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IGARSS 2021: Brussels, Belgium
- IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2021, Brussels, Belgium, July 11-16, 2021. IEEE 2021, ISBN 978-1-6654-0369-6
- Roberto Luciani, Giovanni Laneve, Riccardo Orsi:
Phenology-Based Classification of Crop Fields Using Cross-Correlation: A Case Study. 1-3 - Scott Hensley:
The Eigenvector-Eigenvalue Identity and Radar Polarimetry. 2-5 - Franz J. Meyer, Paul A. Rosen, Africa Flores, Eric R. Anderson, Emil A. Cherrington:
Making Sar Accessible: Education & Training in Preparation for Nisar. 6-9 - Kostas Papathanassiou, Matteo Pardini, Jun-Su Kim, Roman Guliaev, Alberto Alonso-González
, Victor Cazcarra-Bes:
Forest Structure Estimation by Means of Pol-InSAR Techniques: Actual Status and Challenges. 10-12 - Antonio Plaza, Jun Li, Mário A. T. Figueiredo:
An Overview of the Contributions of Jose Manuel Bioucas-Dias to Remote Sensing Image Processing. 13-16 - Wing-Kin Ma:
On Hyperspectral Unmixing. 17-20 - Mario Parente, Marian-Daniel Iordache:
Sparse Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data: The Legacy of SUnSAL. 21-24 - Jean-Yves Tourneret, Adrian Basarab, Nora Ouzir, Qi Wei:
Sparse Representations and Dictionary Learning: from Image Fusion to Motion Estimation. 25-28 - Jocelyn Chanussot:
On Hyperspectral Super-Resolution. 29-32 - Nathalie Stéphenne, Barbara Riedler, Estefanía Aguilar-Moreno, Marie Jagaille, Aida Monfort-Muriach
, Grazia Fiore, Natassa Antoniou:
Women in Copernicus: Recommendations from Women Testimonials. 33-36 - Marion Murphy, Monica Sebillo, Annelies Van Alphen:
Women in Geographic Information Sector. 37-39 - Miriam Gonzalez:
Geochicas, Improving How Open Mapping Represents the World. 40-42 - Roya Ayazi:
Space Girls Space Women - A Unique Exhibition Tours Nereus-Regions and Promotes Female Role Models in Space. 43-45 - Alina-Mihaela Vizireanu, Julia Wagemann, Sabrina H. Szeto
, Cristina-Andra Vrinceanu:
Women in Geospatial+ - Changing the Status Quo by Creating a Strong Network of Women+ Leaders and Changemakers. 46-48 - Marie Weiss, Wenjuan Li, Sylvain Jay, Fernando Camacho
, Hongliang Fang, Frédéric Baret:
Reaching Stage 4 of Vegetation Product Validation by Exploiting the Synergy Between UAV, HR Satellites and IoT Measurements. 49-52 - Luke A. Brown
, Harry Morris, Erika Albero
, Ernesto López-Baeza, Frank Tiedemann, Lukas Siebicke, Alexander Knohl, Carolina da Silva Gomes, Gabriele Bai, Christophe Lerebourg, Nadine Gobron, Christian Lanconelli, Marco Clerici, Darius Culvenor, Jadunandan Dash
Potential of Automated Digital Hemispherical Photography and Wireless Quantum Sensors for Routine Canopy Monitoring and Satellite Product Validation. 53-56 - J. Pablo Arroyo-Mora, Margaret Kalacska, Raymond J. Soffer, Oliver Lucanus:
Comparison of Calibration Panels from Field Spectroscopy and UAV Hyperspectral Imagery Acquired Under Diffuse Illumination. 60-63 - Débora Borges
, Luís Pádua
, Isabel Costa Azevedo, Joelen Silva, Joaquim João Sousa, Isabel Sousa-Pinto, José Alberto Gonçalves:
Classification of an Intertidal Reef by Machine Learning Techniques Using UAV Based RGB and Multispectral Imagery. 64-67 - Alba Germãn
, Anabella Ferral
, Carlos Marcelo Scavuzzo, Michal Shimoni
Big Earth Data and Advanced Processing Techniques for Monitoring Water Quality. 68-71 - Felipe L. Lobo, Gustavo Willy Nagel, Daniel Andrade Maciel, Anabella Ferral
, Alba Germãn
, Lino A. S. de Carvalho, Vitor Souza Martins, Cláudio C. F. Barbosa, Evlyn Novo, Martin Fernandez, Virginia Fernandez, João S. Yunes, Gilberto L. Collares, Steve Greb, Giuliana Beltramone
, Liliana Piedra-Castro, Waterloo Pereira Filho, Elizabeth Montoya, Marcelo C. Scavuzzo, Marisol S. Sanchez, Michal Shimoni
Alert System for Algae Bloom Detection in Inland Waters of Latin America: An Ongoing Project. 72-75 - Anabella Ferral
, Alba Germãn
, Giuliana Beltramone, Matias Bonansea
, Maximiliano Burgos Paci, Lino Saunders de Carvalho, Michal Shimoni
, Mariana Roque, Marcelo Scavuzzo:
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Water Surface Temperature in a Reservoir and its Relation with Water Quality in a Climate Change Context. 76-79 - Charles Beumier, Jorge Rubio, Verónica Andreo, Claudio Guzman, Ximena Porcasi, Carlos Marcelo Scavuzzo
, Michal Shimoni
Semi-Automatic Tool to Count Mosquito Eggs in Ovitrap Stick Images. 80-83 - Oladimeji Mudele
, Verónica Andreo, Ximena Porcasi, Carlos M. Scavuzzo, Laura Lopez, Paolo Gamba:
Predicting Aedes Aegypti Eggs Count Using Remote Sensing Data and a Generalized Linear Model. 84-87 - Masoud MahdianPari, Hamid Jafarzadeh, Jean Granger, Fariba Mohammadimanesh, Brian Brisco, Bahram Salehi, Saeid Homayouni, Qihao Weng:
Monitoring of 30 Years Wetland Changes in Newfoundland, Canada. 88-91 - Laura L. Bourgeau-Chavez, Michael Battaglia, Andrew Poley
, Dorthea Leisman, Jeremy Graham, Sarah Grelik:
Improving Peatland Mapping and Monitoring Capability Across Broad Regions Using SAR in Cloud Computing Platforms. 92-95 - MohammadAli Hemati
, Mahdi Hasanlou, Masoud MahdianPari, Fariba Mohammadimanesh:
Wetland Mapping of Northern Provinces of Iran Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 in Google Earth Engine. 96-99 - Sarina Adeli, Bahram Salehi, Masoud MahidanPari, Lindi J. Quackenbush, Bruce Chapman:
Wetland Classification Using Simulated NISAR Data: a case study in Louisiana. 100-103 - Michael Allan Merchant:
Classification of Open Water Features Using OBIA and Deep Learning. 104-107 - Michael Rast, Jens Nieke, Jennifer Adams, Claudia Isola, Ferran Gascon:
Copernicus Hyperspectral Imaging Mission for the Environment (Chime). 108-111 - David R. Thompson, David Bearden, Ian Brosnan, Kerry Cawse-Nicholson, Jonathan Chrone, Robert O. Green, Nancy F. Glenn, Liane S. Guild, Simon J. Hook, Raymond F. Kokaly, Christine M. Lee, Jeffrey Luvall, Charles E. Miller, Jamie Nastal, Ryan Pavlick, Benjamin Poulter, David S. Schimel, Fabian Schneider, Stephanie Schollaert Uz, Amit Sen, Shawn P. Serbin, Natasha Stavros, Kurt J. Thome, Philip A. Townsend, Woody Turner, Kevin R. Turpie, Weile Wang:
NASA's Surface Biology and Geology Concept Study: Status and Next Steps. 112-114 - José F. Moreno:
The Fluorescence Explorer (FLEX) Mission: From Spectral Measurements to High-Level Science Products. 115-118 - Robert O. Green, David R. Thompson:
NASA's Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation: An Earth Venture Imaging Spectrometer Science Mission. 119-122 - Sabine Chabrillat, Maximilian Brell, Karl Segl, Saskia Foerster, Luis Guanter, Anke Schickling, Tobias Storch
, Hans-Peter Honold, Sebastian Fischer:
The EnMAP Satellite - Mission Status and Science Preparatory Activities. 123-125 - Moritz Kirsch, Sandra Lorenz
, Samuel T. Thiele, Richard Gloaguen:
Characterisation of Massive Sulphide Deposits in the Iberian Pyrite Belt Based on the Integration of Digital Outcrops and Multi-Scale, Multi-Source Hyperspectral Data. 126-129 - Saeid Asadzadeh, Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho:
Numerical Modeling of Land Surface Temperature and New Insights for Geological Applications. 130-131 - Todd M. Hoefen, Raymond F. Kokaly, Keith Eric Livo, John M. Meyer, JoAnn M. Holloway:
Multiscale Hyperspectral Imaging of Hydrothermal Alteration in Yellowstone National Park, USA. 132-135 - Harald van der Werff
, Janneke Ettema
, Akhil Sampatirao, Rob Hewson
Temporal Stability of Mineral Indices in a Semi-Arid Area. 136-139 - Kimmo Rautiainen, Davide Comite, Juval Cohen, Martin Unwin, Nazzareno Pierdicca:
GNSS-Reflected Signals for Permafrost Monitoring. 140-143 - Tianlin Wang, Christopher Ruf, Darren McKague
, Anthony Russel, Andrew O'Brien, Scott Gleason:
The Important Role of Antenna Pattern Characterization in the Absolute Calibration of GNSS-R Measurements. 144-146 - Thomas Maximillian Roberts, Ian Colwell, Rashmi Shah, Stephen T. Lowe, Clara C. Chew:
GNSS-R Soil Moisture Retrieval with a Deep Learning Approach. 147-150 - Seho Kim, James L. Garrison:
Retrieval of Root-Zone Soil Moisture Profiles from Multi-Frequency Signals of Opportunity: A Simulation Study. 155-158 - James L. Garrison, Rashmi Shah, Benjamin Nold, Justin R. Mansell, Manuel A. Vega, Juan C. Raymond, Rajat Bindlish, Mehmet Kurum, Jeffrey Piepmeier, Seho Kim, Roger Banting, Kameron Larsen:
SNOOPI: Demonstrating P-Band Reflectometry from Orbit. 164-167 - Murray Kerr, Stefania Tonetti, Stefania Carnara, Juan Ignacio Bravo, Robert Hinz, Antonio Latorre, Francisco Membibre, Alexis Ramos, Stefan Wiehle, Otto Koudelka, Enrico Magli, Riccardo Freddi, Silvia Fraile, Cecilia Marcos:
EO-Alert: A Satellite Architecture for Detection and Monitoring of Extreme Events in Real Time. 168-171 - Ioanna Karagali
, Merete Badger
, Charlotte B. Hasager
Spaceborne Earth Observation for Offshore Wind Energy Applications. 172-175 - Gabriel Martín, Sivasakthy Selvakumaran, Andrea Marinoni, Zahra Sadeghi, Campbell R. Middleton:
Structural Health Monitoring on Urban Areas by Using Multi Temporal Insar and Deep Learning. 176-179 - Maria Piles
, Anna Mateo-Sanchis, Jordi Muñoz-Marí, Gustau Camps-Valls, François Waldner, Felix Rembold, Michele Meroni:
Global Cropland Yield Monitoring with Gaussian Processes. 180-183 - Shaunak De, Lloyd Hughes, Davide Castelletti, Ganesh Yalla:
Fully Unsupervised Bi-Temporal Change Detection Framework for VHR SAR. 184-187 - Ilan Havinga, Diego Marcos, Patrick W. Bogaart, Lars Hein, Devis Tuia:
Geo-Data for Mapping Scenic Beauty: Exploring the Potential of Remote Sensing and Social Media. 188-191 - Jan De Pue, Sebastian Wieneke, José Miguel Barrios, Liyang Liu
, Maral Maleki, Philippe Ciais, Alirio Arboleda, Rafiq Hamdi, Ana Bastos, Ivan A. Janssens, Fabienne Maignan, Françoise Gellens-Meulenberghs, Manuela Balzarolo
Seasonal Variability of GPP and Phenology in Remote Sensed Observations and Land Surface Models. 192-195 - Jean-Christophe Calvet, Bertrand Bonan, Anthony Mucia, Daniel Chiyeka Shamambo, Yongjun Zheng, Clément Albergel:
Integrating Satellite-Derived Vegetation Variables into the ISBA Model: A Sequential Data Assimilation Approach. 196-199 - Maral Maleki, Nicola Arriga, Marilyn Roland, Sebastian Wieneke, José Miguel Barrios, Roel Van Hoolst, Ivan A. Janssens, Manuela Balzarolo
Accounting the Drought into the in Situ Vegetation Indices in Heathland Ecosystem. 200-202 - Uwe Rascher
, Kelvin Acebron, Juliane Bendig
, Julie Krämer, Vera Krieger
, Juan Quirós Vargas, Bastian Siegmann, Onno Muller:
Measuring and Understanding the Dynamics of Solar-Induced Fluorescence (SIF) and its Relation to Photochemical and Non-Photochemical Energy Dissipation - Scaling Leaf Level Regulation to Canopy and Ecosystem Remote Sensing. 203-206 - Kristin Fleischer, Peter Schauer, Elke Krätzschmar, Jörg Ullrich:
Tracking Humanitarian Crisis - An AI-Driven Change Analysis Approach. 216-219 - Julie Imbert, Gohar Dashyan, Alex Goupilleau, Tugdual Ceillier, Marie-Caroline Corbineau:
Improving Performance of Aircraft Detection in Satellite Imagery While Limiting the Labelling Effort: Hybrid Active Learning. 220-223 - Corrado Avolio, Massimo Zavagli, Giuliano Paterino, Paola Nicolosi, Mario Costantini:
A Near Real Time CFAR Approach for Ship Detection on Sar Data Based on a Generalised-K Distributed Clutter Estimation. 224-227 - Ilias Gialampoukidis, Stelios Andreadis, Stefanos Vrochidis, Ioannis Kompatsiaris:
Multimodal Data Fusion of Social Media and Satellite Images for Emergency Response and Decision-Making. 228-231 - Yves Bühler, Elisabeth Hafner, Frank Techel:
Mapping avalanches with satellites - the vision of more complete avalanche datasets. 232-235 - Karsten Müller, Markus Eckerstorfer, Jakob Grahn, Eirik Malnes, Rune Engeset, Tore Humstad, Aron Widforss:
Norway's Operational Avalanche Activity Monitoring System Using Sentinel-1. 236-238 - Cedric Tompkin, Silvan Leinss:
Snow Avalanche Backscatter Characteristics and Their Benefit for Avalanche Mapping with Local Resolution Weighting. 239-242 - Anna Karas, Fatima Karbou, Nicolas Eckert, Sophie Giffard-Roisin, Philippe Durand:
Monitoring Snow Avalanches Activities Inferred from Sentinel-1 SAR Images at Regional Scale. 243-246 - Markus Eckerstorfer, Karsten Mueller, Eirik Malnes, Hilde Daugstad Oterhals:
Manual and automatic detection of dry snow avalanches in Sentinel-1 SAR images. 247-250 - Annekatrien Debien, Mauro Casaburi, Grega Milcinski, Marcello Maranesi:
ESA's AI4EO Initiative: Bridging the Gap Between the AI & Earth Observation Communities. 251-253 - Steffen Fritz, Tobias Sturn, Mathias Karner, Santosh Karanam, Linda See, Juan Carlos Laso Bayas, Ian McCallum:
Crowdsourcing In-Situ Data Collection Using Gamification. 254-257 - Artur Nowakowski, Dario Spiller
, Noelle Cremer, Rogerio Bonifaçio, Michael L. Marszalek, Manuel García-Herranz, Pierre-Philippe Mathieu, Do-Hyung Kim:
AI Opportunities and Challenges for Crop Type Mapping Using Sentinel-2 and Drone Data. 258-261 - Leonardo De Laurentiis, Davide De Santis
, Daniele Latini, Giovanni Schiavon, Alessandro Marin, Gaetano Pace, Kevin Rossini, Cesare Rossi, Stefano Marra, Sveinung Loekken, Fabio Del Frate:
A New User Oriented Platform to Develop AI for the Estimation of Bio-Geophysical Parameters from EO Data. 262-265 - Gencer Sumbul
, Begüm Demir:
A Novel Graph-Theoretic Deep Representation Learning Method for Multi-Label Remote Sensing Image Retrieval. 266-269 - Nebojsa Jojic, Nikolay Malkin, Caleb Robinson, Anthony Ortiz:
From Local Algorithms to Global Results: Human-Machine Collaboration for Robust Analysis of Geographically Diverse Imagery. 270-273 - Jean-Philippe Bauchet, Willard Mapurisa, Arno Gobbin, Sébastien Tripodi, Yuliya Tarabalka, Liuyun Duan, Lionel Laurore:
Rooftops or Footprints? Reliable Building Footprint Extraction From High-Resolution Satellite Images. 274-277 - Jing Wang, Jun Zhou, Xinwen Liu, Farah Jahan:
Spectral and Spatial Residual Attention Network for Joint Hyperspectral and Lidar Data Classification. 278-281 - Danfeng Hong, Xin Wu, Jing Yao, Lianru Gao, Bing Zhang, Jocelyn Chanussot:
Multimodal Convolutional Neural Networks with Cross-Channel Reconstruction. 282-285 - Brookie Guzder-Williams
, Hamed Alemohammad
Surface Water Detection from Sentinel-1. 286-289 - Erwin Goor, Izabela Freytag, Gaëlle Le Bouler, Jean Dusart, Marjan Van Meerloo, Gilles Ollier, Jan Ramhoer:
Eurogeo - The European Component of GEO. 290-292 - Thierry Ranchin, Lionel Ménard, Nicolas Fichaux, Mathieu Reboul:
e-shape - Eurogeo Showcases: Application Powered by Europe Contribution to Eurogeo and to the Development of the EO Industry. 293-295 - Raphaëlle Barbier, Skander Ben Yahia, Pascal Le Masson, Benoit Weil:
Expanding Usages of Earth Observation Data: A CO-Design Approach to Grow an Ecosystem of Efficient Service Designers. 296-299 - Marie-Françoise Voidrot-Martinez, Ingo Simonis, Raphaëlle Barbier, Pascal Le Masson, Nicolas Fichaux, Thierry Ranchin:
Looking for Reproducibility for Earth Observation Applications at the Abstract Level. 300-302 - Eleftherios Mamais, Francesca Piatto, Daire Boyle, Stefka Domuzova, Emmanuel Pajot, Nico Thom:
Upscaling European Earth Observation Solutions Through a Comprehensive Portfolio of Tools - The Case of E-Shape. 303-306 - Emma Izquierdo-Verdiguier, Álvaro Moreno-Martínez
, José E. Adsuara
, Jordi Muñoz-Marí, Gustau Camps-Valls, Marco P. Maneta, John S. Kimball
, Nicholas Clinton, Steven W. Running:
Global Upscaling of the MODIS Land Cover with Google Earth Engine and Landsat Data. 309-312 - Iwona Podsiadlo, Claudia Paris
, Lorenzo Bruzzone:
An Approach Based on Low Resolution Land-Cover-Maps and Domain Adaptation to Define Representative Training Sets at Large Scale. 313-316 - Subhadip Dey, Avik Bhattacharya, Alejandro C. Frery, Carlos López-Martínez:
Target Scattering Characterization in SAR Polarimetry Using Model-Free Approaches. 323-326 - Nathan Paillou, Laetitia Thirion-Lefevre, Régis Guinvarc'h:
Characterization and Extraction of Roads Using Polarimetry Methods in L-Band SAR Images. 327-330 - Fang Shang, Natsuki Fujiwara, Naoto Kishi:
Averaged Stokes Vector Features Based Man-Made Targets Analysis Using PolSAR Data. 331-334 - Wei Tian, Yun Shao, Zhiqu Liu, Qiufang Wei, Zhihua Tang, Chong Ni:
A Full-Parameters Microwave Properties Measurement System of 20m Diameter Anechoic Chamber. 335-338 - Juhi Checker, Shaunak De, Varsha Turkar, Gulab Singh:
Performance Impact of $JP2$ Compression on Semantic Segmentation of PolSAR Images. 339-342 - Ajay Kumar Maurya, Maryam Nadeem, Dharmendra Singh, Keshav Prasad Singh, N. S. Rajput:
Critical Analysis of Machine Learning Approaches for Vegetation Fractional Cover Estimation Using Drone and Sentinel-2 Data. 343-346 - Anjana Naga Jyothi Kukunuri, Deepak Murugan, Dharmendra Singh:
An Information Fusion Approach of UAV and Satellite Data for Intra Field Classification. 347-350 - Rahul Kotru, Musab Shaikh, Varsha Turkar, Shreyas Simu
, Satyaswarup Banerjee, Gulab Singh:
Semantic Segmentation of PolSAR Images for Various Land Cover Features. 351-354 - Arun Kumar Singh, Arun Kant Dwivedi, Nimish Nahar, Dharmendra Singh:
Railway Track Sleeper Detection in Low Altitude UAV Imagery Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network. 355-358 - Haonan Chen, V. Chandrasekar:
Deep learning for surface precipitation estimation using multidimensional polarimetric radar measurements. 359-362 - Wei Zhang, Rui Zhang, Haonan Chen, Guangxin He, Yurong Ge, Lei Han:
A Multi-Channel 3D Convolutional-Recurrent Neural Network for Convective Storm Nowcasting. 363-366 - Jingyin Tang, Corene J. Matyas
High Efficiency Weather Radar Mosaic Image Generation Framework. 367-369 - Lei Ji, Weixin Xu, Haonan Chen, Hao Chen:
Identification of Convective Precipitation Feature Observed by TRMM/GPM PR Using a Revised Unsupervised Clustering Proposal. 370-371 - Shinichi Sobue, Akiko Noda, Takashi Omote, Hiroshi Kido, Fumio Kudoh:
ALOS-2 Operation Status and Data Distribution. 372-374 - Haruya Hirano, Osamu Isoguchi, Takeshi Motohka, Takeo Tadono:
Effects of Ionosphere and Troposphere on L-Band SAR Geometric Accuracy. 375-378 - Takeo Tadono, Yausei Mizukami, Junichi Takaku, Fumi Ohgushi, Hiroki Kai:
Updates of Calibration and Validation Plan of the Advanced Optical Satellite (ALOS-3). 379-382 - Junichi Takaku, Takeo Tadono, Hiroki Kai, Fumi Ohgushi, Masanori Doutsu:
An Overview of Geometric Calibration and DSM Generation for ALOS-3 Optical Imageries. 383-386 - Mina Konaka, Takeshi Motohka, Kazuhide Yamamoto, Yukihiro Kankaku, Yoshihisa Arikawa, Shinichi Suzuki:
Current Status of Developing ALOS-4 with Key Missions: Palsar-3 and SPAISE3. 387-390 - Ning Liao, Mihai Datcu, Zenghui Zhang
, Weiwei Guo, Wenxian Yu:
Can We Evaluate the Distinguishability of the Opensarurban Dataset? 391-394 - Yuxiao Luo, Daoxiang An, Leping Chen, Jingwei Chen, Xiaotao Huang:
Noncoherent Imaging Experiments of Circular SAR. 395-398 - Ye Yuan, Yan Jiang, Yanxia Wu, Richard Jiang:
Self-Calibrated Convolutional Neural Network for SAR Image Despeckling. 399-402 - Yuya Matsumoto, Ryo Natsuaki
, Akira Hirose:
Proposal of PolSAR Land Classification Using Quaternion Convolutional Neural Networks. 403-406 - Qian Guo, Feng Xu:
A Deep Feature Transformation Method Based on Differential Vector for Few-Shot Learning. 407-410 - Loïc Denis, Emanuele Dalsasso, Florence Tupin:
A Review of Deep-Learning Techniques for SAR Image Restoration. 411-414 - Antonio Mazza, Giuseppe Scarpa, Luisa Verdoliva, Giovanni Poggi:
Impact of Training Set Design in CNN-Based Sar Image Despeckling. 415-418 - Sergio Vitale, Hossein Aghababaei, Giampaolo Ferraioli, Vito Pascazio, Gilda Schirinzi:
A Multi-Objective Approach for Multi-Channel SAR Despeckling. 419-422 - Lloyd Haydn Hughes, Michael Schmitt:
Comparative Evaluation of Deep Learning-Based Sar-Optical Image Matching Approaches. 423-426 - Dong-Xiao Yue, Feng Xu:
A Coherent Generative Scheme for SAR Image Representation. 427-430 - Rojalin Tripathy, Bimal K. Bhattacharya:
Exploring Use of KU-Band Scatterometer Data from SCATSAT-1 for Crop Monitoring in India, a Case Study for Jute Crop. 431-434 - Sartajvir Singh
, Reet Kamal Tiwari:
Detection of Cryospheric Parameters with Artificial Neural Network over Antarctic Region using Ku-Band based ISRO's SCATSAT-1 data. 435-438 - Khoisnam Nanaoba Singh
, Rajkumar Kamaljit Singh, Mamata Maisnam, Jayaprasad Pallipad, Saroj Maity, Deepak Putrevu, Arundhati Misra:
Detection of Two Recent Calving Events in Antarctica from SCATSAT-1. 439-442 - Zhen Li, Ad Stoffelen, Anton Verhoef, Jeroen Verspeek:
NWP Ocean Calibration for the CFOSAT Wind Scatterometer. 443-446 - Cécile M. M. Kittel, Daniel Druce, Karina Nielsen
, Peter Bauer-Gottwein
, Christian Tøttrup
Multi-Mission Remote Sensing Observations for Optimizing Hydrological Hazard Predictions. 451-454 - Linlin Ge, Yufei Wang, Qi Zhang
, Zheyuan Du
, Chang Liu
, Yifei Dong
, Tony Sleigh, Tao Guo, Xia Lei, Zhewen Ma:
Quantitative, Near Real-Time Mapping of Bushfires Through Integration of Optical and SAR Remote Sensing Techniques. 455-458 - Jicheng Liu, Yuan Zhou:
Downscaling of Satellite Soil Moisture Products and its Applications in Drought Monitoring. 462-465 - Tobias Hank, Katja Berger, Matthias Wocher, Martin Danner, Wolfram Mauser:
Introducing the Potential of the EnMAP-Box for Agricultural Applications Using Desis and Prisma Data. 467-470