International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods (IFM)

Venue statistics

records by year

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    frequent authors

      Venue Information

      • has part: Workshop on Architectures, Languages and Paradigms for IoT (ALP4IoT)
      • has part: International Workshop on Formal Methods for and on the Cloud (iFMCloud)
      • has part: Workshop on Pre- and Post-Deployment Verification Techniques (PrePost)
      • has part: Workshop on Verification and Validation of Cyber-Physical Systems (V2CPS)

      19th IFM 2024: Manchester, UK

      18th IFM 2023: Leiden, The Netherlands

      17th IFM 2022: Lugano, Switzerland

      16th IFM 2020: Lugano, Switzerland

      15th IFM 2019: Bergen, Norway

      14th IFM 2018: Maynooth, Ireland

      13th IFM 2017: Torino, Italy

      12th IFM 2016: Reykjavik, Iceland

      11th IFM 2014: Bertinoro, Italy

      10th IFM 2013: Turku, Finland

      9th IFM 2012: Pisa, Italy

      8th IFM 2010: Nancy, France

      7th IFM 2009: Düsseldorf, Germany

      6th IFM 2007: Oxford, UK

      5th IFM 2005: Eindhoven, The Netherlands

      4th IFM 2004: Canterbury, Kent, UK

      IFM Home Page

      3rd IFM 2002: Turku, Finland

      2nd IFM 2000: Dagstuhl Castle, Germany

      1st IFM 1999: York, UK