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Computer Music Journal, Volume 26
Volume 26, Number 1, Spring 2002
- James Harley:
Editor's Notes. 4
- Gerard Pape:
Iannis Xenakis and the "Real" of Musical Composition. 16-21 - Agostino Di Scipio
Systems of Embers, Dust, and Clouds: Observations after Xenakis and Brün. 22-32 - James Harley:
The Electroacoustic Music of Iannis Xenakis. 33-57 - Linda M. Arsenault:
Iannis Xenakis's Achorripsis: The Matrix Game. 58-72 - Evan Jones:
An Acoustic Analysis of Col Legno Articulation in Iannis Xenakis's Nomos Alpha. 73-86 - David Cleary:
Sonic Arts Circuit VIII: International Electronic Music Festival American Composers Forum, Boston Area Chapter & Boston Cyberarts Festival, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 27-28 April 2001. 87
- Jennifer Hymer:
Ought-One Festival Kalvos & Damian New Music Bazaar (KGDR-FM), Montpellier, Vermont, USA, 25-26 August 2001. 87-88 - Martin Laliberté:
Makis Solomos, editor: Presences of/Présences de Iannis Xenakis Softcover, 2001, ISBN 2-9516440-1-9, 268 pages, annotated bibliography; Centre de Documentation de la Musique Contemporaine, 16, place de la Fontaine aux Lions, 75019 Paris, France; telephone (+33) 1-47-15-49-85; electronic mail cdmc@cdmc.asso.fr, World Wide Web www.cdmc.asso.fr/. 88-92 - Alcides Lanza:
Rocco Di Pietro: Dialogues with Boulez Hardcover, 2001, ISBN 0-8108-3932-6, US$ 35.00, 109 pages, foreword (Paul Griffiths), bibliography, index; Scarecrow Press, Inc., 4720 Boston Way, Lanham, Maryland 20706, USA; telephone (+1) 301-459-3366 or (800) 462-6420; electronic mail custserv@rowman.com; World Wide Web www.scarecrowpress.com. 92-93 - James Harley:
Riccardo Bianchini and Alessandro Cipriani: Virtual Sound: Sound Synthesis and Signal Processing-Theory and Practice with Csound Softcover, 2001, ISBN 88-900261-1-1, 506 pages, foreword (James Dashow), bibliography, index, CD-ROM; Contempo s.a.s., Rome, Italy; fax (+39) 06-355-020-25; electronic mail info@virtual-sound.com or info@contemponet.com; World Wide Web www.virtual-sound.com or www.contemponet.com. 93-94 - Anna Rubin:
Simon Emmerson, Editor: Music, Electronic Media, and Culture Hardcover, 2000, ISBN 0-7546-0109-9, US$ 69.95, 252 pages, notes, references, discographies, index; Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., Gower House, Croft Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 3HR, UK; telephone (+44) 1252-331-551; fax (+44) 1252-317-446; electronic mail info@ashgate.com; World Wide www.ashgate.com/. 94-96 - Giuseppe Rapisarda:
Francesco Giomi and Marco Ligabue: L'istante zero, conversazioni e riflessioni con Pietro Grossi Softcover, 2000, ISBN 88-87027-65-X, 103 pages, illustrated, appendix, biographical note, list of works, bibliography, discography; Sismel-Edi-zioni del Galluzzo, c.p. 90, I-50029 Tavamuzze, Italy; telephone/fax (+39) 55-237-34-54; electronic mail galluzzo@sismel.it; World Wide Web www.sismel.it/. 96-97 - Chris Kennett:
John Rahn: Music Inside Out: Going Too Far in Musical Essays Softcover, 2001, ISBN 90-5701-342-8, ISSN 1025-9325, US$ 28.00, 191 pages, illustrated, references; Gordon and Breach Publishing Group, Two Gateway Center, Newark, New Jersey 07102, USA; telephone (+1) 973-643-7500; fax (+1) 973-643-7676; World Wide Web www.gbhap.com/. 97-100 - Timothy Place:
Scott D. Snyder: Active Noise Control Primer Hardcover, 2000, ISBN 0-387-98951-X, US$ 59.95, 159 pages, illustrated, index; Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 333 Meadowlands Parkway, Se-caucus, New Jersey 07094, USA; telephone (800) SPRINGER; fax (201) 348-4505; electronic mail info@springer-ny.com; World Wide Web www.springer-ny.com/. 100-101 - Oliver Schneller:
DEGEM: Klangkunst in Deutschland (Sonic Arts in Germany) CD-ROM, 2000, Wergo T 5150; available from Schott Music & Media, GmbH, Weihergarten 5, 55116 Mainz, Germany; telephone (+49) 6131-246-883/888; fax (+49) 6131-246-252; World Wide Web www.schott-music.com. 101-104 - Ian Whalley:
Heidi Grundmann, Editor: Sound Drifting. I Silenzi Parlando Tra Loro Compact discs (2) with booklet (49 pages), 2000, Triton Verlag/ORF Kunstradio; available from ORF Kunstradio, Argentinierstrasse 30 A, A-1040 Vienna, Austria; telephone (+43) 1-501-18277; electronic mail kunstradio@thing.at; World Wide Web kunstradio.at/SD. 104-106 - Jon Appleton:
Paul Lansky: Ride Compact disc, 2000, Bridge 9103; available from Bridge Records, Inc., 200 Clinton Avenue, New Rochelle, New York 10801, USA; electronic mail bridgerec@bridgerecords.com; World Wide Web www.BridgeRecords.com. 107-108 - Joseph Reinsel:
Marc Tremblay: Bruit-Graffitti Compact disc, 1999, empreintes DIGITALes IMED 9949; available from DIFFUSION i MéDIA, 4580 avenue de Lorimier, Montreal, Quebec H2H 2B5, Canada; telephone (+1) 514-526-4096; fax (+1) 514-526-4487; electronic mail info@electrocd.com; World Wide Web www.electrocd.com/. 108 - James Bohn:
Blue Gene Tyranny: go, Blue Compact disc, 2000, oodiscs oo64; available from oodiscs, inc., 261 Groovers Avenue, Black Rock, Connecticut 06605-3452, USA; telephone (+1) 203-367-7917; fax (+1) 203-333-0603; electronic mail oodiscs@connix.com; World Wide Web www.oodiscs.com. 108 - Joseph Reinsel:
MusicMatch Jukebox MP3 Software for Macintosh Distributed by Macmillan USA, Inc., 201 West 103rd Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46290, USA; telephone (+1) 800-858-7674; World Wide Web www.macmillansoftware.com. 109-110
Volume 26, Number 2, Summer 2002
- Roger B. Dannenberg:
Letters. 4
- David Huron:
Music Information Processing Using the Humdrum Toolkit: Concepts, Examples, and Lessons. 11-26 - Bryan Pardo, William P. Birmingham:
Algorithms for Chordal Analysis. 27-49
- David Løberg Code:
Groven.Max: An Adaptive Tuning System for MIDI Pianos. 50-61
- Dominic Mazzoni, Roger B. Dannenberg:
A Fast Data Structure for Disk-Based Audio Editing. 62-76
- Eduardo Reck Miranda
Emergent Sound Repertoires in Virtual Societies. 77-90 - Jason Freeman:
Orchestra Tech National Conference American Composers Orchestra, New York, New York, USA, 10-14 October 2001. 91-93 - Matthew B. Smith:
The Future of Computer Music Software-A Symposium Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA, 19 November 2001. 93-95 - Denis Baggi:
Wedelmusic: First International Conference on Web Delivering of Music Florence, Italy, 23-24 November 2001. 95-97 - Anthony De Ritis:
Thomas D. Rossing: Science of Percussion Instruments Hardcover, 2000, ISBN 981-02-4158-5, 208 pages, illustrated, references, name index, subject index; World Scientific, Series in Popular Science, Volume 3, World Scientific Publishing, Farrer Road, P. O. Box 128, Singapore 912805; telephone (+65) 466-5775; fax (+65) 467-7667; electronic mail wspc@wspc.com.sg; World Wide Web www.worldscientific.com. 97-98 - Steven M. Miller:
Bob Snyder: Music and Memory: An Introduction Softcover, 2000, ISBN 0-262-69237-6, 291 pages, illustrated, glossary, bibli-ography/references, index, appendix: listening examples; The MIT Press, 5 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142-1493, USA; telephone (+1) 800-356-0343; electronic mail mitpress-order@mit.edu; World Wide Web mitpress.mit.edu/. 98-100 - Sean Ferguson:
Donald A. Hodges, editor: Handbook of Music Psychology, 2nd Edition Softcover, 2000, ISBN 0-9648803-0-X, 589 pages, illustrated, references, author index, subject index, CD-ROM; MMB Music, Inc., Contemporary Arts Building, 3526 Washington Avenue, Saint Louis, Missouri 63103-1019, USA. 100-101 - Andrew May:
David Rosenboom: Invisible Gold Compact disc, 2000, Pogus 21022-2; available from Pogus Productions, 50 Ayr Road, Chester, New York 10918-2409, USA; fax (509) 357-4319; electronic mail pogal@pogus.com; World Wide Web www.pogus.com. 102-103 - Thomas DeLio:
The Arditti String Quartet: Roger Reynolds Compact discs (2), 2000, Auvidis/Naïve MO-782083 2CD; available from Auvidis/Naïve Distribution, 12-14 Avenue François Sommer, F-92160 Antony, France; telephone (+33) 1-55-59-07-55; World Wide Web www.mcm.asso.fr/dossier_inedit/distribution-auvidis.html. 103-107 - Ian Stevenson:
Katherine Norman: London Compact disc, 1996, NMC D034; available from NMC Recordings, 18-20 Southwark Street, London SE1 1TJ, UK; telephone +44 (0)20 7403 9445; fax +44 (0)20 7403 9446; electronic mail nmc@nmcrec.co.uk; World Wide Web www.nmcrec.co.uk. 107-108 - Tae Hong Park:
Paul Koonce: Walkabout & Back Compact disc, 2000, mode 90; available from Mode Records, P.O. Box 1262, New York, New York 10009, USA; telephone/fax (+1) 212-979-1027; electronic mail mode@mode.com; World Wide Web www.mode.com/. 108-109 - Greg Hooper:
Fon: Fakt Compact disc, 2000, Werkzeug; available from Werkzeug; World Wide Web www.wrkzg.net/. 109-110 - Ross Feller:
FMOL Trio: Live at Metronom Compact disc, 2000, Hazard Records N. CD 010; available from Hazard Records, Adpo. 34017, 08080 Barcelona, Spain; World Wide Web www.lanzadera.com/hazard. 110-112
Volume 26, Number 3, Fall 2002
- David Wessel, Matthew Wright:
Problems and Prospects for Intimate Musical Control of Computers. 11-22 - Sergi Jordà
FMOL: Toward User-Friendly, Sophisticated New Musical Instruments. 23-39 - Ryan Ulyate, David Bianciardi:
The Interactive Dance Club: Avoiding Chaos in a Multi-Participant Environment. 40-49 - Dominic Robson:
PLAY!: Sound Toys for Non-Musicians. 50-61 - Marcelo M. Wanderley
, Nicola Orio:
Evaluation of Input Devices for Musical Expression: Borrowing Tools from HCI. 62-76 - Jonathan Segel:
New San Francisco Tape Music Center: Transparent Tape Music Festival Transparent Theater, Berkeley, California, USA, 11-12 January 2002. 77-80 - Benjamin R. Levy:
Electroacoustic Music: The Continuing Tradition Electroacoustic Music Festival at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA 20-22 February 2002. 81-84 - Robert A. Moog, Ann Warde:
Albert Glinsky: Theremin: Ether Music and Espionage Hardcover, 2000, ISBN 0-252-02582-2, 403 pages, foreword by Robert Moog, illustrated, notes, bibliography, University of Illinois Press Music in American Life series; University of Illinois Press, 1325 South Oak Street, Champaign, Illinois 61820-6903, USA; telephone (+1) 217-333-0950; fax (+1) 217-244-8082; electronic mail uipress@uillinois.edu; World Wide Web www.press.uillinois.edu/. 84-86 - Mark Polishook:
Arnold Pacey: The Meaning of Technology Softcover, 2001, ISBN 0-262-66120-9, 264 pages, notes, index; The MIT Press, 5 Cambridge Center, Cam-bridge, Massachusetts 02142-1493, USA; telephone (+1) 800-356-0343; electronic mail mitpress-order@mit.edu; World Wide Web mitpress.mit.edu/. 86-89 - Greg Hooper:
J. D. Mulder and R. van Liere, editors: Virtual Environments 2000 Softcover, 2000, ISBN 3-211-83516-4, 217 pages, illustrated, references; Springer Wien New York, Sachsen-platz 4-6, P.O. Box 89, A-1201 Vi-enna, Austria; fax (+43) 1-330-24-26; electronic mail books@springer.at; World Wide Web www.springer.at. 89-91 - John Dack:
Jonty Harrison, Adrian Moore, Denis Smalley: The British Connection Compact discs (3), empreintes DIGI-TALes IMED 0052, 0053, 0054, 2000; available from DIFFUSION i MeéDIA, 4580, avenue de Lorimier, Montreal, Quebec H2H 2B5, Canada; telephone (514) 526-4096; fax (514) 526-4487; electronic mail info@electrocd.com; World Wide Web www.electrocd.com/. 91-94 - Giuseppe Rapisarda:
Alessandro Cipriani: Al Nur Compact disc, Compagnia Nuove In-dye CNDL 13172, 2001; available from Compagnia Nuove Indye, Via Vivaldi 9, 00199 Rome, Italy; telephone (+39) 6-8639-8559; fax (+39) 6-8632-9627; electronic mail staff@cnimusic.it; World Wide Web www.cnimusic.it/ciprianing.htm. 94 - Ann Warde:
Mother Mallard's Portable Masterpiece Co. 1974-1976: Like a Duck to Water Compact disc, Cuneiform Rune 147, 2001 (remastered); available from Cuneiform Records, P.O. Box 8427, Silver Spring, Maryland 20907-8427, USA; telephone (+1) 301-589-8894; fax (+1) 301-589-1819; electronic mail cuneiform2@aol.com; World Wide Web www.cuneiformrecords.com. 95-96 - Alcides Lanza:
Katharine Norman: Transparent things Compact disc, Metier Sound & Vi-sion, MSV CD 92054, 2000; available from Metier Sound and Vision, East End, Compton Abbas, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 0NB, UK; telephone (+44) 1747-812-103; fax (+44) 1747-812-103; electronic mail info@metierrecords.co.uk; World Wide Web www.metierrecords.co.uk/. 96-97 - Steve Benner:
Laurie Spiegel: Obsolete Systems Compact disc, EMF Media CD 019, 2001; available from Electronic Music Foundation, 116 North Lake Avenue, Albany, New York 12206, USA; telephone (+1) 888-749-9998 or (+1) 518-434-4110; fax (+1) 518-434-0308; electronic mail emf@emf.org; World Wide Web www.cdemusic.org/. 97-99 - James Harley:
Elliott Sharp, Producer: State of the Union 2.001 Compact discs (3), EMF Media CD 028, 2001; available from Electronic Music Foundation, 116 North Lake Avenue, Albany, New York 12206, USA; telephone (+1) 888-749-9998 or (+1) 518-434-4110; fax (+1) 518-434-0308; electronic mail emf@emf.org; World Wide Web www.cdemusic.org/. 99-100 - Alcides Lanza:
Electroshock: Electroacoustic Volumes III-VI Compact discs (series), 1999-2000, Electroshock Records; available from Electroshock Records, Ul Krilatskaya 31-1-321, 121614 Moscow, Russia; telephone +7 (095) 415-3046; fax +7 (095) 415-6689; eshock@cityline.ru; World Wide Web www.electroshock.ru. 100-102 - James Bohn:
Roger Reynolds: Watershed IV Compact discs (series), 1999-2000, Electroshock Records; available from Electroshock Records, Ul Krilatskaya 31-1-321, 121614 Moscow, Russia; telephone +7 (095) 415-3046; fax +7 (095) 415-6689; eshock@cityline.ru; World Wide Web www.electroshock.ru. 102-103 - James William Sobaskie:
Morton Subotnick: Electronic Works, Volume 1 DVD Video/DVD Audio/DVD ROM hybrid disc and Gestures CD ROM, mode 97, 2001; available from Mode Records, P.O. Box 1262, New York, New York 10009, USA; telephone/fax (+1) 212-979-1027; electronic mail mode@mode.com; World Wide Web www.mode.com/. 104-107
Volume 26, Number 4, Winter 2002
- Kim Courchene:
Letters. 4
- Eric D. Lyon:
Dartmouth Symposium on the Future of Computer Music Software: A Panel Discussion. 13-30 - Miller S. Puckette:
Max at Seventeen. 31-43 - David Zicarelli:
How I Learned to Love a Program That Does Nothing. 44-51 - D. Gareth Loy:
The CARL System: Premises, History, and Fate. 52-60 - James McCartney:
Rethinking the Computer Music Language: SuperCollider. 61-68 - Carla A. Scaletti:
Computer Music Languages, Kyma, and the Future. 69-82 - Christine Anderson, Peter Castine:
Audible Interfaces Festival Ensemble Mosaik, Kulturbrauerei, Berlin, Germany, 19-21 February 2002. 83-85 - Robert Rowe:
Eduardo Reck Miranda: Composing Music with Computers Softcover, 2001, ISBN 0195058348, xvii + 411 pages, illustrated, bibliography, glossary of rules, subject index, subject index, Focal Press Music Technology Series, US$ 49.95, CD-ROM; Butterworth-Heinenmann, Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP, UK, or 225 Wildwood Avenue, Woburn, Massachusetts 01801, USA; telephone (+1) 781-904-2500; fax (+1) 781-904-2620; electronic mail orders@bhusa.com; Web www.focalpress.com/. 85-87 - Bruce Quaglia:
Fred Lerdahl: Tonal Pitch Space Hardcover, 2001, ISBN 0195058348, xvii + 411 pages, illustrated, bibliography, glossary of rules, subject index, subject index, US$ 49.95; Oxford University Press, Great Clar-endon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, UK; telephone (+44) 1865-556-767; Web www.oup.co.uk; Oxford University Press, USA, 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016, USA; telephone (+1) 212-726-6000; electronic mail orders@oup-usa.com; Web www.oup-usa.com. 87-90 - Nico Schüler
Rolf Inge Godøy & Harald Jørgensen, Editors: Musical Imagery Hardcover, 2001, ISBN 90-265-1831-5, xi + 319 pages, name index, subject index, Swets & Zeitlinger Studies on New Music Research, Vol. 5, US$ 89.00; Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers, P.O. Box 825, 2160 SZ Lisse, The Netherlands; electronic mail pub@swets.nl; Web www.szp.swets.nl/. 90-92 - Michael Theodore:
David Cope: Virtual Music Hardcover, 2001, ISBN 026203283X, 292 pages, illustrated, appendices, audio CD, US$ 45.00; The MIT Press, Five Cambridge Center, Cam-bridge, Massachusetts 02142-1493, USA; telephone (+1) 800-356-0343; electronic mail mitpress-order@mit.edu; Web mitpress.mit.edu/. 92-95 - Laurie Radford:
Bill Alves: The Terrain of Possibilities Compact disc, EMF CD 002, 1997; available from Electronic Music Foundation, 116 North Lake Avenue, Albany, New York 12206, USA; tele-phone (888) 749-9998; (518) 434-4110; fax (518) 434-0308; electronic mail emf@emf.org; Web www.cdemusic.org. 95-96 - Olivia Mattis:
CCMIX Paris: Xenakis, UPIC, Continuum Compact discs (2), mode 98/99, 2001; available from Mode Records, P.O. Box 1262, New York, New York 10009, USA; telephone/fax (+1) 212-979-1027; electronic mail mode@mode.com; Web www.mode.com/. 96-99 - Billy Gomberg:
Cex: Oops! I did it again! Compact disc, Tigerbeat6 Records, meow031, 2001; available from Ti-gerbeat 6 Records, 310 Oakland Avenue, Oakland, California 94611, USA; fax (+1) 510-465-3213; elec-tronic mail cex@tigerbeat6.com; Web www.tigerbeat6.com or www.rjyan.com. 99-100 - James Bohn:
Margaret Lancaster: Future Flute Compact disc, Sound's Bounty SB 001, 2000; available from Sound's Bounty; electronic mail pegs@webspan.net; Web home.earthlink.net/∼malancaster/recordings.html. 100-102 - Ian Whalley:
Jürgen Bräuninger, Curator: Southern Cones: Music Out of Africa and South America Compact disc, Leonardo Music Journal CD Series Volume 10, 2000; available from Leonardo, The MIT Press Journals, Five Cambridge Cen-ter, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142-1493, USA; telephone (+1) 800-356-0343; electronic mail journals-orders@mit.edu; Web muse.jhu.edu/journals/lmj/. 102-104 - Ian Whalley:
Electro-acoustic Music From The Netherlands 2000 Compact disc, PEM Productions PEM CD-1, 2000; available from Gaudeamus Foundation, Swammer-damstraat 38, 1091 RV Amsterdam, The Netherlands; telephone (+31) 20-694-7349; fax (+31) 20-694-7258; electronic mail info@gaudeamus.nl; Web www.gaudeamus.nl/. 104-105 - Mary Simoni:
Diane Thome: Bright Air/Brilliant Fire Compact disc, CRC2527, 2001; available from Centaur Records, Inc. 8867 Highland Rd., Suite 206, Baton Rouge, LA, USA; telephone (+1) 225-336-4877; fax (+1) 225-336-9678; electronic mail info@centaurrecords.com; Web www.centaurrecords.com. 105-106 - Laurie Radford:
Robert Scott Thompson: Shadow Gazing Compact disc, Aucourant Records AUREC 9401-2-CMS, 1994; available from Aucourant Records USA, P.O. Box 2231, Roswell, Georgia 30075, USA; Web www.gsu.edu/∼musrst/aurec0.html. 106-108 - James Bohn:
PulsarGenerator Synthesis Software for MacOS Available from CREATE (Center for Research in Electronic Art Technology), Department of Music, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA; electronic mail info@create.ucsb.edu; Web www.create.ucsb.edu/PulsarGenerator/. 108-109 - Bill Perison:
Ableton Live Sequencing Instrument, Version 1.5 US$ 299.95; available from Ableton AG, Schönhauser Allee 6-7, D-10119 Berlin, Germany; telephone (+49) 30-288-763-0; fax (+49) 30-288-763-11; electronic mail contact@ableton.com; Web www.ableton.com/. 109-112

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