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16th ESEC / 25th SIGSOFT FSE 2017: Paderborn, Germany
- Eric Bodden, Wilhelm Schäfer, Arie van Deursen, Andrea Zisman:
Proceedings of the 2017 11th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering, ESEC/FSE 2017, Paderborn, Germany, September 4-8, 2017. ACM 2017, ISBN 978-1-4503-5105-8
Invited Papers
- Laurie A. Williams:
The rising tide lifts all boats: the advancement of science in cyber security (invited talk). 1 - Steve Easterbrook:
Verifying the forecast: how climate models are developed and tested (invited talk). 2 - Wolfgang Emmerich:
Software engineering research results in industrial practice: a tale of two projects (invited talk). 3 - Roy T. Fielding, Richard N. Taylor, Justin R. Erenkrantz, Michael Martin Gorlick, Jim Whitehead, Rohit Khare, Peyman Oreizy:
Reflections on the REST architectural style and "principled design of the modern web architecture" (impact paper award). 4-14
Research Papers
- Adarsh Yoga, Santosh Nagarakatte:
A fast causal profiler for task parallel programs. 15-26 - Minghui Zhou, Qingying Chen, Audris Mockus, Fengguang Wu:
On the scalability of Linux kernel maintainers' work. 27-37 - Christos Tsigkanos, Timo Kehrer, Carlo Ghezzi:
Modeling and verification of evolving cyber-physical spaces. 38-48 - Wei Fu, Tim Menzies:
Easy over hard: a case study on deep learning. 49-60 - Jeho Oh, Don S. Batory, Margaret Myers, Norbert Siegmund:
Finding near-optimal configurations in product lines by random sampling. 61-71 - Wei Fu, Tim Menzies:
Revisiting unsupervised learning for defect prediction. 72-83 - Xiaofei Xie, Bihuan Chen, Liang Zou, Shang-Wei Lin, Yang Liu, Xiaohong Li:
Loopster: static loop termination analysis. 84-94 - Stelios Sidiroglou-Douskos, Eric Lahtinen, Anthony Eden, Fan Long, Martin C. Rinard:
CodeCarbonCopy. 95-105 - Tim Nelson, Natasha Danas, Daniel J. Dougherty, Shriram Krishnamurthi:
The power of "why" and "why not": enriching scenario exploration with provenance. 106-116 - Marcel Böhme, Ezekiel O. Soremekun, Sudipta Chattopadhyay, Emamurho Ugherughe, Andreas Zeller:
Where is the bug and how is it fixed? an experiment with practitioners. 117-128 - Dan Gopstein, Jake Iannacone, Yu Yan, Lois DeLong, Yanyan Zhuang, Martin K.-C. Yeh, Justin Cappos:
Understanding misunderstandings in source code. 129-139 - Janet Siegmund, Norman Peitek, Chris Parnin, Sven Apel, Johannes C. Hofmeister, Christian Kästner, Andrew Begel, Anja Bethmann, André Brechmann:
Measuring neural efficiency of program comprehension. 140-150 - Vijayaraghavan Murali, Swarat Chaudhuri, Chris Jermaine:
Bayesian specification learning for finding API usage errors. 151-162 - Sahil Verma, Subhajit Roy:
Synergistic debug-repair of heap manipulations. 163-173 - Kostas Ferles, Valentin Wüstholz, Maria Christakis, Isil Dillig:
Failure-directed program trimming. 174-185 - Jailton Coelho, Marco Túlio Valente:
Why modern open source projects fail. 186-196 - Michael Hilton, Nicholas Nelson, Timothy Tunnell, Darko Marinov, Danny Dig:
Trade-offs in continuous integration: assurance, security, and flexibility. 197-207 - Reyhaneh Jabbarvand, Sam Malek:
µDroid: an energy-aware mutation testing framework for Android. 208-219 - Alireza Sadeghi, Reyhaneh Jabbarvand, Sam Malek:
PATDroid: permission-aware GUI testing of Android. 220-232 - Mario Linares Vásquez, Gabriele Bavota, Michele Tufano, Kevin Moran, Massimiliano Di Penta, Christopher Vendome, Carlos Bernal-Cárdenas, Denys Poshyvanyk:
