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The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 29
Volume 29, Number 1, 2022
- Jonathan J. Fang, Zachary Hamaker
, Justin M. Troyka:
On Pattern Avoidance in Matchings and Involutions. - C. Y. Amy Pang
The Eigenvalues of Hyperoctahedral Descent Operators and Applications to Card-Shuffling. - Xiaoyu He
, Yuzu Ido, Benjamin Przybocki
Hat Guessing on Books and Windmills. - Yair Caro, Adriana Hansberg, Josef Lauri, Christina Zarb:
On Zero-Sum Spanning Trees and Zero-Sum Connectivity. - Christoph Hertrich
, Felix Schröder
, Raphael Steiner
Coloring Drawings of Graphs. - Soojin Cho, Stephanie van Willigenburg:
Slide Multiplicity Free Key Polynomials. - Alessio Borzì:
Weierstrass Sets on Finite Graphs. - Wenqian Zhang, Jianfeng Wang
, Weifan Wang, Shengjin Ji:
On the Zero Forcing Number and Spectral Radius of Graphs. - Kathy Q. Ji:
A Combinatorial Proof of a Schmidt Type Theorem of Andrews and Paule. - Bethany Austhof, Patrick Bennett
, Nick Christo:
The Set of Ratios of Derangements to Permutations in Digraphs is Dense in $[0, 1/2]$. - Zilin Jiang
, Amir Yehudayoff:
An Isoperimetric Inequality for Hamming Balls and Local Expansion in Hypercubes. - Songling Shan:
An Ore-Type Condition for Hamiltonicity in Tough Graphs. - David Ellis:
Union-Closed Families with Small Average Overlap Densities. - Benjamin Brück
, Frank Röttger
A Central Limit Theorem for the Two-Sided Descent Statistic on Coxeter Groups. - Deepak Bal
, Louis DeBiasio:
New Lower Bounds on the Size-Ramsey Number of a Path. - Grzegorz Graff
, Jacek Gulgowski, Malgorzata Lebiedz:
Generalized Dold Sequences on Partially-Ordered Sets. - Elisabeth Bullock, Aidan Kelley, Victor Reiner, Kevin Ren, Gahl Shemy, Dawei Shen, Brian Sun, Zhichun Joy Zhang:
Topology of Augmented Bergman Complexes. - Michael Kaufmann, Torsten Ueckerdt:
The Density of Fan-Planar Graphs. - Calum Buchanan
, Christopher Purcell
, Puck Rombach:
Subgraph Complementation and Minimum Rank. - Tri Lai:
Tiling Enumeration of Hexagons with Off-Central Holes. - Yunhyung Cho, Jang Soo Kim, Eunjeong Lee
Enumeration of Gelfand-Cetlin Type Reduced Words. - Jorge Bruno, Paul Szeptycki:
The Tree Alternative Conjecture Under the Topological Minor Relation. - Ron Aharoni, Eli Berger, Maria Chudnovsky
, Shira Zerbib:
Rainbow Paths and Large Rainbow Matchings. - Nicholas R. Beaton
Walks Obeying Two-Step Rules on the Square Lattice: Full, Half and Quarter Planes. - Xuanlong Ma
, Kaishun Wang, Yuefeng Yang:
Perfect Codes in Cayley Sum Graphs. - Ohad Zohar:
Random Van der Waerden Theorem. - Ron Aharoni, Joseph Briggs
, Minho Cho
, Jinha Kim
Cooperative Conditions for the Existence of Rainbow Matchings. - David Stenlund
On the Connection Between Stirling Numbers and Bessel Numbers. - Nancy Mae Eagles, Angèle M. Foley, Alice Huang, Elene Karangozishvili, Annan Yu
$H$-Chromatic Symmetric Functions. - Pierre Aboulker, Frédéric Havet, Kolja Knauer, Clément Rambaud:
On the Dichromatic Number of Surfaces. - Asaf Shapira:
Every Orientation of a $4$-Chromatic Graph has a Non-Bipartite Acyclic Subgraph. - Carolina Benedetti, Anastasia Chavez, Daniel Tamayo Jiménez:
