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35th ICSME 2019: Cleveland, OH, USA
- 2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, ICSME 2019, Cleveland, OH, USA, September 29 - October 4, 2019. IEEE 2019, ISBN 978-1-7281-3094-1
Bugs I Session
- Zeinab Abou Khalil, Eleni Constantinou
, Tom Mens, Laurence Duchien, Clément Quinton:
A Longitudinal Analysis of Bug Handling Across Eclipse Releases. 1-12 - Théo Zimmermann
, Annalí Casanueva Artís:
Impact of Switching Bug Trackers: A Case Study on a Medium-Sized Open Source Project. 13-23 - Yigit Küçük, Tim A. D. Henderson, Andy Podgurski:
The Impact of Rare Failures on Statistical Fault Localization: The Case of the Defects4J Suite. 24-28
Mobile Session
- Luis Cruz
, Rui Abreu
, John C. Grundy, Li Li, Xin Xia:
Do Energy-Oriented Changes Hinder Maintainability? 29-40 - Christopher Vendome, Diana Solano, Santiago Liñán, Mario Linares-Vásquez:
Can Everyone use my app? An Empirical Study on Accessibility in Android Apps. 41-52 - Yingjun Lyu, Ali Alotaibi, William G. J. Halfond:
Quantifying the Performance Impact of SQL Antipatterns on Mobile Applications. 53-64 - Mian Wan, Negarsadat Abolhassani, Ali Alotaibi, William G. J. Halfond:
An Empirical Study of UI Implementations in Android Applications. 65-75 - Kamonphop Srisopha, Chukiat Phonsom, Keng Lin, Barry W. Boehm:
Same App, Different Countries: A Preliminary User Reviews Study on Most Downloaded iOS Apps. 76-80
Bugs II Session
- Aindrila Sarkar, Peter C. Rigby, Béla Bartalos:
Improving Bug Triaging with High Confidence Predictions at Ericsson. 81-91 - Renaud Rwemalika
, Marinos Kintis, Mike Papadakis
, Yves Le Traon
, Pierre Lorrach:
An Industrial Study on the Differences between Pre-Release and Post-Release Bugs. 92-102
AI Applications Session
- Chris Mills, Javier Escobar-Avila, Aditya Bhattacharya, Grigoriy Kondyukov, Shayok Chakraborty, Sonia Haiduc:
Tracing with Less Data: Active Learning for Classification-Based Traceability Link Recovery. 103-113 - Antoine Barbez, Foutse Khomh, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc:
Deep Learning Anti-Patterns from Code Metrics History. 114-124 - Han Anu, Jie Chen, Wenchang Shi, Jianwei Hou, Bin Liang, Bo Qin:
An Approach to Recommendation of Verbosity Log Levels Based on Logging Intention. 125-134 - Danielle Gonzalez, Holly Hastings, Mehdi Mirakhorli
Automated Characterization of Software Vulnerabilities. 135-139 - David N. Palacio, Daniel McCrystal, Kevin Moran, Carlos Bernal-Cárdenas, Denys Poshyvanyk
, Chris Shenefiel:
Learning to Identify Security-Related Issues Using Convolutional Neural Networks. 140-144
Clones and Refactoring Session
- Yi Gao, Zan Wang, Shuang Liu, Lin Yang, Wei Sang, Yuanfang Cai:
TECCD: A Tree Embedding Approach for Code Clone Detection. 145-156 - Manishankar Mondal, Banani Roy, Chanchal K. Roy, Kevin A. Schneider:
Investigating Context Adaptation Bugs in Code Clones. 157-168 - Nicolas Anquetil, Anne Etien
, Gaelle Andreo, Stéphane Ducasse:
Decomposing God Classes at Siemens. 169-180 - Rodrigo Rebouças de Almeida, Christoph Treude
, Uirá Kulesza:
Tracy: A Business-Driven Technical Debt Prioritization Framework. 181-185 - Martina Iammarino
, Fiorella Zampetti, Lerina Aversano
, Massimiliano Di Penta:
Self-Admitted Technical Debt Removal and Refactoring Actions: Co-Occurrence or More? 186-190
Change Session
- Chunhua Yang, Jim Whitehead:
Identifying the Within-Statement Changes to Facilitate Change Understanding. 191-201 - Quinn Hanam, Ali Mesbah
, Reid Holmes:
