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1st WHISPERS 2009: Grenoble, France
- First Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing, WHISPERS 2009, Grenoble, France, August 26-28, 2009. IEEE 2009
- Olivier Eches, Nicolas Dobigeon
, Jean-Yves Tourneret:
An NCM-based Bayesian algorithm for hyperspectral unmixing. 1-4 - Amit Banerjee, Philippe Burlina, Joshua B. Broadwater:
Hyperspectral video for illumination-invariant tracking. 1-4 - Qian Du
, Liangpei Zhang, Nareenart Raksuntorn
Improving the quality of extracted endmembers. 1-4 - Yuri Knyazikhin, Mitchell Schull, Liang Hu, Ranga B. Myneni, Pedro Latorre-Carmona:
Canopy spectral invariants for remote sensing of canopy structure. 1-4 - Andreas Hueni
, J. Bieseman, Francesco Dell'Endice, Edoardo Alberti, Koen Meuleman, Michael E. Schaepman
The structure of the APEX (airborne prism experiment) Processing and Archiving Facility. 1-4 - Kuniaki Uto
, Yukio Kosugi, Toshinari Ogata:
Evaluation of oak wilt index based on genetic programming. 1-4 - Xiaoli Jiao, Yingzi Du, Chein-I Chang:
Component analysis-based unsupervised linear spectral mixture analysis for hyperspectral imagery. 1-5 - R. Kancheva, D. Borisova, G. Georgiev:
In-situ networks on test-sites in support of space earth observations. 1-4 - Begüm Demir
, Sarp Ertürk:
Accurate SVM classification using border training patterns. 1-4 - Andreas Rabe, Sebastian van der Linden
, Patrick Hostert:
Simplifying Support Vector Machines for Regression analysis of hyperspectral imagery. 1-4 - Frédéric Schmidt, Saïd Moussaoui, Nicolas Dobigeon
Material identification on martian hyperspectral images using bayesian source separation. 1-4 - Brian D. Bue, Erzsébet Merényi, Beáta Csathó:
Automated labeling of segmented hyperspectral imagery via spectral matching. 1-4 - Jochem Verrelst
, Michael E. Schaepman
, Jan G. P. W. Clevers:
Fusing Minnaert-k parameter with spectral unmixing for forest heterogeneity mapping using CHRIS-PROBA data. 1-4 - Jean-Claude Boulet, Nathalie Gorretta, Jean-Michel Roger
IDC-Improved Direct Calibration: A new direct calibration method applied to hyperspectral image analysis. 1-4 - Stefania Matteoli, Nicola Acito, Marco Diani
, Giovanni Corsini
Local approach to orthogonal subspace-based target detection in hyperspectral images. 1-4 - Keng-Hao Liu, Englin Wong, Chein-I Chang:
Kernel-based Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis for hyperspectral image classification. 1-4 - Olivier Berné, Christine Joblin, A. Tielens, Yannick Deville, Matthieu Puigt
, Rima Guidara, Shahram Hosseini, Giacomo Mulas
, J. Cami:
Source separation algorithms for the analysis of hyper-spectral observations of very small interstellar dust particles. 1-4 - Véronique Achard, Xavier Lenot:
Atmospheric and topographic corrections for hyperspectral imagery. 1-4 - Christian Haselwimmer, Peter Fretwell:
Field reflectance spectroscopy of sparse vegetation cover on the Antarctic Peninsula. 1-4 - Luciano Alparone
, Massimo Selva
, Bruno Aiazzi
, Stefano Baronti
, Francesco Butera, Leandro Chiarantini:
Signal-dependent noise modelling and estimation of new-generation imaging spectrometers. 1-4 - Marta B. Lopes
, José M. Bioucas-Dias
, Mário A. T. Figueiredo, Jean-Claude Wolff:
Spectral unmixing via minimum volume simplices: Application to near infrared spectra of counterfeit tablets. 1-4 - Jun Li, José M. Bioucas-Dias
, Antonio J. Plaza
Semi-supervised hyperspectral image segmentation. 1-4 - Sebastian Miron, David Brie, Manuel Dossot, Bernard Humbert:
On the modeling and processing of polarization in Raman spectroscopy. 1-4 - Lucie Homolová
, Katja Alanko-Huotari, Michael E. Schaepman:
Sensitivity of the ground-based downwelling irradiance recorded by the FODIS sensor in respect of different angular positions. 1-4 - Anita Simic, Jing M. Chen:
Progress in retrieving canopy structural parameters and chlorophyll content using the refined hyperspectral and multi-angle measurement concept and CASI data. 1-4 - Craig S. T. Daughtry, Guy Serbin
, James B. Reeves III, Paul C. Doraiswamy, E. Raymond Hunt Jr.:
Wheat straw composition and spectral reflectance changes during decomposition. 1-4 - A. Cardesin Moinelo, Giuseppe Piccioni
, Eleonora Ammannito:
Calibration pipeline of VIRTIS-M onboard Venus Express. 1-4 - Benoit Rivard, Derek M. Rogge, Jilu Feng, J. Zhang:
Spatial constraints on endmember extraction and optimization of per-pixel endmember sets for spectral unmixing. 1-4 - Samuel Rosario-Torres, Miguel Velez-Reyes
Speeding up the MATLAB™ Hyperspectral Image Analysis Toolbox using GPUs and the Jacket Toolbox. 1-4 - Bin Luo, Jocelyn Chanussot, Sylvain Douté, Xavier Ceamanos:
Unsupervised endmember extraction of martian hyperspectral images. 1-4 - Olivier Forni
, Olivier Gasnault, B. Diez, C. d'Uston, Sylvestre Maurice, Nobuyuki Hasebe, O. Okudaira, N. Yamashita, S. Kobayashi, Y. Karouji, M. Hareyama, Masanori Kobayashi
, R. C. Reedy, Kyeong J. Kim
Independent Component Analysis of the Gamma Ray Spectrometer data of SELENE (Kaguya). 1-4 - José M. Bioucas-Dias
A variable splitting augmented Lagrangian approach to linear spectral unmixing. 1-4 - Joshua B. Broadwater, Amit Banerjee:
A comparison of kernel functions for intimate mixture models. 1-4 - Aoife A. Gowen
, C. P. O'Donnell, J. M. Frias
, G. Downey
Hyperspectral imaging for mushroom (agaricus bisporus) quality monitoring. 1-4 - Bei Xie, Tamal Bose, Erzsébet Merényi:
A novel scheme for the compression and classification of hyperspectral images. 1-4 - Peter Bajorski:
On the reliability of PCA for complex hyperspectral data. 1-5 - Michael J. Mendenhall, Erzsébet Merényi:
On the evaluation of synthetic hyperspectral imagery. 1-4 - Björn Waske, Sebastian van der Linden
, Jón Atli Benediktsson
, Andreas Rabe, Patrick Hostert:
Impact of different morphological profiles on the classification accuracy of urban hyperspectral data. 1-4 - Lee K. Balick, Michael Howard, Heather Gledhill, Alan Klawitter, Alan R. Gillespie:
Variation and sensitivity in spectral thermal IR emissivity measurements. 1-4 - Philippe Lagueux, Vincent Farley, M. Rolland, Martin Chamberland, Eldon Puckrin, Caroline S. Turcotte, Pierre Lahaie, D. Dube:
Airborne measurements in the infrared using FTIR-based imaging hyperspectral sensors. 1-4 - Alan P. Schaum:
Remote spectral detection using a laboratory signature. 1-4 - Nathalie Gorretta, Jean-Michel Roger
, Gilles Rabatel, V. Bellon-Maurel, C. Fiorio, Camille C. D. Lelong
Hyperspectral image segmentation: The butterfly approach. 1-4 - Sylvain Douté:
Retrieving Mars surface reflectance from OMEGA/MEX imagery. 1-4 - Thomas Villmann, Frank-Michael Schleif
Funtional vector quantization by neural maps. 1-4 - Sébastien Rodriguez
, Stéphane Le Mouélic, Pascal Rannou
, Jean-Philippe Combe, Lucille Le Corre
, Gabriel Tobie, Jason W. Barnes
, Christophe Sotin, Robert H. Brown, Kevin H. Baines, Bonnie J. Buratti, Roger N. Clark, Phil D. Nicholson:
Fast forward modeling of Titan's infrared spectra to invert VIMS/Cassini hyperspectral images. 1-4 - Johan Beekhuizen, Gerard B. M. Heuvelink, Ils Reusen
, Jan Biesemans:
Uncertainty Propagation Analysis of the airborne hyperspectral data processing chain. 1-4 - Nontembeko Dudeni, Pravesh Debba
, Moses Azong Cho
, Renaud Mathieu
Spectral band discrimination for species observed from hyperspectral remote sensing. 1-4 - Pravesh Debba
, Moses Azong Cho
, Renaud Mathieu
Optimal individual supervised hyperspectral band selection distinguishing savannah trees at leaf level. 1-4 - Ils Reusen, Martin Bachmann, Johan Beekhuizen, Eyal Ben-Dor, Jan Biesemans, J.-L. Brenguier, P. Brown, Sabine Chabrillat
, Andreas Eisele, J. A. Gomez-Sanchez, Michael G. Grant
, Steven L. Groom, Jan Hanus
, Gerard B. M. Heuvelink, Stefanie Holzwarth, Andreas Hueni
, Hermann Kaufmann, Els Knaeps, Mathias Kneubühler
, Timothy J. Malthus, Koen Meuleman, E. de Miguel Llanes, Andreas Müller, A. Pimstein, Elena Prado Ortega, P. Purcell, Thomas Ruhtz
, M. Schaale, Michael E. Schaepman
, Manfred Wendisch
EUFAR goes hyperspectral in FP7. 1-4 - Gianrico Filacchione
, Fabrizio Capaccioni
, Eleonora Ammannito, Angioletta Coradini, Maria Cristina De Sanctis
, Giuseppe Piccioni
Calibration pipeline of VIS-NIR imaging spectrometers for planetary exploration: The rosetta VIRTIS-M case. 1-4 - John P. Kerekes
, David R. Pogorzala, John Parkes, Arnab K. Shaw, Daniel Rahn:
Hyperspectral target detection using multiple platform cuing. 1-4 - Wonkook Kim, Melba M. Crawford:
A novel adaptive classification method for hyperspectral data using manifold regularization kernel machines. 1-4 - Sivasathivel Kandasamy
, Audrey Minghelli-Roman, François Tavin, Sandrine Mathieu, Frédéric Baret
, Pierre Gouton:
Optimal band selection for future satellite sensor dedicated to soil science. 1-4 - Yuliya Tarabalka, Jocelyn Chanussot, Jón Atli Benediktsson
Classification of hyperspectral images using automatic marker selection and Minimum Spanning Forest. 1-4 - Lukasz Paluchowski, Piotr Walczykowski
Preliminary hyperspectral band selection for difficult object detection. 1-4 - Margaret Kalacska
, J. Pablo Arroyo-Mora:
The cost of time - implications of hyperspectral data volume and feature selection routines for conservation science. 1-4 - Konstantinos D. Ntouros, Ioannis Z. Gitas
, Georgios N. Silleos:
Mapping agricultural crops with EO-1 Hyperion data. 1-4 - Jan G. P. W. Clevers, Lammert Kooistra
Using hyperspectral remote sensing data for retrieving canopy water content. 1-4 - Santiago Velasco-Forero, Jesús Angulo:
Morphological scale-space for hyperspectral images and dimensionality exploration using tensor modeling. 1-4 - Dirk Borghys
, Elie Truyen, Michal Shimoni
, Christiaan Perneel:
Anomaly detection in complex environments: Evaluation of the inter-and intra-method consistency. 1-4 - Brendt Wohlberg
, James Theiler:
Improved change detection with local co-registration adjustments. 1-4 - Jilu Feng, Benoit Rivard, A. Gallie, Edward A. Cloutis:
Feature selection and broad band bitumen content estimation of Athabasca oil sand from infrared reflectance spectra. 1-5 - Guangzhi Cao, Charles A. Bouman, James Theiler:
Weak signal detection in hyperspectral imagery using sparse matrix transform (smt) covariance estimation. 1-4 - Jose Andres Gonzalez, Michael J. Mendenhall, Erzsébet Merényi:
Minimum Surface Bhattacharyya feature selection. 1-4 - David R. Thompson, Rebecca Castaño, Martha S. Gilmore:
Sparse superpixel unmixing for exploratory analysis of CRISM hyperspectral images. 1-4 - Heather D. Makarewicz, Mario Parente, Janice L. Bishop
Deconvolution of VNIR spectra using modified Gaussian modeling (MGM) with automatic parameter initialization (API) applied to CRISM. 1-5 - Jerzy Cierniewski, Marcin Gulinski:
Furrow microrelief influence on the directional hiperspectral reflectance of soil at various illumination and observation conditions. 1-4 - Vassilia Karathanassi, Polichronis Kolokoussis
, Ioannidou Styliani:
Independent Component Analysis for coastal water mapping using hyperspectral datasets. 1-7 - Edward A. Cloutis, Begona Vila, Andrew Bell, Michel Lamothe:
Hyperspectral and Luminescence Observer (HALO) Mars mission concept - innovative data triage, compression, processing and analysis for the hyperspectral imager. 1-4 - David G. Goodenough, K. Olaf Niemann, Geoffrey S. Quinn, Jessie Liu:
Mapping spatio-temporal variation in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) foliar biochemistry. 1-4 - Moses Azong Cho
