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ICRA 2012: St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
- IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2012, 14-18 May, 2012, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. IEEE 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-1403-9
- Adam Bry, Abraham Bachrach, Nicholas Roy:
State estimation for aggressive flight in GPS-denied environments using onboard sensing. 1-8 - Shaojie Shen
, Nathan Michael, Vijay Kumar:
Autonomous indoor 3D exploration with a micro-aerial vehicle. 9-15 - Jack W. Langelaan, John R. Spletzer, Corey Montella, Joachim L. Grenestedt:
Wind field estimation for autonomous dynamic soaring. 16-22 - Matthew Turpin, Nathan Michael, Vijay Kumar:
Decentralized formation control with variable shapes for aerial robots. 23-30 - Stephan Weiss, Markus Achtelik, Margarita Chli
, Roland Siegwart
Versatile distributed pose estimation and sensor self-calibration for an autonomous MAV. 31-38 - Jörg Müller, Oliver Paul, Wolfram Burgard:
Probabilistic velocity estimation for autonomous miniature airships using thermal air flow sensors. 39-44 - Hae-Won Park, Koushil Sreenath, Alireza Ramezani, Jessy W. Grizzle:
Switching control design for accommodating large step-down disturbances in bipedal robot walking. 45-50 - Koushil Sreenath, Hae-Won Park, J. W. Grizzle:
Design and experimental implementation of a compliant hybrid zero dynamics controller with active force control for running on MABEL. 51-56 - Chengju Liu, Qijun Chen:
Walking control strategy for biped robots based on central pattern generator. 57-62 - Péter L. Várkonyi, David Gontier, Joel W. Burdick:
On the Lyapunov stability of quasistatic planar biped robots. 63-70 - Seung-kook Yun, Ambarish Goswami:
Hardware experiments of humanoid robot safe fall using Aldebaran NAO. 71-78 - Bokman Lim, Minhyung Lee, Joohyung Kim
, Jusuk Lee, Jaeho Park, Keehong Seo, Kyung Shik Roh:
Control design to achieve dynamic walking on a bipedal robot with compliance. 79-84 - Todd Hester, Michael J. Quinlan, Peter Stone:
RTMBA: A Real-Time Model-Based Reinforcement Learning Architecture for robot control. 85-90 - Mathieu Bernard, Patrick Pirim, Alain de Cheveigné, Bruno Gas:
Sensorimotor learning of sound localization from an auditory evoked behavior. 91-96 - Michael Burke
Path-following control of a velocity constrained tracked vehicle incorporating adaptive slip estimation. 97-102 - Tin Lun Lam
, Huihuan Qian, Yangsheng Xu:
Direct yaw moment control for four wheel independent steering and drive vehicles based on centripetal force detection. 103-108 - Estelle Courtial, Matthieu Fruchard, Guillaume Allibert:
Predictive control of chained systems: A necessary condition on the control horizon. 109-114 - G. Ayorkor Korsah, Balajee Kannan, Brett Browning, Anthony Stentz, M. Bernardine Dias
xBots: An approach to generating and executing optimal multi-robot plans with cross-schedule dependencies. 115-122 - Jarvis A. Schultz
, Todd D. Murphey
Trajectory generation for underactuated control of a suspended mass. 123-129 - Umashankar Nagarajan, Byungjun Kim, Ralph L. Hollis:
Planning in high-dimensional shape space for a single-wheeled balancing mobile robot with arms. 130-135 - Umashankar Nagarajan, George Kantor, Ralph L. Hollis:
Integrated planning and control for graceful navigation of shape-accelerated underactuated balancing mobile robots. 136-141 - Chengkun Zhang, Jaume Franch, Sunil Kumar Agrawal:
Differentially flat design of a closed-chain planar under-actuated 2 DOF system. 142-147 - Daniel Ortíz Morales, Pedro X. La Hera
Design of energy efficient walking gaits for a three-link planar biped walker with two unactuated degrees of freedom. 148-153 - Kenji Hashimoto, Yuki Takezaki, Hiromitsu Motohashi, Takuya Otani
, Tatsuhiro Kishi, Hun-ok Lim, Atsuo Takanishi:
Biped walking stabilization based on gait analysis. 154-159 - Jeremy S. Lewis, Jason M. O'Kane
Reliable indoor navigation with an unreliable robot: Allowing temporary uncertainty for maximum mobility. 160-165 - Tapovan Lolla, Mattheus P. Ueckermann, Konuralp Yigit, Patrick J. Haley, Pierre F. J. Lermusiaux
Path planning in time dependent flow fields using level set methods. 166-173 - Sara Bouraine, Thierry Fraichard
, Hassen Salhi:
Provably safe navigation for mobile robots with limited field-of-views in unknown dynamic environments. 174-179 - Byungjae Park, Jinwoo Choi, Wan Kyun Chung:
An efficient mobile robot path planning using hierarchical roadmap representation in indoor environment. 180-186 - Igi Ardiyanto
, Jun Miura
3D time-space path planning algorithm in dynamic environment utilizing Arrival Time Field and Heuristically Randomized Tree. 187-192 - Gil Manor, Elon Rimon
High-speed navigation of a uniformly braking mobile robot using position-velocity configuration space. 193-199 - David Silver, J. Andrew Bagnell, Anthony Stentz:
Active learning from demonstration for robust autonomous navigation. 200-207 - Eric Rombokas, Evangelos A. Theodorou, Mark Malhotra, Emo Todorov, Yoky Matsuoka:
Tendon-driven control of biomechanical and robotic systems: A path integral reinforcement learning approach. 208-214 - Nawid Jamali, Claude Sammut:
Slip prediction using Hidden Markov models: Multidimensional sensor data to symbolic temporal pattern learning. 215-222 - Lawson L. S. Wong, Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Tomás Lozano-Pérez:
Collision-free state estimation. 223-228 - Andrea Censi
, Magnus Hakansson, Richard M. Murray
Fault detection and isolation from uninterpreted data in robotic sensorimotor cascades. 229-236 - Antonello Scalmato, Antonio Sgorbissa
, Renato Zaccaria:
Describing and classifying spatial and temporal contexts with OWL DL in Ubiquitous Robotics. 237-244 - Van T. Huynh, Ryan N. Smith, Ngai Ming Kwok, Jayantha Katupitiya:
A nonlinear PI and backstepping-based controller for tractor-steerable trailers influenced by slip. 245-252 - Guilherme Sartori Natal, Ahmed Chemori
, François Pierrot
Dual-space adaptive control of redundantly actuated parallel manipulators for extremely fast operations with load changes. 253-258 - Botond Bocsi, Philipp Hennig, Lehel Csató, Jan Peters
Learning tracking control with forward models. 259-264 - Xiang Li, Chien Chern Cheah
Multiple task-space robot control: Sense locally, act globally. 265-270 - Sébastien Gay, Auke Jan Ijspeert
, José Santos-Victor
Predictive gaze stabilization during periodic locomotion based on Adaptive Frequency Oscillators. 271-278 - Patrick Bouffard, Anil Aswani
, Claire J. Tomlin:
Learning-based model predictive control on a quadrotor: Onboard implementation and experimental results. 279-284 - Fabrizio Flacco, Alessandro De Luca
, Oussama Khatib:
Motion control of redundant robots under joint constraints: Saturation in the Null Space. 285-292 - Hamid Sadeghian
, Mehdi Keshmiri, Luigi Villani
, Bruno Siciliano
Priority oriented adaptive control of kinematically redundant manipulators. 293-298 - Naoyuki Hara, Yoichi Handa, Dragomir N. Nenchev:
End-link dynamics of redundant robotic limbs: The Reaction Null Space approach. 299-304 - Hyunchul Kim, Zhi Li, Dejan Milutinovic, Jacob Rosen:
Resolving the redundancy of a seven DOF wearable robotic system based on kinematic and dynamic constraint. 305-310 - Andrea Maria Zanchettin
, Paolo Rocco
Dual-arm redundancy resolution based on null-space dynamically-scaled posture optimization. 311-316 - Greg Droge, Magnus Egerstedt:
Optimal decentralized gait transitions for snake robots. 317-322 - Ryo Takei, Haomiao Huang, Jerry Ding, Claire J. Tomlin:
Time-optimal multi-stage motion planning with guaranteed collision avoidance via an open-loop game formulation. 323-329 - Benjamin Johnson, Frank Havlak, Mark E. Campbell
, Hadas Kress-Gazit:
Execution and analysis of high-level tasks with dynamic obstacle anticipation. 330-337 - Fabrizio Flacco, Torsten Kröger, Alessandro De Luca
, Oussama Khatib:
Depth space approach to human-robot collision avoidance. 338-345 - Jur van den Berg, David Wilkie, Stephen J. Guy, Marc Niethammer, Dinesh Manocha
LQG-obstacles: Feedback control with collision avoidance for mobile robots with motion and sensing uncertainty. 346-353 - Xinyu Zhang, Young J. Kim
k-IOS: Intersection of spheres for efficient proximity query. 354-359 - Javier Alonso-Mora
, Andreas Breitenmoser, Paul A. Beardsley, Roland Siegwart
Reciprocal collision avoidance for multiple car-like robots. 360-366 - Jérôme Maye, Ralf Kaestner, Roland Siegwart
Curb detection for a pedestrian robot in urban environments. 367-373 - Ching Lik Teo, Yezhou Yang, Hal Daumé III, Cornelia Fermüller, Yiannis Aloimonos:
Towards a Watson that sees: Language-guided action recognition for robots. 374-381 - Arash Ajoudani
, Nikolaos G. Tsagarakis, Antonio Bicchi:
Tele-impedance: Towards transferring human impedance regulation skills to robots. 382-388 - Colin McManus, Paul Timothy Furgale
, Braden Stenning, Timothy D. Barfoot:
Visual Teach and Repeat using appearance-based lidar. 389-396 - Motofumi Kobatake, Takeshi Takaki, Idaku Ishii
A real-time micro-PIV system using frame-straddling high-speed vision. 397-402 - João Lobato Oliveira
, Gökhan Ince
, Keisuke Nakamura, Kazuhiro Nakadai:
Online audio beat tracking for a dancing robot in the presence of ego-motion noise in a real environment. 403-408 - Mathias Perrollaz, Sami Khorbotly, Amber Cool, John-David Yoder, Eric T. Baumgartner
Teachless teach-repeat: Toward vision-based programming of industrial robots. 409-414 - Jekanthan Thangavelautham
, Daniel Strawser, Mei Yi Cheung, Steven Dubowsky:
Lithium hydride powered PEM fuel cells for long-duration small mobile robotic missions. 415-422 - Armin Hornung, Mike Phillips, Edward Gil Jones, Maren Bennewitz, Maxim Likhachev, Sachin Chitta:
Navigation in three-dimensional cluttered environments for mobile manipulation. 423-429 - Ioana Corina Bogdan, Gabriel Abba
Identification of mechanical parameters at low velocities for a micropositioning stage using a velocity hysteresis model. 430-435 - Peter Kaiser, Dmitry Berenson, Nikolaus Vahrenkamp, Tamim Asfour
, Rüdiger Dillmann, Siddhartha S. Srinivasa:
Constellation - An algorithm for finding robot configurations that satisfy multiple constraints. 436-443 - Ali Borji, Dicky N. Sihite, Laurent Itti:
Modeling the influence of action on spatial attention in visual interactive environments. 444-450 - Yunyi Jia, Ning Xi, Yunxia Wang, Xin Li:
Online identification of quality of teleoperator (QoT) for performance improvement of telerobotic operations. 451-456 - Nikhil Deshpande
, Edward Grant, Thomas C. Henderson:
Target-directed navigation using wireless sensor networks and implicit surface interpolation. 457-462 - Carlos Rafael Tercero Villagran, Masahiro Kojima, Seiichi Ikeda, Katsutoshi Ooe, Toshio Fukuda, Fumihito Arai, Makoto Negoro, Ikuo Takahashi, Guiryong Kwon:
Stress analysis during micro-coil deployment in membranous model of saccular aneurysm with bleb. 463-468 - Francesco Maria Delle Fave, Alex Rogers, Z. Xu, Salah Sukkarieh
, Nicholas R. Jennings