Aiding Code Change Understanding with Semantic Change Impact Analysis. 202-212 - Ferdian Thung, Hong Jin Kang, Lingxiao Jiang
, David Lo
Towards Generating Transformation Rules without Examples for Android API Replacement. 213-217 - Markos Viggiato, Johnatan Oliveira, Eduardo Figueiredo, Pooyan Jamshidi, Christian Kästner:
How Do Code Changes Evolve in Different Platforms? A Mining-Based Investigation. 218-222
Testing and Coding Session
- Gemma Catolino
, Fabio Palomba, Andy Zaidman, Filomena Ferrucci:
How the Experience of Development Teams Relates to Assertion Density of Test Classes. 223-234 - Bo Zhang
, Hongyu Zhang
, Junjie Chen, Dan Hao, Pablo Moscato:
Automatic Discovery and Cleansing of Numerical Metamorphic Relations. 235-245 - Bo Zhang
, Hongyu Zhang
, Junjie Chen, Dan Hao
, Pablo Moscato:
AutoMR: Automatic Discovery and Cleansing of Numerical Metamorphic Relations. 246 - Atheer Abu Zaid, Manar H. Alalfi, Ali Miri:
Automated Identification of Over-Privileged SmartThings Apps. 247-251 - Krishna Neupane, Kabo Cheung, Yi Wang:
EmoD: An End-to-End Approach for Investigating Emotion Dynamics in Software Development. 252-256
Text Analysis and Empirical Studies Session
- Jiamou Sun, Zhenchang Xing, Rui Chu, Heilai Bai, Jinshui Wang
, Xin Peng:
Know-How in Programming Tasks: From Textual Tutorials to Task-Oriented Knowledge Graph. 257-268 - Christian Donald Newman
, Michael John Decker, Reem S. Alsuhaibani, Anthony Peruma
, Dishant Kaushik, Emily Hill:
An Empirical Study of Abbreviations and Expansions in Software Artifacts. 269-279 - Christian D. Newman
, Michael John Decker, Reem S. Alsuhaibani, Anthony Peruma
, Dishant Kaushik, Emily Hill:
An Open Dataset of Abbreviations and Expansions. 280 - Mohammed Alhamed, Tim Storer:
Estimating Software Task Effort in Crowds. 281-285 - Omar Elazhary, Margaret-Anne D. Storey, Neil A. Ernst
, Andy Zaidman:
Do as I Do, Not as I Say: Do Contribution Guidelines Match the GitHub Contribution Process? 286-290 - Thomas Durieux
, Rui Abreu
, Martin Monperrus, Tegawendé F. Bissyandé, Luis Cruz
An Analysis of 35+ Million Jobs of Travis CI. 291-295 - Miroslav Tushev, Saket Khatiwada, Anas Mahmoud:
Linguistic Change in Open Source Software. 296-300
Coding and Repair Session
- Michele Tufano, Cody Watson, Gabriele Bavota
, Massimiliano Di Penta, Martin White, Denys Poshyvanyk
Learning How to Mutate Source Code from Bug-Fixes. 301-312 - Tam Nguyen, Phong Vu, Tung Nguyen:
Personalized Code Recommendation. 313-317 - Alexander William Wong, Amir Salimi, Shaiful Alam Chowdhury, Abram Hindle:
Syntax and Stack Overflow: A Methodology for Extracting a Corpus of Syntax Errors and Fixes. 318-322 - Tao Wang
, Xiao Yu, Zhengyi Qiu, Guoliang Jin, Frank Mueller:
BARRIERFINDER: Recognizing Ad Hoc Barriers. 323-327 - Moumita Asad, Kishan Kumar Ganguly, Kazi Sakib:
Impact Analysis of Syntactic and Semantic Similarities on Patch Prioritization in Automated Program Repair. 328-332
APIs, Programming, and CI Session
- Alex Cummaudo
, Rajesh Vasa
, John C. Grundy, Mohamed Abdelrazek
, Andrew Cain:
Losing Confidence in Quality: Unspoken Evolution of Computer Vision Services. 333-342 - Masaki Hosono, Susumu Tokumoto, Supasit Monpratarnchai, Hironori Washizaki, Kiyoshi Honda, Hiromasa Nagumo, Hisanobu Sonoda, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Kazuki Munakata, Takao Nakagawa, Yusuke Nemoto:
Inappropriate Usage Examples in Web API Documentations. 343-347 - Zhe Jin
, Kong-Yik Chee, Xin Xia:
What Do Developers Discuss about Biometric APIs? 348-352
