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7th WEBIST 2011: Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands
- José Cordeiro, Joaquim Filipe:
WEBIST 2011, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 6-9 May, 2011. SciTePress 2011, ISBN 978-989-8425-51-5
Invited Speakers
- Ivan Ivanov:
Cloud Computing in Education - The Intersection of Challenges and Opportunities. WEBIST 2011 - Tony Shan:
Smart Cloud Engineering, Nomenclature, and Enablement. WEBIST 2011 - Donald Ferguson:
Cloud Service Supply Chain. WEBIST 2011 - Marten van Sinderen:
Enterprise Interoperability with the Internet of Services. WEBIST 2011 - Barry Smyth:
Search with a Little Help from Your Friends - Making Web Search More Collaborative. WEBIST 2011 - Eric van Heck:
Challenges for Software Agents Supporting Decision-makers in Trading Flowers Worldwide. WEBIST 2011
Web Security
Short Papers
- Mario Ivkovic, Thomas Zefferer:
Employing Multi-core Processor Architectures to Accelerate Java Cryptography Extensions. WEBIST 2011: 5-12 - Antonia Bertolino, Guglielmo De Angelis, Andrea Polini:
(role)CAST: A Framework for On-line Service Testing. WEBIST 2011: 13-18
- Steffen Ortmann, Peter Langendörfer:
The Impact of Social Networks on user Privacy - What Social Networks Really Learn about Their Users! WEBIST 2011: 21-26
Internet Technology
Full Papers
- Sofiane Lagraa, Hamida Seba, Riadh Khennoufa, Hamamache Kheddouci:
A Graph Decomposition Approach to Web Service Matchmaking. WEBIST 2011: 31-40 - Yoshiyuki Uratani, Hiroshi Koide, Dirceu Cavendish, Yuji Oie:
Characterizing Distributed XML Processing - Moving XML Processing from Servers to Networking Nodes. WEBIST 2011: 41-50 - Li Li, Wu Chou:
COFOCUS - Compact and Expanded Restful Services for Mobile Environments. WEBIST 2011: 51-60 - Olfa Bouchaala, Mohamed Sellami, Walid Gaaloul, Samir Tata, Mohamed Jmaiel:
Graph-based Management of Communities of Web Service Registries. WEBIST 2011: 61-70 - Paul G. Talaga, Steve J. Chapin:
Guaranteeing Strong (X)HTML Compliance for Dynamic Web Applications. WEBIST 2011: 71-79 - Stefan Böttcher, Lars Fernhomberg, Rita Hartel:
Enhancing XML-cache Efficiency by XML Compression. WEBIST 2011: 80-87
Short Papers
- Falk Scheiding, Kresimir Vidackovic, Felix Tönnies, Reinhard Becker:
Integration of Various IT Systems and Sensor Information for the Handling of RFID-enabled Catering Goods in the Aviation Domain. WEBIST 2011: 91-97 - Daniel Peintner, Richard Kuntschke, Jörg Heuer, Harald Kosch:
LazyDOM - Transparent Partial DOM Loading and Unloading for Memory Restricted Environments. WEBIST 2011: 98-105 - Michael Weiss, Solange Sari:
Diversity of the Mashup Ecosystem. WEBIST 2011: 106-111
- Stefan Schäfer, Stefan Christmann, Svenja Hagenhoff:
W3C Widgets - A Solution for Implementing Platform-independent Mobile Applications. WEBIST 2011: 115-118 - Raúl Peña-Ortiz, Julio Sahuquillo, José A. Gil, Ana Pont:
Web Workload Generators - A Survey Focusing on user Dynamism Representation. WEBIST 2011: 119-126 - Ralph F. Grove, Eray Ozkan:
The MVC-web Design Pattern. WEBIST 2011: 127-130 - Wassim Jendoubi, Guy Tremblay, Aziz Salah:
Interface Expressions Monitoring for BPEL Processes. WEBIST 2011: 131-134 - Georgia M. Kapitsaki:
Identifying Context Sources towards Context-aware Adapted Web Services. WEBIST 2011: 135-140 - Georgios Voulalas, Georgios Evangelidis:
Model-driven Application Development Enabling Information Integration. WEBIST 2011: 141-146 - Evanthia Faliagka, Konstantinos Ramantas, Athanasios K. Tsakalidis, Manolis Viennas, Eleanna Kafeza, Giannis Tzimas:
An Integrated e-Recruitment System for CV Ranking based on AHP. WEBIST 2011: 147-150 - Mark Wallis, Frans Henskens, Michael Hannaford:
Classification and Modelling of Web Technologies. WEBIST 2011: 151-156 - Francisco Moo-Mena, Luis Fernando Curi Quintal, Juan Garcilazo-Ortiz, Luis Basto-Díaz, Roberto Koh-Dzul:
A Distributed Self-healing Architecture Supporting WS-based Applications. WEBIST 2011: 157-160 - Ignacio Santos, Elena Castro:
XBRL and the Multidimensional Data Model. WEBIST 2011: 161-164 - Marc Schaaf, Volker Ahlers, Arne Koschel, Irina Astrova, Ahto Kalja, David Bosschaert, Roman Roelofsen:
Integrating Asynchronous Communication into the OSGI Service Platform. WEBIST 2011: 165-168
Web Interfaces and Applications
Full Papers
- Zhao Huang, Laurence D. Brooks:
Addressing e-Government Website Usability - A Users' Centred Evaluation. WEBIST 2011: 173-183 - Gabriele Basilico, Luigi Lavazza, Sandro Morasca, Davide Taibi, Davide Tosi:
OP2A - Assessing the Quality of the Portal of Open Source Software Products. WEBIST 2011: 184-193 - Anna Goy, Diego Magro:
Managing user Interaction in an Ontology-based System. WEBIST 2011: 194-201 - Daniel Hienert, Benjamin Zapilko, Philipp Schaer, Brigitte Mathiak:
Vizgr - Combining Data on a Visual Level. WEBIST 2011: 202-211 - Frederico Araújo Durão, Ricardo Lage, Peter Dolog, Nilay Coskun:
Exploring Multi-factor Tagging Activity for Personalized Search. WEBIST 2011: 212-220 - Rocío Calvo, Ana Iglesias, Lourdes Moreno:
Accessibility Evaluation of Moodle Centred in Visual Impairements. WEBIST 2011: 221-228
Short Papers
- Toon De Pessemier, Sam Coppens, Erik Mannens, Simon Dooms, Luc Martens, Kristof Geebelen:
An Event Distribution Platform for Recommending Cultural Activities. WEBIST 2011: 231-236 - Toon De Pessemier, Kris Vanhecke, Simon Dooms, Luc Martens:
Content-based Recommendation Algorithms on the Hadoop MapReduce Framework. WEBIST 2011: 237-240 - Jan Finzen, Maximilien Kintz:
Innovation Mining - Supporting Web Mining in Early Innovation Phases. WEBIST 2011: 241-247 - Paraskevi Tzekou, Sofia Stamou, Nikos Kirtsis, Nikos Zotos:
Quality Assessment of Wikipedia External Links. WEBIST 2011: 248-254 - Tiago Lira, Cristina Ribeiro, João Correia Lopes:
Biodiversity Information Systems using Georeferencing and Physical Identification. WEBIST 2011: 255-262 - Yuval Dan-Gur:
The Stone Age is Back - HCI Effects on Recommender Systems. WEBIST 2011: 263-270 - Anwar Alhenshiri, Michael A. Shepherd, Carolyn R. Watters:
Improving How Users Organize Web Information for Gathering Tasks. WEBIST 2011: 271-277 - Hoda Badesh, James Blustein, Anwar Alhenshiri:
Online Web Genre Classification, is it Doable? WEBIST 2011: 278-281 - E. Umamaheswari, T. V. Geetha, Ranjani Parthasarathi, Madhan Karky:
A Multilevel UNL Concept based Searching and Ranking. WEBIST 2011: 282-289 - Michael Martin, Daniel Gerber, Norman Heino, Sören Auer, Timofey Ermilov:
Managing Multimodal and Multilingual Semantic Content. WEBIST 2011: 290-295 - Rui José, Bruno Silva, Fernando Reinaldo Silva Garcia Ribeiro:
Tag Clouds for Situated Interaction and Place Profiling. WEBIST 2011: 296-301 - Dusan Zeleník, Mária Bieliková:
News Recommending based on Text Similarity and user Behaviour. WEBIST 2011: 302-307 - Kinga Schumacher, Michael Sintek:
Searching Web 3.0 Content - A Semantic Search Approach. WEBIST 2011: 308-313 - Evgeny Knutov, Paul De Bra, David Smits, Mykola Pechenizkiy:
Bridging Navigation, Search and Adaptation - Adaptive Hypermedia Models Evolution. WEBIST 2011: 314-321 - Christian Brel, Anne-Marie Pinna-Dery, Catherine Faron-Zucker, Philippe Renevier-Gonin, Michel Riveill:
Ontocompo - An Ontology-based Interactive System to Compose Applications. WEBIST 2011: 322-327 - Ingo Zinnikus, Christian Husodo-Schulz, Patrick Kapahnke, Darren Maughan:
An Open, Extendable Service Platform for the Elderly. WEBIST 2011: 328-333 - Ismael Rivera, Knud Hinnerk Möller, Siegfried Handschuh, Albert Zündorf:
Web Service Wrapping, Discovery and Consumption - More Power to the End-user. WEBIST 2011: 334-339 - Kazutaka Maruyama, Masato Igeta:
Search Engine Result Page with Visual Context and Already Rendered Snippets. WEBIST 2011: 340-345 - Eddie Walsh, Alexander O'Connor, Vincent Wade:
Supporting Learner Model Exchange in Educational Web Systems. WEBIST 2011: 346-351 - Martin J. O'Connor, Mike Bingen, Amanda Richards, Samson W. Tu, Amar K. Das:
Web-based Exploration of Temporal Data in Biomedicine. WEBIST 2011: 352-359 - Anna Stavrianou, Magdalini Eirinaki:
A Personalized Forum Environment. WEBIST 2011: 360-365 - Ugur Ceylan, Aysenur Birturk:
Content-boosted Collaborative Filtering using Semantic Similarity Measure. WEBIST 2011: 366-371 - Ahmet Atli, Katja Nau, Andreas Schmidt:
Navigation along Database Relationships - An Adaptive Framework for Presenting Database Contents as Object Graphs. WEBIST 2011: 372-379
- Ali Fatolahi, Stéphane S. Somé, Timothy C. Lethbridge:
Toward Reusability in Web Modeling - Using QVT Relations. WEBIST 2011: 383-386 - Ignacio Gutiérrez Menéndez, María del Puerto Paule Ruíz, Juan Ramón Pérez-Pérez:
SALO - Sharable Auto-adaptive Learning Object. WEBIST 2011: 387-390 - Simon Dooms, Toon De Pessemier, Luc Martens:
An Online Evaluation of Explicit Feedback Mechanisms for Recommender Systems. WEBIST 2011: 391-394 - Mahdi Gueffaz, Sylvain Rampacek, Christophe Nicolle:
Scalesem - Evaluation of Semantic Graph based on Model Checking. WEBIST 2011: 395-398 - Alex Vakaloudis, Simeon Veloudis:
A Web-based Tool for Spatiotemporal Filtering and Continuous Animation. WEBIST 2011: 399-403 - Hsiao Ping Lee, Chien-Hsing Chen, Tzu-Fang Sheu:
An Accessible Web-based Information Broadcasting System for Blind People. WEBIST 2011: 404-407 - Matteo Ciman, Ombretta Gaggi, Marco Sbrignadello:
Toward the Creation of a Green Content Management System. WEBIST 2011: 408-412 - Pasi Fränti, Jinhua Chen, Andrei Tabarcea:
Four Aspects of Relevance in Sharing Location-based Media: Content, Time, Location and Network. WEBIST 2011: 413-417 - Hernán Casalánguida, Juan Eduardo Durán:
Requirements Engineering of Web Application Product Lines. WEBIST 2011: 418-425 - David Briffa, Chris Staff:
Finding and Refinding Web Pages in Context - A Tree-based Model of Web History. WEBIST 2011: 426-429 - A. Fatzilah Misman, Peter Blanchfield:
Adapting Web Images for Blind People. WEBIST 2011: 430-437 - Terumi Paula Bonfim Kamada, Danielle Forbeci Suzuki, Maicon Silva Costa, Leonardo Magalhaes Cruz, Luiz Antônio Pereira Neves:
BIOPEN: A Proposed Web Application for Implementing the Biological Electronic Protocol System of Enteropathogens Characterization - Personalized Web Sites and Services. WEBIST 2011: 438-441
Society, e-Business and e-Government
Full Paper
- Shatha Al-Haddad, Peter N. Hyland:
Developing a Model of Citizens' Perception of e-Government System Performance and Their Attained Benefit. WEBIST 2011: 447-456
Short Papers
- Manuel J. Sánchez-Franco, Félix A. Martín-Velicia, Borja Sanz-Altamira:
Post-adoption Behaviour, Community Satisfaction and PCS - An Analysis of Interaction Effects in the Tuenti Community. WEBIST 2011: 459-465 - Darius Zumstein, Aleksandar Drobnjak, Andreas Meier:
Data Privacy in Web Analytics - An Empirical Study and Declaration Model of Data Collection on Websites. WEBIST 2011: 466-472 - Ing-Long Wu, Chi-Ying Huang, Chu-Ying Fu:
Understanding Determinants of Complaint Intentions in Online Shopping - The Perspectives of Justice and Technology. WEBIST 2011: 473-479 - Rafael Lima, Adriano Pereira:
Applying Logistic Regression to Rank Credibility in Web Applications. WEBIST 2011: 480-485 - Juliana de Melo Bezerra, Celso Massaki Hirata:
Self-organization of Virtual Communities - Need and Members' Participation. WEBIST 2011: 486-493 - Helder Gomes, André Zúquete, Gonçalo Paiva Dias:
Citizen Controlled Exchange of Information in e-Government. WEBIST 2011: 494-499
- Ileana Hamburg:
Intercultural Learning and Collaboration Aspects in Communities of Practice. WEBIST 2011: 503-506 - Erno Salmela, Ari Happonen:
Supply Information Visibility from Subcontractor Network to Manufacturer to Decrease Supply Risk. WEBIST 2011: 507-513 - Britta Fuchs, Thomas Ritz, Bastian Halbach, Florian Hartl:
Blended Shopping - Evaluation Method and Interactive Approaches. WEBIST 2011: 514-517 - Cui Binyue, Yokoi Shigeki:
Facilitating Constructivism Study in Online Museum Via Social Media. WEBIST 2011: 518-524 - Christophe Debruyne, Davor Meersman, Mathias Baert, Rami Hansenne:
Community Driven Requests for Proposals - Applying Semantics to Match Customer Purchase Intents to Vendor Offers. WEBIST 2011: 525-530 - David Zejda:
Characteristics of Trust in Online Social Networks and Community of Trust as a Special Case of Online Community. WEBIST 2011: 531-534 - Carlos Vinícius Sarmento Silva, Célia Ghedini Ralha:
AGMI - An Agent-mining Tool and its Application to Brazilian Government Auditing. WEBIST 2011: 535-538 - Akira Hattori, Haruo Hayami:
Web-based System for Automatically Collecting Information about Locations of Volunteer Activities of Citizen Groups. WEBIST 2011: 539-546 - T. Cerdeña Hernández, L. M. Moreno de Antonio, F. Fumero Batista, D. Pérez Barbudo, José Luis Roda García:
Publication and Reuse of Open Government Data - A Practical Approach. WEBIST 2011: 547-550
Web Intelligence
Full Pape
- Yevgeniy Guseynov:
Entropy on Ontology and Indexing in Information Retrieval. WEBIST 2011: 555-567
Short Papers
- Avaré Stewart, Wolfgang Nejdl:
Exploiting the Language of Moderated Sources for Cross-classification of user Generated Content. WEBIST 2011: 571-576 - Inès Kamoun Fourati, Mohamed Tmar, Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou:
How Integrate Structural Dimension in Relevance Feedback in XML Retrieval. WEBIST 2011: 577-582 - Rodrigo Dias Arruda Senra, Claudia Bauzer Medeiros:
Organographs - Multi-faceted Hierarchical Categorization of Web Documents. WEBIST 2011: 583-588 - Jane E. Mason, Michael A. Shepherd, Jack Duffy, Vlado Keselj:
Classifying Web Pages by Genre - Dealing with Unbalanced Distributions, Multiple Labels and Noise. WEBIST 2011: 589-594
- Maximilien Kintz, Jan Finzen:
A Simple Method for Mining and Visualizing Company Relations based on Web Sources. WEBIST 2011: 597-602 - Fabio Roda, Leo Liberti, Franco Raimondi:
Evaluation of Collaborative Filtering Algorithms Using a Small Dataset. WEBIST 2011: 603-606 - Sylvester Olubolu Orimaye, Saadat M. Alhashmi, Eu-Gene Siew:
Frequency of Sentential Contexts vs. Frequency of Query Terms in Opinion Retrieval. WEBIST 2011: 607-610
Special Session on Web Services Principles and Applications
Full Paper
- David J. Paul, Frans Henskens, Michael Hannaford:
Simulating Web Services Transactions. WEBIST 2011: 615-623
Short Papers
- Marc Jansen:
Closing the Gap between Web Applications and Web Services. WEBIST 2011: 627-630 - Alina Andreica, Daniel Stuparu, Romulus Gadi, Florina Covaci, Cosmin Tarsta, Grigorie Bogdan Marcus, Gabriel Pop, Ovidiu Teodorescu:
Design and Implementation of an Integrated Web Service Architecture. WEBIST 2011: 631-637
- Tefen Lin, Jie Wang, Pei-Yu Huang, Yan-Ping Tung, Hsiao-Yun Huang, Kai-Wen Yu:
A Web Application for Making Mosaic Art Images. WEBIST 2011: 641-644
Special Session on Semantic Web Applications and Tools
Full Paper
- Li Li, Feng Liu, Wu Chou:
Semantic Web based Proactive Search for Enterprise. WEBIST 2011: 649-656
Short Paper
- Romain Picot-Clémente, Christophe Cruz, Christophe Nicolle:
An Ontology-based Approach to Provide Personalized Recommendations using a Stochastic Algorithm. WEBIST 2011: 659-665
Special Session on e-Business
- Geena Shin, Joongho Ahn, Taeha Kim:
How to Retain Customers of IPTV - Interactivity, Trust, and Emotion. WEBIST 2011: 671-676 - Kyle Ko, Aircozy Chang, Jay Stu, Yuting Lin, Chuo-Yen Wang:
Content Roaming Service - The Methodology of using Digital Content across Devices. WEBIST 2011: 677-680
Special Session on Web and Text Mining
Full Papers
- Mathieu Roche:
How Statistical Information from the Web can Help Identify Named Entities. WEBIST 2011: 685-689 - Jonathan Jason C. King Li, Masanori Akiyoshi, Masaki Samejima, Norihisa Komoda:
Concept-based Clustering for Open-sourced Software(Oss) Development Forum Threads. WEBIST 2011: 690-695 - Alan Cardoso, Daniel Rocha, Rafael Sachetto Oliveira, Leonardo Rocha, Fernando Mourão, Wagner Meira Jr.:
A Characterization Methodology of Evolutionary Behavior in Recommender Systems. WEBIST 2011: 696-706 - Mei Kuan Wong, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi, Ian D. Jonsen:
Mining Non-taxonomic Concept Pairs from Unstructured Text - A Concept Correlation Search Framework. WEBIST 2011: 707-716

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