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HPEC 2019: Waltham, MA, USA
- 2019 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference, HPEC 2019, Waltham, MA, USA, September 24-26, 2019. IEEE 2019, ISBN 978-1-7281-5020-8
- Xu Liu
, Jesun Sahariar Firoz, Marcin Zalewski, Mahantesh Halappanavar, Kevin J. Barker
, Andrew Lumsdaine
, Assefaw H. Gebremedhin:
Distributed Direction-Optimizing Label Propagation for Community Detection. 1-6 - Chuangyi Gui, Long Zheng, Pengcheng Yao
, Xiaofei Liao, Hai Jin:
Fast Triangle Counting on GPU. 1-7 - Mitchell Tong Harris, Matthew Harper Langston, Pierre-David Létourneau, George Papanicolaou, James R. Ezick, Richard Lethin:
Fast Large-Scale Algorithm for Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in 3D Media. 1-7 - Chansup Byun, Anna Klein, Peter Michaleas, Julie Mullen, Andrew Prout, Antonio Rosa, Siddharth Samsi, Charles Yee, Albert Reuther, Jeremy Kepner, William Arcand, David Bestor, Bill Bergeron, Vijay Gadepally, Michael Houle, Matthew Hubbell, Michael Jones:
Large Scale Parallelization Using File-Based Communications. 1-7 - Mauro Bisson, Massimiliano Fatica:
A GPU Implementation of the Sparse Deep Neural Network Graph Challenge. 1-8 - Cole Campton, Xiaobai Sun:
Auxiliary Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Noisy Point Cloud Registration. 1-7 - Brendan McGeehan, Flora Smith, Thao Le, Hunter Nauman, Jia Di:
Hardware IP Classification through Weighted Characteristics. 1-6 - Farah I. Kandah
, Brennan Huber, Amani Altarawneh, Sai Medury, Anthony Skjellum:
BLAST: Blockchain-based Trust Management in Smart Cities and Connected Vehicles Setup. 1-7 - Mohamed W. Hassan, Scott Pakin
, Wu-chun Feng:
C to D-Wave: A High-level C Compilation Framework for Quantum Annealers. 1-8 - Abdurrahman Yasar, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Jonathan W. Berry, Michael M. Wolf, Jeffrey S. Young, Ümit V. Çatalyürek:
Linear Algebra-Based Triangle Counting via Fine-Grained Tasking on Heterogeneous Environments : (Update on Static Graph Challenge). 1-4 - Saibal De
, Eduardo Corona
, Paramsothy Jayakumar, Shravan K. Veerapaneni:
Scalable Solvers for Cone Complementarity Problems in Frictional Multibody Dynamics. 1-7 - Arnab A. Purkayastha, Sai Raghavendran, Jhanani Thiagarajan, Hamed Tabkhi:
Exploring the Efficiency of OpenCL Pipe for Hiding Memory Latency on Cloud FPGAs. 1-7 - Mohammad Farhadi, Mehdi Ghasemi, Yezhou Yang:
A Novel Design of Adaptive and Hierarchical Convolutional Neural Networks using Partial Reconfiguration on FPGA. 1-7 - Hao Wen, Wei Zhang:
Heterogeneous Cache Hierarchy Management for Integrated CPU-GPU Architecture. 1-6 - Roger Pearce, Trevor Steil, Benjamin W. Priest, Geoffrey Sanders:
One Quadrillion Triangles Queried on One Million Processors. 1-5 - Shounak Dhar, Love Singhal, Mahesh A. Iyer
, David Z. Pan:
FPGA-Accelerated Spreading for Global Placement. 1-7 - Evan Kain, Diego Wildenstein, Andrew C. Pineda:
Embedded GPU Cluster Computing Framework for Inference of Convolutional Neural Networks. 1-7 - Andrew Prout, Anna Klein, Peter Michaleas, Lauren Milechin, Julie Mullen, Antonio Rosa, Siddharth Samsi, Charles Yee, Albert Reuther, Jeremy Kepner, William Arcand, David Bestor, Bill Bergeron, Chansup Byun, Vijay Gadepally, Michael Houle, Matthew Hubbell, Michael Jones:
Securing HPC using Federated Authentication. 1-7 - Jeremy Kepner, Kenjiro Cho, Kimberly C. Claffy
, Vijay Gadepally, Peter Michaleas, Lauren Milechin:
Hypersparse Neural Network Analysis of Large-Scale Internet Traffic. 1-11 - Anuva Kulkarni, Daniele G. Spampinato
, Franz Franchetti:
FFTX for Micromechanical Stress-Strain Analysis. 1-2 - Ahmad Abdelfattah, Stanimire Tomov
, Jack J. Dongarra:
Progressive Optimization of Batched LU Factorization on GPUs. 1-6 - Mohammad Almasri, Omer Anjum, Carl Pearson, Zaid Qureshi, Vikram S. Mailthody
, Rakesh Nagi
, Jinjun Xiong
, Wen-Mei W. Hwu:
Update on k-truss Decomposition on GPU. 1-7 - Jialing Zhang, Aekyeung Moon, Xiaoyan Zhuo, Seung Woo Son:
Towards Improving Rate-Distortion Performance of Transform-Based Lossy Compression for HPC Datasets. 1-7 - Ruslan Shaydulin
, Ilya Safro, Jeffrey Larson
Multistart Methods for Quantum Approximate optimization. 1-8 - Charles Jin, Muthu Manikandan Baskaran, Benoît Meister, Jonathan Springer:
Automatic Parallelization to Asynchronous Task-Based Runtimes Through a Generic Runtime Layer. 1-11 - Marcin Rogowski, Suha N. Kayum, Florian Mannuss:
Lossless Compression of Internal Files in Parallel Reservoir Simulation. 1-3 - Sayan Ghosh, Mahantesh Halappanavar, Antonino Tumeo, Ananth Kalyanaraman:
Scaling and Quality of Modularity Optimization Methods for Graph Clustering. 1-6 - Chansup Byun, Anne Klein, Lauren Milechin, Peter Michaleas, Julie Mullen, Andrew Prout, Antonio Rosa, Siddharth Samsi, Charles Yee, Albert Reuther, Jeremy Kepner, William Arcand, David Bestor, William Bergeron, Matthew Hubbell, Vijay Gadepally, Michael Houle, Michael Jones:
Optimizing Xeon Phi for Interactive Data Analysis. 1-6 - Adam Gjersvik, Robert J. Moss:
A Parallel Simulation Approach to ACAS X Development. 1-6 - Seher Acer
, Abdurrahman Yasar, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Michael M. Wolf, Ümit V. Çatalyürek:
Scalable Triangle Counting on Distributed-Memory Systems. 1-5 - Xiaojing An, Kasimir Gabert, James Fox, Oded Green, David A. Bader
Skip the Intersection: Quickly Counting Common Neighbors on Shared-Memory Systems. 1-7 - Louis Jenkins, Jesun Sahariar Firoz, Marcin Zalewski, Cliff A. Joslyn
, Mark Raugas
Graph Algorithms in PGAS: Chapel and UPC++. 1-6 - Mark Barnell, Courtney Raymond, Dan Brown, Matthew Wilson, Éric Côté:
Low Power Computing and Simultaneous Electro-Optical/Radar Data Processing using IBM's NS16e 16-chip Neuromorphic Hardware. 1-5 - Tao B. Schardl, Siddharth Samsi:
TapirXLA: Embedding Fork-Join Parallelism into the XLA Compiler in TensorFlow Using Tapir. 1-8 - Muthu Manikandan Baskaran, Thomas Henretty, James R. Ezick:
Fast and Scalable Distributed Tensor Decompositions. 1-7 - Shahadat Hossain, Mohammad Sakib Mahmud:
On Computing with Diagonally Structured Matrices. 1-6 - Albert Reuther, Peter Michaleas, Michael Jones, Vijay Gadepally, Siddharth Samsi, Jeremy Kepner:
Survey and Benchmarking of Machine Learning Accelerators. 1-9 - Hongkuan Zhou, Ajitesh Srivastava, Rajgopal Kannan, Viktor K. Prasanna:
Design and Implementation of Knowledge Base for Runtime Management of Software Defined Hardware. 1-7 - Connor Kenyon, Glenn Volkema, Gaurav Khanna:
Overcoming Limitations of GPGPU-Computing in Scientific Applications. 1-9 - Leonard Kosta, John Irvine, Laura Seaman, Hongwei Xi:
Many-target, Many-sensor Ship Tracking and Classification. 1-7 - James Fox, Alok Tripathy, Oded Green:
Improving Scheduling for Irregular Applications with Logarithmic Radix Binning. 1-7 - Jeremy Kepner, Simon Alford, Vijay Gadepally, Michael Jones, Lauren Milechin, Ryan A. Robinett, Sid Samsi:
Sparse Deep Neural Network Graph Challenge. 1-7 - Alexia Schulz, Ethan Aubin, Pierre Trepagnier, Allan B. Wollaber
Cyber Baselining: Statistical properties of cyber time series and the search for stability. 1-7 - Sanmukh R. Kuppannagari
, Rachit Rajat, Rajgopal Kannan, Aravind Dasu, Viktor K. Prasanna:
IP Cores for Graph Kernels on FPGAs. 1-7 - Mark Van der Merwe, Vinu Joseph, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan:
Message Scheduling for Performant, Many-Core Belief Propagation. 1-7 - J. Austin Ellis, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam:
Scalable Inference for Sparse Deep Neural Networks using Kokkos Kernels. 1-7 - Simon Alford, Ryan A. Robinett, Lauren Milechin, Jeremy Kepner:
Training Behavior of Sparse Neural Network Topologies. 1-6 - Piotr Luszczek, Ichitaro Yamazaki, Jack J. Dongarra:
Increasing Accuracy of Iterative Refinement in Limited Floating-Point Arithmetic on Half-Precision Accelerators. 1-6 - Michael Nolan, Mark Hernandez, Philip Fremont-Smith
, Albert Swiston, Kajal T. Claypool:
ECG Feature Processing Performance Acceleration on SLURM Compute Systems. 1-4 - Anthony M. Cabrera, Roger D. Chamberlain, Jonathan C. Beard:
Multi-spectral Reuse Distance: Divining Spatial Information from Temporal Data. 1-8 - Wenjia Zheng, Yun Song, Zihao Guo, Yongchen Cui, Suwen Gu, Ying Mao, Long Cheng
Target-based Resource Allocation for Deep Learning Applications in a Multi-tenancy System. 1-7 - Kai Huang, Mehmet Güngör, Xin Fang, Stratis Ioannidis
, Miriam Leeser:
Garbled Circuits in the Cloud using FPGA Enabled Nodes. 1-6 - Mauricio J. Serrano:
Efficient implementation of sparse matrix-sparse vector multiplication for large scale graph analytics. 1-7 - Siddharth Samsi, Christopher J. Mattioli, Mark S. Veillette:
Distributed Deep Learning for Precipitation Nowcasting. 1-7 - Sitao Huang, Carl Pearson, Rakesh Nagi
, Jinjun Xiong
, Deming Chen, Wen-Mei W. Hwu:
Accelerating Sparse Deep Neural Networks on FPGAs. 1-7 - Suha N. Kayum, Marcin Rogowski:
Optimal Resource Allocation for Parallel Reservoir Simulation. 1-4 - Christophe Bobda, Harold Ishebabi, Philipp Mahr, Joel Mandebi Mbongue, Sujan Kumar Saha:
MeXT: A Flow for Multiprocessor Exploration. 1-7 - Patrick Dreher, Madhuvanti Ramasami:
Prototype Container-Based Platform for Extreme Quantum Computing Algorithm Development. 1-7 - Leyuan Wang, John D. Owens:
Fast BFS-Based Triangle Counting on GPUs. 1-6 - Pooya Khorrami, Kevin Brady, Mark Hernandez, Lars Gjesteby, Sara N. Burke, Damon G. Lamb, Matthew A. Melton, Kevin J. Otto
, Laura J. Brattain:
Deep Learning-Based Nuclei Segmentation of Cleared Brain Tissue. 1-2 - Mohamad Sindi, John R. Williams:
Using Container Migration for HPC Workloads Resilience. 1-10 - Jeffrey Liu, David Strohschein, Siddharth Samsi, Andrew J. Weinert
Large Scale Organization and Inference of an Imagery Dataset for Public Safety. 1-6 - Loc Hoang, Vishwesh Jatala, Xuhao Chen, Udit Agarwal, Roshan Dathathri, Gurbinder Gill, Keshav Pingali:
DistTC: High Performance Distributed Triangle Counting. 1-7 - Yecheng Lyu, Lin Bai, Mahdi Elhousni, Xinming Huang:
An Interactive LiDAR to Camera Calibration. 1-6 - Bruce R. Jordan, David J. Barrett, David Burke, Patrick Jardin, Amelia Littrell, Paul Monticciolo, Michael Newey, Jean E. Piou, Kara Warner:
Singularity for Machine Learning Applications - Analysis of Performance Impact. 1-6 - Matthew Harper Langston, Mitchell Tong Harris, Pierre-David Letourneau, Richard Lethin, James R. Ezick:
Combinatorial Multigrid: Advanced Preconditioners For Ill-Conditioned Linear Systems. 1-7 - Chun-Xun Lin, Tsung-Wei Huang, Guannan Guo, Martin D. F. Wong
An Efficient and Composable Parallel Task Programming Library. 1-7 - Dan Padilha, Serge Weinstock, Mark Hodson:
QxSQA: GPGPU-Accelerated Simulated Quantum Annealer within a Non-Linear Optimization and Boltzmann Sampling Framework. 1-8 - Abdelrahman Elkanishy, Derrick T. Rivera, Abdel-Hameed A. Badawy, Paul M. Furth, Z. M. Saifullah, Christopher P. Michael:
An FPGA Decision Tree Classifier to Supervise a Communication SoC. 1-6 - Luke Kljucaric
, Alan D. George
Deep-Learning Inferencing with High-Performance Hardware Accelerators. 1-7 - Yehia Arafa, Abdel-Hameed A. Badawy, Gopinath Chennupati, Nandakishore Santhi
, Stephan J. Eidenbenz:
Low Overhead Instruction Latency Characterization for NVIDIA GPGPUs. 1-8 - V. M. Krushnarao Kotteda
, Anitha Kommu
, Vinod Kumar:
A data-driven framework for uncertainty quantification of a fluidized bed. 1-7 - Brian Plancher
, Camelia D. Brumar, Iulian Brumar, Lillian Pentecost
, Saketh Rama, David Brooks:
Application of Approximate Matrix Multiplication to Neural Networks and Distributed SLAM. 1-7 - Mark P. Blanco, Tze Meng Low
, Kyungjoo Kim:
Exploration of Fine-Grained Parallelism for Load Balancing Eager K-truss on GPU and CPU. 1-7 - Dominik Tödling, Martin Winter
, Markus Steinberger:
Breadth-First Search on Dynamic Graphs using Dynamic Parallelism on the GPU. 1-7 - Alan Ehret, Karen Gettings, Bruce R. Jordan, Michel A. Kinsy:
A Survey on Hardware Security Techniques Targeting Low-Power SoC Designs. 1-8 - Santosh Pandey
, Xiaoye Sherry Li, Aydin Buluç
, Jiejun Xu, Hang Liu:
H-INDEX: Hash-Indexing for Parallel Triangle Counting on GPUs. 1-7 - Rebecca Wild, Matthew Hubbell, Jeremy Kepner:
Optimizing the Visualization Pipeline of a 3-D Monitoring and Management System. 1-5 - Mohammad Hasanzadeh-Mofrad, Rami G. Melhem, Muhammad Yousuf Ahmad, Mohammad Hammoud:
Multithreaded Layer-wise Training of Sparse Deep Neural Networks using Compressed Sparse Column. 1-6 - Marcin Rogowski, Suha N. Kayum:
Evaluation of the Imbalance Evolution in Parallel Reservoir Simulation. 1-7 - Richard Muri, Paul J. Fortier:
Embedded Processor-In-Memory Architecture for Accelerating Arithmetic Operations. 1-7 - Xiaoyun Wang, Zhongyi Lin, Carl Yang, John D. Owens:
Accelerating DNN Inference with GraphBLAS and the GPU. 1-6 - Pruthvy Yellu, Zhiming Zhang, Mohammad Mezanur Rahman Monjur, Ranuli Abeysinghe, Qiaoyan Yu:
Emerging Applications of 3D Integration and Approximate Computing in High-Performance Computing Systems: Unique Security Vulnerabilities. 1-7 - Majid Rasouli, Vidhi Zala
, Robert M. Kirby, Hari Sundar:
Scalable Lazy-update Multigrid Preconditioners. 1-7 - Nikos Pitsianis, Alexandros-Stavros Iliopoulos, Dimitris Floros, Xiaobai Sun:
Spaceland Embedding of Sparse Stochastic Graphs. 1-8 - Jianzong Wang
, Zhangcheng Huang, Lingwei Kong, Jing Xiao, Pengyu Wang, Lu Zhang, Chao Li:
Performance of Training Sparse Deep Neural Networks on GPUs. 1-5 - Jeremy Kepner, Michael Houle, Michael Jones, Anne Klein, Peter Michaleas, Julie Mullen, Andrew Prout, Antonio Rosa, Charles Yee, Albert Reuther, Vijay Gadepally, Lauren Milechin, Siddharth Samsi, William Arcand, David Bestor, William Bergeron, Chansup Byun, Matthew Hubbell:
Streaming 1.9 Billion Hypersparse Network Updates per Second with D4M. 1-6 - Mihailo Isakov, Vijay Gadepally, Karen M. Gettings, Michel A. Kinsy:
Survey of Attacks and Defenses on Edge-Deployed Neural Networks. 1-8 - Darrell O. Ricke, James Watkins, Philip Fremont-Smith
, Adam Michaleas
IdPrism: Rapid Analysis of Forensic DNA Samples Using MPS SNP Profiles. 1-5 - Christophe Bobda, Taylor J. L. Whitaker, Joel Mandebi Mbongue, Sujan Kumar Saha:
Synthesis of Hardware Sandboxes for Trojan Mitigation in Systems on Chip. 1-6 - Allan B. Wollaber
, Jaime Peña, Benjamin Blease, Leslie Shing, Kenneth Alperin, Serge Vilvovsky, Pierre C. Trepagnier, Neal Wagner, Leslie Leonard:
Proactive Cyber Situation Awareness via High Performance Computing. 1-7 - Ronald Scrofano, Douglas P. Enright, George C. Valley:
Applying Neuromorphic Computing to Compressive Sensing. 1-2 - Philip Colangelo, Oren Segal, Alexander Speicher, Martin Margala:
Artificial Neural Network and Accelerator Co-design using Evolutionary Algorithms. 1-8 - Cong Wang
, Komal Thareja, Michael J. Stealey, Paul Ruth
, Ilya Baldin
COMET: A Distributed Metadata Service for Federated Cloud Infrastructures. 1-7 - Frank Wanye
, Vitaliy Gleyzer, Wu-chun Feng:
Fast Stochastic Block Partitioning via Sampling. 1-7 - Carl Pearson, Mohammad Almasri, Omer Anjum, Vikram S. Mailthody
, Zaid Qureshi, Rakesh Nagi
, Jinjun Xiong
, Wen-Mei W. Hwu:
Update on Triangle Counting on GPU. 1-7 - Timothy A. Davis, Mohsen Aznaveh, Scott P. Kolodziej:
Write Quick, Run Fast: Sparse Deep Neural Network in 20 Minutes of Development Time via SuiteSparse: GraphBLAS. 1-6 - Hao Wen, Wei Zhang:
Improving Parallelism of Breadth First Search (BFS) Algorithm for Accelerated Performance on GPUs. 1-7 - James R. Ezick, Ben Parsons, William Glodek, Tom Henretty, Muthu Manikandan Baskaran, Richard Lethin, John Feo, Tai-Ching Tuan, Christopher J. Coley, Leslie Leonard, Rajeev Agrawal:
Combining Tensor Decompositions and Graph Analytics to Provide Cyber Situational Awareness at HPC Scale. 1-7 - Marija Ilic, Rupamathi Jaddivada:
Introducing DyMonDS-as-a-Service (DyMaaS) for Internet of Things. 1-9 - Chunxing Yin, E. Jason Riedy:
Concurrent Katz Centrality for Streaming Graphs. 1-6 - David Brayford
, Sofia Vallecorsa, Atanas Atanasov, Fabio Baruffa, Walter Riviera:
Deploying AI Frameworks on Secure HPC Systems with Containers. 1-6

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