Quotients of Uniform Positroids. - John T. Griesmer:
Bohr Neighborhoods in Generalized Difference Sets. - Andrii Arman, Vojtech Rödl, Marcelo Tadeu Sales:
Independent Sets in Subgraphs of a Shift Graph. - Zach Walsh
A New Matroid Lift Construction and an Application to Group-Labeled Graphs. - Martin Kochol:
Polynomials Counting Nowhere-Zero Chains in Graphs. - Pim van der Hoorn
, Gabor Lippner, Elchanan Mossel:
Regular Graphs with Many Triangles are Structured. - Natalie C. Behague
, Trent G. Marbach
, Pawel Pralat:
Tight Bounds on Probabilistic Zero Forcing on Hypercubes and Grids. - Maxime Larcher
, Anders Martinsson, Angelika Steger:
Solving Static Permutation Mastermind using $O(n \log n)$ Queries. - Galyna Dobrovolska:
Some Remarks on Combinatorial Wall-Crossing. - Eunmi Kim:
Andrews-Beck Type Congruences for Overpartitions. - Felix Lazebnik, Vladislav Taranchuk:
A New Family of Algebraically Defined Graphs with Small Automorphism Group. - Erhan Bayraktar
, Suman Chakraborty:
$K_{r, s}$ Graph Bootstrap Percolation. - Steven Kelk, Ruben Meuwese:
Sharp Upper and Lower Bounds on a Restricted Class of Convex Characters. - Rogers Mathew, Tapas Kumar Mishra
, Ritabrata Ray, Shashank Srivastava
Modular and Fractional $L$-Intersecting Families of Vector Spaces. - Cyrus Rashtchian, William Raynaud:
Edge Isoperimetric Inequalities for Powers of the Hypercube. - Imran Allie, Edita Mácajová, Martin Skoviera:
Snarks with Resistance $n$ and Flow Resistance $2n$. - Wojciech Nadara, Marcin Smulewicz:
Decreasing the Maximum Average Degree by Deleting an Independent Set or a $d$-Degenerate Subgraph. - Zsuzsanna Jankó, Attila Joó:
Cutting a Cake for Infinitely Many Guests. - Markus Kuba:
On Multisets, Interpolated Multiple Zeta Values and Limit Laws. - Robert Davis, Tianran Chen:
Computing Volumes of Adjacency Polytopes via Draconian Sequences. - Xizhi Liu, Dhruv Mubayi:
On Explicit Constructions of Designs. - Paul Melotti
, Sanjay Ramassamy
, Paul Thévenin:
Points and Lines Configurations for Perpendicular Bisectors of Convex Cyclic Polygons. - Robert Brignall
, Daniel Cocks
Uncountably Many Minimal Hereditary Classes of Graphs of Unbounded Clique-Width. - Ke Liu, Mengyu Cao, Mei Lu:
Treewidth of the Generalized Kneser Graphs. - Gwenaël Joret, Piotr Micek:
Improved Bounds for Weak Coloring Numbers. - Patrick Hompe, Sophie Spirkl:
Further Approximations for Aharoni's Rainbow Generalization of the Caccetta-Häggkvist Conjecture. - Jaehoon Kim, Hyunwoo Lee, Jaehyeon Seo:
On 1-Subdivisions of Transitive Tournaments. - Jozefien D'haeseleer, Giovanni Longobardi
, Ago-Erik Riet
, Leo Storme:
Maximal Sets of $k$-Spaces Pairwise Intersecting in at Least a $(k-2)$-Space. - Meng Liu, Yusheng Li:
Ramsey Numbers of Fans and Large Books. - Peter Frankl, János Pach:
On Well-Connected Sets of Strings. - Isaac Konan
Weighted Words at Degree Two, II: Flat Partitions, Regular Partitions, and Application to Level One Perfect Crystals. - Nina Kamcev
, Christoph Spiegel:
Another Note on Intervals in the Hales-Jewett Theorem.
