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13. MedInfo 2010: Cape Town, South Africa
- Charles Safran, Shane R. Reti, Heimar F. Marin:
MEDINFO 2010 - Proceedings of the 13th World Congress on Medical Informatics, Cape Town, South Africa, September 12-15, 2010. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 160, IOS Press 2010, ISBN 978-1-60750-587-7
Chapter 1. Informatics for the Person
- Yunan Chen:
The Role of Patients in Transiting Personal Health Information: A Field Study. 3-7 - Monica Winge, Lars-Åke Johansson, Monica Nyström
, Eva Lindh Waterworth, Benkt Wangler:
Need for a New Care Model - Getting to Grips with Collaborative Home Care. 8-12 - Nicholas R. Hardiker
, Maria J. Grant
Barriers and facilitators that affect public engagement with eHealth services. 13-17 - James Milewski, Yunan Chen:
Barriers of Obtaining Health Information Among Diabetes Patients. 18-22 - Elizabeth Cummings
, Andrew Robinson, Helen Courtney Pratt, Helen Cameron-Tucker, Richard Wood Baker, E. Haydn Walters, Paul Turner
Pathways Home: Comparing Voluntary IT and Non-IT Users Participating in a Mentored Self-Management Project. 23-27 - Saskia M. Kelders, Julia E. W. C. van Gemert-Pijnen, Andrea Werkman, Erwin R. Seydel:
Usage and Effect of a Web-based Intervention for the Prevention of Overweight; a RCT. 28-32 - Annie Y. S. Lau
, Trevor M. Y. Kwok, Enrico W. Coiera
The Influence of Crowds on Consumer Health Decisions: An Online Prospective Study. 33-37 - Luca Buccoliero, Elena Bellio
, Anna Prenestini
Patient web empowerment index (PWEI): An index for assessment of healthcare providers' web strategies. Case study: PWEI application in Italy. 38-42 - Jerónimo Aguilera Díaz, Antonio Eduardo Arias, Cintia Mabel Budalich, Sonia Elizabeth Benítez, Gastón E. López, Damian Borbolla, Fernando Plazzotta, Daniel R. Luna
, Fernán Gonzalez Bernaldo de Quirós:
Development and Implementation of an Integrated EHR for Homecare Service: A South American Experience. 43-47 - Bianying Song, Michael Marschollek, Klaus-Hendrik Wolf, Matthias Gietzelt, Thomas Franken, Reinhold Haux:
A Home-centered ICT Architecture for Health-enabling Technologies. 48-52 - Retha de la Harpe, Jay Barnes, Mikko Korpela
Information Needs in Home Based Healthcare in South Africa. 53-57 - Evdokimos I. Konstantinidis
, Antonis Billis, Walter Hlauschek, Paul Panek
, Panagiotis D. Bamidis
Integration of Cognitive and Physical Training in a Smart Home Environment for the Elderly People. 58-62 - Davide Capozzi, Giordano Lanzola:
A Configurable Home Care Platform for Monitoring Patients with Reminder Messaging and Compliance Tracking Services. 63-67 - Michael Marschollek, Anja Rehwald, Matthias Gietzelt, Bianying Song, Klaus-Hendrik Wolf, Reinhold Haux:
Daily activities and fall risk - A follow-up study to identify relevant activities for sensor-based fall risk assessment. 68-72 - Qing Zeng-Treitler, Hyeoneui Kim
, Graciela Rosemblat, Alla Keselman:
Can Multilingual Machine Translation Help Make Medical Record Content More Comprehensible to Patients? 73-77
Chapter 2. Electronic Health Records
- Prashila Dullabh, Adil Moiduddin, Elizabeth Babalola:
Measurement of the Utilization of an Installed Electronic Health Record. 81-85 - Watson A. Bowes III:
Measuring Use of Electronic Health Record Functionality Using System Audit Information. 86-90 - Yasushi Matsumura, Noriyuki Kurabayashi, Tetsuya Iwasaki, Shuichi Sugaya, Kanayo Ueda, Takahiro Mineno, Hiroshi Takeda:
A Scheme for Assuring Lifelong Readability in Computer Based Medical Records. 91-95 - Evan Waters, Jeff Rafter, Gerald P. Douglas, Mwatha Bwanali, Darius Jazayeri, Hamish S. F. Fraser:
Experience Implementing a Point-of-Care Electronic Medical Record System for Primary Care in Malawi. 96-100 - Zach Landis-Lewis, Gerald P. Douglas, Valerie Monaco, Rebecca S. Crowley:
Touchscreen Task Efficiency and Learnability in an Electronic Medical Record at the Point-of-Care. 101-105 - Charles Webster, Mark Copenhaver:
Process-Aware EHR BPM Systems: Two Prototypes and a Conceptual Framework. 106-110 - John Knight, Margaret Patrickson, Bruce Gurd
Understanding Resistance towards Electronic Patient Health Data in South Australian Family Practice. 111-115 - Daniel Flichtentrei, Florencia Braga, Darío García, Jorge Jamsech, Carlos Otero, Martín Waldhorn, Daniel R. Luna
, Fernán Gonzalez Bernaldo de Quirós:
Usefulness of the functionalities of an Electronic Medical Record on a Latinamerican Medical Web Portal. 116-120 - Anna Marie Høstgaard, Pernille Bertelsen, Christian Nøhr
How are clinicians involved in EHR planning? A process analysis case study of a region in Denmark. 121-125 - Enrique Soriano
, Fernando Plazzotta, Fernando Campos, Diego Kaminker, Alfredo H. Cancio, Jerónimo Aguilera Díaz, Daniel R. Luna
, Alberto Seehaus, Ricardo Carcía Mónaco, Fernán Gonzalez Bernaldo de Quirós:
Integration of Healthcare Information: from Enterprise PACS to Patient Centered Multimedia Health Record. 126-130 - Inger Dybdahl Sørby, Gry Seland, Øystein Nytrø
The Avoidable Misfortune of a Computerized Patient Chart. 131-135 - Yi Hong, Kevin Ehlers, Rick Gillis, Timothy B. Patrick, Jin Zhang:
A Usability Study of Patient-friendly Terminology in an EMR System. 136-140 - Grace I. Paterson, Nicola Shaw
, Andrew M. Grant, Kevin J. Leonard, Elisabeth Delisle, Shelby Mitchell, Maryan McCarrey, Bill Pascal, Nancy Kraetschmer:
A Conceptual Framework for Analyzing How Canadian Physicians are Using Electronic Medical Records in Clinical Care. 141-145 - Tanja Bekhuis
, Dina Demner-Fushman:
Towards Automating the Initial Screening Phase of a Systematic Review. 146-150 - Kirstine Hjære Rosenbeck, Anne Randorff Rasmussen, Pia Britt Elberg, Stig Kjær Andersen:
Balancing centralised and decentralised EHR approaches to manage standardisation. 151-155 - Jean-Baptiste Lamy, Catherine Duclos, Saliha Hamek, Marie-Catherine Beuscart-Zéphir, Gaétan Kerdelhué
, Stéfan Jacques Darmoni, Madeleine Favre, Hector Falcoff, Christian Simon, Suzanne Pereira, Elisabeth Serrot, Thierry Mitouard, Etienne Hardouin, Yannick Kergosien, Alain Venot:
Towards iconic language for patient records, drug monographs, guidelines and medical search engines. 156-160 - Marcelo R. Santos, Marcello Peixoto Bax
, Dipak Kalra:
Building a Logical EHR architecture based on ISO 13606 standard and Semantic Web Technologies. 161-165
Chapter 3. Clinical Information Systems
- Young-Ah Kim, Soo-Yong Shin, Eun-Mi Jo, Chan-Hee Park, Min-A. Hwang, Kyung Hwan Kim, Chun Kee Chung:
Case Study: Analysis of End-User Requests on Electronic Medical Record and Computerized Physician Order Entry System of Seoul National University Hospital in Korea. 169-172 - Sylvia Pelayo, Françoise Anceaux, Janine Rogalski, Marie-Catherine Beuscart-Zéphir:
Does CPOE Actually Disrupt Physicians-Nurses Communications? 173-177 - Sarah A. Collins, Suzanne Bakken, David K. Vawdrey, Enrico W. Coiera
, Leanne M. Currie:
Discuss Now, Document Later: CIS/CPOE Perceived to be a 'Shift Behind' in the ICU. 178-182 - Christian Nøhr
, Marianne Sørensen, André Kushniruk:
Method for testing a CPOE system in the medication process in a cardiology ward. 183-187 - Fleur Fritz, Sonja Ständer, Bernhard Breil, Martin Dugas
Steps towards Single Source - Collecting Data about Quality of Life within Clinical Information Systems. 188-192 - Eric Zapletal, Nicolas Rodon, Natalia Grabar, Patrice Degoulet:
Methodology of integration of a clinical data warehouse with a clinical information system: the HEGP case. 193-197 - Mohamed Ben Saïd, Laurence Robel, Erwan Vion, Bernard Golse, Jean Philippe Jaïs, Paul Landais:
TEDIS: an Information System Dedicated to Patients with Pervasive Developmental Disorders. 198-202 - Lei Hua, Yang Gong:
Developing a User-centered Voluntary Medical Incident Reporting System. 203-207 - Omolola Ogunyemi, Sukrit Mukherjee, Chizobam Ani, David Hindman, Sheba M. George, Ramarao Ilapakurthi, Mary Verma, Melvin Dayrit:
CEDRIC: A Computerized Chronic Disease Management System for Urban, Safety Net Clinics. 208-212 - Jean-Marc Palm, Andrew Grant, Jean-Marie Moutquin, Patrice Degoulet:
Determinants of Clinical Information System Post-Adoption Success. 213-217 - Edward Vitkin, Boaz Carmeli, Ohad Greenshpan, Dorit Baras, Yariv N. Marmor
MEDAL: Measuring of Emergency Departments' Adaptive Load. 218-222 - Andrew Georgiou
, Johanna I. Westbrook
, Jeffrey Braithwaite
What effect does electronic ordering have on the organisational dynamics of a hospital pathology service? 223-227 - Juanita I. Fernando
Clinicians, security and information technology support services in practice settings - A pilot study. 228-232 - Tony Cornford, Imogen Savage, Yogini Jani, Bryony Dean Franklin
, Nick Barber, Ann Slee, Ann Jacklin:
Learning lessons from electronic prescribing implementations in secondary care. 233-237 - Ricardo João Cruz Correia
Implementation, monitoring and utilization of an integrated Hospital Information System - lessons from a case study. 238-241 - Ståle Walderhaug
, Gunnar Hartvigsen, Erlend Stav
Model-Driven Traceability in Healthcare Information Systems Development. 242-246 - Paolo Locatelli
, Nicola Restifo, Luca Gastaldi
, Elena Sini, Michele Torresani:
The Evolution of Hospital Information Systems and the Role of Electronic Patient Records: From the Italian Scenario to a Real Case. 247-251 - Saoussen Sakji, Quentin Gicquel, Suzanne Pereira, Ivan Kergourlay, Denys Proux, Stéfan Jacques Darmoni, Marie Hélène Metzger:
Evaluation of a French Medical Multi-Terminology Indexer for the Manual Annotation of Natural Language Medical Reports of Healthcare-Associated Infections. 252-256 - William B. Lober, Debra Revere, Rebecca A. Hills:
A Lab-EMR Interoperability Profile as an eHealth Architecture Component for Resource-Constrained Settings. 257-261 - Rema Padman, Grant Shevchik, Suzanne Paone, Carl Dolezal, Jody Cervenak:
eVisit: A Pilot Study of a New Kind of Healthcare Delivery. 262-266
Chapter 4. Documentation and Workflow
- Kristiina Häyrinen, Kaija Saranto:
Patients' Needs Assessment Documentation in Multidisciplinary Electronic Health Records. 269-273 - Mark A. Ballermann
, Nicola T. Shaw
, Kelly J. Arbeau, Damon C. Mayes, R. T. Noel Gibney:
Impact of a Critical Care Clinical Information System on Interruption Rates During Intensive Care Nurse and Physician Documentation Tasks. 274-278 - Heloisa Helena Ciqueto Peres, Diná de Almeida Lopes Monteiro da Cruz, Antônio Fernandes Costa Lima
, Raquel Rapone Gaidzinski, Diley Cardoso Franco Ortiz, Michelle Mendes e Trindade, Rosangela Tsukamoto, Neurilene Batista de Oliveira:
Conceptualization of an Electronic System for Documentation of Nursing Diagnosis, Outcomes, and Intervention. 279-283 - Kaija Saranto, Jacqueline Moss, Virpi Jylhä:
Medication Counseling: Analysis of Electronic Documentation Using the Clinical Care Classification System. 284-288 - Haitham Kussaibi
, François Macary, Mary Kennedy, David Booker, Victor Brodsky, Thomas Schrader, Marcial García-Rojo, Christel Daniel:
HL7 CDA Implementation Guide for Structured Anatomic Pathology Reports Methodology and Tools. 289-293 - Ero S. Karlsen, Pieter Jelle Toussaint:
Peri-operative Communication Patterns and Media Usage - Implications for Systems Design. 294-298 - Adela Grando
, Mor Peleg
, David Glasspool:
Goal-based design pattern for delegation of work in health care teams. 299-303 - Susanna Martikainen, Pauliina Ikävalko, Mikko Korpela
