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10th HCI 2003: Crete, Greece
- Constantine Stephanidis:
Human-Computer Interaction: Universal Access in HCI: Inclusive Design in the Information Society, Proceedings of HCI International 2003 (the 10th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction), HCI 2003, Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2003, Volume 4. Lawrence Erlbaum 2003, ISBN 0-8058-4933-5
Section 1: Universal Access and Design for All
- Julio Abascal, Nestor Garay:
Teaching design for all in HCI. HCI (4) 2003: 3-7 - Rony Abi-Aad, Daniel Sinnig, Thiruvengadam Radhakrishnan, Ahmed Seffah:
CoU: Context of Use Model for User Interface Designing. HCI (4) 2003: 8-12 - Ray Adams, Patrick Langdon:
SIMPLEX: a simple user check-model for Inclusive Design. HCI (4) 2003: 13-22 - Gunela Astbrink, Jenine P. Beekhuyzen:
The Synergies between Universal Design and User-Centred Design. HCI (4) 2003: 23-27 - Juergen Baum:
I2BN: Exemplified Best Practice for Access to Internet Resources for Handicapped User Groups. HCI (4) 2003: 28-32 - Birgit Bomsdorf:
Task Modeling for Customization of Web Applications. HCI (4) 2003: 33-37 - Silas S. Brown, Peter Robinson:
Addressing Print Disabilities in Adult Foreign-language Acquisition. HCI (4) 2003: 38-42 - Chien-Hsu Chen, Han-Ting Ke, Fong-Gong Wu:
Disability Participation to Design an Assistive Product for Cerebral Palsy Patient. HCI (4) 2003: 43-47 - Jutta Croll, Christian Bühler:
Stiftung Digitale Chancen - Digital Opportunities Foundation and Aktionsbündnis für barrierefreie Informationstechnik - Alliance for barrier free Information Technology. HCI (4) 2003: 48-52 - Jenny S. Darzentas, John Darzentas:
Design for All Key Knowledge and Skill Sets for Information and Communication Products, Services and Systems. HCI (4) 2003: 53-57 - Jon Dodd, Robert Stevens, Patrick Langdon:
Usability and Accessibility Investigation of E-Banking Registration Processes. HCI (4) 2003: 58-62 - Alexis A. Donnelly, Ronan McGuirk, Bryn Holmes:
An Assessment of Braided Learning: An Including Educational Philosophy for IT-related Education. HCI (4) 2003: 63-67 - Rana El Kaliouby, Peter Robinson:
The Emotional Hearing Aid: An Assistive Tool for Autism. HCI (4) 2003: 68-72 - Jan Engelen, Christophe Strobbe, Jenny S. Darzentas:
Teaching design for all: the needs and expectations of industry from a DfA curriculum. HCI (4) 2003: 73-77 - Gerhard Fischer:
Distributed Cognition: A Conceptual Framework for Design-for-All. HCI (4) 2003: 78-82 - Peter Forbrig, Anke Dittmar:
Interfacing Business Object and User Models with Action Models. HCI (4) 2003: 83-87 - Elizabeth Furtado, Otoni Cardoso Júnior:
A Framework to Ensure Continuous Accessibility, Acceptability and, Usability of Systems. HCI (4) 2003: 88-92 - Sigrun Goll, Jörn Krückeberg:
Multimedia Courses for Social Work Students - More than Reading a Book Online. HCI (4) 2003: 93-97 - Tommi Ilmonen, Janne Kontkanen:
Technology, Society and Mind. HCI (4) 2003: 98-102 - Tommi Ilmonen, Janne Kontkanen:
Goal-Oriented vs. Open-Ended Applications. HCI (4) 2003: 103-107 - Kristiina Karvonen, Jarmo Parkkinen, Liina Poropudas:
Investigating Mobile Use for Wearable Product Concept Design. HCI (4) 2003: 108-112 - Patrick Langdon, Ray Adams, P. John Clarkson:
Cognitive Capability Scales for Design for Participation. HCI (4) 2003: 113-117 - Takuo Matsunobe, Toshiki Yamaoka, Kei Adachi, Chitose Tanaka:
A comparison between Universal design practical guidelines and participatory design. HCI (4) 2003: 118-122 - Zdenek Míkovec, Pavel Slavík:
A structured approach to the interaction in 3D. HCI (4) 2003: 123-127 - Yehya Mohamad, Henrike Gappa, Gabriele Nordbrock, Dirk Stegemann, Carlos A. Velasco:
BIKA - Competence Center Barrier-Free Information and Communication Technologies for All. HCI (4) 2003: 128-132 - Yehya Mohamad, Carlos A. Velasco:
IDCnet - A thematic network for Inclusive Design Curricula: aims and objectives. HCI (4) 2003: 133-137 - Yukie Motomiya:
Universal Design for Information Technology: Application to Research and Development. HCI (4) 2003: 138-142 - Colette Nicolle, Martin Maguire:
Empathic Modelling in Teaching Design for All. HCI (4) 2003: 143-147 - Chika Sekine, Naoki Sakakibara:
Current Status of Universal Design for Information Technology in Japan. HCI (4) 2003: 148-152 - Thomas Spyrou, Evangelos Vlachogiannis, Argyris Arnellos, John Darzentas:
Towards a framework for creating design support environments for adaptive systems. HCI (4) 2003: 153-157 - Fong-Gong Wu, Eva Chang, Chien-Hsu Chen, Rain Chen:
Observation Threshold of Cellular Phone Represented Angles and Its Related Factors. HCI (4) 2003: 158-162 - Toshiki Yamaoka, Kazuhiko Yamazaki, Akira Okada, Sohsuke Saitoh, Masatoshi Nomura, Koji Yanagida:
A concept and method of proposed Universal Design Practical Guideline. HCI (4) 2003: 163-167 - Kazuhiko Yamazaki, Akira Okada, Sohsuke Saitoh, Koji Yanagida, Toshiki Yamaoka, Masatoshi Nomura:
Proposal for design process and user segments table for universal practical guidelines. HCI (4) 2003: 168-172 - Hidetoshi Yoshioka, Takuo Matsunobe, Toshiki Yamaoka:
Using the UD matrix to extract problems of an application form. HCI (4) 2003: 173-177
Section 2: Assistive Technologies
- Saqib Ashraf, Ian W. Ricketts:
Automated Vocabulary Collection to Allow Topical Conversation for Non-Speaking People. HCI (4) 2003: 181-185 - Laura Burzagli, Paolo Graziani:
Accessibility of web applications: different approaches for different fields. HCI (4) 2003: 186-190 - Sara J. Czaja:
Technology in the Workplace: Implications for Older Workers. HCI (4) 2003: 191-195 - Jan Ekberg:
Will the interfaces be more human in the future? HCI (4) 2003: 196-200 - Gareth Evans, Sri Hastuti Kurniawan, Alasdair King, Paul Blenkhorn:
Evaluating the Usability of Joystick Control of a Screen Magnifier with Visually Impaired Users. HCI (4) 2003: 201-205 - Ryoko Fukuda, Heiner Bubb:
Eye tracking approach for gerontechnology. HCI (4) 2003: 206-210 - Vicki L. Hanson:
A Sign Language Interface for Web-Based Bilingual / Bicultural Education of Deaf Children. HCI (4) 2003: 211-215 - Kazuyuki Kanda, Akira Ichikawa, Yuji Nagashima, Mina Terauchi, Daisuke Hara:
Non-Manual Signals in Japanese Sign Language. HCI (4) 2003: 216-220 - Yoshinori Kuno:
Intelligent Wheelchair Looking at Pedestrians and the Caregiver. HCI (4) 2003: 221-225 - Hunter Larson, James Gips:
A Web Browser for People with Quadrip legia. HCI (4) 2003: 226-230 - Leonor Moniz Pereira, Cristina Espadinha, Elisabete Saragoça:
Distance Training for the Inclusion of Low-incidence Groups. HCI (4) 2003: 231-235 - Kieran O'Neill, Annraoi M. de Paor, Malcom MacLachlan, Gary McDarby:
An Investigation into the performance of a Virtual Mirror Box for the treatment of Phantom Limb Pain in Amputees using Augmented Reality Technology. HCI (4) 2003: 236-240 - Raymond L. Ownby, Sara J. Czaja, Jarvis T. Gray, Cheryl N. Carmin:
Problems in Healthcare Website Designs: Implications for Usability and Comprehension in the Elderly. HCI (4) 2003: 241-245 - Richard Schulz:
Technology-based Caregiver Intervention Research. HCI (4) 2003: 246-250 - Robert Sinclair:
Enabling Access to the Graphical User Interface for People with Vision Impairments. HCI (4) 2003: 251-255 - Mathijs Soede:
Issues in Human Computer Interaction seen from an Assistive Technology perspective. HCI (4) 2003: 256-260 - Mina Terauchi, Yuji Nagashima, Kazuyuki Kanda:
A Research on JSL Conversation Process. HCI (4) 2003: 261-265 - Claes Tjäder:
Better accessibility to promote human-computer interaction for all. HCI (4) 2003: 266-270 - Hiroyuki Umemuro, Hajime Ogi:
Design for Older People: Standardization vs. Personal Fit. HCI (4) 2003: 271-275 - Constantinos Viglas, Georgios Kouroupetroglou:
e-AAC: Making Internet-based Interpersonal Communication and WWW Content Accessible for AAC Symbol Users. HCI (4) 2003: 276-280 - Chikamune Wada, Yasuhiro Wada:
A Proposal for a Communication Device with a Finger and a Palm for the Deaf-blind. HCI (4) 2003: 281-285
Section 3: Mobile and Ubiquitous Interaction
- Julio Abascal, Daniel Cagigas, Nestor Garay, Luis Gardeazabal:
Mobile interfaces for people with severe motor restrictions. HCI (4) 2003: 289-293 - Alessandro Andreadis, Pasquale Fedele, Giovanni Giambene, Jennifer Santoro:
Service Adaptation and Personalisation in the PALIO Project. HCI (4) 2003: 294-298 - Anne Bationo, Françoise Decortis, Julien Kahn:
Traveling Narrative and Mediated Instruments. HCI (4) 2003: 299-303 - Z. Zenn Bien, Jun-Hyeong Do, Jung-Bae Kim, Dimitar H. Stefanov, Kwang-Hyun Park:
User-friendly interaction/interface control of intelligent home for movement-disabled people. HCI (4) 2003: 304-308 - Guillaume Calvet, Julien Kahn, Pascal Salembier, Moustapha Zouinar:
"In the pocket": an Empirical Study of Multimodal Devices for Mobile Activities. HCI (4) 2003: 309-313 - Roberto Casas, Jorge L. Falcó, José Ignacio Artigas, José M. Falcó, Alfonso Gallego:
Technology for people localization in smart homes. HCI (4) 2003: 314-318 - Carmine Ciavarella, Fabio Paternò:
Supporting Access to Museum Information for Mobile Visitors. HCI (4) 2003: 319-323 - Antón Civit, Gabriel Jiménez, José Luis Sevillano, Saturnino Vicente, Fernando Díaz-del-Río:
Standard Buses for Domotics: Technology & Convergence. HCI (4) 2003: 324-328 - Karen Clarke, Keith Cheverst, Guy Dewsbury, Dan Fitton, John A. Hughes, Mark Rouncefield, Ian Sommerville, Terry Hemmings, Tom Rodden:
Cultural Probes: Eliciting Requirements for Dependable Ubiquitous Computing in the Home. HCI (4) 2003: 329-333 - David Cuartielles, Lone Malmborg, Pierre Schlaucher:
Components for a ubiquitous learning environment. HCI (4) 2003: 334-338 - Johan de Heer, Markus Eisenhauer, Vasilios Siochos:
A user evaluation study of a multi-modal mobile navigation aid. HCI (4) 2003: 339-343 - Safia Djennane, Stuart Goose:
3D audio news presentations modeling for mobile environment. HCI (4) 2003: 344-348 - Daniel Eguzkiza, Nestor Garay, Luis Gardeazabal:
Accessible User Interfaces for Smart Homes. HCI (4) 2003: 349-353 - Markus Eisenhauer, Reinhard Oppermann, Barbara Schmidt-Belz:
Mobile information systems for all. HCI (4) 2003: 354-358 - Alois Ferscha, Markus Keller:
Real World Object Annotation for See-Through Displays. HCI (4) 2003: 359-363 - Erwin Fugger, Markus Asslaber, Andreas Hochgatterer, Barbara Prazak:
Intelligent User Interface for Integrated Alert System in Tele-homecare. HCI (4) 2003: 364-368 - William W. Gaver, Andrew Boucher, Heather Martin:
Evaluating the Double-Deck Desk. HCI (4) 2003: 369-373 - Daniel Gonçalves, Joaquim A. Jorge:
Ubiquitous Access to Documents: Using Storytelling to Alleviate Cognitive Problems. HCI (4) 2003: 374-378 - Stuart Goose, Sinem Güven, Xiang Zhang, Sandra Sudarsky, Nassir Navab:
Mobile 3D Visualization and Interaction in an Industrial Environment. HCI (4) 2003: 379-383 - Jürg Gutknecht:
A new approach to Interoperability of Distributed Devices. HCI (4) 2003: 384-388 - Matina Halkia, Gary Local:
Building the Brief: Action and Audience in Augmented Reality. HCI (4) 2003: 389-393 - Vicki L. Hanson:
Facing the future: Including elderly users when considering universal access. HCI (4) 2003: 394-398 - Simon Harper, Carole A. Goble, Stephen Pettitt:
Sentinel: Universal Access to Ambient Devices. HCI (4) 2003: 399-403 - Elizabeth Hofvenschiöld, Frank Heidmann, Sylvia Eiblmaier:
Universal Design for Mobile Electronic Health Records. HCI (4) 2003: 404-408 - Demosthenes Ikonomou:
Service Challenges of Wireless Composite Networks. HCI (4) 2003: 409-413 - Achilles Kameas, Irene Mavrommati:
Re-appearing interfaces of objects. HCI (4) 2003: 414-418 - Thomas Kirste, Stefan Rapp:
Architectures for Multimodal Interactive Assistant Systems. HCI (4) 2003: 419-423 - Christophe Lachenal, Joëlle Coutaz:
A Reference Framework for Multi-Surface Interaction. HCI (4) 2003: 424-428 - Spyros Lalis:
Discovery in a Dynamically Composable Personal System. HCI (4) 2003: 429-433 - Tatiana Lashina, Fabio Vignoli, Vincent Buil, Sander van de Wijdeven, Jettie Hoonhout, Gerard Hollemans:
Decreasing the Annoyance of Your Mobile Device A Case Study in Context Awareness. HCI (4) 2003: 434-438 - Martin Maguire, Zaheer Osman:
Designing for older and inexperienced mobile phone users. HCI (4) 2003: 439-443 - Dennis Majoe:
Ubiquitous-computing enabled wireless devices. HCI (4) 2003: 444-448 - José del R. Millán:
Adaptive Brain Interfaces for Communication and Control. HCI (4) 2003: 454-458 - Yehya Mohamad, Carlos A. Velasco:
A conceptual model to support device-independent and accessible authoring and publishing by a next generation Web Publishing Framework. HCI (4) 2003: 459-463 - Mounir Mokhtari, Mohamed Ali Feki, Bessam Abdulrazak:
Human-smart environment interaction in case of severe disability. HCI (4) 2003: 464-468 - Stina Nylander, Markus Bylund:
The Ubiquitous Interactor - Universal Access to Mobile Services. HCI (4) 2003: 469-473 - Bill Papantoniou, Dimitris Nathanael, Nicolas Marmaras:
Moving Target: Designing for Evolving Practice. HCI (4) 2003: 474-478 - Jukka Riekki, Juha Röning:
Ubiquitous Computing and the Elderly. HCI (4) 2003: 479-483 - Elisa Rubegni, Maurizio Caporali:
Conceptual Architecture for Mobility Context. HCI (4) 2003: 484-488 - Anthony Savidis, Constantine Stephanidis:
Dynamic environment-adapted mobile interfaces: the Voyager Toolkit. HCI (4) 2003: 489-493 - Kimmo Tuomainen, Sanna Haapanen:
Needs of the Active Elderly for Mobile Phones. HCI (4) 2003: 494-498 - Gregg C. Vanderheiden, Gottfried Zimmermann, Shari Trewin:
A Standard for Controlling Ubiquitous Computing and Environmental Resources from Any Personal Device. HCI (4) 2003: 499-503
Section 4: Adaptation and Personalization
- Haru Ando, Sachiko Hori, Junichi Matsuda:
Animated Chatting - Universal access by Converting Text Information into Animation, Symbols, and Background Pictures -. HCI (4) 2003: 507-511 - Elisabeth André, Martin Mueller:
Learning Affective Behavior. HCI (4) 2003: 512-516 - Matteo Baldoni, Cristina Baroglio, Viviana Patti:
Applying Logic Inference Techniques for Gaining Flexibility and Adaptivity in Tutoring Systems. HCI (4) 2003: 517-521 - Paolo Buono, Maria Francesca Costabile, Stefano Paolo Guida, Rosa Lanzilotti, Antonio Piccinno:
Improving Web Interaction through Personalization. HCI (4) 2003: 522-526 - Paolo Bussotti, Maria Chiara Pettenati:
Network Shared Knowledge, Veridiction and Support to Trusted Network Relationships in an Interpretative-Semiotics Framework. HCI (4) 2003: 527-531 - Maria Francesca Costabile, Daniela Fogli, Catherine Letondal, Piero Mussio, Antonio Piccinno:
Domain-Expert Users and their Needs of Software Development. HCI (4) 2003: 532-536 - Aitor de la Puente Salan, Juan Ramón Pérez-Pérez, Sergio Ocio Barriales, Martín González Rodríguez:
Dynamic Adaptation of Navigation Models in Hypermedia: Project Tirsus, a case of Study. HCI (4) 2003: 537-541 - Boris E. R. de Ruyter:
Challenges for End-User Development in CE devices. HCI (4) 2003: 542-546 - Pier Luigi Emiliani, Alexandros Paramythis, Laura Burzagli, Constantine Stephanidis:
PALIO as an enabling platform for disabled and elderly people. HCI (4) 2003: 547-551 - Martín Gonzáles Rodríguez, María del Puerto Paule Ruíz, Juan Ramón Pérez-Pérez, Sergio Ocio Barriales:
Addressing User Interaction Requirements in Real Time using Adaptive Interactive Dialogs. HCI (4) 2003: 552-556 - Nico Jacobs, Hendrik Blockeel:
User Modeling with Sequential Data. HCI (4) 2003: 557-561 - Marcus Klann, Markus Eisenhauer, Reinhard Oppermann, Volker Wulf:
Shared initiative: Cross-fertilisation between system adaptivity and adaptability. HCI (4) 2003: 562-566 - Thomas Mandl, Christa Womser-Hacker:
Ontology Switching as Interaction Technique for the Semantic Web. HCI (4) 2003: 567-571 - Yehya Mohamad, Carlos A. Velasco, Holger Tebarth, Thomas Berlage:
Building Adaptive Training and Therapeutic Systems by Considering the User's Affective States. HCI (4) 2003: 572-576 - Philippe A. Palanque, Rémi Bastide:
User-Centered Point of View to End-User Development. HCI (4) 2003: 577-581 - Alexandros Paramythis, Chrisoula Alexandraki, Ioannis Segkos, Napoleon Maou, Constantine Stephanidis:
Personalisable, Context- aware Services: The PALIO approach. HCI (4) 2003: 582-586 - Alexandros Paramythis, Chrisoula Alexandraki, Ioannis Segkos, Napoleon Maou, Constantine Stephanidis:
The PALIO Framework for Hypermedia Adaptations. HCI (4) 2003: 587-591 - Fabio Paternò:
From Model-based to Natural Development. HCI (4) 2003: 592-596 - Christelle Petit-Rozé, Emmanuelle Grislin-Le Strugeon, Guillaume Uster, Christophe Kolski:
An Intelligent Agent-Based Personalized Information System. HCI (4) 2003: 597-601 - Volker Renneberg, Uwe M. Borghoff:
Pipelined Filter Combination in Product Personalization. HCI (4) 2003: 602-606 - Thomas Rist:
Towards a Next Generation of Embodied Conversational Characters - Making them Learn. HCI (4) 2003: 607-611 - José Rouillard:
Plastic ML and its toolkit. HCI (4) 2003: 612-616 - Giovanni Semeraro, Marco Degemmis, Pasquale Lops:
Exploiting supervised learning techniques to model user preferences: personalized e-salespersons for personalized e-stores. HCI (4) 2003: 617-621 - Alistair G. Sutcliffe, Darren Lee, Nikolay Mehandjiev:
Contributions, Costs and Prospects for End-User Development. HCI (4) 2003: 622-626 - Hironobu Takagi, Kentarou Fukuda, Chieko Asakawa:
RepairML: Linking Tools for Web Accessibility. HCI (4) 2003: 627-631 - Nikolaos Viorres, Panayiotis Koutsabasis, Argyris Arnellos, Jenny S. Darzentas, Carlos A. Velasco, Yehya Mohamad, Thomas Spyrou, John Darzentas:
An Approach for Personalisation and Content Adaptation for Accessible Internet Services Based on User and Device Profiles. HCI (4) 2003: 637-641 - Joannis Vlachakis, Helmut Beckmann:
Services and Methods for Personalized Customer Interaction. HCI (4) 2003: 642-646 - Linda White, Jenny Jerrams-Smith, David Heathcote:
How game-like tests can be used in the development of a user model for a Universal Access interface. HCI (4) 2003: 647-651 - Mehmet Mutlu Yenisey:
Can a web page layout be optimized. HCI (4) 2003: 652-656 - Vasilios Zarikas, Constantine Stephanidis:
An Influence Diagrams-Based Approach to Location Aware Mobile Computing. HCI (4) 2003: 657-661
Section 5: Access to Information
- Angelos Amditis, Ioannis Karaseitanidis, Maria Fernanda Gabrera, Evangelos Bekiaris, Joachim Machate, Juan-Carlos Naranjo:
Towards an Informatics System enabling Disabled people universal access to information and assistance services. HCI (4) 2003: 665-669 - Dario Bruzzese, Cristina Davino, Domenico Vistocco:
Parallel Coordinates for Interactive Exploration of Association Rules. HCI (4) 2003: 670-674 - Paolo Buono:
Analysing Association Rules with an Interactive Graph-Based Technique. HCI (4) 2003: 675-679 - Luís Carriço, Nuno Guimarães, Carlos Duarte, Teresa Chambel, Hugo Simões:
Spoken Books: Multimodal Interaction and Information Repurposing. HCI (4) 2003: 680-684 - Maria Cheadle, Björn Gambäck:
Robust Semantic Analysis for Adaptive Speech Interfaces. HCI (4) 2003: 685-689 - Pedro Contreras, Steven Johnstone, Fionn Murtagh, Kurt Englmeier:
Distributed Multimedia Content with P2P JXTA Technology. HCI (4) 2003: 690-694 - Thierry Declerck, Paul Buitelaar:
NLP-based knowledge markup. HCI (4) 2003: 695-699 - Kurt Englmeier:
Setting the scene for context -aware information providing. HCI (4) 2003: 700-704 - Jose Esteban Lauzan, Antonio S. Valderrabanos:
Language Independent Querying for Information Discovery (LIQUID). HCI (4) 2003: 705-709 - Mohsen M. Farid, Fionn Murtagh:
Visual User Interaction in Three Dimensional Environments. HCI (4) 2003: 710-714 - Jean-Yves Fortier, Gilles Kassel:
Modeling the information contained in an organizational memory to facilitate its access. HCI (4) 2003: 715-719 - Bas van Gils, Erik Proper, Patrick van Bommel:
Towards a General Theory for Information Supply. HCI (4) 2003: 720-724