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ICIT 2015: Seville, Spain
- IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2015, Seville, Spain, March 17-19, 2015. IEEE 2015, ISBN 978-1-4799-7800-7
- Fabian Kennel, Dimitri Morgenstern, Steven Liu
A comparison of different control methods for injection valves. 22-27 - Long Xu, Xinghuo Yu
, Yong Feng
, Fengling Han
, Jiankun Hu
, Zahir Tari
A fast terminal sliding mode observer for TCP/IP network anomaly traffic detection. 28-33 - Daisuke Chugo, Masahiro Goto, Satoshi Muramatsu, Sho Yokota
, Yuki Sakaida, Hiroshi Hashimoto:
A manual wheelchair assistance system which cancels a gravitational force on a slope. 34-39 - Qinyuan Ren
, Jianxin Xu, Xuefang Li:
A motion control approach for a robotic fish with iterative feedback tuning. 40-45 - Yuki Nagatsu, Seiichiro Katsura:
A motion reproduction method for training system based on spatiotemporal admittance control. 46-51 - Hyung Tae Kim, Cheol Woong Ko, Gwan Yeon Kim, Joon Hmm Lee, Tae Soo Bae:
A motorized and easy-docking wheelchair drive for persons with lower-limb disabilities. 52-56 - Hajer Thabet, Mounir Ayadi
, Frédéric Rotella:
A new adaptive controller for a two-tank-system based on algebraic derivation techniques. 57-62 - Marino Watanabe, Yukinori Nakamura, Shinji Wakui:
A setting method of initial conditions in particle swarm optimization for positioning of a linear stage. 63-68 - Muhammad Shafiq
, Hasan A. Yousef
, Taha Al-Saadi:
A time efficient nonlinear tracking controller. 69-73 - Darko Trivun, Edin Salaka, Dinko Osmankovic, Jasmin Velagic, Nedim Osmic
Active SLAM-based algorithm for autonomous exploration with mobile robot. 74-79 - Hassan A. Yousef
, Hisham M. Soliman, Muhammad Shafiq
Adaptive fuzzy delayed excitation control of power systems. 80-84 - Vedran Bobanac, Mario Vasak
Adaptive H∞ control of large wind turbines. 85-92 - Luis Seabra
ALFA detector control system. 93-98 - Woongyong Lee, Min Jun Kim, Wan Kyun Chung:
An approach to development of electro hydrostatic actuator (EHA)-based robot joints. 99-106 - Masahide Ito, Shuya Urai, Masaaki Shibata:
An estimation recovery method of depth observers by periodic image-based visual servoing. 107-112 - Mohamed Adel Sellami, Imen Dakhli, Elyes Maherzi, Mongi Besbes
An LMI-based robust dynamic controller design for the improvement of robot behavior walk, ZMP based. 113-118 - Satoru Goto, Yukinori Nakamura, Shinji Wakui:
Attitude control of pneumatic active anti-vibration apparatuses with two degrees-of-freedom in shutdown process. 119-124 - Yang Liao, Zhihao Zhou, Qining Wang
BioKEX: A bionic knee exoskeleton with proxy-based sliding mode control. 125-130 - Lorinc Márton, Csaba Nagy, Zalán Biró-Ambrus, Katalin György:
Calibration and measurement processing for ultrasonic indoor mobile robot localization systems. 131-136 - Angelika Zube
Cartesian nonlinear model predictive control of redundant manipulators considering obstacles. 137-142 - Tetsuzo Sakamoto, Yosuke Isamu, Akira Kubohira:
Closed-loop identification and instability of web transport system. 143-148 - Jorge L. Martínez
, Jesús Morales, Antonio J. Reina
, Anthony Mandow
, Alejandro Pequeño-Boter, Alfonso García-Cerezo
Construction and calibration of a low-cost 3D laser scanner with 360° field of view for mobile robots. 149-154 - Ziyue Wang, Shinji Wakui, Yukinori Nakamura:
Control of an air spring type anti-vibration apparatus with an inverse function for shape of pressure frequency characteristic. 155-160 - Raul-Cristian Roman
, Mircea-Bogdan Radac
, Radu-Emil Precup
, Emil M. Petriu:
Data-driven optimal model-free control of twin rotor aerodynamic systems. 161-166 - Sungbok Kim:
Design and analysis of 3 DOF mobile robot traveling simulator using optical mice. 167-172 - Gabriela Guevara, José Lima
, Paulo Leitão
, Maria do Carmo Baptista:
Development of a robotic prototype system for the preparation and partition of radioactive products. 173-178 - Haiyang Ding, Mazen Alamir
, François Bonne, Ahmad Hably
, Patrick Bonnay:
Distributed cooperative control framework of a cryogenic system. 179-186 - Dil Kumar T. R
, S. J. Mija:
Dynamic SMC control scheme with adaptively tuned PID controller for speed control of DC motor. 187-191 - Akos Csiszar, Philipp Sommer, Armin Lechler:
EcoBotics: Advantages and challenges of building a bamboo robot arm. 192-197 - Ren C. Luo, Cheng-Hsun Hsieh, Shih-Che Chou:
Effective visual calibration system for parallel robot using decision tree with cooperative coevolution network approach. 198-203 - Naoki Uchiyama, Hiroki Takahashi, Shigenori Sano:
Electric wheelchair control for avoidance of collision and downhill turning. 204-209 - Md. Ashiqur Rahman, Sohel Anwar, Afshin Izadian
Electrochemical model based fault diagnosis of a lithium ion battery using multiple model adaptive estimation approach. 210-217 - Alejandro Garcia-Dominguez:
Enabling SCADA cluster and cloud for smart grid using hierarchical multicast; the PTMF framework. 218-225 - Jinhua She, Yaodong Pan, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Qi Lei, Min Wu:
Equivalent-input-disturbance approach enables sliding-mode control systems to reject unmatched disturbances. 226-231 - Milton Cesar Paes Santos, Lucas Vago Santana
, Maria M. Martins, Alexandre Santos Brandão
, Mário Sarcinelli Filho
Estimating and controlling UAV position using RGB-D/IMU data fusion with decentralized information/Kalman filter. 232-239 - Diego Manuel Martínez Gila
, Pablo Cano Marchal
, Javier Gámez García, Juan Gómez Ortega:
Extractability control for the virgin olive oil elaboration process. 240-245 - Luís Brito Palma
, Bruno Gomes Ferreira, Paulo Sousa Gil
, Fernando Vieira Coito
Fault detection and diagnosis approach based on observers and SVD-PCA. 246-251 - Takayuki Kubo, Kazuhiro Yubai, Alireza Karimi
, Daisuke Yashiro, Junji Hirai:
Fixed-order SISO controller design for H∞ loop shaping method using frequency responses. 252-257 - Anderson Crivella de Carvalho Rodrigues, Paulo Fernando Ferreira Rosa:
Fixed-wing state level HIL via factor graph incremental smoothing. 258-264 - Nobuto Yoshimura, Yoshiki Ohno, Kouhei Ohnishi:
Force-based control scheme for stable contact motion in time-delayed teleoperation. 265-270 - Arindam Chakraborty
, Jayati Dey:
Global stabilization of cart-pendulum system with sliding mode controller: Experimental results. 277-282 - Tomohiro Nakano, Koyo Yu, Kouhei Ohnishi:
Human task reproduction with Gaussian mixture models. 283-288 - Fernando Alfredo Auat Cheeín, Daniel Herrera, Javier Gimenez
, Ricardo O. Carelli
, Miguel Torres-Torriti
, Joan Ramón Rosell-Polo
, Alexandre Escolà, Jaume Arnó
Human-robot interaction in precision agriculture: Sharing the workspace with service units. 289-295 - Masoud Vaezi
, E. Shoori J. Hesam, Sohel Anwar:
IMC-PID traction control system for an automobile via engine torque control. 296-302 - Guoyuan Li
, Wei Li, Houxiang Zhang, Jianwei Zhang:
Integration of sensory feedback into CPG model for locomotion control of caterpillar-like robot. 303-308 - Tony Camarano, Jonathan Beck, Bin Li, Wei Wu, Louis Chow, Thomas Wu, Don Drumm, Martin Lebouitz, David Napolitano:
Kinematic and dynamic modeling of robot manipulator for golf swing training system. 309-314 - Masafumi Hashimoto, Atsushi Tsuji, Azusa Nishio, Kazuhiko Takahashi:
Laser-based tracking of groups of people with sudden changes in motion. 315-320 - Muhammad Saleheen Aftab
, Muhammad Shafiq
, Hasan A. Yousef
Lyapunov stability criterion based neural inverse tracking for unknown dynamic plants. 321-325 - Jesús de la Casa Cárdenas, Alejandro Sánchez García
, Silvia Satorres Martínez, Javier Gámez García, Juan Gómez Ortega:
Model predictive position/force control of an anthropomorphic robotic arm. 326-331 - Serge Gale, Arnfinn Aas Eielsen, Jan Tommy Gravdahl
Modelling and simulation of a flywheel based energy storage system for an industrial manipulator. 332-337 - Jasmin Velagic, Mirza Kadric:
Multiple switching model predictive control of variable-speed horizontal wind turbine. 338-344 - Nafiseh Osati Eraghi, Fernando J. López-Colino
, Angel de Castro
, Javier Garrido Salas:
NafisNav: An indoor navigation algorithm for embedded systems and based on grid maps. 345-350 - Daniel Beckmann, Moritz Schappler
, Matthias Dagen, Tobias Ortmaier:
New approach using flatness-based control in high speed positioning: Experimental results. 351-356 - Trygve Utstumo, Therese W. Berge, Jan Tommy Gravdahl
Non-linear model predictive control for constrained robot navigation in row crops. 357-362 - Joe Imae, Masakatsu Kawanoue, Tomoaki Kobayashi:
Optimal feedback control of nonlinear systems with a finite horizon based on HJ equations. 363-365 - Mircea-Bogdan Radac
, Radu-Emil Precup
, Emil M. Petriu:
Optimal motion prediction using a primitive-based model-free iterative control approach for crane systems. 366-372 - Pavel Dzitac, Abdul Md. Mazid, M. Yousef Ibrahim, Gayan Kahandawa Appuhamillage
, Tanveer A. Choudhury:
Optimal sensing requirement for slippage prevention in robotic grasping. 373-378 - Francisco Ibarra, Mario Salgado:
Optimal tracking control for linear stable tall plants. 379-384 - Nikola Hure, Robi Turnar, Mario Vasak
, Goran Bencic:
Optimal wind turbine yaw control supported with very short-term wind predictions. 385-391 - Stanislav A. Goll
, Vladimir E. Korneev, Sergey M. Karabanov
, Dmitry V. Suvorov
, Gennadiy P. Gololobov
, Dmitry Yu. Tarabrin
Optionally filling scalable complex of universal DC motor controllers and multisensory converters for mobile robotics. 392-398 - Paolo Lino, Guido Maione
, Mirna N. Kapetina
, Milan R. Rapaic:
Parameter estimation in non-linear models of pressure dynamics in CNG injection systems. 399-404 - Arindam Chakraborty
, Jayati Dey:
Performance comparison between sliding mode control and periodic controller for cart-inverted pendulum system. 405-410 - Laura Niva, Enso Ikonen
, Jenö Kovács:
Plant-wide control approach in a pilot CFB boiler. 411-416 - Kazuyoshi Hatada, Kentaro Hirata, Takuma Sato:
Power assisting method for almost-periodic motions based on motion prediction. 417-422 - Yoshiki Ohno, Nobuto Yoshimura, Kouhei Ohnishi:
Power-based damping injection for bilateral control systems under time delay. 423-428 - Akira Ichinose, Takumi Matsumura, Noriko Kimura, Satoshi Suzuki:
Preliminary experiments to the develop of assistance system of driving skill using expansion of body schema. 429-433 - Quoc Viet Dang, Benyamine Allouche, Antoine Dequidt
, Laurent Vermeiren, V. Dubreucq:
Real-time control of a force feedback haptic interface via EtherCAT fieldbus. 441-446 - Yuki Noguchi, Yukinori Nakamura, Shinji Wakui:
Repetitive control for pneumatic anti-vibration apparatuses under a multi-loop control system. 447-452 - Ionut Muntean
, Roxana Both
, Ruben Crisan, Ioan Nascu:
RGA analysis and decentralized control for a wastewater treatment plant. 453-458 - Ahmet Denker, Ahmet Ugur Dilek, Baykal Sarioglu
, Janset Savas, Yigit Daghan Gokdel:
RoboSantral: An autonomous mobile guide robot. 459-463 - Yannick Martz, Dominique Knittel
Robust control in industrial roll-to-roll systems: New approaches using finite element modeling of the web. 464-469 - Civan Artun Cansalar, Ertan Mavis, Cosku Kasnakoglu
Simulation time analysis of MATLAB/Simulink and LabVIEW for control applications. 470-473 - Jimmy Alison Jørgensen, Nadezda Rukavishnikova, Norbert Krüger
, Henrik Gordon Petersen
Spatial constraint identification of parts in SE3 for action optimization. 474-480 - Yoshiyuki Kambara, Seiji Uozumi, Kouhei Ohnishi:
Stability analysis of bilateral control by considering environmental impedance and modeling error. 481-486 - Maude-Josée Blondin, Pierre Sicard:
Statistical convergence analysis of ACO - NM for PID controller tuning. 487-492 - Koyo Yu, Seiji Uozumi, Kouhei Ohnishi, Shin Usuda, Hiromasa Kawana, Taneaki Nakagawa:
Stereo vision based robot navigation system using modulated potential field for implant surgery. 493-498 - Marko Gulin
, Jadranko Matusko, Mario Vasak
Stochastic model predictive control for optimal economic operation of a residential DC microgrid. 505-510 - Shota Katayama, Shinji Wakui, Yukinori Nakamura:
Suppression methods of temperature change in an air spring for anti-vibration apparatuses. 511-516 - Imanol Echevarria, Joseba Lasa, Pablo Casado
, Alberto Dominguez, Inigo Eguizabal, Mikel Lizeaga, Raul Perez, Oscar Berenguer:
Test bench for helicopter electro mechanical actuation system validation: Design and validation of dedicated test bench for aeronautical electromechanical actuators. 517-523 - Filippo Sanfilippo, Houxiang Zhang, Kristin Ytterstad Pettersen
The new architecture of ModGrasp for mind-controlled low-cost sensorised modular hands. 524-529 - Jong Tai Jang, Sung Tae Moon, Sanghyuck Han, Hyeon Cheol Gong, Gi-Hyuk Choi, In Hee Hwang, Joon Lyou:
Trajectory generation with piecewise constant acceleration and tracking control of a quadcopter. 530-535 - Jinhong Noh, Jaehyung Park, Haiyun Wang, Jonghun Park, Seongryong Chang, Ukyoul Huh:
Trajectory planning toward the waypoint for mobile robot. 536-539 - Giulio Reina
, Annalisa Milella
, Raphaël Rouveure:
Traversability analysis for off-road vehicles using stereo and radar data. 540-546 - El Houssein Chouaib Harik
, François Guerin, Frédéric Guinand
, Jean-François Brethé, Hervé Pelvillain:
UAV-UGV cooperation for objects transportation in an industrial area. 547-552 - Seiji Uozumi, Shuhei Shimizu, Takuya Matsunaga, Tomohiro Nakano, Kouhei Ohnishi:
Verification of Twist Drive system and its application to haptic robot hand. 553-558 - Mujahed Al Dhaifallah, Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar
Wiener modeling and identification of a reverse osmosis desalination process using least square support vector machine. 559-563 - Christian A. Rojas
, Juan I. Yuz, Matias Aguirre, José Rodríguez:
A comparison of discrete-time models for model predictive control of induction motor drives. 568-573 - Sami Najar, Jean-François Tissier, Sébastien Cauet
, Erik Etien
A coupled thermal and electrical soft sensor for ONAN distribution transformers. 574-579 - Ayman S. Abdel-Khalik
, Shehab Ahmed, Ahmed M. Massoud
A five-phase linear induction machine with planar modular winding. 580-585 - Wesley Doorsamy
, Willie A. Cronje:
A method for fault detection on synchronous generators using modified principal component analysis. 586-591 - A. Madhukar Rao, N. Kiran Kumar, K. Sivakumar:
A multi-level inverter configuration for 4n pole induction motor drive by using conventional two-level inverters. 592-597 - Michael H. Bierhoff, Christoph Rhinow:
A simple DC bus voltage control method for self excited squirrel cage induction generators. 598-603 - Tomoya Yokoyama, Hisao Kubota:
Acoustic noise characteristics in position sensorless control for IPMSM based on EEMF and voltage injection synchronized with PWM carrier. 604-609 - Alberto Gaeta, Pericle Zanchetta, Fabio Tinazzi
, Mauro Zigliotto
Advanced self-commissioning and feed-forward compensation of inverter non-linearities. 610-616 - Geoffrey Lossa, François Vallée
, Zacharie De Grève, Marc Delhaye:
An original method for measuring the stator leakage reactance of synchronous machines. 617-622 - Bin Li, Tony Camarano, Jonathan Beck, Wei Wu, Louis Chow, Thomas Wu, Don Drumm, Martin Lebouitz, David Napolitano:
Analysis and modeling of modular curved linear permanent magnet motor. 623-628 - Piotr Serkies, Krzysztof Szabat:
Application of moving horizon observer for state estimation in drive system with elastic coupling. 629-633 - Krzysztof Drozdz, Teresa Orlowska-Kowalska, Krzysztof Szabat:
Application of the modified fuzzy Kalman filter to states estimation of the two-mass system. 634-639 - Khomkrit Kaenthong, Vittaya Tipsuwanporn, Arjin Numsomran
, Anuchit Charean:
Asymmetrical two-phase induction motor speed controlled with 3-leg voltage source inverter. 640-645 - Lovemore Gunda, Nkosinathi Gule
Brush-DC equivalent control based delta modulation for a PWM inverter-fed nine phase induction machine drive. 646-651 - Hassan Zaytoon, Ayman S. Abdel-Khalik
, Shehab Ahmed, Ahmed M. Massoud
Cogging torque reduction of axial magnetic gearbox using pole pairing technique. 652-657 - Petrica Taras, Guang-Jin Li
, Zi-Qiang Zhu:
Comparative study of alternative modular switched flux permanent magnet machines. 658-663 - Xi-yun Ma
, Guang-Jin Li
, Geraint Wyn Jewell, Zi-Qiang Zhu:
Comparative study of short-pitched and fully-pitched SRMs supplied by sine wave currents. 664-670 - Sashidhar Sashidhar, Baylon G. Fernandes:
Comparison of a ferrite based single, three-phase spoke and surface permanent magnet BLDC motor for a PV submersible water pump. 671-676 - Sava Marinkov, Bram de Jager:
Control of a high-speed Switched Reluctance Machine using only the DC-link measurements. 677-682 - Marcelo Vasquez, Jorge Pontt, Victor Arredondo:
Cycloconverter interharmonics current analysis under unbalanced load based on a real-time simulation. 683-689 - Ömür Aydogmus, Erkan Deniz
Design of a two-phase PMSM fed by an AC-AC converter. 690-695 - Vaibhav Gholase, Baylon G. Fernandes:
Design of efficient BLDC motor for DC operated mixer-grinder. 696-701 - Nasser Yousef Braiwish, Fatih J. Anayi
, Ashraf A. Fahmy
, Eldaw Eldukhri
Design optimization comparison of BLPM traction motor using bees and Genetic Algorithms. 702-707 - Rafael K. Jardan, Zoltán Varga, Peter Stumpf, István Nagy, Christian Endisch
, Peter Sipos, Miklós Simon:
Development of a dedicated laboratory system for measurement of iron losses in high speed PMSM. 708-713 - Mateusz Dybkowski
, Krzysztof Szabat:
Direct torque control of induction motor drive system with adaptive sliding-mode neuro-fuzzy compensator. 714-719 - Raja Ram Kumar
, Santosh Kumar Singh
, R. K. Srivastava:
Effect of magnetic trajectories in a magnetically coupled dual stator five phase PMSG. 720-725 - Cédric Somers, Cynthia Moussa, Kamal Al-Haddad:
Emergency DC injection braking system. 726-730 - Stefan Windmann, Oliver Niggemann
, Heiko Stichweh:
Energy efficiency optimization by automatic coordination of motor speeds in conveying systems. 731-737 - Erkan Deniz
, Ömür Aydogmus, Zafer Aydogmus:
GA-based optimization and ANN-based SHEPWM generation for two-level inverter. 738-744 - Tomislav Loncarek, Vinko Lesic, Mario Vasak
Increasing accuracy of Kalman filter-based sensorless control of wind turbine PM synchronous generator. 745-750 - Clemens Zöller, Hans Ertl, Thomas M. Wolbank, Markus A. Vogelsberger:
Influence of fast inverter switching based on SiC semi-conductors on online insulation monitoring of high power traction machines. 751-756 - Salah A. Ethni, Shady M. Gadoue
, Bashar Zahawi
Inter-turn short circuit stator fault identification for induction machines using computational intelligence algorithms. 757-762 - Adriano Ruseler, Telles Brunelli Lazzarin
, Ivo Barbi
Modular inverter topology with full-bridge sub-modules for open-end split winding three-phase induction motor drive. 769-774 - Jordi Burriel-Valencia
, Angel Sapena-Bano, Manuel Pineda-Sánchez, Javier Martínez-Román:
Multilayer Park's vector approach, a method for fault detection on induction motors. 775-780