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Computers in Biology and Medicine, Volume 37
Volume 37, Number 1, January 2007
- Lina El Khansa, Amine Naït-Ali:
Parametrical modelling of a premature ventricular contraction ECG beat: Comparison with the normal case. 1-7 - Dimitrios G. Tsalikakis, Henngui G. Zhang, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis, George P. Kremmydas, Lampros K. Michalis:
Phase response characteristics of sinoatrial node cells. 8-20 - Emre Çomak, Ahmet Arslan, Ibrahim Türkoglu:
A decision support system based on support vector machines for diagnosis of the heart valve diseases. 21-27 - Murat Ceylan, Rahime Ceylan, Fatma Dirgenali, Sadik Kara, Yüksel Özbay:
Classification of carotid artery Doppler signals in the early phase of atherosclerosis using complex-valued artificial neural network. 28-36 - Guillaume Kom, Alain Tiedeu, Martin Kom:
Automated detection of masses in mammograms by local adaptive thresholding. 37-48 - Min Soon Kim, Gregory P. Reece, Elisabeth K. Beahm, Michael J. Miller, E. Neely Atkinson, Mia K. Markey:
Objective assessment of aesthetic outcomes of breast cancer treatment: Measuring ptosis from clinical photographs. 49-59 - Paris A. Mastorocostas, John B. Theocharis:
A dynamic fuzzy neural filter for separation of discontinuous adventitious sounds from vesicular sounds. 60-69 - Ningning Guo, Libo Zeng, Qiongshui Wu:
A method based on multispectral imaging technique for White Blood Cell segmentation. 70-76 - Sadik Kara, Aysegül Güven:
Training a learning vector quantization network using the pattern electroretinography signals. 77-82 - Giuseppe Boccignone, Paolo Napoletano, Vittorio Caggiano, Mario Ferraro:
A multiresolution diffused expectation-maximization algorithm for medical image segmentation. 83-96 - Filip De Turck, Johan Decruyenaere, Pieter Thysebaert, Sofie Van Hoecke, Bruno Volckaert, Chris Danneels, Kirsten Colpaert, Georges De Moor:
Design of a flexible platform for execution of medical decision support agents in the intensive care unit. 97-112
Volume 37, Number 2, February 2007
- João Carlos Setubal, Sergio Verjovski-Almeida:
Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics. 113-114
- Ana Carolina Lorena, André Carlos Ponce de Leon Ferreira de Carvalho:
Protein cellular localization prediction with Support Vector Machines and Decision Trees. 115-125 - R. Nigam, S. Liang:
Algorithm for perturbing thermodynamically infeasible metabolic networks. 126-133 - Marcelo Cezar Pinto, Luciana Foss, José Carlos Merino Mombach, Leila Ribeiro:
Modelling, property verification and behavioural equivalence of lactose operon regulation. 134-148 - Cláudia Lemelle Fernandes, Ardala Breda, Diógenes Santiago Santos, Luiz Augusto Basso, Osmar Norberto de Souza:
A structural model for chorismate synthase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with coenzyme and substrate. 149-158 - Francisco Prosdocimi, Maurício de Alvarenga Mudado, José Miguel Ortega:
A set of amino acids found to occur more frequently in human and fly than in plant and yeast proteomes consists of non-essential amino acids. 159-165
- Rajeev Agrawal, Karmeshu:
Ultrasonic backscattering in tissue: characterization through Nakagami-generalized inverse Gaussian distribution. 166-172 - Gülay Tohumoglu, K. Erbil Sezgin:
ECG signal compression by multi-iteration EZW coding for different wavelets and thresholds. 173-182 - Abdulhamit Subasi:
Selection of optimal AR spectral estimation method for EEG signals using Cramer-Rao bound. 183-194 - G. Witten, G. Poulter:
Simulations of infectious diseases on networks. 195-205 - Jiun-Tze Lai, Ting-Wei Hou, Chiun-Lin Yeh, Chien-Min Chao:
Using Healthcare IC Cards to manage the drug doses of chronic disease patients. 206-213 - Celia Varela, Pablo G. Tahoces, Arturo J. Méndez, Miguel Souto, Juan J. Vidal:
Computerized detection of breast masses in digitized mammograms. 214-226 - Abdulhamit Subasi:
Application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for epileptic seizure detection using wavelet feature extraction. 227-244 - Marcin Binkowski, Andrzej Jan Dyszkiewicz, Zygmunt Wróbel:
The analysis of densitometry image of bone tissue based on computer simulation of X-ray radiation propagation through plate model. 245-250 - Shital C. Shah, Andrew Kusiak:
Cancer gene search with data-mining and genetic algorithms. 251-261 - Mohammed Al-Rawi, Munib Qutaishat, Mohammed Arrar:
An improved matched filter for blood vessel detection of digital retinal images. 262-267
Volume 37, Number 3, March 2007
- S. M. Debbal, Fethi Bereksi-Reguig:
Automatic measure of the split in the second cardiac sound by using the wavelet transform technique. 269-276 - Leonardo Ciocca, Ilaria Gallina, Eugenio Navacchia, Paolo Baldissara, Roberto Scotti:
A new method for quantitative analysis of dentinal tubules. 277-286 - Yüksel Özbay, Murat Ceylan:
Effects of window types on classification of carotid artery Doppler signals in the early phase of atherosclerosis using complex-valued artificial neural network. 287-295 - George Hripcsak, Charles Knirsch, Li Zhou, Adam B. Wilcox, Genevieve B. Melton:
Using discordance to improve classification in narrative clinical databases: An application to community-acquired pneumonia. 296-304 - Ciara O'Brien, Conor Heneghan:
A comparison of algorithms for estimation of a respiratory signal from the surface electrocardiogram. 305-314 - Yuan-Zhi Song, Jian-Feng Zhou, Yang Song, Jiming Xie, Yong Ye:
Theoretical analysis on retention behavior of pigments in reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC). 315-319 - Peng Xu, Dezhong Yao:
A study on medical image registration by mutual information with pyramid data structure. 320-327 - Bülent Yilmaz, Robert S. MacLeod:
Generalized training subset selection for statistical estimation of epicardial activation maps from intravenous catheter measurements. 328-336 - A. León, J. Pozo:
Model based on a quantum algorithm to study the evolution of an epidemics. 337-341 - John Chiverton, Kevin Wells, Emma Lewis, Chao Chen, Barbara Podda, Declan Johnson:
Statistical morphological skull stripping of adult and infant MRI data. 342-357 - Richard L. Summers, David S. Martin, Janice V. Meck, Thomas G. Coleman:
Computer systems analysis of spaceflight induced changes in left ventricular mass. 358-363 - María Elena Díaz, Guillermo Ayala, Rafael Sebastián, L. Martínez-Costa:
Granulometric analysis of corneal endothelium specular images by using a germ-grain model. 364-375 - Estefanía Peña, Begoña Calvo, Miguel Ángel Martínez, Manuel Doblaré:
Effect of the size and location of osteochondral defects in degenerative arthritis. A finite element simulation. 376-387 - Lassi Autio, Martti Juhola, Jorma Laurikkala:
On the neural network classification of medical data and an endeavour to balance non-uniform data sets with artificial data extension. 388-397 - Mauro Ursino, Giuseppe Emiliano La Cara, Matteo Ritrovato:
Direction selectivity of simple cells in the primary visual cortex: Comparison of two alternative mathematical models. I: Response to drifting gratings. 398-414 - Seral Sahan, Kemal Polat, Halife Kodaz, Salih Günes:
A new hybrid method based on fuzzy-artificial immune system and k-nn algorithm for breast cancer diagnosis. 415-423
- Gonzalo Álvarez, Shujun Li, Luis Hernández Encinas:
Analysis of security problems in a medical image encryption system. 424-427
Volume 37, Number 4, April 2007
- Rodrigo Capobianco Guido, Jose Carlos Pereira:
Introduction to the special issue on wavelet-based algorithms for medical problems. 429
- Gaoxiang Ouyang, Xiaoli Li, Yan Li, Xinping Guan:
Application of wavelet-based similarity analysis to epileptic seizures prediction. 430-437 - Charalampos Dimoulas, George Kalliris, George Papanikolaou, Antonios Kalampakas:
Long-term signal detection, segmentation and summarization using wavelets and fractal dimension: A bioacoustics application in gastrointestinal-motility monitoring. 438-462 - Zhisong Wang, Alexander Maier, David A. Leopold, Nikos K. Logothetis, Hualou Liang:
Single-trial evoked potential estimation using wavelets. 463-473 - Roozbeh Behroozmand, Farshad Almasganj:
Optimal selection of wavelet-packet-based features using genetic algorithm in pathological assessment of patients' speech signal with unilateral vocal fold paralysis. 474-485 - Lucia Dettori, Lindsay Semler:
A comparison of wavelet, ridgelet, and curvelet-based texture classification algorithms in computed tomography. 486-498 - Nuri F. Ince, Ahmed H. Tewfik, Sami Arica:
Extraction subject-specific motor imagery time-frequency patterns for single trial EEG classification. 499-508 - Xiaoli Li, Jin Li, Xin Yao:
A wavelet-based data pre-processing analysis approach in mass spectrometry. 509-516 - James N. Watson, Paul S. Addison, Nopadol Uchaipichat, A. S. Shah, Neil R. Grubb:
Wavelet transform analysis predicts outcome of DC cardioversion for atrial fibrillation patients. 517-523 - Artur Przelaskowski, Katarzyna Sklinda, Pawel Bargiel, Jerzy Walecki, M. Biesiadko-Matuszewska, M. Kazubek:
Improved early stroke detection: Wavelet-based perception enhancement of computerized tomography exams. 524-533 - Urszula Malinowska, Piotr J. Durka, Jaroslaw Zygierewicz, Waldemar Szelenberger, Andrzej Wakarow:
Explicit parameterization of sleep EEG transients. 534-541 - Robi Polikar, Apostolos Topalis, Deborah Green, John Kounios, Christopher M. Clark:
Comparative multiresolution wavelet analysis of ERP spectral bands using an ensemble of classifiers approach for early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. 542-558 - Z. Y. Chen, X. P. Guo, X. L. Zhang, W. J. Cram, Z. W. Li:
A novel method for analysis of single ion channel signal based on wavelet transform. 559-562 - Styliani A. Taplidou, Leontios J. Hadjileontiadis:
Nonlinear analysis of wheezes using wavelet bicoherence. 563-570 - Everthon Silva Fonseca, Rodrigo Capobianco Guido, Paulo Rogério Scalassara, Carlos Dias Maciel, Jose Carlos Pereira:
Wavelet time-frequency analysis and least squares support vector machines for the identification of voice disorders. 571-578
Volume 37, Number 5, May 2007
- Heike Rudolph, Ralph G. Luthardt, Michael H. Walter:
Computer-aided analysis of the influence of digitizing and surfacing on the accuracy in dental CAD/CAM technology. 579-587 - Bing Nan Li, Sam Chao, Ming-Chui Dong:
SIBAS: A blood bank information system and its 5-year implementation at Macau. 588-597 - Giuseppe Emiliano La Cara, Mauro Ursino:
Direction selectivity of simple cells in the primary visual cortex: Comparison of two alternative mathematical models. II: Velocity tuning and response to moving bars. 598-610 - Margarita Fernández, Minaya Villasana, Dan Streja:
Glucose dynamics in Type I diabetes: Insights from the classic and linear minimal models. 611-627 - Johannes V. Soulis, George D. Giannoglou, George E. Parcharidis, George Louridas:
Flow parameters in normal left coronary artery tree. Implication to atherogenesis. 628-636 - Elias Zintzaras, Maria Bai, Christos Douligeris, Axel Kowald, Panayiotis Kanavaros:
A tree-based decision rule for identifying profile groups of cases without predefined classes: application in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas. 637-641 - George Manis, Stavros Nikolopoulos, Anastasia Alexandridi, Constantinos H. Davos:
Assessment of the classification capability of prediction and approximation methods for HRV analysis. 642-654 - Woowon Jeong, Kyehan Rhee:
Numerical analysis of forced injection of enzyme during thrombolysis. 655-662 - Mario Cesarelli, Maria Romano, Paolo Bifulco, Fiammetta Fedele, Marcello Bracale:
An algorithm for the recovery of fetal heart rate series from CTG data. 663-669 - Nicholas O. Oleng, Andrei V. Gribok, Jaques Reifman:
Error bounds for data-driven models of dynamical systems. 670-679 - Robert Sturm:
A computer model for the clearance of insoluble particles from the tracheobronchial tree of the human lung. 680-690 - D. Hecquet, Heather J. Ruskin, Martin Crane:
Optimisation and parallelisation strategies for Monte Carlo simulation of HIV infection. 691-699 - Fuyou Liang, Hisashi Taniguchi, Hao Liu:
A multi-scale computational method applied to the quantitative evaluation of the left ventricular function. 700-715 - Lisheng Xu, David Zhang, Kuanquan Wang, Naimin Li, Xiaoyun Wang:
Baseline wander correction in pulse waveforms using wavelet-based cascaded adaptive filter. 716-731 - Zhenghong Xu, Zhen-xi Zhang, Yinbin Jin, Jing Wang:
Examination of depth-weighted optical signals during cardiac optical mapping: A simulation study. 732-738
Volume 37, Number 6, June 2007
- Markus Finck, D. Hänel, Irenaeus Wlokas:
Simulation of nasal flow by lattice Boltzmann methods. 739-749 - Chi-Kan Chen, Tzy-Ling Kuo, Po-Chou Chan, Lung-Ying Lin:
Subtractive SELEX against two heterogeneous target samples: Numerical simulations and analysis. 750-759 - José Carlos Dafonte Vázquez, Alfonso Castro Martínez, Ángel Gómez, Bernardino Arcay Varela:
Intelligent agents technology applied to tasks scheduling and communications management in a critical care telemonitoring system. 760-773 - Vanessa Díaz-Zuccarini, Jacques LeFèvre:
An energetically coherent lumped parameter model of the left ventricle specially developed for educational purposes. 774-784 - Firat Hardalaç, Hanefi Yildirim, Selami Serhatlioglu:
Determination of carotid disease with the application of STFT and CWT methods. 785-792 - Hongqing Zhu, Huazhong Shu, Jian Zhou, Xu Dong Bao, Limin Luo:
Bayesian algorithms for PET image reconstruction with mean curvature and Gauss curvature diffusion regularizations. 793-804 - Anne Wei, Amine Naït-Ali:
Evaluation of a none compressed 12-lead ECG transmission via internet using IPSec. 805-810 - Sukhwinder Singh, Vinod Kumar, H. K. Verma:
Adaptive threshold-based block classification in medical image compression for teleradiology. 811-819 - Mehmet Engin:
Spectral and wavelet based assessment of congestive heart failure patients. 820-828 - E. Y. K. Ng, Ean-Hin Ooi:
Ocular surface temperature: A 3D FEM prediction using bioheat equation. 829-835 - Sadik Kara, Aysegül Güven, Semra Içer:
Classification of macular and optic nerve disease by principal component analysis. 836-841 - Marcus Fraga Vieira, A. F. Kohn:
Compartmental models of mammalian motoneurons of types S, FR and FF and their computer simulation. 842-860 - Da Xu, Yuanyuan Wang:
An automated feature extraction and emboli detection system based on the PCA and fuzzy sets. 861-871 - Sandra Martelli, Nicola Francesco Lopomo, Simone Bignozzi, Stefano Zaffagnini, Andrea Visani:
Validation of a new protocol for navigated intraoperative assessment of knee kinematics. 872-878 - Abdulkader A. Murad:
Creating a GIS application for health services at Jeddah city. 879-889 - Magnus W. Roos:
Theoretical estimation of retinal oxygenation during retinal detachment. 890-896
Volume 37, Number 7, July 2007
- John L. Semmlow:
Vision and movement in man and machines: Special issue in memory of Lawrence Stark. 897
- Gabriel M. Gauthier, Doug Hansmann, Bob Kenyon, John L. Semmlow, Shiro Usui, Larry Young:
The arts and sciences of Lawrence Stark. 898-902
- Tara L. Alvarez, John L. Semmlow, Claude Pedrono:
Dynamic assessment of disparity vergence ramps. 903-909 - John L. Semmlow, Tara L. Alvarez, Claude Pedrono:
Dry dissection of disparity divergence eye movements using independent component analysis. 910-918 - Kenneth J. Ciuffreda, Bin Wang, Balamurali Vasudevan:
Depth-of-focus: Control system implications. 919-923 - Bruce Bridgeman:
Efference copy and its limitations. 924-929 - George K. Hung, Kenneth J. Ciuffreda:
Incremental retinal-defocus theory of myopia development - Schematic analysis and computer simulation. 930-946 - C. C. Krischer, Wolfgang H. Zangemeister:
Scanpaths in reading and picture viewing: Computer-assisted optimization of display conditions. 947-956 - Robert B. Goldstein, Russell L. Woods, Eli Peli:
Where people look when watching movies: Do all viewers look at the same place? 957-964 - Toyomi Fujita, Claudio M. Privitera, Lawrence W. Stark:
Image-type dependent eigen-regions-of-interest define conspicuity operators for predicting human scanpath fixation. 965-974 - Wolfgang H. Zangemeister, Thomas Liman:
Foveal versus parafoveal scanpaths of visual imagery in virtual hemianopic subjects. 975-982 - Christian Freksa, Sven Bertel:
Eye movements and smart technology. 983-988 - Gabriel M. Gauthier, Jean Blouin, Christophe Bourdin, Jean-Louis Vercher:
Adaptive control: A review of the ability to acquire and maintain high sensorimotor performance. 989-1000 - A. Terry Bahill, David G. Baldwin:
Describing baseball pitch movement with right-hand rules. 1001-1008 - K. Han Kim, R. Brent Gillespie, Bernard J. Martin:
Head movement control in visually guided tasks: Postural goal and optimality. 1009-1019 - Clifton M. Schor, Shrikant R. Bharadwaj, Christopher D. Burns:
Dynamic performance of accommodating intraocular lenses in a negative feedback control system: A simulation-based study. 1020-1035 - Kazutsuna Yamaji, Hiroyuki Sakai, Yoshihiro Okumura, Shiro Usui:
Customizable neuroinformatics database system: XooNIps and its application to the pupil platform. 1036-1041 - V. V. Krishnan:
Optimal strategy for time-limited sequential search. 1042-1049
Volume 37, Number 8, August 2007
- Matjaz Sever, Tomaz Podnar, Franc Runovc, Marjan Kordas:
Analog simulation of two clinical conditions: (1) Acute left ventricle failure; (2) exercise in patient with aortic stenosis. 1051-1062 - Joong Yull Park, Chan Young Park, Chang Mo Hwang, Kyung Sun, Byoung Goo Min:
Pseudo-organ boundary conditions applied to a computational fluid dynamics model of the human aorta. 1063-1072 - Styliani A. Taplidou, Leontios J. Hadjileontiadis:
Wheeze detection based on time-frequency analysis of breath sounds. 1073-1083 - Rajasvaran Logeswaran, Chikkannan Eswaran:
Stone detection in MRCP images using controlled region growing. 1084-1091 - Fatma Latifoglu, Halife Kodaz, Sadik Kara, Salih Günes:
Medical application of Artificial Immune Recognition System (AIRS): Diagnosis of atherosclerosis from carotid artery Doppler signals. 1092-1099 - Giuseppe Placidi:
A smart virtual glove for the hand telerehabilitation. 1100-1107 - Azzam F. Taktak, Laura Antolini, Min S. Hane Aung, Patrizia Boracchi, Ian Campbell, Bertil E. Damato, Emmanuel C. Ifeachor, Nicola Lama, Paulo J. G. Lisboa, Christian Setzkorn, Viktoriya Stalbovskaya, Elia Biganzoli:
Double-blind evaluation and benchmarking of survival models in a multi-centre study. 1108-1120 - E. Y. K. Ng, W. Kee Ng, L. S. J. Sim, U. Rajendra Acharya:
Numerical modelling of biopotential field for detection of breast tumour. 1121-1132 - Pasi Luukka:
Similarity classifier using similarity measure derived from Yu's norms in classification of medical data sets. 1133-1140