Participatory interaction design in user requirements specification in healthcare. 304-308 - Linda W. P. Peute
, Nicolette F. de Keizer, Monique W. M. Jaspers:
Cognitive Evaluation of a Physician Data Query Tool for a National ICU Registry: Comparing Two Think Aloud Variants and Their Application in Redesign. 309-313 - Paul J. McCullagh
, Melanie P. Ware, Maurice D. Mulvenna
, Gaye Lightbody
, Chris D. Nugent
, H. Gerry McAllister, Eileen Thomson, Suzanne Martin, Stephen Mathews, David Todd, Vicente Cruz Medina, Sara Carro:
Can Brain Computer Interfaces Become Practical Assistive Devices in the Community? 314-318 - Alessio Bottrighi
, Mauro Torchio, Stefania Montani
, Gianpaolo Molino, Paolo Terenziani
Supporting Human Interaction and Human Resources Coordination in Distributed Clinical Guidelines. 319-323
Chapter 5. Regional and National Information Systems
- Mariangela Contenti, Gregorio Mercurio, Fabrizio L. Ricci, Luca-Dan Serbanati:
LuMiR: The region-wide EHR-S in Basilicata. 327-331 - Adam Thompson, Evelyn Castle, Paul Lubeck, Provost Shehu Makarfi:
Experience Implementing OpenMRS to Support Maternal and Reproductive Health in Northern Nigeria. 332-336 - Cheryl L. Amoroso, Benjamin Akimana, Benjamin Wise, Hamish S. F. Fraser:
Using Electronic Medical Records for HIV Care in Rural Rwanda. 337-341 - Abdul Hafeez-Baig
, Raj Gururajan:
Key Common Determinants for Adoption of Wireless Technology in Healthcare for India and Pakistan: Development of a conceptual model. 342-346 - Lyn A. Hanmer, Sedick Isaacs, J. Dewald Roode:
Factors associated with health information system success: Results of a survey of hospitals in South Africa. 347-351 - Naomi Mensink, Grace I. Paterson:
The Evolution and Uptake of a Drug Information System: the Case of a Small Canadian Province. 352-355 - Mark D. Hawker:
Social Networking in the National Health Service in England: A Quantitative Analysis of the Online Identities of 152 Primary Care Trusts. 356-360 - Kitta Lawton, Marianne Holdt, Pia Kopke, Hrönn Sigurðardóttir:
Standardizing Implementation of a Surgical Information System in Danish Hospitals - A Comparative Study. 361-365 - Bruno Alves, Henning Müller
, Michael Schumacher, David Godel, Abu Khaled Omar:
Interoperability prototype between hospitals and general practitioners in Switzerland. 366-370 - William M. Tierney, Marion Achieng, Elaine Baker, April Bell, Paul G. Biondich, Paula Braitstein, Daniel Kayiwa, Sylvester N. Kimaiyo, Burke W. Mamlin, Brian McKown, Nicholas Musinguzi, Winstone M. Nyandiko, Joseph K. Rotich, John E. Sidle, Abraham M. Siika, Martin Chieng Were, Benjamin A. Wolfe, Kara Wools-Kaloustian, Ada Yeung, Constantin T. Yiannoutsos:
Experience Implementing Electronic Health Records in Three East African Countries. 371-375 - Boonchai Kijsanayotin, Narong Kasitipradith, Supasit Pannarunothai:
eHealth in Thailand: The current status. 376-380 - Vigdis Heimly, Anders Grimsmo, Trond Palmer Henningsen, Arild Faxvaag:
Diffusion and use of Electronic Health Record Systems in Norway. 381-385 - Nathalie Gusew, Annekatrin Gerlach, Thomas Bartkiewicz, Michael Goldapp, Reinhold Haux, Ulrich Heller, Nils Hellrung, Horst-P. Kierdorf, Thorsten Kleinschmidt, Ulrich Markurth, Michael Marschollek, Maik Plischke, Rainer Schubert, Christoph Seidel, Holger Wiegmann:
eHealth Vision towards Cooperative Patient Care - Domain Fields and Architectural Challenges of Regional Health Care Networks. 386-390 - Alvaro Margolis
, Lino Bessonart, Ana Barbiel, Pablo Pazos, Juan Gil, Heber Machado, Alvaro Vero:
A countrywide clinical informatics project in Uruguay. 391-395 - Parimalaranie Yogeswaran, Graham Wright
EHR Implementation in South Africa: How do we get it right? 396-400 - Tungamirirai Simbini, Rosemary Foster, Paul Nesara, Carola Hullin Lucay Cossio:
Monitoring diseases across borders: African regional integrative information systems. 401-405 - Nicky Mostert-Phipps, Dalenca Pottas
, Mikko Korpela
A Socio-Technical Approach to Continuity of Care and Electronic Records in the South African Context. 406-410 - Eric-Jan Manders, Eurico José, Manuel Solis, Janeen Burlison, José Leopoldo Nhampossa, Troy Moon:
Implementing OpenMRS for patient monitoring in an HIV/AIDS care and treatment program in rural Mozambique. 411-415 - Seth Ohemeng-Dapaah, Paul Pronyk, Eric Akosah, Bennett Nemser, Andrew S. Kanter
Combining Vital Events Registration, Verbal Autopsy and Electronic Medical Records in Rural Ghana for Improved Health Services Delivery. 416-420 - Tapio Ala-Hiiro, Kaisa Lemmetty, Satu Pitkänen, Eija Häyrinen:
Adopting the National Structure of Nursing Documentation is Consequential in the Development of Care. 421-423
Chapter 6. Public Health Informatics
- Monika Alise Johansen, Jan-Are Kolset Johnsen, Neema Shrestha, Johan Gustav Bellika:
Symptoms from Patients as the Primary Information Source for Real-time Surveillance. 427-431 - Walter Koller, Alexander Blacky, Claudia Bauer, Harald Mandl, Klaus-Peter Adlassnig:
Electronic Surveillance of Healthcare-Associated Infections with MONI-ICU - A Clinical Breakthrough Compared to Conventional Surveillance Systems. 432-436 - Avaré Stewart, Kerstin Denecke
Using ProMED-Mail and MedWorm Blogs for Cross-Domain Pattern Analysis in Epidemic Intelligence. 437-441 - Clément Turbelin, Pierre-Yves Boëlle:
Improving general practice based epidemiologic surveillance using desktop clients: the French Sentinel Network experience. 442-446 - José Luis Hernández Cáceres:
Attempting to predict the fate of an ongoing epidemic. Lessons from A(H1N1) influenza in USA. 447-451 - Aneel A. Advani, Aarti M. Turuvekere, Conan Liu, Ken Rubin, Chris Lamer, Theresa Cullen:
Design and Assessment of a Common, Multi-National Public Health Informatics Infrastructure to Enable H1N1 Influenza Surveillance. 452-456 - Qiongyu Chen, Tze-Yun Leong
Towards A Multi-Level Game Model for Influenza Epidemics. 457-461 - Jacobus T. van Wyk, B. Mosseveld, Johan van der Lei:
Is population-oriented IT supported preventive care in general practice feasible? A database study. 462-465 - Taxiarchis Botsis, Gunnar Hartvigsen:
Exploring new directions in disease surveillance for people with diabetes: Lessons learned and future plans. 466-470 - Hendra van Zyl, Liz Dartnall:
A 3-step eHealth approach to transfer knowledge on HIV and sexual violence in developing countries. 471-475 - Catherine Searle, Arthi Ramkissoon, Thamandrie Govender:
Using a File Audit to Evaluate Retention in Care and Patient Outcomes in a Programme to Decentralise Antiretroviral Treatment to Primary Health Care Facilities in a High Prevalence Setting in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. 476-480 - Paul Landais, Claude Messiaen
, Ana Rath, Loïc Le Mignot, Eric Dufour, Mohamed Ben Saïd, Jean Philippe Jaïs, Laurent Toubiana
, Geneviève Baujat, Eva Bourdon-Lanoy, Marion Gerard-Blanluet, Christine Bodemer, Rémi Salomon, Ségolène Aymé, Martine Le Merrer, Alain Verloes
CEMARA an information system for rare diseases. 481-485 - Iain E. Buchan
, John D. Ainsworth
, Emma Carruthers, Philip A. Couch, Martin O'Flaherty
, Duncan Smith, Richard Williams
, Simon Capewell:
IMPACT: A generalisable system for simulating public health interventions. 486-490 - Marc Cuggia
, Sahar Bayat, Nicolas Garcelon
, Lauren Sanders, Florence Rouget, Arnaud Coursin, Patrick Pladys:
A full-text information retrieval system for an epidemiological registry. 491-495 - Sarah Thew, Paul Jarvis, John D. Ainsworth
, Iain E. Buchan