, Renaud Mathieu
, Pravesh Debba
Multiple endmember spectral-angle-mapper (sam) analysis improves discrimination of savanna tree species. 1-4 - Shinya Odagawa, Kinya Okada:
Tree species discrimination using continuum removed airborne hyperspectral data. 1-4 - Moussa Sofiane Karoui
, Yannick Deville, Shahram Hosseini, Abdelaziz Ouamri
, D. Ducrot:
Improvement of remote sensing multispectral image classification by using Independent Component Analysis. 1-4 - Sébastien Bongard, Éric Thiébaut, Ferréol Soulez
, E. Pecontal:
4D deconvolution and demixing for supernova follow-up. 1-5 - Andrew Rice, Juan Vasquez, Michael Mendenhall, John P. Kerekes
Feature-aided tracking via synthetic hyperspectral imagery. 1-4 - Eyal Madar, Oleg Kuybeda, David Malah
, Meir Barzohar:
Local-global background modeling for anomaly detection in hyperspectral images. 1-4 - Amer Smailbegovic, Kyle T. Gray, Kacey Johnson, Virginia Murphy, Ross Holbrook:
Spectroscopic and hyperspectral evaluation of possible hydrocarbon occurrences in estuarine sediments, North Charleston, South Carolina, USA. 1-5 - Abel S. Nunez, Michael J. Mendenhall, Heidi C. Bertram, Adam L. Brooks:
Building an integumentary system hyperspectral model for avatars. 1-4 - Abel S. Nunez, Michael J. Mendenhall, Kevin Gross:
Melanosome level estimation in human skin from hyperspectral imagery. 1-4 - Paul Fogel
, Cyril Gobinet, S. Stanley Young, Didier Zugaj:
Evaluation of unmixing methods for the separation of Quantum Dot sources. 1-4 - Peter Torrione, Christopher R. Ratto, Leslie M. Collins:
Multiple instance and context dependent learning in hyperspectral data. 1-4 - Chenghai Yang, James H. Everitt, Joe M. Bradford:
Applying linear spectral unmixing to airborne hyperspectral imagery for mapping crop yield variability. 1-4 - Torsten E. Howard, Michael J. Mendenhall, Gilbert L. Peterson
Abstracting GIS layers from hyperspectral imagery. 1-4 - Antonio J. Plaza
, Gabriel Martín
, Maciel Zortea:
On the incorporation of spatial information to endmember extraction: Survey and algorithm comparison. 1-4 - David Sebiskveradze, Elodie Ly, Cyril Gobinet, Olivier Piot, Michel Manfait, Pierre Jeannesson, Valeriu Vrabie:
From preprocessing to fuzzy classification of IR images of paraffin embedded cancerous skin samples. 1-4 - Rosa Maria Cavalli
, Simone Pascucci, Stefano Pignatti
Hyperspectral remote sensing data to map hazardous materials in a rural and industrial district: The Podgorica dwellings case studies. 1-4 - Muhammad Murtaza Khan
, Jocelyn Chanussot, Luciano Alparone
Hyperspectral pansharpening using QNR optimization constraint. 1-4 - Nasser M. Nasrabadi:
Kernel subspace-based anomaly detection for hyperspectral imagery. 1-4 - K. Olaf Niemann, Gordon Frazer, Rafael Loos, Fabio Visintini:
LiDAR-guided analysis of airborne hyperspectral data. 1-4 - Caroline Bernard-Michel, Sylvain Douté, Mathieu Fauvel, Laurent Gardes
, Stéphane Girard
Machine learning techniques for the inversion of planetary hyperspectral images. 1-4 - Ekaterina Carmina, Carrere Veronique:
Influence of mineral (prefered) orientation on composition mapping: Observed in IR range of transmission spectra. 1-4 - Steve A. Chien, Daniel Tran, Steve R. Schaffer, Gregg R. Rabideau, Ashley Gerard Davies
, Thomas Doggett, Ronald Greeley, Felipe Ip, Victor R. Baker, Joshua Doubleday, Rebecca Castaño, Daniel J. Mandl, Stuart Frye, Lawrence Ong, Francois Rogez, Bogdan Oaida:
Onboard classification of hyperspectral data on the Earth Observing One mission. 1-4 - Prashanth Reddy Marpu
, Paolo Gamba
, Irmgard Niemeyer
Hyperspectral data classification using an ensemble of class-dependent neural networks. 1-4 - David G. Goodenough, Tian Han:
Reducing noise in hyperspectal data - A nonlinear data series analysis approach. 1-4 - Natalie Zabcic, Benoit Rivard, Cindy Ong, Andreas Müller:
Using airborne hyperspectral data to characterize the surface pH of pyrite mine tailings. 1-4 - Karmon Vongsy, Michael J. Mendenhall, Philip M. Hanna, Jason Kaufman:
Change detection using synthetic hyperspectral imagery. 1-4 - Camille C. D. Lelong
, Jean-Michel Roger
, Simon Brégand, Fabrice Dubertret, Mathieu Lanore, Nurul A. Sitorus, Doni A. Raharjo, Jean-Pierre Caliman:
Discrimination of fungal disease infestation in oil-palm canopy hyperspectral reflectance data. 1-4 - Tsung-Han Chan, Wing-Kin Ma
, Chong-Yung Chi, A. ArulMurugan:
Hyperspectral unmixing from a convex analysis and optimization perspective. 1-4 - Steven M. Adler-Golden:
Improved hyperspectral anomaly detection in heavy-tailed backgrounds. 1-4 - P. F. Conforti, Robert L. Sundberg:
The comparison of pixel size and atmospheric correction method on matched filter detection for a hyperspectral image. 1-4 - Mario Parente, J. Trevor Clark, Adrian J. Brown, Janice L. Bishop
Simulation of the image generation process for CRISM spectrometer data. 1-4 - David Valencia, Antonio J. Plaza
Efficient implementation of morphological opening and closing by reconstruction on multi-core parallel systems. 1-4 - Stéphane Le Mouélic, J.-Ph Combe, V. Sarago, Nicolas Mangold, M. Masse, J. P. Bibring, B. Gondet, Y. Langevin, Christophe Sotin:
An iterative least squares approach to decorrelate minerals and ices contributions in hyperspectral images: Application to Cuprite (earth) and Mars. 1-4 - Ryuei Nishii, Tomohiko Ozaki:
Contextual unmixing of geospatial data based on Markov random fields and conditional random fields. 1-4 - John A. Glaser, Joseph Casas, Kenneth L. Copenhaver, Steffen Mueller:
Development of a broad landscape monitoring system using hyperspectral imagery to detect pest infestation. 1-4 - Farzaneh Kazemipour, Patrick Launeau, Vona Méléder:
Hyperspectral characterization of microphytobenthic biofilms. 1-4 - Martin L. Gnyp
, Fei Li, Yuxin Miao
, Wolfgang Koppe, Liangliang Jia, Xinping Chen, Fusuo Zhang, Georg Bareth:
Hyperspactral data analysis of nitrogen fertilization effects on winter wheat using spectrometer in North China Plain. 1-4 - Thomas Rodet, François Orieux
, Jean-François Giovannelli
, Alain Abergel:
Data inversion for hyperspectral objects in astronomy. 1-4 - Anne-Sophie Montcuquet, Lionel Hervé, Laurent Guyon
, Jean-Marc Dinten, Jérôme I. Mars:
Non-negative Matrix Factorization: A blind sources separation method to unmix fluorescence spectra. 1-4 - Fabrizio Capaccioni
, Maria Cristina De Sanctis
, Gianrico Filacchione
, Giuseppe Piccioni
, Eleonora Ammannito, Leonardo Tommasi, Iacopo Ficai Veltroni, Massimo Cosi, Stefano Debei
, Alessandro Mazzoni, Enrico Flamini:
VIS-NIR imaging spectroscopy of the Mercury's surface: SIMBIO-SYS/VIHI experiment onboard the Bepi Colombo mission. 1-4 - Geoffrey S. Quinn, K. Olaf Niemann, David G. Goodenough:
Estimating foliar biochemistry from reflectance and the detection of phellinus sulphurascens induced stress. 1-4 - Xavier Ceamanos, Sylvain Douté:
Spectral smile correction in CRISM hyperspectral images. 1-4 - Alina Zare
, Paul D. Gader:
Context-based endmember detection for hyperspectral imagery. 1-4 - Thierry Dudok De Wit, Saïd Moussaoui, Pierre-Olivier Amblard, Jean Aboudarham, Frederic Auchère, Matthieu Kretzschmar
, Jean Lilensten:
Multispectral imaging the sun in the ultraviolet. 1-4 - Nicola Acito, Giovanni Corsini
, Marco Diani
Algorithms for robust signal subspace identification in hyperspectral images: A comparative analysis. 1-4 - Konstantinos G. Nikolakopoulos
Spatial resolution enhancement of Hyperion hyperspectral data. 1-4 - Fabio Del Frate, Giorgio Licciardi, Riccardo Duca:
Autoassociative neural networks for features reduction of hyperspectral data. 1-4