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IJCNN 2012: Brisbane, Australia
- The 2012 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Brisbane, Australia, June 10-15, 2012. IEEE 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-1488-6
- Anurag Mishra, Amita Goel, Rampal Singh, Girija Chetty, Lavneet Singh:
A novel image watermarking scheme using Extreme Learning Machine. 1-6 - Celso André Rodrigues de Sousa:
Analysis of the backpropagation algorithm using linear algebra. 1-8 - Pedro M. Ferreira, Sérgio M. Silva, António E. B. Ruano, Aldric T. Negrier, Eusebio Z. E. Conceicao:
Neural network PMV estimation for model-based predictive control of HVAC systems. 1-8 - Lech Szymanski, Brendan McCane:
Push-pull separability objective for supervised layer-wise training of neural networks. 1-8 - Carl Laufer, George G. Coghill:
Regularization for the kernel recursive least squares CMAC. 1-8 - Vaenthan Thiruvarudchelvan, Terry Bossomaier:
Towards realtime stance classification by spiking neural network. 1-8 - Huajin Tang, Qiang Yu, Kay Chen Tan:
Learning real-world stimuli by single-spike coding and tempotron rule. 1-6 - Levin Kuhlmann, Michael Hauser-Raspe, Jonathan H. Manton, David B. Grayden, Jonathan Tapson, André van Schaik:
Online learning in Bayesian Spiking Neurons. 1-6 - Paul W. Wright, Janet Wiles:
Learning transmission delays in spiking neural networks: A novel approach to sequence learning based on spike delay variance. 1-8 - Wei Wang, Bao-Gang Hu, Zengfu Wang:
Discriminating classes collapsing for Globality and Locality Preserving Projections. 1-8 - Lin Zhu, De-Shuang Huang:
A scalable rayleigh-ritz style method for large scale Canonical Correlation Analysis. 1-8 - Xiangping Sun, Jin Wang, Ronghua Chen, Mary Fenghua She, Lingxue Kong:
Multi-scale local pattern co-occurrence matrix for textural image classification. 1-7 - Leon C. Hardy, Dahai Liu, Daniel S. Levine:
Neurohydrodynamics as a heuristic mechanism for cognitive processes in decision-making. 1-10 - Amr S. Ghoneim, Daryl Leslie Essam:
A methodology for revealing and monitoring the strategies played by neural networks in mind games. 1-10 - Terry Bossomaier, Jason M. Traish, Fernand Gobet, Peter C. R. Lane:
Neuro-cognitive model of move location in the game of Go. 1-7 - Péricles B. C. de Miranda, Ricardo Bastos Cavalcante Prudêncio, André Carlos Ponce de Leon Ferreira de Carvalho, Carlos Soares:
Multi-objective optimization and Meta-learning for SVM parameter selection. 1-8 - Pavel Kordík, Ján Cerný:
On performance of meta-learning templates on different datasets. 1-7 - Wlodzislaw Duch, Norbert Jankowski, Tomasz Maszczyk:
Make it cheap: Learning with O(nd) complexity. 1-4 - Yanfei Kang:
Real-time change detection in time series based on growing feature quantization. 1-6 - Daniel F. Leite, Pyramo Costa Jr., Fernando A. C. Gomide:
Evolving granular neural network for fuzzy time series forecasting. 1-8 - Aranildo R. Lima, Alex J. Cannon, William W. Hsieh:
Downscaling temperature and precipitation using support vector regression with evolutionary strategy. 1-8 - Ming Gao, Xia Hong, Sheng Chen, Chris J. Harris:
Probability density function estimation based over-sampling for imbalanced two-class problems. 1-8 - Zhan Shi, Jinglu Hu:
Local linear discriminant analysis with composite kernel for face recognition. 1-5 - Ary Noviyanto, Aniati Murni Arymurthy:
Sleep stages classification based on temporal pattern recognition in neural network approach. 1-6 - Katsutoshi Saeki, Tatsuya Tatebe, Yoshifumi Sekine:
A study on CPG model transition swing and stance pattern with interstitial cells. 1-8 - Takashi Matsubara, Hiroyuki Torikai:
A generalized asynchronous digital spiking neuron: Theoretical analysis and compartmental model. 1-8 - Yutaro Yamashita, Hiroyuki Torikai:
Bursting analysis and synapse mechanism of a piece-wise constant spiking neuron model. 1-8 - Dong Huang, Cuntai Guan, Kai Keng Ang, Haihong Zhang, Yaozhang Pan:
Asymmetric Spatial Pattern for EEG-based emotion detection. 1-7 - Ehsan Lotfi, M.-R. Akbarzadeh-T.:
Supervised brain emotional learning. 1-6 - Mark Wildie, Murray Shanahan:
Hierarchical clustering identifies hub nodes in a model of resting-state brain activity. 1-6 - Manabu Shibasaki, Masaharu Adachi:
Response to external input of chaotic neural networks based on Newman-Watts model. 1-7 - David Bhowmik, Murray Shanahan:
How well do oscillator models capture the behaviour of biological neurons? 1-8 - Nhat-Quang Doan, Hanane Azzag, Mustapha Lebbah:
Growing Self-organizing Trees for knowledge discovery from data. 1-8 - Lei Meng, Ah-Hwee Tan:
Semi-supervised hierarchical clustering for personalized web image organization. 1-8 - Nicoleta Rogovschi, Lazhar Labiod, Mohamed Nadif:
A spectral algorithm for topographical Co-clustering. 1-6 - Milton Roberto Heinen, Paulo Martins Engel, Rafael C. Pinto:
Using a Gaussian mixture neural network for incremental learning and robotics. 1-8 - Chih-Lyang Hwang, June-Yun Huang:
Neural-network-based 3-D localization and inverse kinematics for target grasping of a humanoid robot by an active stereo vision system. 1-8 - Jason Kulk, James S. Welsh:
Measuring impacts using Support Vector Machines on a standing humanoid robot. 1-8 - Weibao Zou, Wai Yeung Yan, Ahmed Shaker:
Neural network based remote sensing image classification in urban area. 1-6 - Ashfaqur Rahman, Brijesh K. Verma, David R. Stockwell:
An hierarchical approach towards road image segmentation. 1-8 - Keisuke Takizawa, Seiya Takenouchi, Hisashi Aomori, Tsuyoshi Otake, Mamoru Tanaka, Ichiro Matsuda, Susumu Itoh:
Lossless image coding by cellular neural networks with backward error propagation learning. 1-6 - Abbas Khosravi, Saeid Nahavandi, Douglas C. Creighton, Reihaneh Naghavizadeh:
Uncertainty quantification for wind farm power generation. 1-6 - Naji Al-Messabi, Yun Li, Ibrahim El-Amin, Cindy Goh:
Forecasting of photovoltaic power yield using dynamic neural networks. 1-5 - Peng Kou, Feng Gao:
Sparse heteroscedastic Gaussian process for shortterm wind speed forecasting. 1-8 - Giansalvo Cirrincione, Humberto Henao, M. Delgado, Juan Antonio Ortega Redondo:
Bearing fault diagnosis by EXIN CCA. 1-7 - Ngoc Nam Nguyen, Chai Quek, Eng-Yeow Cheu:
Traffic prediction using a Generic Self-Evolving Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (GSETSK) fuzzy neural network. 1-7 - Lining Zhang, Lipo Wang, Weisi Lin:
Laplacian Regularized Subspace Learning for interactive image re-ranking. 1-5 - Roman Ilin, Robert Kozma:
Cognitively motivated learning of categorical data with Modeling Fields Theory. 1-8 - Dominique Béroule, Pascale Gisquet-Verrier:
Decision making guided by emotion. 1-8 - Daniel S. Levine:
I think therefore I feel: Possible neural mechanisms for knowledge-based pleasure. 1-5 - Fiona J. Buckingham, Keeley A. Crockett, Zuhair Bandar, James O'Shea, Kathleen M. MacQueen, Mario Chen:
Measuring human comprehension from nonverbal behaviour using Artificial Neural Networks. 1-8 - Ryotaro Kamimura:
Interaction of individually and collectively treated neurons for explicit class structure in self-organizing maps. 1-8 - Hansenclever de F. Bassani, Aluízio F. R. Araújo:
Dimension Selective Self-Organizing Maps for clustering high dimensional data. 1-8 - Romulo M. de Sousa, Roberto Célio Limão de Oliveira:
Optimization of Geodesic Self-Organizing Map. 1-8 - Tianrui Chen, Cong Wang:
Rapid isolation of small oscillation faults via deterministic learning. 1-8 - G. Sateesh Babu, Suresh Sundaram, B. S. Mahanand:
Alzheimer's disease detection using a Projection Based Learning Meta-cognitive RBF Network. 1-8 - Ladys Rodriguez, Luis A. Diago, Ichiro Hagiwara, Frédéric Magoulès:
Color reproduction by means of a Compactly Supported Radial Basis Function space mapping. 1-5 - Ashfaqur Rahman, Brijesh K. Verma:
Influence of unstable patterns in layered cluster oriented ensemble classifier. 1-8 - Yuanchun Zhu, Guyue Mi, Ying Tan:
Query based hybrid learning models for adaptively adjusting locality. 1-8 - Yong Liu:
New discoveries in balanced ensemble learning. 1-8 - Sepehr Jalali, Joo-Hwee Lim, Jo Yew Tham, Sim Heng Ong:
Clustering and use of spatial and frequency information in a biologically inspired approach to image classification. 1-8 - A. Ravishankar Rao, Youping Xiao:
A computational model of early visual cortex using konio-cellular pathway projections. 1-8 - Jing Wang, Chengan Guo:
Face recognition based on sparse representation and error correction SVM. 1-5 - Qiang Yu, Kay Chen Tan, Huajin Tang:
Pattern recognition computation in a spiking neural network with temporal encoding and learning. 1-7 - Ning Ning, Kejie Huang, Luping Shi:
Artificial neuron with somatic and axonal computation units: Mathematical and neuromorphic models of persistent firing neurons. 1-7 - Wenwen Wang, Budhitama Subagdja, Ah-Hwee Tan, Yuan-Sin Tan:
A self-organizing multi-memory system for autonomous agents. 1-8 - Afonso D. Ribas, Juan Gabriel Colonna, Carlos Mauricio S. Figueiredo, Eduardo Freire Nakamura:
Similarity clustering for data fusion in Wireless Sensor Networks using k-means. 1-7 - Noel Lopes, Bernardete Ribeiro, João Gonçalves:
Restricted Boltzmann Machines and Deep Belief Networks on multi-core processors. 1-7 - Ryo Ito, Yuta Nakayama, Toshimichi Saito:
Analysis and learning of periodic orbits in dynamic binary neural networks. 1-7 - Hansol Choi, Jun-Cheol Park, Jae Hyun Lim, Jae Young Jun, Dae-Shik Kim:
Reward hierarchical temporal memory. 1-7 - Michiel Boes, Damiano Oldoni, Bert De Coensel, Dick Botteldooren:
Attention-driven auditory stream segregation using a SOM coupled with an excitatory-inhibitory ANN. 1-8 - Baichuan Li, Michael R. Lyu, Irwin King:
Communities of Yahoo! Answers and Baidu Zhidao: Complementing or competing? 1-8 - Dumidu Wijayasekara, Milos Manic:
Visual, linguistic data mining using Self- Organizing Maps. 1-8 - Hadautho Roberto Barros da Silva, Paulo Jorge Leitão Adeodato:
A data mining approach for preventing undergraduate students retention. 1-8 - Ting Wu, Siyao Fu, Long Cheng, Rui Zheng, Xiuqing Wang, Xinkai Kuai, Guosheng Yang:
A simple probabilistic spiking neuron model with Hebbian learning rules. 1-6 - Kshitij Dhoble, Nuttapod Nuntalid, Giacomo Indiveri, Nikola K. Kasabov:
Online spatio-temporal pattern recognition with evolving spiking neural networks utilising address event representation, rank order, and temporal spike learning. 1-7 - Dmitri Yudanov, Leon Reznik:
Scalable multi-precision simulation of spiking neural networks on GPU with OpenCL. 1-8 - Alistair Shilton, Daniel T. H. Lai, Marimuthu Palaniswami:
The conic-segmentation support vector machine - a target space method for multiclass classification. 1-8 - Han-Tai Shiao, Vladimir Cherkassky:
Implementation and comparison of SVM-based Multi-Task Learning methods. 1-7 - Hiroyuki Funaya, Kazushi Ikeda:
A statistical analysis of soft-margin support vector machines for non-separable problems. 1-7 - Shuai Li, Sanfeng Chen, Y. Lou, B. Lu, Yongsheng Liang:
A recurrent neural network for inter-localization of mobile phones. 1-5 - Teresa García-Valverde, Alberto García-Sola, Juan A. Botía, Antonio Fernandez Gómez-Skarmeta:
Ubiquitous deployment configuration of indoor location services. 1-8 - Atsushi Hara, Yoichi Hayashi:
Ensemble neural network rule extraction using Re-RX algorithm. 1-6 - R. N. A. Prado, Jorge Dantas de Melo, J. A. N. Oliveira, Adrião Duarte Dória Neto:
FPGA based implementation of a Fuzzy Neural Network modular architecture for embedded systems. 1-7 - Renata C. B. Madeo, Sarajane Marques Peres, Clodoaldo Ap. M. Lima, Clodis Boscarioli:
Hybrid architecture for gesture recognition: Integrating fuzzy-connectionist and heuristic classifiers using fuzzy syntactical strategy. 1-8 - Chi Cheng, Wee Peng Tay, Guang-Bin Huang:
Extreme learning machines for intrusion detection. 1-8 - Piyasak Jeatrakul, Kok Wai Wong:
Enhancing classification performance of multi-class imbalanced data using the OAA-DB algorithm. 1-8 - Chih-Hui Chiu, Chun Chieh Chang, Ya-Fu Peng:
Implementation of human conveyance vehicle using model-free AORCMAC control strategy. 1-6 - Hao Quan, Dipti Srinivasan, Abbas Khosravi:
Construction of neural network-based prediction intervals using particle swarm optimization. 1-7 - Ching-Tsan Chiang, Yung-Sheng Lee, Xiao Ru Li, Chiung-Chou Liao:
A RSCMAC based forecasting for Solar Irradiance from local weather information. 1-7 - I-Hsum Li, Lian-Wang Lee, Wei-Yen Wang:
Hybrid adaptive control based on a Hopfield dynamic neural network for nonlinear dynamical systems. 1-8 - Badong Chen, Songlin Zhao, Sohan Seth, José C. Príncipe:
Online efficient learning with quantized KLMS and L1 regularization. 1-6 - Chris Lovell, Steve R. Gunn:
Towards improved theoretical problems for autonomous discovery. 1-8 - Ana L. C. Bazzan:
Coordinating many agents in stochastic games. 1-8 - Shuangyong Song, Qiudan Li, Xiaolong Zheng:
Detecting popular topics in micro-blogging based on a user interest-based model. 1-8 - Aida Araujo Ferreira, Teresa Bernarda Ludermir, Ronaldo R. B. de Aquino:
Comparing recurrent networks for time-series forecasting. 1-8 - Tong Liu, Yuhong Kang, Mohini Verma, Marius Orlowski:
Novel highly nonlinear memristive circuit elements for neural networks. 1-8 - Glenn D. Francis, Sandra R. Stein:
Prediction of histologic grade in breast cancer using an artificial neural network. 1-5 - Yozo Suzuki, Michimasa Kitahara, Masaki Kobayashi:
Rotor Associative Memory with a Periodic Activation Function. 1-8 - Feng Shu, Ah-Hwee Tan:
A biologically-inspired affective model based on cognitive situational appraisal. 1-8 - Msizi Khoza, Tshilidzi Marwala:
Computational intelligence techniques for modelling an economic system. 1-5 - Adham Atyabi, Sean P. Fitzgibbon, David M. W. Powers:
Biasing the overlapping and non-overlapping sub-windows of EEG recording. 1-6 - Tiago P. F. de Lima, Adenilton J. da Silva, Teresa Bernarda Ludermir:
Clustering and selection of neural networks using adaptive differential evolution. 1-7 - Ronaldo C. Prati:
Combining feature ranking algorithms through rank aggregation. 1-8 - Jonathan Masci, Ueli Meier, Dan C. Ciresan, Jürgen Schmidhuber, Gabriel Fricout:
Steel defect classification with Max-Pooling Convolutional Neural Networks. 1-6 - Andrea Flexeder, Matthias Putz, Thomas A. Runkler:
Support vector machines for program analysis. 1-8 - Joao Henrique F. Flores, Paulo Martins Engel, Rafael C. Pinto:
Autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions to improve neural networks models on univariate time series forecasting. 1-8 - Paulo Ricardo da Silva Soares, Ricardo Bastos Cavalcante Prudêncio:
Time Series Based Link Prediction. 1-7 - Hasan Ferdowsi, Deepthi L. Raja, Sarangapani Jagannathan:
A decentralized fault detection and prediction scheme for nonlinear interconnected continuous-time systems. 1-7 - Eri Sato-Shimokawara, Kazumasa Murakami, Yihsin Ho, Shin Ishiguro, Toru Yamaguchi:
Clustering action data based on amount of exercise for use-model based health care support. 1-6 - Upuli Gunasinghe, Sumith Matharage, Damminda Alahakoon:
A sequence based dynamic SOM model for text clustering. 1-8 - Udhay Ravishankar, Milos Manic:
The Adaptive Critic Learning Agent (ACLA) algorithm: Towards problem independent neural network based optimizers. 1-7 - Gonzalo Acuña, Cristián Ramírez, Millaray Curilem:
Comparing NARX and NARMAX models using ANN and SVM for cash demand forecasting for ATM. 1-6 - Leonardo Nascimento Ferreira, A. R. Pinto, Liang Zhao:
QK-Means: A clustering technique based on community detection and K-Means for deployment of cluster head nodes. 1-7 - Michael M. Li, William W. Guo, Brijesh K. Verma, Hong Lee:
A neural networks-based fitting to high energy stopping power data for heavy ions in solid matter. 1-6 - Shin-Ying Huang, Rua-Huan Tsaih:
The prediction approach with Growing Hierarchical Self-Organizing Map. 1-7 - Rakesh Chalasani, Goktug T. Cinar, José C. Príncipe:
Sequential causal estimation and learning from time-varying images. 1-5 - Yun Li, Li-Li Feng:
Integrating feature selection and Min-Max Modular SVM for powerful ensemble. 1-8 - Hiran Ganegedara, Damminda Alahakoon, John Mashford, Andrew P. Paplinski, Karsten Müller, Thomas Martin Deserno:
Self organising map based region of interest labelling for automated defect identification in large sewer pipe image collections. 1-8 - Mollah R. Alam, Kashem M. Muttaqi, Abdesselam Bouzerdoum:
A short length window-based method for islanding detection in distributed generation. 1-6 - Minghui Shi, Changle Zhou, Fei Chao, Min Jiang:
An algorithm for computing attribute reducts based on graph search strategy. 1-8 - Hossein Iranmanesh, Majid Abdollahzade, Arash Miranian, Ahmad Farmahini:
Wind power forecasting by a new local quadratic wavelet neural network. 1-7 - Jeffery Jonathan Davis, Robert Kozma:
Analysis of phase relationship in ECoG using Hilbert transform and information theoretic measures. 1-7