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WiMob 2008: Avignon, France
- IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, WiMob 2008, Avignon, France, 12-14 October 2008, Proceedings. IEEE Computer Society 2008, ISBN 978-0-7695-3393-3
- Abderrahim Benslimane
Message from the General Chair. - Chadi Assi, Hsiao-Hwa Chen:
Message from the Technical Program Committee Co-chairs. - Peter Mueller
, Mieso K. Denko:
Message from the Workshops Co-chairs. - Nidal Nasser, Waltenegus Dargie
, Mieso K. Denko, Ahmed H. Zahran
Message from the HWN-RMQ Workshop Organizing Technical Co-chairs. - Peter L. Reiher, John Zimmerman, Kevin Eustice:
Message from the SAUCE Workshop Organizing Technical Co-chairs. - Peter Mueller, Kaisa Nyberg, Stefanos Gritzalis
, Costas Lambrinoudakis
Message from the SecPri Workshop Organizing Technical Co-chairs. - Guillaume Chelius, Isaac Woungang, Stuart Cunningham:
Message from the STWiMob Workshop Organizing Technical Co-chairs.
- Ian F. Akyildiz:
Spectrum Management in Cognitive Radio Networks. - Luigi Fratta:
Inter-vehicles Communication: A New Frontier of Ad Hoc Networking.
Wireless Sensor Networks I
- Shouwen Lai, Binoy Ravindran
, Hyeonjoong Cho:
Rate Allocation with Lifetime Maximization and Fairness for Data Aggregation in Sensor Networks. 1-6 - Azzedine Boukerche, Xin Fei:
Adaptive Data-Gathering Protocols with Mobile Collectors for Vehicular Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks. 7-12 - Philippe Le-Huy, Sébastien Roy
Low-Power 2.4 GHz Wake-Up Radio for Wireless Sensor Networks. 13-18 - Yahya E. Osais, Marc St-Hilaire, Fei Richard Yu
Directional Sensor Placement with Optimal Sensing Range, Field of View and Orientation. 19-24 - Yann Busnel
, Marin Bertier, Anne-Marie Kermarrec
SOLIST or How to Look for a Needle in a Haystack? A Lightweight Multi-overlay Structure for Wireless Sensor Networks. 25-31
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs)
- Takeshi Matsuda, Hidehisa Nakayama, Sherman X. Shen
, Yoshiaki Nemoto, Nei Kato:
On Gateway Selection Protocol for DYMO-Based MANET. 32-37 - Christopher N. Ververidis, George C. Polyzos
AVERT: Adaptive SerVicE and Route Discovery ProTocol for MANETs. 38-43 - Thomas Kunz:
Accurately Predicting Residual Energy Levels in MANETs. 44-50 - Haïdar Safa, Omar Mirza, Hassan Artail:
A Dynamic Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithm for MANETs. 51-56 - Lara B. Deek, Sarah Thoubian, Serouj Jamijian, Khaled A. Harras, Hassan Artail:
Exploiting Parallel Networks in Intermittently-Connected Mobile Environments. 57-62
WLAN and 802.11
- Armelle Gnassou, Jean-François Frigon, Brunilde Sansò:
Impact of Wireless Channel on VoIP QoS and Admission Regions in IEEE 802.11g WLANs. 63-68 - Puttipong Mahasukhon, Hamid Sharif, Michael Hempel, Ting Zhou, Wei Wang, Tadeusz A. Wysocki:
Performance Analysis of Multi-hop IEEE 802.11 DCF Backhaul Networks. 69-74 - Athanassios V. Adamis, Konstantinos N. Maliatsos, Philip Constantinou:
Throughput Analysis of Overlay CSMA/CA for Secondary Networks. 75-81 - Afef Ben Hadj Alaya-Feki, Berna Sayraç, Paul Houzé, Eric Moulines:
Opportunistic Spectrum Access with IEEE 802.11 in IEEE P1900.4 Framework. 82-83
- Jelena Mirkovic, Bernhard Walke:
On Performance of MIMO Link Adaptation in the Presence of Channel Uncertainty. 84-89 - Masoomeh Torabzadeh, Wessam Ajib:
Proportional Fairness for MIMO Multi-user Schedulers with Traffic Arrival Process. 90-95 - Antonis G. Gotsis, Philip Constantinou:
Adaptive Single-Cell OFDMA Resource Allocation for Heterogeneous Data Traffic. 96-103 - Myeon-Gyun Cho, Shik Kim:
An Efficient CQI Feedback Scheme for Multi-user and Single-User MIMO/OFDMA Systems. 104-105
Scheduling I
- Desislava C. Dimitrova, Geert J. Heijenk
, Hans van den Berg, Remco Litjens:
Impact of Inter-cell Interference on Flow Level Performance of Scheduling Schemes for the UMTS EUL. 106-112 - Liping Wang, Yusheng Ji, Fuqiang Liu:
A Novel Centralized Resource Scheduling Scheme in OFDMA-Based Two-Hop Relay-Enhanced Cellular Systems. 113-118 - Cédric Gueguen, Sébastien Baey:
Compensated Proportional Fair Scheduling in Multiuser OFDM Wireless Networks. 119-125 - Faisal Alazem, Jean-François Frigon, David Haccoun:
Throughput and Performance Optimization Using an Adaptive Coded Cooperation Protocol. 126-132
- Davide Mattera
, Luigi Paura, Fabio Sterle:
MultistageWidely-Linear DF Equalizers for MIMO Channels. 133-138 - Karel-Peet Mare, Bodhaswar T. Maharaj
Performance Analysis of Modern Space-Time Codes on a MIMO-WiMAX Platform. 139-144 - P. Ubaidulla, Ananthanarayanan Chockalingam:
Precoder Designs for MIMO Broadcast Channels with Imperfect CSI. 145-150 - Ertugrul Basar
, Ümit Aygölü:
A New 2×2 Coordinate Interleaved STBC for High-Rate Wireless Systems. 151-152
Mobility and resource management
- Kang-Won Lee, Won-Kyeong Seo, Dong-Won Kum, You Ze Cho:
Global Mobility Management Scheme with Interworking between PMIPv6 and MIPv6. 153-158 - Linoh A. Magagula, H. Anthony Chan:
IEEE 802.21-Assisted Cross-Layer Design and PMIPv6 Mobility Management Framework for Next Generation Wireless Networks. 159-164 - Leo Bhebhe:
Multi-access Mobility in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks: Today and Tomorrow. 165-171 - Claudia Canali
, Michele Colajanni
, Riccardo Lancellotti
Resource Management Strategies for Mobile Web-Based Services. 172-177 - Flaminio Borgonovo, Matteo Cesana
ARPA: An Arbitration Protocol Based on Advanced Channel Feedback for Radio Frequency Identification. 178-183
Internet and Technologies
- Marco von Arb, Matthias Bader, Michael Kuhn, Roger Wattenhofer:
VENETA: Serverless Friend-of-Friend Detection in Mobile Social Networking. 184-189 - Bayrem Chelly, Naceur Malouch:
Movement and Connectivity Algorithms for Location-Based Mobile Social Networks. 190-195 - Do Van Thanh, Paal E. Engelstad, Tore E. Jønvik, Do van Thuan, Ivar Jørstad:
Towards a Uniform IMS Client on Heterogeneous Devices. 196-201 - Assadarat Khurat, Joerg Abendroth:
A Mechanism for Requesting Hierarchical documetns in XACML. 202-207
- Toshihiro Hori, Tomotaka Wada, Yuuki Ota, Norie Uchitomi, Kouichi Mutsuura, Hiromi Okada:
A Multi-Sensing-Range Method for Position Estimation of Passive RFID Tags. 208-213 - Eddie C. L. Chan, George Baciu
, S. C. Mak:
Wireless Tracking Analysis in Location Fingerprinting. 214-220 - Ustijana Sikoska, D. Davcev, Jordan Sikoski:
Sensitivity Analysis for GPS in Land-Vehicle Navigation. 221-222
Wireless Sensor Networks II
- Jenq-Shiou Leu, Hui-Ching Hsieh:
An Autonomous Wireless Sensor Network with Fault Resilience. 223-227 - Tarek El Salti, Nidal Nasser:
Generic 3-D Routing Protocols in Sensing-Covering Regions. 228-233 - Diana Berbecaru
, Luca Albertalli:
On the Performance and Use of a Space-Efficient Merkle Tree Traversal Algorithm in Real-Time Applications for Wireless and Sensor Networks. 234-240 - Driss El Ghanami, Taek Jin Kwon, Abdel Hafid:
GRIDS: Geographically Repulsive Insomnious Distributed Sensors - An Efficient Node Selection Mechanism Using Passive Clustering. 241-246 - Anna Förster
, Amy L. Murphy, Jochen H. Schiller, Kirsten Terfloth:
An Efficient Implementation of Reinforcement Learning Based Routing on Real WSN Hardware. 247-252
Scheduling II
- Chi Harold Liu, Athanasios Gkelias, Yun Hou, Kin K. Leung:
A Distributed Scheduling Algorithm with QoS Provisions in Multi-hop Wireless Mesh Networks. 253-258 - Jad El-Najjar, Brigitte Jaumard, Chadi Assi:
Maximizing Network Stability in a Mobile WiMax/802.16 Mesh Centralized Scheduling. 259-265 - Hamed Nasrabadi, Farid Ashtiani:
Improving Coverage-Capacity Tradeoff and Power Consumption of TDMA-CDMA by Coverage-Dependent Timeslot Allocation. 266-271 - Ghalem Boudour, Cédric Teyssié, Zoubir Mammeri:
Scheduling-Based Reservation MAC Protocol for Bandwidth and Delay Optimization in Wireless Mesh Networks. 272-277
Cross Layer design
- Wei Kuang Lai, Kai-Ting Yang:
Frame Size Adaptation in Mobile Wireless Networks with Cross-Layer Cooperative Model. 278-283 - Mohammad Abdur Razzaque, Simon Dobson
, Paddy Nixon:
Cross-Layer Self Routing: A Self-Managed Routing Approach for MANETs. 284-290 - Philipp Hurni, Torsten Braun
, Bharat K. Bhargava, Yu Zhang:
Multi-hop Cross-Layer Design in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Case Study. 291-296 - Laila Daniel
, Ilpo Järvinen, Markku Kojo:
Combating Packet Reordering in Vertical Handoff Using Cross-Layer Notifications to TCP. 297-303
- Luci Pirmez, Jaime Cesar de Carvalho Jr., Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Luiz Fernando Rust C. Carmo, Marcos Pirmez, Paulo F. Pires
User's Profile-Driven Resource Reservation for WiMAX Networks. 304-309 - Christos D. Antonopoulos:
On SDMA Transmission Considering an Efficient IP Based IEEE 802.16 Relay Station. 310-315 - Víctor Rangel, Miguel Perez, Javier Gomez
, Miguel López-Guerrero, Raúl Aquino:
Performance Evaluation of Five New Adaptive Contention Slot Allocators for IEEE 802.16 Based Systems. 316-321
- Ghaya Rekaya-Ben Othman, Rym Ouertani, Abdellatif Salah:
The Spherical Bound Stack Decoder. 322-327 - Bodhaswar T. Maharaj
, Francois P. S. Luus:
Decremental Redundancy Compression with Fountain Codes. 328-332 - Keunhyung Lee, Huisoo Lee, Yongwook Lee, Jihyun Lee, Wangrok Oh
A New Channel Reliability Value for Iterative MAP Turbo Decoder. 333-334
- Dare Sokoya, Bodhaswar T. Maharaj
Channel Estimation Algorithm for Super-Orthogonal Space Time Trellis Coded-OFDM Systems. 335-339 - Athanasios Doukas, Grigorios Kalivas:
A Novel SNR per Subcarrier Estimation Scheme for OFDM Systems in Frequency Selective Channels. 340-345 - Ali Ramadan Ali, Tariq Jamil Saifullah Khanzada
, Abbas S. Omar
Channel Estimation for OFDM Systems in Rapidly Time-Variant Channels Using High Degree Channel Approximation. 346-348
- Lorenzo Favalli, Pietro Savazzi
, Anna Vizziello
Estimation and Mitigation of Intercarrier Interference for OFDM Systems in Multipath Fading Channels. 349-354 - Josko Radic, Nikola Rozic:
Improved Decoding of Clipped OFDM Signals through Iteration. 355-359 - Oscar Real, Vicenç Almenar
OFDM ICI Self-Cancellation Scheme Based on Five Weights. 360-364 - Rong-Terng Juang, Kun-Yi Lin, Pangan Ting, Hsin-Piao Lin, Ding-Bing Lin:
Hybrid ARQ Scheme with Intercarrier Interference Mitigation for OFDM Systems. 365-366
Wireless networks and applications
- Randall Landry, Jared Burdin:
An Evolutionary Model for the Study of Wireless Networks. 367-372 - Thomas D. C. Little
, Peter Dib, Kandarp Shah, Nick Barraford, Beth Gallagher:
Using LED Lighting for Ubiquitous Indoor Wireless Networking. 373-378 - Abdulbaset Gaddah
, Thomas Kunz:
Subscriber Mobility in Pub/Sub Systems: Pro-active vs. Reactive Handoffs. 379-384 - Tiziano Inzerilli, Anna Maria Vegni
, Alessandro Neri
, Roberto Cusani:
A Location-Based Vertical Handover Algorithm for Limitation of the Ping-Pong Effect. 385-389
Media Streaming and QoS
- Ahmed H. Zahran
, Cormac J. Sreenan:
PGMS: Pseudo-optimal Greedy Media Streaming Algorithm for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. 390-396 - Antonio-Javier García-Sánchez
, Felipe García-Sánchez, Joan García-Haro
Feasibility Study of MPEG-4 Transmission on IEEE 802.15.4 Networks. 397-403 - Laszlo Korossy, Csaba Vulkán:
QoS Aware HSDPA Congestion Control Algorithm. 404-409 - Ju-Eun Kang, Dong-Won Kum, Yang Li, You Ze Cho:
Seamless Handover Scheme for Proxy Mobile IPv6. 410-414 - Wajdi Elleuch
, Alain C. Houle:
Multiparty Voice over IP (MVoIP) Peer-Based System for Large-Scale Conference Support. 415-416
- Abderrezak Rachedi
, Abderrahim Benslimane
, Hadi Otrok
, Noman Mohammed, Mourad Debbabi
A Mechanism Design-Based Secure Architecture for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 417-422 - Sk. Md. Mizanur Rahman
, Nidal Nasser, Kassem Saleh:
Identity and Pairing-Based Secure Key Management Scheme for Heterogeneous Sensor Networks. 423-428 - Christian Tchepnda, Hassnaa Moustafa, Houda Labiod, Gilles Bourdon:
Prioritizing and Enhancing Vehicular Networks Authentication Process Using DSRC Channels Diversity. 429-434 - Anand Dersingh, Ramiro Liscano, Allan G. Jost:
Utilizing Semantic Knowledge for Access Control in Pervasive and Ubiquitous Systems. 435-441
HWN-RMQ_WiMob2008 sessions
- Raheleh B. Dilmaghani, Ramesh R. Rao:
An Ad Hoc Network Infrastructure: Communication and Information Sharing for Emergency Response. 442-447 - Shuai Liu, D. Y. Zhang, Xiao Chu, Hadi Otrok
, Prabir Bhattacharya:
A Game Theoretic Approach to Optimize the Performance of Host-Based IDS. 448-453 - Yacob Astatke, Richard Dean, L. S. Ange:
Power Performance Measure for QOS Service Management in Mixed Networks. 454-459 - Ali Chamam, Samuel Pierre:
Power-Efficient Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks under Coverage Constraint. 460-465 - Ana Elisa P. Goulart, Wei Zhan
A Design of Experiment (DOE) Analysis of the Performance of Uplink Real-Time Traffic over a 3G Network. 466-471 - Ada Diaconescu, Johann Bourcier
, Clément Escoffier:
Autonomic iPOJO: Towards Self-Managing Middleware for Ubiquitous Systems. 472-477 - Sara Bury, Johnathan Ishmael, Nicholas J. P. Race
, Paul Smith, Mark Rouncefield:
Towards an Understanding of Security Concerns within Communities. 478-483 - Greg Bigwood, Devan Rehunathan, Martin Bateman, Tristan Henderson
, Saleem N. Bhatti
Exploiting Self-Reported Social Networks for Routing in Ubiquitous Computing Environments. 484-489 - Daniele Manzaroli, P. Lacche, Marina Pettinari, Luca Roffia
, Alfredo D'Elia
, Tullio Salmon Cinotti
Enhancing Social Life with Path Solvers: Rendezvous without Constraints on Meeting Place and Time. 490-495 - Kevin Eustice, A. M. Jourabchi, J. Stoops, Peter L. Reiher:
Improving User Satisfaction in a Ubiquitous Computing Application. 496-501 - Jonathan Engelsma, James C. Ferrans, Mat C. Hans:
EncounterEngine: Integrating Bluetooth User Proximity Data into Social Applications. 502-507
First International Workshop on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications SecPriWiMob 2008
Privacy in Mobile and Wireless Computing (I)
- Mike Burmester, Emmanouil Magkos, Vassilios Chrissikopoulos:
Strengthening Privacy Protection in VANETs. 508-513 - Aleksi Saarela
, Jan-Erik Ekberg, Kaisa Nyberg:
Random Beacon for Privacy and Group Security. 514-519
Privacy in Mobile and Wireless Computing (II)
- Florian Scheuer, Klaus Poessel, Hannes Federrath:
Preventing Profile Generation in Vehicular Networks. 520-525 - Ioannis Krontiris, Thanassis Giannetsos, Tassos Dimitriou:
Launching a Sinkhole Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks; The Intruder Side. 526-531
Key Management in Mobile and Wireless Computing
- Manel Boujelben, Habib Youssef, Mohamed Abid:
An Efficient Scheme for Key Pre-distribution in Wireless Sensor Networks. 532-537 - Hisham Dahshan, James Irvine
Analysis of Key Distribution in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Based on Message Relaying. 538-542 - Imran Erguler, Emin Anarim
A Password-Based Key Establishment Protocol with Symmetric Key Cryptography. 543-548 - Firdous Kausar
, M. Q. Saeed, Ashraf Masood:
Key Management and Secure Routing in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks. 549-554
Cryptographic Protocols for Mobile and Wireless Environments (I)
- Christian Bauer, Max Ehammer:
Securing Dynamic Home Agent Address Discovery with Cryptographically Generated Addresses and RSA Signatures. 555-560 - Saber Zrelli, Atsuko Miyaji
, Yoichi Shinoda, Thierry Ernst:
Security and Access Control for Vehicular Communications. 561-566
Cryptographic Protocols for Mobile and Wireless Environments (II)
- David A. Knox, Thomas Kunz:
RF Fingerprints for Secure Authentication in Single-Hop WSN. 567-573 - Alberto Ferrante
, Roberto Pompei, Anastasia Stulova, Antonio Vincenzo Taddeo:
A Protocol for Pervasive Distributed Computing Reliability. 574-579
Sensor Networks Security
- Giacomo de Meulenaer, François Gosset, François-Xavier Standaert
, Olivier Pereira:
On the Energy Cost of Communication and Cryptography in Wireless Sensor Networks. 580-585 - Christoph Krauß
, Markus Schneider, Claudia Eckert:
An Enhanced Scheme to Defend against False-Endorsement-Based DoS Attacks in WSNs. 586-591 - Suat Özdemir
Functional Reputation Based Data Aggregation for Wireless Sensor Networks. 592-597 - Sanjay Kumar Dhurandher, Sudip Misra, Mohammad S. Obaidat
, Nidhi Gupta:
QDV: A Quality-of-Security-Based Distance Vector Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Ant Colony Optimization. 598-602
Wireless Ad-hoc Networks Security (I)
- Sudip Misra, Kiran Isaac Abraham, Mohammad S. Obaidat
, P. Venkata Krishna
Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks: The S-Model Learning Automata Approach. 603-607 - Hadi Otrok
, Noman Mohammed, Lingyu Wang, Mourad Debbabi
, Prabir Bhattacharya:
A Moderate to Robust Game Theoretical Model for Intrusion Detection in MANETs. 608-612
Wireless Ad-hoc Networks Security (II)
- Do Van Thanh, Ivar Jørstad, Paal E. Engelstad, Tore E. Jønvik, Boning Feng, Do van Thuan:
Authentication in a Multi-access IMS Environment. 613-618 - Chung Tien Nguyen, Olivier Camp:
Using Context Information to Improve Computation of Trust in Ad Hoc Networks. 619-624
IEEE International Workshop on Selected topics in mobile and wireless computing (STWiMob'2008)
- Andrzej Sikora, Ewa Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz
MobASim: A Software Platform for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Modeling and Simulation. 625-630 - L. Felipe Perrone
, Christopher J. Kenna, Bryan C. Ward:
Enhancing the Credibility of Wireless Network Simulations with Experiment Automation. 631-637 - Robin D'Haenens, Jeroen Doggen, Dirk Bakker, Tim Dams:
Transmitting Scalable Video with Unequal Error Protection over 802.11b/g. 638-643 - Yuro Lee, Jaemin Ahn
, Sok-Kyu Lee:
Multi-rate QR-MDD for High Data Rate Transmission in Nomadic Local Wireless Access. 644-648