Volume 29, Number 2, 2022
- Anna Bertiger, Dorian Ehrlich, Elizabeth Milicevic, Kaisa Taipale:
An Equivariant Quantum Pieri Rule for the Grassmannian on Cylindric Shapes. - Brian Hopkins, James A. Sellers
, Ae Ja Yee:
Combinatorial Perspectives on the Crank and Mex Partition Statistics. - Joseph Pappe, Digjoy Paul
, Anne Schilling
An Area-Depth Symmetric $q, t$-Catalan Polynomial. - Jack H. Koolen, Brhane Gebremichel
There Does Not Exist a Strongly Regular Graph with Parameters $(1911, 270, 105, 27)$. - Akihide Hanaki, Takuto Hirai, Ilia Ponomarenko:
On a Huge Family of Non-Schurian Schur Rings. - Huiqiu Lin, Mingqing Zhai, Yanhua Zhao:
Spectral Radius, Edge-Disjoint Cycles and Cycles of the Same Length. - Xiaoling Dou, Hsien-Kuei Hwang
, Chong-Yi Li:
Bell Numbers in Matsunaga's and Arima's Genjikō Combinatorics: Modern Perspectives and Local Limit Theorems. - Stephen P. Glasby
, Gerhard Paseman:
On the Maximum of the Weighted Binomial Sum $2^{-r}\sum_{i=0}^r\binom{m}{i}$. - Shane Chern
, Ae Ja Yee:
Diagonal Hooks and a Schmidt-Type Partition Identity. - Sen-Peng Eu
, Tung-Shan Fu, Hsin-Hao Lai, Yuan-Hsun Lo
Gamma-Positivity for a Refinement of Median Genocchi Numbers. - Jehanne Dousse, Robert Osburn:
A $q$-Multisum Identity Arising from Finite Chain Ring Probabilities. - Benjamin A. Burton
, Basudeb Datta, Jonathan Spreer
Flip Graphs of Stacked and Flag Triangulations of the 2-Sphere. - Jialu Zhu
, Xuding Zhu:
The Fractional Chromatic Number of Generalized Cones over Graphs. - Xiaogang Liu, Sanming Zhou:
Eigenvalues of Cayley Graphs. - Edwin R. van Dam, Mojtaba Jazaeri:
On Bipartite Distance-Regular Cayley Graphs with Small Diameter. - Pierre Aboulker, Nicolas Bousquet, Rémi de Joannis de Verclos:
Chordal Directed Graphs Are Not $\chi$-Bounded. - Tássio Naia
Trees Contained in Every Orientation of a Graph. - Philipp Jell, Hannah Markwig, Felipe Rincón, Benjamin Schröter
Moduli Spaces of Codimension-One Subspaces in a Linear Variety and their Tropicalization. - Xihe Li
, Hajo Broersma
, Ligong Wang:
Integer Colorings with No Rainbow 3-Term Arithmetic Progression. - S. Venkitesh:
Covering Symmetric Sets of the Boolean Cube by Affine Hyperplanes. - Sophie Stevens, Audie Warren
On Sum Sets and Convex Functions. - Wouter Cames van Batenburg:
Minimum Maximal Matchings in Cubic Graphs. - Jinyoung Park
Note on the Number of Balanced Independent Sets in the Hamming Cube. - Nathanaël Hassler, Andrew Treglown:
On Maximal Sum-Free Sets in Abelian Groups. - Paolo Bravi, Jacopo Gandini:
Some Combinatorial Properties of Skew Jack Symmetric Functions. - Jane Breen
, Steve Butler, Melissa M. Fuentes, Bernard Lidický, Michael Phillips, Alexander Riasanovksy, Sung-Yell Song, Ralihe R. Villagrán, Cedar Wiseman, Xiaohong Zhang:
Hadamard Diagonalizable Graphs of Order at Most 36. - Maria Chudnovsky
, Adam Kabela, Binlong Li, Petr Vrána:
Forbidden Induced Pairs for Perfectness and $\omega$-Colourability of Graphs. - Quang Vu Dao
, Julian Wellman, Calvin Yost-Wolff, Sylvester W. Zhang:
Rowmotion Orbits of Trapezoid Posets. - Jesse Kim, David Perkinson:
Simplicial Dollar Game. - James Di, Erica Flapan
, Spencer Johnson, Daniel Thompson, Christopher P. Tuffley
Weakly Linked Embeddings of Pairs of Complete Graphs in $\mathbb{R}^3$. - Soojin Cho, Jaehyun Hong:
Positivity of Chromatic Symmetric Functions Associated with Hessenberg Functions of Bounce Number 3. - Jie Han, Yi Zhao:
Turán Number of Disjoint Triangles in 4-Partite Graphs. - Ali Taherkhani
Size and Structure of Large $(s, t)$-Union Intersecting Families. - Steven Heilman:
Tree/Endofunction Bijections and Concentration Inequalities. - Liang Dong, Zhishui Hu:
Central Limit Theorem for the Largest Component of Random Intersection Graph. - Itai Benjamini, John Haslegrave:
Degrees in Link Graphs of Regular Graphs. - Dror Chawin, Ishay Haviv:
On the Subspace Choosability in Graphs. - Stéphane Bessy, Johannes Pardey, Lucas Picasarri-Arrieta, Dieter Rautenbach:
Factorially Many Maximum Matchings Close to the Erdős-Gallai Bound. - Jiang-Chao Wan, Yi Wang, Fu-Tao Hu:
Spectra of Weighted Uniform Hypertrees. - Yi-Lin Lee:
An Extension of the Lindström-Gessel-Viennot Theorem. - Christoph Brause, Petr A. Golovach, Barnaby Martin, Pascal Ochem, Daniël Paulusma
, Siani Smith
Acyclic, Star, and Injective Colouring: Bounding the Diameter. - Dániel Gerbner, Tamás Mészáros, Abhishek Methuku, Cory Palmer:
Generalized Rainbow Turán Numbers. - Sebastian M. Cioaba, Anthony Ostuni, Davin Park, Sriya Potluri, Tanay V. Wakhare, Wiseley Wong:
Extremal Graphs for a Spectral Inequality on Edge-Disjoint Spanning Trees. - Torsten Ueckerdt, David R. Wood, Wendy Yi:
An Improved Planar Graph Product Structure Theorem. - Huajing Lu, Xuding Zhu:
Dense Eulerian Graphs are $(1, 3)$-Choosable. - Timothy Budd:
On Polynomials Counting Essentially Irreducible Maps. - Wenqin Xu, Shaofei Du, Jin Ho Kwak, Jian Lei, Kaina Shi:
On Nilpotent Orientably-Regular Maps of Nilpotency Class $4$. - Ivan Yu. Mogilnykh:
Completely Regular Codes in Johnson and Grassmann Graphs with Small Covering Radii. - William D. Weakley:
Queen Domination of Even Square Boards. - Younjin Kim:
The Number of $k$-Dimensional Corner-Free Subsets of Grids. - Cara Monical, Benjamin Pankow, Alexander Yong:
Reduced Word Enumeration, Complexity, and Randomization. - Maria Chudnovsky
, Patrick Hompe, Alex Scott, Paul D. Seymour
, Sophie Spirkl:
Concatenating Bipartite Graphs. - Joseph E. Bonin
, Carolyn Chun, Tara Fife:
The Excluded Minors for Lattice Path Polymatroids. - Sam Hopkins:
A Note on Möbius Functions of Upho Posets. - Zhiyun Cheng, Ziyi Lei, Yitian Wang, Yanguo Zhang:
A Categorification for the Signed Chromatic Polynomial. - Jo Martin, Puck Rombach:
Guessing Numbers and Extremal Graph Theory. - Blas Fernández, Stefko Miklavic:
On the Trivial T-Module of a Graph. - Richard P. Anstee, N. A. Nikov:
Shattering and More: Extending the Complete Object.
Volume 29, Number 3, 2022
- Aj Bu:
A Combinatorial Approach to the Groebner Bases for Ideals Generated by Elementary Symmetric Functions. - Raphael Steiner
Disproof of a Conjecture by Woodall on the Choosability of $K_{s, t}$-Minor-Free Graphs. - Benjamin Przybocki
Lengths of Irreducible and Delicate Words. - Anton Bernshteyn, Eugene Lee:
Searching for an Intruder on Graphs and Their Subdivisions. - Sean English
, Tomás Masarík, Grace McCourt, Erin Meger, Michael S. Ross, Sam Spiro:
Linear Bounds for Cycle-Free Saturation Games. - Roger Tian:
Connecting $k$-Naples Parking Functions and Obstructed Parking Functions via Involutions. - Peter Bradshaw, Brandon Hanson, Misha Rudnev:
Higher Convexity and Iterated Second Moment Estimates. - Lihong Yang, Sherry H. F. Yan:
On a Conjecture Concerning Shuffle-Compatible Permutation Statistics. - Angela Carnevale
, Elena Tielker:
On Denert's Statistic. - Joshua Kiers:
Extremal Rays of the Equivariant Littlewood-Richardson Cone.