ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS)

Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS)

Venue statistics

records by year

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    frequent authors

      Venue Information

      • is part of: Federated Logic Conference (FLoC)
      • has part: Workshop on Implicit Computational Complexity (ICC)
      • has part: Workshop on Logical Aspects of Fault Tolerance (LAFT)

      39th LICS 2024: Tallinn, Estonia

      38th LICS 2023: Boston, MA, USA

      37th LICS 2022: Haifa, Israel

      36th LICS 2021: Rome, Italy

      35th LICS 2020: Saarbrücken, Germany

      34th LICS 2019: Vancouver, BC, Canada

      33rd LICS 2018: Oxford, UK

      32nd LICS 2017: Reykjavik, Iceland

      31st LICS 2016: Columbia University, New York City, NY, USA

      30th LICS 2015: Kyoto, Japan

      29th LICS-CSL 2014: Vienna, Austria

      CSL-LICS 2014 Home Page

      28th LICS 2013: New Orleans, LA, USA

      27th LICS 2012: Dubrovnik, Croatia

      26th LICS 2011: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

      25th LICS 2010: Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

      24th LICS 2009: Los Angeles, CA, USA

      23rd LICS 2008: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

      22nd LICS 2007: Wroclaw, Poland

      21st LICS 2006: Seattle, WA, USA

      20th LICS 2005: Chicago, IL, USA

      19th LICS 2004: Turku, Finland

      18th LICS 2003: Ottawa, Canada

      17th LICS 2002: Copenhagen, Denmark

      LICS 2002 was part of the 2002 Federated Logic Conference (FLoC 2002)

      16th LICS 2001: Boston, Massachusetts, USA

      15th LICS 2000: Santa Barbara, California, USA

      14th LICS 1999: Trento, Italy

      13th LICS 1998: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

      12th LICS 1997: Warsaw, Poland

      11th LICS 1996: New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA

      10th LICS 1995: San Diego, California, USA

      9th LICS 1994: Paris, France

      8th LICS 1993: Montreal, Canada

      7th LICS 1992: Santa Cruz, California, USA

      6th LICS 1991: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

      5th LICS 1990: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

      4th LICS 1989: Pacific Grove, California, USA

      3rd LICS 1988: Edinburgh, Scotland

      2nd LICS 1987: Ithaca, New York, USA

      1st LICS 1986: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

      a service of  Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics