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SAC 1998: Atlanta, Georgia, USA
- K. M. George, Gary B. Lamont:
Proceedings of the 1998 ACM symposium on Applied Computing, SAC'98, Atlanta, GA, USA, February 27 - March 1, 1998. ACM 1998, ISBN 0-89791-969-6 - Thomas L. Sterling:
Beowulf PC clusters: breaking the cost barrier to high end application computing (keynote address - abstract). 1 - Marta Patiño-Martínez
, Ricardo Jiménez-Peris, Sergio Arévalo
Synchronizing group transaction with rendezvous in a distributed Ada environment. 2-9 - Shan Barkataki, Stuart Harte, Patricia J. Dousette, Gary Johnson:
Strategies for developing reusable software components in Ada-95. 10-17 - Massimo Marchiori:
Light analysis of complex systems. 18-22 - Nicole Nemer-Preece, Ralph W. Wilkerson:
Parallel genetic algorithm to solve the satisfiability problem. 23-28 - Klaus Schild, Jörg Würtz:
Off-line scheduling of a real-time system. 29-38 - Sei Chun, Huizhu Lu, Jonghoon Chun:
Succinct model semantics: a simple model for inclusive interpretations. 39-44 - George Economakos, George K. Papakonstantinou, Panayotis Tsanakas:
Incorporating multi-pass attribute grammars for the high-level synthesis of ASICs. 45-49 - Curtis Lisle, Rebecca J. Parsons:
Recursive, object-oriented structures for molecular modeling. 50-54 - Ray R. Hashemi, Michael S. Terry, Alexander A. Tyler, William Slikker, Merle G. Paule:
The development of profiles for children with attention deficit disorder and monkeys: a neural network approach. 55-59 - José Allen Lima, Agostinho C. Rosa:
Maximum likelihood based classification for the microstructure of human sleep. 60-64 - Mehdi T. Harandi, G. Rendon:
Classification and organizational issues in distributed problem solving. 65-69 - Fernando Machuca, Marta Millán:
Enhancing the exploitation of data mining in relational database systems via the rough sets theory including precision variables. 70-73 - Maria A. Walden, Marwan Bikdash, Abdollah Homaifar:
Evaluating multi-valued inverse functions using clustering and fuzzy approximations. 74-79 - Nobuyuki Nezu, Huizhu Lu:
Incremental construction of torus networks. 80-84 - Mahmoud Al-Omari, Hani Abu-Salem
Routing algorithms for tree-hypercube networks. 85-89 - Saied Hosseini-Khayat:
Replacement algorithms for object caching. 90-97 - Ilhwan Kim, Heon Young Yeom, Joonwon Lee:
Analysis of buffer replacement policies for WWW proxy. 98-103 - Constantin Arapis, Dimitri Konstantas, Thomi Pilioura:
Design issues and alternatives for setting up real-time interactive Telelectures. 104-111 - Sandeep Chatterjee:
Towards a MASC appliances-based educational paradigm. 112-116 - Suna Chung, Sam Chung:
A multimedia system for interactive learning of organ literature. 117-121 - Edgar F. A. Lederer, Romeo A. Dumitrescu:
Specification-consistent coordination model for computations. 122-129 - Paolo Ciancarini
, Davide Rossi:
Coordinating distributed applets with Shade/Java. 130-138 - Farhad Arbab, Éric Monfroy:
Using coordination for cooperative constraint solving. 139-148 - Oliver Krone, Fabrice Chantemargue, Thierry Dagaeff, Michael Schumacher, Béat Hirsbrunner:
Coordinating autonomous entities. 149-158 - Marcello M. Bonsangue, Joost N. Kok, Maarten Boasson, Edwin D. de Jong:
A software architecture for distributed control systems and its transition system semantics. 159-168 - Enrico Denti
, Antonio Natali, Andrea Omicini
On the expressive power of a language for programming coordination media. 169-177 - Andrew Berry, Simon M. Kaplan:
Open, distributed coordination with finesse. 178-184 - George A. Papadopoulos, Farhad Arbab:
Modelling activities in information systems using the coordination language MANIFOLD. 185-193 - Manuel Díaz
, Bartolomé Rubio
, José M. Troya:
Multilingual and multiparadigm integration of a tuple channel-based coordination model. 194-196 - Daniel Kim Chung Chan, Jochem Vonk, Gabriel Sanchez, Paul W. P. J. Grefen, Peter M. G. Apers:
A specification language for the WIDE workflow model. 197-199 - Rob L. W. van de Weg, Rolf Engmann:
Coordination in information systems based on an object-oriented framework. 200-202 - Antonio Si, Hong Va Leong, Peter Y. Wu:
4DIS: a temporal framework for unifying meta-data and data evolution. 203-210 - Gerti Kappel, Stefan Rausch-Schott, Werner Retschitzegger:
A tour on the TriGS active database system - architectue and implementation. 211-219 - Martin Staudt, Christoph Quix
, Manfred A. Jeusfeld
View maintenance and change notification for application program views. 220-225 - Michael H. Böhlen
, Christian S. Jensen
, Bjørn Skjellaug:
Spatio-temporal database support for legacy applications. 226-234 - Mario A. Nascimento, Jefferson R. O. Silva:
Towards historical R-trees. 235-240 - Caetano Traina Jr.
, Agma J. M. Traina, Rildo R. dos Santos, Edna Y. Senzako:
Support to content-based image query in object-oriented databases. 241-247 - Rafael Lozano, Hervé Martin:
Querying virtual videos using path and temporal expressions. 248-252 - Brajendra Panda, Joseph Giordano:
An overview of post information warfare data recovery. 253-254 - Antonio Di Nola:
Algebraic aspects of fuzzy logic (invited talk). 255-261 - Nasreddine Hallam, Kok Meng Yew:
Families of fuzzy implication operators within measure M1 and their pseudo-strict. 262-266 - Luigi Benedicenti, Giancarlo Succi
, Tullio Vernazza, Andrea Valerio:
Object oriented process modeling with fuzzy logic. 267-271 - Moataz A. Ahmed
, Ernesto Damiani, David C. Rine:
Fast recall of reusable fuzzy plans using acyclic directed graph memory. 272-276 - Adel M. Abunawass, Opinderjit Singh Bhella, Min Ding, Weiqun Li:
Fuzzy clustering improves convergence of the backpropagation algorithm. 277-281 - Ercüment Karakas
, Hasan Külünk:
Adaptive control of Bolu highway tunnel ventilation system using fuzzy logic. 282-286 - Nevcihan Duru, Tarik Duru, Nurettin Abut:
Fuzzy logic based noise reduction of digitally recorded speech signal. 287-291 - Andrea Bottari, Gianni Degli Antoni, Andrea Tettamanzi:
Tuning fuzzy software components with a distributed evolutionary engine. 292-296 - Ottavio M. D'Antona, M. W. Lo Campo:
ANATEMA: a neural approach to extended markup of SGML documents. 297-302 - Harilaos G. Sandalidis, Peter P. Stavroulakis, Joe Rodriguez-Tellez:
A combinatorial evolution strategy for dynamic channel assignment in cellular radio. 303-307 - Aaron H. Konstam:
Group classification using a mix of genetic programming and genetic algorithms. 308-312 - Bryant A. Julstrom:
Comparing decoding algorithms in a weight-coded GA for TSP. 313-317 - Clarissa Cook, Dale A. Schoenefeld, Roger L. Wainwright:
Finding rural postman tours. 318-326 - Kerry Capp, Bryant A. Julstrom:
A weight-coded genetic algorithm for the minimum weight triangulation problem. 327-331 - Kelly M. McGuire, Roberta Evans Sabin:
Using a genetic algorithm to find good linear error-correcting codes. 332-337 - Ayed A. Salman
, Kishan Mehrotra, Chilukuri K. Mohan:
Adaptive linkage crossover. 338-342 - Kay C. Wiese, Scott D. Goodwin:
Keep-best reproduction: a selection strategy for genetic algorithms. 343-348 - Fulvio Corno
, Matteo Sonza Reorda
, Giovanni Squillero
The selfish gene algorithm: a new evolutionary optimization strategy. 349-355 - Myung-Ju Kang, Chi-Geun Han:
Solving the rural postman problem using a genetic algorithm with a graph transformation. 356-360 - Tao Wang, Benjamin W. Wah:
Efficient and adaptive Lagrange-multiplier methods for continuous nonlinear optimization. 361-365 - Elena Marchiori:
A simple heuristic based genetic algorithm for the maximum clique problem. 366-373 - Chilukuri K. Mohan:
Selective crossover: towards fitter offspring. 374-378 - Dae Gyu Kim:
Riemann mapping based constraint handling for evolutionary search. 379-385 - Laurence D. Merkle
, George H. Gates Jr., Gary B. Lamont:
Scalability of an MPI-based fast messy genetic algorithm. 386-393 - Ken C. K. Lee, Antonio Si, Hong Va Leong:
Incremental view update for a mobile data warehouse. 394-399 - Peter Stañski, Stephen Giles, Arkady B. Zaslavsky:
Document archiving, replication and migration container for mobile Web users. 400-404 - Aline Baggio:
System support for transparency and network-aware adaptation in mobile environments. 405-408 - Dorota M. Huizinga, Heather Sherman:
File hoarding under NFS and Linux. 409-415 - Hans-Erich Kottkamp, Olaf Zukunft:
Location-aware query processing in mobile database systems. 416-423 - Venu K. Murthy:
Transactional workflow paradigm: its application to mobile computing. 424-432 - Toshikazu Nishimura, Hirofumi Yamaki, Takaaki Komura, Toru Ishida
Community viewer: visualizing community formation on personal digital assistants. 433-438 - Nicholas J. Yeadon, Nigel Davies
, Adrian Friday
, Gordon S. Blair
Supporting video in heterogeneous mobile environments. 439-444 - Paolo Busetta, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao:
An architecture for mobile BDI agents. 445-452 - Jung-Shian Li, Adam Wolisz, Radu Popescu-Zeletin:
Modelling and simulation of fractional ARIMA processes based on importance sampling. 453-455 - Dimitri Konstantas:
Overview of a telepresence environment for distributed musical rehearsals. 456-457 - Cyril Decleir, Mohand-Said Hacid, Jacques Kouloumdjian:
A genetic model for video content based retrieval. 458-459 - Nina L. Ma, Jesse S. Jin:
A generalized content-based image retrieval system. 460-461 - Michalis Vazirgiannis, I. Stamati, M. Trafalis, Michael Hatzopoulos:
Interactive multimedia scenario: modeling rendering. 462-470 - Toshikazu Nishimura, Hideyuki Nakanishi, Chikara Yoshida, Toru Ishida:
Applying videogame technologies to video conferencing systems. 471-476 - Venu Dasigi:
An experiment in medical information retrieval. 477-481 - Nuno Correia, António Grilo
, Artur Caetano
, Nuno Guimarães
An experiment for building reusable video information models. 482-490 - Uffe Kock Wiil:
Evaluating HyperDisco as an infrastructure for digital libraries. 491-497 - Yahiko Kambayashi, Kaoru Katayama, Toshihiro Kakimoto, Hajime Iwamoto:
Flexible search functions for multimedia data with text and other auxiliary data. 498-504 - Weifeng Shi, Shahram Ghandeharizadeh:
Trading memory for disk bandwidth in video-on-demand servers. 505-512 - Phu Dung Le, Bala Srinivasan, Salahadin Mohammed, Santosh Kulkarni, Campbell Wilson:
A measure for image quality. 513-519 - Jia Wang, Raj Acharya:
A vertex-based shape coding approach for similar shape retrieval. 520-522 - Antonio Si, Rynson W. H. Lau, Qing Li, Hong Va Leong:
Modeling video objects in 4DIS temporal database system. 525-531 - Mads Dam, Lars-Åke Fredlund
On the verification of open distributed systems. 532-540 - Robert D. Russell, Philip J. Hatcher:
Efficient kernel support for reliable communication. 541-550 - Venu K. Murthy, E. V. Krishnamurthy:
Integrated network computing models, programming modes and software tools. 551-557 - Chang-Hyun Jo, Chan-Ho Lee, Jea Gi Son:
A realization of a concurrent object-oriented programming. 558-563 - Jaafar Gaber
, Bernard Toursel:
Randomized load distribution of arbitrary trees in distributed networks. 564-568 - Otto Wohlmuth, Friedrich Mayer-Lindenberg:
A method for them embedding of arbitrary communication topologies into configurable parallel computers. 569-574 - Matthias Besch, Hans Werner Pohl:
A group theoretic approach to data and code partitioning. 575-583 - Keqin Li:
Performance evaluation of probabilistic tree embedding in cube-connected cycles. 584-592 - Zhizhang Shen
Average diameter of network structures and its estimation. 593-597 - Fadi N. Sibai
Performance of the hyper-ring multicomputer. 598-606 - Fadi N. Sibai
The hyper-ring network: a cost-efficient topology for scalable multicomputers. 607-612 - Keqin Li:
Deterministic and randomized algorithms for distributed on-line task assignment and load balancing without load status information. 613-622 - Haklin Kimm:
Two dimensional maximal elements problem on a reconfigurable optical pipelined bus system. 623-627 - Pat Morin
Coarse grained parallel computing on heterogeneous systems. 628-634 - Dingchao Li, Yuji Iwahori
, Naohiro Ishii:
A recursive time estimation algorithm for program traces under resource constraints. 635-640 - John L. Simpson, Chaman L. Sabharwal:
A multiple processor approach to data compression. 641-649 - En-Hsin Huang, Tzilla Elrad:
Scheduling control mechanisms for managing indeterminate object behavior. 650-654 - Stephan Reitzner:
Virtual synchronization: uncoupling synchronization annotations from synchronization code. 655-659 - Frank Buddrus, Jörg Schödel:
Cappuccino - A C++ to Java translator. 660-665 - Suzanne M. Lea, Matthew Lybanon, Peter M. Smith:
Shoaling waves simulator. 666-671 - Fausto Montoya Vitini, Jaime Muñoz Masqué, Alberto Peinado Domínguez:
A factoring algorithm in F2[x]. 672-676 - Matthias Besch, Gerd Heber, Matthias Wilhelmi:
Parallel scientific computing in PROMOTER: on the interface between appliction modelling and language design. 677-683 - Donald J. Morton, Z. Zhang, L. D. Hinzman, S. O'Connor:
The parallelization of a physically based, spatially distributed hydrologic code for arctic regions. 684-689 - Edward A. Billard, S. Lakshmivarahan:
Simulation of period-doubling behavior in distributed learning automata. 690-695 - Jean-Henry Morin, Dimitri Konstantas:
HyperNews: a MEDIA application for the commercialization of an electronic newspaper. 696-705 - Peter Zoller, Ulrike Sommer:
WEBCON: a toolkit for an automatic, data dictionary based connection of databases to the WWW. 706-711 - Markus W. Schranz:
Engineering flexible World Wide Web services. 712-718 - Robert Inder, Jonathan Kilgour, John Lee
Automatic generation of diagrammatic Web site maps. 719-725 - Reinhard Jung, Robert Winter:
CASE for Web sites: towards an integration of traditional case concepts and novel development tools. 726-731 - Richard J. Hughes, Jake Shewmake, Christopher R. Okelberry:
Ceilidh: collaborative writing on the Web. 732-736 - Massimo Marchiori:
Enhancing navigation in the World Wide Web. 737-743 - Kay A. Robbins, Steven Robbins:
Web-based dynamic information visualization using exact-time animation. 744-751 - R. W. Matzen, George E. Hedrick:
A new tool for SGML with applications for the World Wide Web. 752-759 - Roberta Evans Sabin, Tieng K. Yap:
Integrating information retrieval techniques with traditional DB methods in a Web-based database browser. 760-766 - Antonio Si, Hong Va Leong, Stanley M. T. Yau:
Maintaining page coherence for dynamic HTML pages. 767-773

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