Obesity Atlas and Methodbox: Towards an Open Framework for Sharing Public Health Intelligence Workflows. 496-500 - Roshan Hewapathirana, Gamini Wijayarathna:
Spatiotemporal Antibiotic Resistance Pattern Monitoring using Geographical Information System based Hierarchical Cluster Analysis. 501-504 - Dimitris Vourvahakis, Catherine E. Chronaki
, Vasilis Kontoyiannis, Demosthenis Panagopoulos, Spyros Stergiopoulos:
Traffic Accidents in Crete (1996-2006): the Role of the Emergency Coordination Center. 505-509 - Noemi Dreyer Galvão, Heimar de Fátima Marin:
Traffic Accident In Cuiabá-Mt: An Analysis Through The Data Mining Technology. 510-513 - Janus Snyders, Elmarie van Wyk, Hendra van Zyl:
Investigating health information needs of community radio stations and applying the World Wide Web to disseminate audio products. 514-517 - Denis Delamarre, Agnès Lillo-Le Louët, Laetitia Guillot, Anne Jamet, Eric Sadou, Theo Ouazine, Anita Burgun, Marie-Christine Jaulent
Documentation in Pharmacovigilance: Using an ontology to extend and normalize Pubmed queries. 518-522
Chapter 7. Care at a Distance
- Martin Chieng Were, James Kariuki, Viola Chepngeno, Margaret Wandabwa, Samson K. Ndege, Paula Braitstein, Juddy Wachira, Sylvester N. Kimaiyo, Burke W. Mamlin:
Leapfrogging Paper-Based Records Using Handheld Technology: Experience from Western Kenya. 525-529 - Khatry-Chhetry Mukund Bahadur, Peter J. Murrayb:
Cell Phone Short Messaging Service (SMS) for HIV/AIDS in South Africa: A literature review. 530-534 - Joseph Finkelstein, Eunme Cha, Cheryl R. Dennison:
Exploring Feasibility of Home Telemanagement in African Americans with Congestive Heart Failure. 535-539 - Ime Asangansi
, Kristin Braa:
The Emergence of Mobile-Supported National Health Information Systems in Developing Countries. 540-544 - Urvashi Sharma, Julie Barnett
, Malcolm Clarke
Clinical users' perspective on telemonitoring of patients with long term conditions: understood through concepts of Giddens's structuration theory & consequence of modernity. 545-549 - Alexander Mense, Stefan Sauermann
, G. Gerbovic, Matthias Frohner, Birgit Pohn, R. Bruckner, Philipp Urbauer
, Florian Eckkrammer, Harald Wahl:
Usage of international standards for integrating extramural monitoring and personal health device data into medical information infrastructure. 550-553 - Cheick Oumar Bagayoko, Mahamoudane Niang, Seydou T. Traoré, Georges Bediang, Jean-Marc Naef, Antoine Geissbühler:
Deploying Portable Ultrasonography with Remote Assistance for Isolated Physicians in Africa: Lessons from a Pilot Study in Mali. 554-558 - José Ignacio Valenzuela, Catalina López, Yuli Guzmán, Roosevelt Fajardo:
Web-Based Asynchronous Teleconsulting for Consumers in Colombia: A 2-year Follow Up. 559-563
Chapter 8. Education
- Nicola Shaw
Medical Education & Health Informatics: Time to join the 21st Century? 567-571 - Maria Katharaki
, Stelios Daskalakis, John Mantas:
Investigating the potential of e-Learning in healthcare postgraduate curricula: A structural equation model. 572-575 - M. Cristina Mazzoleni, Carla Rognoni
, Enrico Finozzi, Mauro Landro, Edda Maria Capodaglio
, Marcello Imbriani
, Ines Giorgi
Earnings in E-learning: Knowledge, CME credits or both? Hints from Analysis of Attendance Dynamics and Users' Behaviour. 576-580 - Bernhard Breil, Fleur Fritz, Volker Thiemann, Martin Dugas
Multidisciplinary Education in Medical Informatics - A course for medical and informatics students. 581-584 - Rowan P. Seymour, Amy Tang, John DeRiggi, Christian Munyaburanga, Rita Cuckovitch, Patrick Nyirishema, Hamish S. F. Fraser:
Training Software Developers for Electronic Medical Records in Rwanda. 585-589 - Gavin Reagon, Ehimario Igumbor
Strengthening Health Systems through training of Health Care Providers in the conduct of Routine Waiting Time and System Efficiency Surveys. 590-594