Perspective Session
- Keith B. Gallagher, Mark Fioravanti, Suzanne Kozaitis:
Teaching Software Maintenance. 353-362 - Chang Liu, Krerkkiat Chusap, Zhongen Li, Zhaojie Chen, Dylan Rogers, Fanghao Song:
Continuous Collateral Privacy Risk Auditing of Evolving Autonomous Driving Software. 363 - Thomas Wagner, Christian Brem, Stefan Strobl, Thomas Grechenig:
Challenges in re-Platforming Mixed Language PL/I and COBOL IS to an Open Systems Platform. 364 - Hang Li, Lin Yan, XiLiang Zhao:
Application of Philosophical Principles in Linux Kernel Customization. 365 - Hyrum Wright:
Lessons Learned from Large-Scale Refactoring. 366
Late Breaking Ideas Session
- Thazin Win Win Aung, Huan Huo, Yulei Sui
Interactive Traceability Links Visualization using Hierarchical Trace Map. 367-369 - Matthias Galster, Christoph Treude
, Kelly Blincoe
Supporting Software Architecture Maintenance by Providing Task-Specific Recommendations. 370-372 - Tong Wu, Qingshan Li, Lu Wang:
A Validation Method of Self-Adaptive Strategy Based on POMDP. 373-375 - Christian D. Newman
, Anthony Peruma, Reem S. Alsuhaibani:
Modeling the Relationship Between Identifier Name and Behavior. 376-378 - Michael D. Shah:
Lib Metamorphosis: A Performance Analysis Framework for Exchanging Data Structures in Performance Sensitive Applications. 379-381
Tool Demo Presentation Session
- Stanislav Levin, Amiram Yehudai:
Processing Large Datasets of Fined Grained Source Code Changes. 382-385 - Petru Florin Mihancea, Roger Scott:
CodeSonar (R) Extension for Copy-Paste-(Mis) Adapt Error Detection. 386-389 - Tam Nguyen, Phong Vu, Tung Nguyen:
Recommending Exception Handling Code. 390-393 - Zhipeng Gao
, Vinoj Jayasundara, Lingxiao Jiang, Xin Xia, David Lo, John C. Grundy:
SmartEmbed: A Tool for Clone and Bug Detection in Smart Contracts through Structural Code Embedding. 394-397 - Kazumasa Shimari, Takashi Ishio
, Tetsuya Kanda, Katsuro Inoue:
Near-Omniscient Debugging for Java Using Size-Limited Execution Trace. 398-401 - Nystrom Edwards, Dhitiwat Jongsuebchoke, Tim Storer:
Sciit: Aligning Source Control Management and Issue Tracking Architectures. 402-405 - Rafael Kallis, Andrea Di Sorbo
, Gerardo Canfora, Sebastiano Panichella
Ticket Tagger: Machine Learning Driven Issue Classification. 406-409 - William Ravelo-Méndez, Camilo Escobar-Velásquez
, Mario Linares-Vásquez:
Kraken-Mobile: Cross-Device Interaction-Based Testing of Android Apps. 410-413 - Hussein Alrubaye, Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer
, Ali Ouni:
MigrationMiner: An Automated Detection Tool of Third-Party Java Library Migration at the Method Level. 414-417 - Laura Bello-Jiménez, Alejandro Mazuera-Rozo, Mario Linares-Vásquez, Gabriele Bavota
OPIA: A Tool for On-Device Testing of Vulnerabilities in Android Applications. 418-421 - Masahiro Hata, Masashi Nishimoto, Keiji Nishiyama, Hideyuki Kawabata
, Tetsuo Hironaka:
OSAIFU: A Source Code Factorizer on Android Studio. 422-425
Testing Session
- Gustavo Sizílio Nery, Daniel Alencar da Costa, Uirá Kulesza:
An Empirical Study of the Relationship between Continuous Integration and Test Code Evolution. 426-436 - Abdullah Alsharif, Gregory M. Kapfhammer, Phil McMinn:
What Factors Make SQL Test Cases Understandable for Testers? A Human Study of Automated Test Data Generation Techniques. 437-448 - Wenhua Zhao, Zhenkai Ding, Mingyuan Xia, Zhengwei Qi:
Systematically Testing and Diagnosing Responsiveness for Android Apps. 449-453 - Houssem Ben Braiek, Foutse Khomh:
DeepEvolution: A Search-Based Testing Approach for Deep Neural Networks. 454-458
Systems and Configurations Session
- Chen Zhi, Jianwei Yin, Shuiguang Deng
, Maoxin Ye, Min Fu, Tao Xie:
An Exploratory Study of Logging Configuration Practice in Java. 459-469 - Huong Ha
, Hongyu Zhang
Performance-Influence Model for Highly Configurable Software with Fourier Learning and Lasso Regression. 470-480 - Jonas Fritzsch, Justus Bogner
, Stefan Wagner
, Alfred Zimmermann:
Microservices Migration in Industry: Intentions, Strategies, and Challenges. 481-490 - Thomas Krismayer, Michael Vierhauser
, Rick Rabiser
, Paul Grünbacher
Comparing Constraints Mined From Execution Logs to Understand Software Evolution. 491-495 - Effat Farhana, Nasif Imtiaz, Akond Rahman
Synthesizing Program Execution Time Discrepancies in Julia Used for Scientific Software. 496-500
Comprehension and Empirical Studies Session
- Chak Shun Yu, Christoph Treude
, Maurício Finavaro Aniche:
Comprehending Test Code: An Empirical Study. 501-512 - John Johnson, Sergio Lubo, Nishitha Yedla, Jairo Aponte, Bonita Sharif
An Empirical Study Assessing Source Code Readability in Comprehension. 513-523 - Mohamed A. Oumaziz, Jean-Rémy Falleri
, Xavier Blanc, Tegawendé F. Bissyandé, Jacques Klein
Handling Duplicates in Dockerfiles Families: Learning from Experts. 524-535 - Md. Rayhanur Rahman
, Akond Rahman
, Laurie A. Williams:
Share, But be Aware: Security Smells in Python Gists. 536-540 - Natthawute Sae-Lim, Shinpei Hayashi
, Motoshi Saeki:
Can Automated Impact Analysis Techniques Help Predict Decaying Modules? 541-545
Architecture Session
- Justus Bogner
, Jonas Fritzsch, Stefan Wagner
, Alfred Zimmermann:
Assuring the Evolvability of Microservices: Insights into Industry Practices and Challenges. 546-556 - Darius Sas
, Paris Avgeriou
, Francesca Arcelli Fontana:
Investigating Instability Architectural Smells Evolution: An Exploratory Case Study. 557-567 - Zack Coker, David Gray Widder, Claire Le Goues
, Christopher Bogart
, Joshua Sunshine:
A Qualitative Study on Framework Debugging. 568-579 - Michele Guerriero, Martin Garriga, Damian A. Tamburri
, Fabio Palomba:
Adoption, Support, and Challenges of Infrastructure-as-Code: Insights from Industry. 580-589
Doctoral Symposium
- Zeinab Abou Khalil:
Studying the Impact of Policy Changes on Bug Handling Performance. 590-594 - Dragos Dobrean:
Automatic Examining of Software Architectures on Mobile Applications Codebases. 595-599 - Basma S. Alqadi:
The Relationship Between Cognitive Complexity and the Probability of Defects. 600-604 - Rodrigo Rebouças de Almeida:
Business-Driven Technical Debt Prioritization. 605-609 - Reem S. Alsuhaibani:
Applying Markov Models to Identify Grammatical Patterns of Function Identifiers. 610-614 - Drew T. Guarnera:
Enhancing Eye Tracking of Source Code: A Specialized Fixation Filter for Source Code. 615-618 - Keheliya Gallaba
Improving the Robustness and Efficiency of Continuous Integration and Deployment. 619-623 - Eman Abdullah AlOmar:
Towards Better Understanding Developer Perception of Refactoring. 624-628 - Yutaro Kashiwa:
RAPTOR: Release-Aware and Prioritized Bug-Fixing Task Assignment Optimization. 629-633 - Deema Alshoaibi:
Characterizing Performance Regression Introducing Code Changes. 634-638 - Anthony Peruma
Towards a Model to Appraise and Suggest Identifier Names. 639-643 - Asif Imran:
Design Smell Detection and Analysis for Open Source Java Software. 644-648

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