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MVA 1996: Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
- Proceedings of IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications, MVA 1996, November 12-14, 1996, Tokyo, Japan. 1996
Motion and Focal Plane Architectures
- Vasudevan V. Vinod, Hiroshi Murase:
Visual Tracking Using Active Search for Color. 1-4 - Hichem Sahli, Patrick de Muynck, Jan Cornelis:
A Kalman Filter-Based Update Scheme for Road Following. 5-9 - Dae-Sik Jang, Hyung-Il Choi, Gye-Young Kim:
Real-time Tracking with Kalman Filter. 10-13 - Takayuki Hamamoto, Kiyoharu Aizawa, Mitsutoshi Hatori:
Video Enhancement Sensor Using Motion Adaptive Storage Time. 14-17 - Marius Vasiliu, Francis Devos:
A Focal Plane Array for Hot Punctual Target Identification and Tracking. 18-21
- Christian Küblbeck, Christoph Schittko, Thomas Wagner:
Automatic Configuration of Systems for Texture Analysis. 22-25 - Ming Yu, Shinji Ozawa:
An Adaptive Threshold Method for Gray Scale Character Images. 26-29 - Ali A. Abkar, Nanno J. Mulder:
A Comparison between Top-Down and Bottom-Up Image Analysis in Terms of the Complexity of Searching a Problem Space. 30-33
Poster Session 1
- Pieter Jonker, Eddy Olk, Koen Volker:
Parallel Image Processing on Heterogeneous SIMD-MIMD Machines. 34-38 - Joji Iisaka:
A Coarse Parallel Image Processing System for Remote Sensing. 39-42 - Tomoyuki Hamada:
A Modularized Vision System Using a Distributed Cooperative Architecture. 43-46 - Hiroshi Ueno, Seiji Ishikawa, Yoshinori Otsuka, Kiyoshi Kato:
Automatic Spinal Deformity Detection by Two Characteristic Axes. 47-50 - Kyong-Ho Kim, Sung-Il Chien, Yong-Bum Lee, Kwang-Soo Kim:
Analog and Digital Meter Recognition Using Computer Vision. 51-54 - Yuyo Nogami, Seiji Ishikawa, Kiyoshi Kato:
A Method of Resolving an Entangled Cord. 55-58 - Anders Åström, Erik Åstrand:
A Compact and High Performance Wood Inspection System Using Smart Sensor Technique and Real-Time Parallel Processing. 59-62 - Chunxiao Li, Pingtao Wang, Heitou Zen, Masao Sakauchi:
Creation of Plane-Spatiotemporal-Image Using a Selected Slit. 63-66 - Makoto Kato:
Interactive Image Segmentation System for Visual Simulation. 67-70 - Lampros Tsinas, Volker Graefe:
Real-Time Recognition of Signaling Lights in Road Traffic. 71-74 - Yoshihisa Adachi, Minoru Asada, Takayuki Nakamura:
Correlation-Based Visual Tracking Enhanced by Affine Motion Description. 75-78 - Yi-Bing Yang, Hung-Tat Tsui:
Position Estimation and Correction of Mobile Robot by Model-based Scene Matching and Optimization Method. 79-82 - Aiqun Wang, Nanning Zheng, Lixing Yuan:
One Dimensional Motion Detector - Multiplicative Inhibitory Velocity Detector (MIVD). 83-86 - Zheng Li, Han Wang:
Model Based Tracking on 3D Objects. 87-90 - Kazuyuki Hattori, Yukio Sato:
Pattern Shift Rangefinding for Accurate Shape Information. 91-94 - Takanori Aoi, Hiroshi Nagahashi:
3-D Modeling from a Single Sketch Image Using Genetic Algorithms. 95-98 - Takashi Kobayashi, Osamu Nishimura, Koh Kakusho, Seiichiro Dan, Tadahiro Kitahashi:
Shape Recovery for Input of a Rough 3D Shape by Its 2D Sketch. 99-102 - Nozha Boujemaa, Olivier Montagu, Claude Sourti, Gilles Roux:
Symbolic Segmentation of Handwritten Numerals with Robust Fuzzy Clustering. 103-106 - Yoshihiro Mitani, Yoshihiko Hamamoto, Shingo Tomita:
Evaluation of the Noise Injection in High Dimensions. 107-110 - Hoo Byong Yun, Dong Un An, Seong Jong Chung:
Region Segmentation of the Color Images for Recognition Based on the Spatial Characteristic and Histogram. 111-114 - Zhiyong Yang, Songde Ma, Qifa Ke:
A New Way to Visual Representation and Learning. 115-118 - Megumi Kawata, Jack Koplowitz, Masato Sakata:
A Study on Subpixel Smoothing for Binary Images. 119-122 - Fumihiko Saitoh:
Components Recognition by the Generalized Hough Transform Using Multiple Two-dimensional Parameter Spaces. 123-126 - Toshinori Hayashi, Yuzuru Tanaka:
Image Features Based on a Mixed Fractal Model and Evaluation of Their Effectiveness in Image Retrieval. 127-130 - Lin Yu Tseng, Rung Ching Chen:
An Efficient Recognition and Data Extraction Method for Table-Form Documents. 131-134 - Takayuki Kondo, Kazuhito Murakami, Hiroyasu Koshimizu:
On a Simple Method for Corresponding 3-D Facial Images and Its Application to Generate Facial Caricature. 135-138 - Hiroshi Shinjo, Kazuki Nakashima, Masashi Koga, Katsumi Marukawa, Yoshihiro Shima, Eiichi Hadano:
A Connecting Method for Disappeared Corner Patterns in Form Documents. 139-142 - Kazuki Nakashima, Masashi Koga, Katsumi Marukawa, Yoshihiro Shima:
A Restoration Method for Broken Handwritten Line-figures with Connecting Terminal Points. 143-146 - Masakazu Nishijima, Toyohide Watanabe:
An Automatic Extraction of Road Information on the Basis of Cooperative Hypotheses Interpretation Mechanism. 147-150
Invited Talk 1
- Thien M. Ha, Horst Bunke, Guido Kaufmann:
Perturbation Models: A New Approach to Improving Handwriting Recognition. 151-159
- Sholin Kyo, Kan Sato:
Efficient Implementation of Image Processing Algorithms on Linear Processor Arrays Using the Data Parallel Language IDC. 160-165 - Eril Mozef, Serge Weber, Jamal Jaber, Claude Bataille:
LAPCAM, Linear Array of Processors Using Content-Addressable Memories: A New Design of Machine Vision for Parallel Image Computations. 166-169 - Yoshihiro Fujita, Nobuyuki Yamashita, Shin'ichiro Okazaki:
IMAP-VISION: An SIMD Processor with High-Speed On-chip Memory and Large Capacity External Memory. 170-173 - Yudi Yanuhardi, Trio Adiono, Tati Rajab Mengko:
TMP5X5T1M: A Configurable Binary Morphological and Template Matching Processor. 174-177 - Mahmoud Méribout, Takeshi Ogura, Mamoru Nakanishi:
Real-time Hough Transform Based Circular Shape Extraction. 178-182
Applications 1
- Massimiliano Loria, Alberto Machì:
Automatic Visual Control of a Pedestrian Traffic Light. 183-186 - Kentaro Hayashi, Yoshinori Kuno, Yoshiaki Shirai:
Human-Robot Interface with Appropriate Frame Selection. 187-190 - Yasuhiko Watanabe, Yoshihiro Okada, Tatsuhiko Tsunoda, Makoto Nagao:
Aligning Articles in TV Newscasts and Newspapers. 191-195 - Ebroul Izquierdo, Michael Karl:
Low Complexity Disparity Estimation and Object-Based Image Synthesis for Multi-Viewpoint Stereoscopic Videoconferencing. 196-199 - Keith J. Hanna, Robert Mandelbaum, Deepam Mishra, Vince Paragano, Lambert E. Wixson:
A System for Non-Intrusive Human Iris Acquisition and Identification. 200-203 - Joachim Denzler, Heinrich Niemann:
3D Data Driven Prediction for Active Contour Models with Application to Car Tracking. 204-207 - Toshikazu Wada, Takekazu Kato:
Event Driven Motion-Image Classification by Selective Attention Model. 208-211 - Wlodzimierz Kasprzak, Heinrich Niemann:
Applying a Dynamic Recognition Scheme for Vehicle Recognition in Many Object Traffic Scenes. 212-215 - Antonis A. Argyros, Manolis I. A. Lourakis, Panos E. Trahanias, Stelios C. Orphanoudakis:
Fast Visual Detection of Changes in 3D Motion. 216-219 - Masafumi Tominaga, Kunihito Kato, Kazuhito Murakami, Hiroyasu Koshimizu:
Realization of Askant Glance Camera Vision System by Using Extended Hough Transform. 220-224
Poster Session 2
- G. M. T. Cross, Roberto Cipolla:
Affine Contour-Based Visual Servoing. 225-228 - Ying-jieh Huang, Hiroshi Dohi, Mitsuru Ishizuka:
A Vision System with Dual Viewing Angles for Spontaneous Speech Dialogue Environment. 229-232 - Zhongchao Shi, Ryosuke Shibasaki:
An Approach to Automated House Recognition from Digital Stereo Imagery. 233-236 - Oliver Dehning, Claus-E. Liedtke:
Gipsy: Knowledge Based Surface Inspection. 237-240 - Takafumi Hara, Tomoyuki Kudou, Eturo Yokoyama, Hidetoshi Miike, Atsushi Nomura:
Recovering 3D-Shape from Motion Stereo under Non-Uniform Illumination - A Vision System for Mobile Robot Carring an Illumination Source -. 241-244 - Kazuya Takahashi, Tadaaki Kitamura, Masao Takatoo, Yoshiki Kobayashi, Yoshiyuki Satoh:
Traffic Flow Measuring System by Image Processing. 245-248 - Georges Quénot:
Computation of Optical Flow Using Dynamic Programming. 249-252 - Ping Xiao, Maylor K. H. Leung, Kok Cheong Wong:
Eleview: An Active Elevator Monitoring Vision System. , . 253-256 - Kayoko Kitai:
A Study of Automatically Tracking Pedestrian Flow. 257-260 - Toshifumi Honda, Yukio Matsuyama, Hisae Yamamura, Hideaki Sasazawa, Takanori Ninomiya, Ludwig Listl, Anton Schick, Richard Schneider:
Automated Visual Inspection Algorithm for Solder Joint of Surface Mount Devices Based on Three Dimensional Shape Analysis. 261-266 - Erik Roeland van Dop, Paul P. L. Regtien:
Object Recognition from Range Images Using Superquadric Representations. 267-270 - Dmitry Lagunovsky, Sergey Ablameyko, M. Kutas:
Extraction of Topological Features of Integrated Circuit from Grey-Scale Image. 271-274 - Yasuo Yoshida, Yue Wu:
Classification of Rotated and Scaled Textured Images Using Spectral Moments. 275-278 - Shan Jiang, Yufang Sun:
Dynamic Feature in Complicated Pattern Recognition. 279-284 - Ivá Valdés, Yoshihiko Nomura, Yasunaga Mitsuya:
Equidistant Snakes: Accurate Irregular Shaped Contour Detection. 285-288 - Ichiro Murase, Shun'ichi Kaneko, Satoru Igarashi:
Inductive Learning of Primitive Shape Features of Closed Contours. 289-292 - Masaki Otsuki, Yukio Sato:
Highlight Separation Using Multiple Images with Intensities and Ranges.. 293-296 - Hitoshi Saji:
Measuring Three-Dimensional Shapes of a Human Face Using Photometric Stereo Method with Two Light Sources and Slit Patterns. 297-300 - Tae Wan Choi, DaeHyun Ryu, Jae-Chang Kim:
Implementation of an Orientation Selective Hierarchical Spatial Filter Using Diffusion Network. 301-304 - Phongsuphap Sukanya, Ryo Takamatsu, Makoto Sato:
Texture Classification Based on Topographic Image Structure. 305-308 - Xavier Cufí, Alicia Casals:
A Criterion for Circumscribed Contours Determination for Image Segmentation. 309-312 - Yoshiaki Kuno, Tohru Yagi, Yoshiki Uchikawa:
A Wide-View VR System with Multi-Level Description and Rendering of 3D Scenes. 313-316 - Yuichi Murai, Kazumasa Bansho, Ken-Ichi Noda:
Pitched Baseball Image Extraction in Natural Color TV Scene and Its Trajectory Pursuit. 317-320 - Kenji Terada, Masaki Fujikawa, Jun-Ichi Yamaguchi:
An Automatic Method of Counting the Passing People through the Gate by Using Two Space-time Images. 321-324 - Yoshihiro Kawai, Fumiaki Tomita:
A Support System for the Visually Disabled to Recognize 3D Objects. 325-328 - Hiroshi Mo, Shin'ichi Satoh, Masao Sakauchi:
A New Type of Video Scene Classification System Based on Typical Model Database. 329-332 - Han Wang, Stan Z. Li, S. Ragupathi:
A Fast and Robust Approach for Document Segmentation and Classification. 333-336 - Qifa Ke, Jing Xiao, Zhiyong Yang:
Energy-based Method for Road Extraction from Satellite Images. 337-340 - Souad Tayeb-bey, Alexandre S. Saidi, Hubert Emptoz:
Grammatical Approach for the Physical and Logical Structure of Documents Analysis; Application to Summary Documents. 341-343 - Yining Ou, Jianqi Huang, Yinglin Yu:
A Practical Data Compression System for Map Images. 344-347 - Naoko Yokokura, Toyohide Watanabe:
Recognition of Composite Elements in Bar Graphs. 348-351
Invited Talk 2
- Gérard G. Medioni:
Using Computer Vision in Real Applications: Two Success Stories, . 352-360
Documents and Maps
- Paul C. K. Kwok, Lok C. Wong:
Run-time Behavior of Contour Tracing Algorithms for Document Conversion. 361-364 - Chang-Heon Woo, Soo Yong Kim, Sung-Nam Oh:
A New Method for Extracting Map Elements by Their Colors and Shapes from Color Cartographic Maps. 365-368 - Hiroyuki Masai, Toyohide Watanabe:
Identification of Document Types from Various Kinds of Document Images Based on Physical and Layout Features. 369-372 - Gerd Maderlechner, Thomas Brückner, Peter Suda:
IDA: A System for Automated Sorting, Indexing, and Classification of Documents. 373-376 - Jean-Luc Henry, Frank Lebourgeois:
Cooperation between Patterns Recognition and Contextual Analysis: Application to the Reading of Printed Documents. 377-380
- Atsushi Sakai, Yoshihiko Nomura, Yasunaga Mitsuya:
Matching for Affine Transformed Pictures Using Hough Planes. 381-384 - Ge Cong, Songde Ma:
Planar Shape Enhancement by General Geometric Heat Flow. 385-388 - Massimo De Gregorio:
Is That Portal Ghotic? A Hybrid System for Recognising Architectural Portal Shapes. 389-392 - Iman Triono, Kenichi Kanatani:
Automatic Recognition of Regular Figures by Geometric AIC. 393-396
- Anders Åström, Erik Åstrand:
Very High Speed Multi Resolution Sheet-of-light Range Imaging. 397-400 - Il Dong Yun, Ja Seong Ku, Sang Uk Lee:
Inspection of Shiny Surface Using a Laser Range Finder. 401-405 - Ikuko Shimizu, Koichiro Deguchi:
A Method to Register Multiple Range Images from Unknown Viewing Directions. 406-409 - Pingtao Wang, Chunxiao Li, Heitou Zen, Masao Sakauchi:
3D Information Acquisition from Plane Spatio-Temporal Images with Complicated Camera Motion. 410-413 - Jaap Glas, Ferdinand van der Heijden:
A Radiometric Noise Model for Estimating Geometrical Parameters of 3-D Bodies from Multispectral Images. 414-417
Poster Session 3
- Kiyoharu Aizawa, Yuichiro Egi, Takayuki Hamamoto, Yasuhiro Ohtsuka, Mitsutoshi Hatori, Hitoshi Maruyama, M. Abe:
Focal Plane Compression Sensors Based on Pixel Parallel and Column Parallel Architectures. 418-421 - Gunter Magin, Christian Robl, Georg Färber:
A Single Processor Realtime Edge-Line Extraction System for Feature Tracking. 422-425 - Yutaka Nagashima, Takeshi Nakazono, Takakazu Ishimatsu:
Parallel Implementation of Features Extraction Using Morphological Filter. 426-429 - Eiichi Hosoya, Takeshi Ogura, Mamoru Nakanishi:
Real-time 3D Feature Extraction Hardware Algorithm with Feature Point Matching Capability. 430-433 - Antonio Jose Garrido del Solo, Pedro Cuenca, Francisco J. Quiles
, Teresa Olivares:
Utilization of Network-Based Multicomputer with ATM Technology in Digital linage Processing Applications. . .. 434-437 - Yasuhiro Fujimura, Akira Kawanaka, Hideki Hayakawa:
Estimating the Propagation Velocity Distribution and the Position of Buried Pipe Using x -t - v Data Matrix of Subsurface Radar Image. 438-443 - Hiroki Nakano, Yasuo Yoshida:
Detection and Visualization of Macro Defects of Color Liquid Crystal Display through Gabor Transform. 444-449 - Kazuaki Nakamura, Jiang Hao, Shinji Yamamoto, Tetsuya Itoh:
Document Image Segmentation into Text, Continuous-Tone and Screened-Halftone Region by the Neural Networks. 450-453 - Yasukazu Okamoto, Sakae Kusakabe, Hitoshi Hata:
Train Wheel Abrasion, Measurement Method Using Contour Information. 454-457 - Wei-Yun Yau, Han Wang, Dinesh P. Mital:
Hand-Eye Coordination Using Active Stereo Camera. 458-461 - Eiji Takahashi, Hirohumi Terada, Yoshiro Nishimoto, Yuichiro Goto, Akashi Yamaguchi, Hideki Yamamuro, Atushi Miyawaki, Masami Fujii, Makoto Nakamura:
Automatic Visual Inspection System for Tape Carrier Package Using Unique Image Processing and Human Visual Support. 462-465 - Yuichi Tamura, Ken Hashimoto, Hiroshi Kohda, Yasuji Hattori:
Measurement of Displacement of Optical Fiber Using Light Intersection Method. 466-469 - Lixu Gu, Naoki Tanaka, Robert M. Haralick, Toyohisa Kaneko:
The Extraction of Characters from Scene Image Using Mathematical Morphology. 470-473 - Tetsuya Takeda, Yoshihiro Okada:
Feature Extraction and Description from Image Based on Isochromatic Information. 474-477 - Eric Duquenoy, Abdelmalik Taleb-Ahmed, Yves Beral:
A New Approach for Modelisation of Ellipsoidal-based Shape. 478-481 - Zhiyong Yang, Songde Ma, Qifa Ke:
MDL Mediated by Geometrical Redundancy Reduction and Complement Space. 482-485 - Keiichi Yamada, Morimichi Mizuno, Toshihiko Tsukada, Shin Yamamoto:
A Robust Vision System against the Change of Lighting Condition. 486-489 - Stephen Wang-Cheung Lam:
A Relaxed Fuzzy ISODATA Algorithm. 490-493 - N. V. Subba Reddy, P. Nagabhushan:
A Neural Network Based Multiple Expert System Model for Conflict Resolution. 494-497 - Osamu Shiku, Akira Nakamura, Hideaki Takahira, Hideo Kuroda:
A Method for Character String Extraction from Binary Images Using Hough Transform. 498-501 - Sergey Ablameyko, Maria Frucci, Angelo Marcelli:
Extracting Shape Primitives from Skeleton. 502-505 - Wei Wu, Hiroshi Mo, Masao Sakauchi:
An Image Retrieving System Based on User-Specified Recognition Model. 506-509 - Jean Michel Marie-Julie, Hassane Essafi:
Fast Parallel Multimedia Database Access Based on Wavelet Multiresoliition Pyramidal Decomposition. 510-513 - Gang Wang, Yijia Lin, Yueyue Song:
The Vectorization of Engineering Drawings Based on Statistics. 514-517 - Kyung-Ae Moon, Hyung Lee, Hee-Jun Yoon, Jong-Won Park:
A Parallel Processing System for a High-Speed Printed Document Recognition. 518-521 - Tsuneo Sobue, Toyohide Watanabe:
Identification of Item Fields in Table-form Documents with/without Line Segments. 522-525 - Kimihiro Uno, Hidetoshi Miike:
A Stereo Vision through Creating a Virtual Image Using Affine Transformation. 526-529 - Atsuto Maki, Tomas Uhlin, Jan-Olof Eklundh:
A Direct Disparity Estimation Technique for Depth Segmentation. 530-533 - Takashi Yoshimi, Yoshihiro Kawai, Fumiaki Tomita:
Range Data Segmentation with Principal Vectors and Surface Types. 534-537 - Xiaoyi Jiang, Horst Bunke:
Robust and Fast Edge Detection and Description in Range Images. 538-541