Enabling mutation testing for Android apps. 233-244 - Ting Su, Guozhu Meng, Yuting Chen, Ke Wu, Weiming Yang, Yao Yao, Geguang Pu, Yang Liu, Zhendong Su:
Guided, stochastic model-based GUI testing of Android apps. 245-256 - Vivek Nair, Tim Menzies, Norbert Siegmund, Sven Apel:
Using bad learners to find good configurations. 257-267 - Norbert Siegmund, Stefan Sobernig, Sven Apel:
Attributed variability models: outside the comfort zone. 268-278 - Paul Gazzillo:
Kmax: finding all configurations of Kbuild makefiles statically. 279-290 - Alexander Knüppel, Thomas Thüm, Stephan Mennicke, Jens Meinicke, Ina Schaefer:
Is there a mismatch between real-world feature models and product-line research? 291-302 - Yan Cai, Lingwei Cao, Jing Zhao:
Adaptively generating high quality fixes for atomicity violations. 303-314 - Yu Guo, Yan Cai, Zijiang Yang:
AtexRace: across thread and execution sampling for in-house race detection. 315-325 - Shengjian Guo, Meng Wu, Chao Wang:
Symbolic execution of programmable logic controller code. 326-336 - Markus Kusano, Chao Wang:
Thread-modular static analysis for relaxed memory models. 337-348 - Maryam Raiyat Aliabadi, Amita Ajith Kamath, Julien Gascon-Samson, Karthik Pattabiraman:
ARTINALI: dynamic invariant detection for cyber-physical system security. 349-361 - Aviv Kuvent, Shahar Maoz, Jan Oliver Ringert:
A symbolic justice violations transition system for unrealizable GR(1) specifications. 362-372 - Martina Maggio, Alessandro Vittorio Papadopoulos, Antonio Filieri, Henry Hoffmann:
Automated control of multiple software goals using multiple actuators. 373-384 - Rabe Abdalkareem, Olivier Nourry, Sultan Wehaibi, Suhaib Mujahid, Emad Shihab:
Why do developers use trivial packages? an empirical case study on npm. 385-395 - Oscar Chaparro, Jing Lu, Fiorella Zampetti, Laura Moreno, Massimiliano Di Penta, Andrian Marcus, Gabriele Bavota, Vincent Ng:
Detecting missing information in bug descriptions. 396-407 - Mohammad Hadi Zibaeenejad, Chi Zhang, Joanne M. Atlee:
Continuous variable-specific resolutions of feature interactions. 408-418 - Mojtaba Bagherzadeh, Nicolas Hili, Juergen Dingel:
Model-level, platform-independent debugging in the context of the model-driven development of real-time systems. 419-430 - Tyler Sorensen, Hugues Evrard, Alastair F. Donaldson:
Cooperative kernels: GPU multitasking for blocking algorithms. 431-441 - Diego Garbervetsky, Edgardo Zoppi, Benjamin Livshits:
Toward full elasticity in distributed static analysis: the case of callgraph analysis. 442-453 - Yamilet R. Serrano Llerena, Guoxin Su, David S. Rosenblum:
Probabilistic model checking of perturbed MDPs with applications to cloud computing. 454-464 - Diego Cedrim, Alessandro Garcia, Melina Mongiovi, Rohit Gheyi, Leonardo da Silva Sousa, Rafael Maiani de Mello, Baldoino Fonseca, Márcio Ribeiro, Alexander Chávez:
Understanding the impact of refactoring on smells: a longitudinal study of 23 software projects. 465-475 - Vaibhav Rastogi, Drew Davidson, Lorenzo De Carli, Somesh Jha, Patrick D. McDaniel:
Cimplifier: automatically debloating containers. 476-486 - Daniel Dietsch, Matthias Heizmann, Betim Musa, Alexander Nutz, Andreas Podelski:
Craig vs. Newton in software model checking. 487-497 - Sainyam Galhotra, Yuriy Brun, Alexandra Meliou:
Fairness testing: testing software for discrimination. 498-510 - David Bingham Brown, Michael Vaughn, Ben Liblit, Thomas W. Reps:
The care and feeding of wild-caught mutants. 511-522 - Song Wang, Jaechang Nam, Lin Tan:
QTEP: quality-aware test case prioritization. 523-534 - Tegan Brennan, Nestan Tsiskaridze, Nicolás Rosner, Abdulbaki Aydin, Tevfik Bultan:
Constraint normalization and parameterized caching for quantitative program analysis. 535-546 - Nicolas E. Gold, David W. Binkley, Mark Harman, Syed S. Islam, Jens Krinke, Shin Yoo:
Generalized observational slicing for tree-represented modelling languages. 547-558 - Dalal Alrajeh, Liliana Pasquale, Bashar Nuseibeh:
On evidence preservation requirements for forensic-ready systems. 559-569 - Fabrizio Pastore, Leonardo Mariani, Daniela Micucci:
BDCI: behavioral driven conflict identification. 570-581 - Loris D'Antoni, Rishabh Singh, Michael Vaughn:
NoFAQ: synthesizing command repairs from examples. 582-592 - Xuan-Bach Dinh Le, Duc-Hiep Chu, David Lo, Claire Le Goues, Willem Visser:
S3: syntax- and semantic-guided repair synthesis via programming by examples. 593-604 - ThanhVu Nguyen, Timos Antonopoulos, Andrew Ruef, Michael Hicks:
Counterexample-guided approach to finding numerical invariants. 605-615 - Calvin Smith, Gabriel Ferns, Aws Albarghouthi:
Discovering relational specifications. 616-626 - Yuekang Li, Bihuan Chen, Mahinthan Chandramohan, Shang-Wei Lin, Yang Liu, Alwen Tiu:
Steelix: program-state based binary fuzzing. 627-637 - Leonid Glanz, Sven Amann, Michael Eichberg, Michael Reif, Ben Hermann, Johannes Lerch, Mira Mezini:
CodeMatch: obfuscation won't conceal your repackaged app. 638-648 - Rohit Sinha, Sriram K. Rajamani, Sanjit A. Seshia:
A compiler and verifier for page access oblivious computation. 649-660 - Joshua Garcia, Mahmoud Hammad, Negar Ghorbani, Sam Malek:
Automatic generation of inter-component communication exploits for Android applications. 661-671 - Lili Wei, Yepang Liu, Shing-Chi Cheung:
OASIS: prioritizing static analysis warnings for Android apps based on app user reviews. 672-682 - Bogdan Vasilescu, Casey Casalnuovo, Premkumar T. Devanbu:
Recovering clear, natural identifiers from obfuscated JS names. 683-693 - Tingting Yu, Tarannum S. Zaman, Chao Wang:
DESCRY: reproducing system-level concurrency failures. 694-704 - Francesco A. Bianchi, Mauro Pezzè, Valerio Terragni:
Reproducing concurrency failures from crash stacks. 705-716 - Marco Castelluccio, Carlo Sansone, Luisa Verdoliva, Giovanni Poggi:
Automatically analyzing groups of crashes for finding correlations. 717-726 - Fan Long, Peter Amidon, Martin C. Rinard:
Automatic inference of code transforms for patch generation. 727-739 - Jooyong Yi, Umair Z. Ahmed, Amey Karkare, Shin Hwei Tan, Abhik Roychoudhury:
A feasibility study of using automated program repair for introductory programming assignments. 740-751 - Yuchi Tian, Baishakhi Ray:
Automatically diagnosing and repairing error handling bugs in C. 752-762 - Vincent J. Hellendoorn, Premkumar T. Devanbu:
Are deep neural networks the best choice for modeling source code? 763-773 - Lee Martie, André van der Hoek, Thomas Kwak:
Understanding the impact of support for iteration on code search. 774-785 - Shiqing Ma, Yousra Aafer, Zhaogui Xu, Wen-Chuan Lee, Juan Zhai, Yingqi Liu, Xiangyu Zhang:
LAMP: data provenance for graph based machine learning algorithms through derivative computation. 786-797 - Georg Dotzler, Marius Kamp, Patrick Kreutzer, Michael Philippsen:
More accurate recommendations for method-level changes. 798-808 - Ahmet Çelik, Marko Vasic, Aleksandar Milicevic, Milos Gligoric:
Regression test selection across JVM boundaries. 809-820 - Adriaan Labuschagne, Laura Inozemtseva, Reid Holmes:
Measuring the cost of regression testing in practice: a study of Java projects using continuous integration. 821-830 - Jinqiu Yang, Alexey Zhikhartsev, Yuefei Liu, Lin Tan:
Better test cases for better automated program repair. 831-841
Testing and Security in the Real World
- Wenqi Bu, Minhui Xue, Lihua Xu, Yajin Zhou, Zhushou Tang, Tao Xie:
When program analysis meets mobile security: an industrial study of misusing Android internet sockets. 842-847 - Marko Vasic, Zuhair Parvez, Aleksandar Milicevic, Milos Gligoric:
File-level vs. module-level regression test selection for .NET. 848-853 - Wing Lam, Zhengkai Wu, Dengfeng Li, Wenyu Wang, Haibing Zheng, Hui Luo, Peng Yan, Yuetang Deng, Tao Xie:
Record and replay for Android: are we there yet in industrial cases? 854-859 - Roel van Dijk, Christophe Creeten, Jeroen van der Ham, Jeroen van den Bos:
Model-driven software engineering in practice: privacy-enhanced filtering of network traffic. 860-865
The State of the Practice
- Hennie Huijgens, Robert Lamping, Dick Stevens, Hartger Rothengatter, Georgios Gousios, Daniele Romano:
Strong agile metrics: mining log data to determine predictive power of software metrics for continuous delivery teams. 866-871 - Zahy Volf, Edi Shmueli:
Screening heuristics for project gating systems. 872-877 - Diptikalyan Saha, Neelamadhav Gantayat, Senthil Mani, Barry Mitchell:
Natural language querying in SAP-ERP platform. 878-883 - Gojko Adzic, Robert Chatley:
Serverless computing: economic and architectural impact. 884-889
Understanding Software Developers
- Vladimir Ivanov, Alan Rogers, Giancarlo Succi, Jooyong Yi, Vasilii Zorin:
What do software engineers care about? gaps between research and practice. 890-895 - Matthias Galster, Samuil Angelov, Silverio Martínez-Fernández, Dan Tofan:
Reference architectures and Scrum: friends or foes? 896-901 - Holger Harms, Collin Rogowski, Luigi Lo Iacono:
Guidelines for adopting frontend architectures and patterns in microservices-based systems. 902-907 - Jair García, Kelly Garcés:
Improving understanding of dynamically typed software developed by agile practitioners. 908-913
Data-Driven Improvement
- Yaqin Zhou, Asankhaya Sharma:
Automated identification of security issues from commit messages and bug reports. 914-919 - JingZheng Wu, Mutian Yang:
LaChouTi: kernel vulnerability responding framework for the fragmented Android devices. 920-925 - Sun-Ro Lee, Min-Jae Heo, Chan-Gun Lee, Milhan Kim, Gaeul Jeong:
Applying deep learning based automatic bug triager to industrial projects. 926-931 - Diego Garbervetsky, Zvonimir Pavlinovic, Michael Barnett, Madanlal Musuvathi, Todd Mytkowicz, Edgardo Zoppi:
Static analysis for optimizing big data queries. 932-937 - Reza Matinnejad, Shiva Nejati, Lionel C. Briand:
Automated testing of hybrid Simulink/Stateflow controllers: industrial case studies. 938-943
Dynamic Analysis
- Pavel Dovgalyuk, Natalia Fursova, Ivan Vasiliev, Vladimir Makarov:
QEMU-based framework for non-intrusive virtual machine instrumentation and introspection. 944-948 - Yujie Yuan, Lihua Xu, Xusheng Xiao, Andy Podgurski, Huibiao Zhu:
RunDroid: recovering execution call graphs for Android applications. 949-953 - Hengbiao Yu, Zhenbang Chen, Yufeng Zhang, Ji Wang, Wei Dong:
RGSE: a regular property guided symbolic executor for Java. 954-958 - Ferhat Erata, Arda Goknil, Bedir Tekinerdogan, Geylani Kardas:
A tool for automated reasoning about traces based on configurable formal semantics. 959-963 - Fabrizio Pastore, Leonardo Mariani:
VART: a tool for the automatic detection of regression faults. 964-968
- Germán Regis, César Cornejo, Simón Gutiérrez Brida, Mariano Politano, Fernando D. Raverta, Pablo Ponzio, Nazareno Aguirre, Juan Pablo Galeotti, Marcelo F. Frias:
DynAlloy analyzer: a tool for the specification and analysis of alloy models with dynamic behaviour. 969-973 - Joel Greenyer, Daniel Gritzner, Florian König, Jannik Dahlke, Jianwei Shi, Eric Wete:
From scenario modeling to scenario programming for reactive systems with dynamic topology. 974-978 - Germán Regis, Renzo Degiovanni, Nicolás D'Ippolito, Nazareno Aguirre:
CLTSA: labelled transition system analyser with counting fluent support. 979-983 - Csaba Debreceni, Gábor Bergmann, Márton Búr, István Ráth, Dániel Varró:
The MONDO collaboration framework: secure collaborative modeling over existing version control systems. 984-988 - Amir Shayan Ahmadian, Sven Peldszus, Qusai Ramadan, Jan Jürjens:
Model-based privacy and security analysis with CARiSMA. 989-993
- Panuchart Bunyakiati, Chadarat Phipathananunth:
Cherry-picking of code commits in long-running, multi-release software. 994-998 - Wilberto Z. Nunez, Victor J. Marin, Carlos R. Rivero:
ARCC: assistant for repetitive code comprehension. 999-1003 - Julian Thomé, Lwin Khin Shar, Domenico Bianculli, Lionel C. Briand:
JoanAudit: a tool for auditing common injection vulnerabilities. 1004-1008 - Bowen Xu, Zhenchang Xing, Xin Xia, David Lo, Xuan-Bach Dinh Le:
XSearch: a domain-specific cross-language relevant question retrieval tool. 1009-1013
Doctoral Symposium
- Lu Wang:
Using search-based software engineering to handle the changes with uncertainties for self-adaptive systems. 1014-1017 - Marcos César de Oliveira:
DRACO: discovering refactorings that improve architecture using fine-grained co-change dependencies. 1018-1021 - Mai Abusair:
User- and analysis-driven context aware software development in mobile computing. 1022-1025 - Stefan Kögel:
Recommender system for model driven software development. 1026-1029 - Mathias Ellmann:
On the similarity of software development documentation. 1030-1033 - Andreas Schuler:
Application of search-based software engineering methodologies for test suite optimization and evolution in mission critical mobile application development. 1034-1037 - Verena Käfer:
Summarizing software engineering communication artifacts from different sources. 1038-1041 - Natasha Nigar:
Model-based dynamic software project scheduling. 1042-1045 - Chong Tang:
System performance optimization via design and configuration space exploration. 1046-1049
Student Research Competition
- Alan Jaffe:
Suggesting meaningful variable names for decompiled code: a machine translation approach. 1050-1052 - Hengbiao Yu:
Practical symbolic verification of regular properties. 1053-1055 - Ivan Pashchenko:
FOSS version differentiation as a benchmark for static analysis security testing tools. 1056-1058 - Ayush Kohli:
DecisionDroid: a supervised learning-based system to identify cloned Android applications. 1059-1061 - Rabe Abdalkareem:
Reasons and drawbacks of using trivial npm packages: the developers' perspective. 1062-1064 - Suhaib Mujahid:
Detecting wearable app permission mismatches: a case study on Android wear. 1065-1067