Deploying the max-sum algorithm for decentralised coordination and task allocation of unmanned aerial vehicles for live aerial imagery collection. 469-476 - Daniel Mellinger, Aleksandr Kushleyev, Vijay Kumar:
Mixed-integer quadratic program trajectory generation for heterogeneous quadrotor teams. 477-483 - Andrew J. Barry, Anirudha Majumdar, Russ Tedrake:
Safety verification of reactive controllers for UAV flight in cluttered environments using barrier certificates. 484-490 - Volker Grabe, Heinrich H. Bülthoff
, Paolo Robuffo Giordano:
On-board velocity estimation and closed-loop control of a quadrotor UAV based on optical flow. 491-497 - Yasir Niaz Khan, Andreas Masselli, Andreas Zell:
Visual terrain classification by flying robots. 498-503 - Seng Keat Gan, Robert Fitch
, Salah Sukkarieh
Real-time decentralized search with inter-agent collision avoidance. 504-510 - Seungmoon Song, Hartmut Geyer:
Regulating speed and generating large speed transitions in a neuromuscular human walking model. 511-516 - Hiromichi Suetani, Aiko M. Ideta, Jun Morimoto:
Using basin ruins and co-moving low-dimensional latent coordinates for dynamic programming of biped walkers on roughing ground. 517-523 - Takamitsu Matsubara, Akimasa Uchikata, Jun Morimoto:
Spatio-temporal synchronization of periodic movements by style-phase adaptation: Application to biped walking. 524-530 - Anne-Sophie Puydupin-Jamin, Miles Johnson, Timothy Bretl:
A convex approach to inverse optimal control and its application to modeling human locomotion. 531-536 - Jooeun Ahn
, Daniel Klenk, Neville Hogan:
A simple bipedal walking model reproduces entrainment of human locomotion. 537-542 - Matthew J. Powell, Huihua Zhao, Aaron D. Ames
Motion primitives for human-inspired bipedal robotic locomotion: walking and stair climbing. 543-549 - Carlos J. Rosales, Raúl Suárez, Marco Gabiccini, Antonio Bicchi:
On the synthesis of feasible and prehensile robotic grasps. 550-556 - Jonathan Weisz, Peter K. Allen:
Pose error robust grasping from contact wrench space metrics. 557-562 - Máximo A. Roa
, Max J. Argus, Daniel Leidner
, Christoph Borst, Gerd Hirzinger:
Power grasp planning for anthropomorphic robot hands. 563-569 - Ioannis Filippidis, Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos
, Panagiotis K. Artemiadis
Navigation functions learning from experiments: Application to anthropomorphic grasping. 570-575 - Ben Kehoe, Dmitry Berenson, Ken Goldberg
Toward cloud-based grasping with uncertainty in shape: Estimating lower bounds on achieving force closure with zero-slip push grasps. 576-583 - Matanya B. Horowitz, Joel W. Burdick:
Combined grasp and manipulation planning as a trajectory optimization problem. 584-591 - Sven Mikael Persson, Inna Sharf:
Invariant Momentum-tracking Kalman Filter for attitude estimation. 592-598 - Vladimir Kubelka, Michal Reinstein:
Complementary filtering approach to orientation estimation using inertial sensors only. 599-605 - Ken Masuya
, Tomomichi Sugihara, Motoji Yamamoto:
Design of complementary filter for high-fidelity attitude estimation based on sensor dynamics compensation with decoupled properties. 606-611 - Stefan Leutenegger, Roland Siegwart
A low-cost and fail-safe Inertial Navigation System for airplanes. 612-618 - Jeremy Ma, Sara Susca, Max Bajracharya, Larry H. Matthies, Matthew Malchano, David Wooden:
Robust multi-sensor, day/night 6-DOF pose estimation for a dynamic legged vehicle in GPS-denied environments. 619-626 - Jörn Rehder, Kamal Gupta, Stephen Nuske, Sanjiv Singh
Global pose estimation with limited GPS and long range visual odometry. 627-633 - Seung-kook Yun, Daniela Rus:
Distributed coverage with mobile robots on a graph: Locational optimization. 634-641 - Matthew J. Bays
, Apoorva Shende, Daniel J. Stilwell:
An approach to multi-agent area protection using bayes risk. 642-649 - Noa Agmon, Chien-Liang Fok, Yehuda Emaliah, Peter Stone, Christine Julien
, Sriram Vishwanath:
On coordination in practical multi-robot patrol. 650-656 - Shuo Huang, Jindong Tan
Adaptive sampling using mobile sensor networks. 657-662 - Amit Surana, George Mathew, Suresh Kannan:
Coverage control of mobile sensors for adaptive search of unknown number of targets. 663-670 - Seth Hutchinson
, Timothy Bretl:
Robust optimal deployment of mobile sensor networks. 671-676 - Jonathan Bohren, Iulian Iordachita
, Louis L. Whitcomb
Design requirements and feasibility study for a 3-DOF MRI-compatible robotic device for MRI-guided prostate intervention. 677-682 - Mingyen Ho, Jaydev P. Desai:
Towards the development of a SMA-actuated MRI-compatible tendon-driven neurosurgical robot. 683-688 - Christian Di Natali
, Tommaso Ranzani
, Massimiliano Simi, Arianna Menciassi, Pietro Valdastri
Trans-abdominal Active Magnetic Linkage for robotic surgery: Concept definition and model assessment. 695-700 - Sean M. Segreti, Michael Dennis Mays Kutzer
, Ryan J. Murphy, Mehran Armand:
Cable length estimation for a compliant surgical manipulator. 701-708 - Carmen M. Graves, Alexander H. Slocum, Rajiv Gupta, Conor James Walsh:
Towards a compact robotically steerable thermal ablation probe. 709-714 - Hsi-Wen Tung, Dominic R. Frutiger, Salvador Pané, Bradley J. Nelson:
Polymer-based Wireless Resonant Magnetic microrobots. 715-720 - Dal Hyung Kim
, Paul Seung Soo Kim, A. Agung Julius, Min Jun Kim
Three-dimensional control of engineered motile cellular microrobots. 721-726 - Seyed Nasr Tabatabaei
, Sonia Duchemin, Hélène Girouard, Sylvain Martel:
Towards MR-navigable nanorobotic carriers for drug delivery into the brain. 727-732 - Wenqi Hu, Kelly S. Ishii, Aaron T. Ohta:
Micro-assembly using optically controlled bubble microrobots in saline solution. 733-738 - Ron Pelrine, Annjoe Wong-Foy, Brian McCoy, Dennis Holeman, Rich Mahoney, Greg Myers, Jim Herson, Tom Low:
Diamagnetically levitated robots: An approach to massively parallel robotic systems with unusual motion properties. 739-744 - Masato Yasui, Masashi Ikeuchi, Koji Ikuta:
Magnetic micro actuator with neutral buoyancy and 3D fabrication of cell size magnetized structure. 745-750 - Michael Ruhnke, Rainer Kümmerle, Giorgio Grisetti
, Wolfram Burgard:
Highly accurate 3D surface models by sparse surface adjustment. 751-757 - David McKinnon, Ryan N. Smith, Ben Upcroft:
A semi-local method for iterative depth-map refinement. 758-763 - Andreas von Dziegielewski, Michael Hemmer, Elmar Schömer
High quality conservative surface mesh generation for swept volumes. 764-769 - Visesh Chari, Amit K. Agrawal, Yuichi Taguchi, Srikumar Ramalingam:
Convex bricks: A new primitive for visual hull modeling and reconstruction. 770-777 - Julius Kammerl, Nico Blodow, Radu Bogdan Rusu, Suat Gedikli, Michael Beetz
, Eckehard G. Steinbach
Real-time compression of point cloud streams. 778-785 - Akin Tatoglu, Kishore Pochiraju
Point cloud segmentation with LIDAR reflection intensity behavior. 786-790 - Marco Cognetti
, Paolo Stegagno
, Antonio Franchi
, Giuseppe Oriolo
, Heinrich H. Bülthoff
3-D mutual localization with anonymous bearing measurements. 791-798 - Ke X. Zhou, Stergios I. Roumeliotis:
A sparsity-aware QR decomposition algorithm for efficient cooperative localization. 799-806 - Amanda Prorok, Lukas Gonon
, Alcherio Martinoli
Online model estimation of ultra-wideband TDOA measurements for mobile robot localization. 807-814 - Gijs Dubbelman, Peter Hansen, Brett Browning, M. Bernardine Dias
Orientation only loop-closing with closed-form trajectory bending. 815-821