qasim M. Chaudhari, Erchin Serpedin, Bruce W. Suter:
Analysis of Clock Offset and Skew Estimation in Timing-sync Protocol for Sensor Networks. - Madhavan Vajapeyam, Urbashi Mitra:
Performance of Distributed Space-Time Cooperative Schemes for Underwater Acoustic Communications. - Daniele Veronesi, Dennis Goeckel:
Multiple Frequency Offset Compensation in Cooperative Wireless Systems. - Zinan Lin, Elza Erkip, Monisha Ghosh:
Rate Adaptation for Cooperative Systems. - Ramesh Chembil Palat, Annamalai Annamalai, Jeffrey H. Reed:
Efficient ABER Analysis of Bandlimited Cooperative Communication under Time Synchronization Errors.
CTH-16: Fading Channel
- Amir Nasri, Robert Schober, Yao Ma:
Unified Asymptotic Analysis of Linearly Modulated Signals in Fading and Noise. - Jinjun Xiao, Zhi-Quan Luo, Nihar Jindal:
Linear Joint Source-Channel Coding for Gaussian Sources through Fading Channels. - Amir Ali Basri, Teng Joon Lim:
Optimum Detection of Binary Signals in Rayleigh Fading Channels with Imperfect Channel Estimates. - Giuseppe Thadeu Freitas de Abreu:
Accurate Simulation of Piecewise Continuous Arbitrary Nakagami-m Phasor Processes. - Norman C. Beaulieu, Xiaodi Zhang:
On Selecting the Number of Receiver Diversity Antennas in Ricean Fading Cochannel Interference. - Ashok K. Karmokar, Vijay K. Bhargava:
Adaptive Coding and Modulation for Hybrid ARQ Systems over Partially Observable Nakagami-m Fading Channels.
CTH-17: Cooperative Networks-III
- Yindi Jing, Hamid Jafarkhani:
Using Orthogonal and Quasi-Orthogonal Designs in Wireless Relay Networks. - Ritesh Madan, Neelesh B. Mehta, Andreas F. Molisch, Jin Zhang:
Energy-Efficient Cooperative Relaying over Fading Channels with Simple Relay Selection. - Narayan Prasad, Mahesh K. Varanasi:
High Performance Static and Dynamic Cooperative Communication Protocols for the Half Duplex Fading Relay Channel.