10th SITIS 2014: Marrakech, Morocco

Refine list

showing all ?? records

Track SIT (Signal Image Technology)

S1-SIT: Classification - Pattern Recognition

S2-SIT: Face Recognition and Detection

S3-SIT: Medical Imaging

S4-SIT: Theory and Methods

S5-SIT: Image Processing I

S6-SIT: Image Processing II

Track WECA (Web Computing and Application)

S1-WECA: Data Semantics and Semantic Web

S2-WECA: Ontologies and Context-Aware Systems

S3-WECA: Advanced Information Systems and Computing

Track MIRA (Multimedia Information Retrieval and Applications)

S1-MIRA: Multi-media Signal Processing and Applications

S2-MIRA: Multi-media Signal Processing and Applications (Joint SIT/MIRA session)


Workshop VICTA (Visions on Internet of Cultural Things and Applications)

Workshop QUAMUS (Quality of Multimedia Services)

Workshop IEB (Insight on Eye Biometrics)

Workshop COMI (Colour and Multispectral Imaging)

Workshop CITIMA

Workshops BIGCVEn (Big Data meets Cloud and Virtualized Environment) and UBIS (Ubiquity and Information System)

Workshop KARE (Knowledge Acquisition, Reuse and Evaluation) and IWSAC (Security Assurance in the Cloud)

a service of  Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics