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College & Research Libraries, Volume 84
Volume 84, Number 1, 2023
- Jeffrey Garrett:
Hargittai, Eszter, ed. Handbook of Digital Inequality. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021. 386 p. Hardcover $265.00 (ISBN: 9781788116565); ebook $65.00 (ISBN: 9781788116572). LCCN: 2021-946075. - Emma Antobam-Ntekudzi:
Janet Pinkley and Kaela Casey, eds. The Community College Library: Assessment. Chicago, IL: ACRL Press, 2022. 214p. Paper, $72 (ISBN: 978-0838939017). - Jessica McClure:
The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Rapid Shift to an Exclusively Online Format: Tracking Online Instructors' Utilization of Library Services Over a Year of Virtual Learning at the University of Memphis. - Anastasia Chiu:
Stefan Vogler. Sorting Sexualities: Expertise and the Politics of Legal Classification. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2021. 280 p. Paperback, $30 (ISBN: 9780226776767). - Ruth Tillman:
Indispensable, Interdependent, and Invisible: A Qualitative Inquiry into Library Systems Maintenance. - Christopher Cox, Sarah Rose Fitzgerald
, Kristen Totleben, Bradley Warren
Professional Service: A Few Perspectives. - Tara Tobin Cataldo
, Ixchel M. Faniel, Amy G. Buhler
, Brittany Brannon, Lynn Connaway, Samuel R. Putnam
Students' Perceptions of Preprints Discovered in Google: A Window into Recognition And Evaluation. - Shuzhen Zhao
, Rong Luo, Christine Sabina, Karen Pillon:
The Effect of Information Literacy Training on Graduate Students' Ability to Use Library Resources. - Ayanna Gaines:
Fostering Student Success: Academic, Social, and Financial Initiatives. Sigrid Kelsey, ed. Chicago, IL: ALA Editions, 2022. 208 pp. Paperback, $59.99, (978-0-8389-3829-4). - G. Arave:
Teaching Business Information Literacy. Genifer Snipes, Marlinda Karo, Ash E. Faulkner, and Lauren Reiter, eds. Chicago, IL: ACRL Press, 2022. 412 p. Paper, $98 (ISBN: 978-0-8389-3909-3). - Craig Arthur:
Daniel Levin Becker. What's Good: Notes on Rap and Language. San Francisco, CA: City Lights Books, 2022. 312p. Trade Paper. $22.95. (ISBN 978-0-87286-876-2). - Kate McDowell
Book Stories: 20 Years of Library Book Plate Celebrations. - Ruth Szpunar
, Eric Bradley
Conducting a User Needs Assessment through the Consortia: Pooling Resources to Examine Student and Faculty Habits. - David Dettman:
Jeff Sundquist, Julie Artman, and Douglas R. Dechow. Your Craft as a Teaching Librarian : Using Acting Skills to Create a Dynamic Presence, Chicago, IL: ALA Editions, 2022. 130p. Paper, $52.00 (ISBN: 978-0-8389-3917-8). - Chris Haffenden, Elena Fano, Martin Malmsten, Love Börjeson:
Making and Using AI in the Library: Creating a BERT Model at the National Library of Sweden. - Mary O'kelly, Jon Jeffryes, Maya Hobscheid, Rachael Passarelli:
Correlation Between Library Instruction and Student Retention: Methods and Implications.
Volume 84, Number 2, 2023
- Gerald R. Natal
, David Remaklus:
The Library Is My Canvas: Art and Experiential Learning in an Academic Library. - Kristen Totleben:
Video Editorial: Anatomy of a Book Review: Why We Write, Why We Read Video. - Jasmine Shumaker:
Managing Data for Patron Privacy: Comprehensive Strategies for Libraries. Kristin Briney and Becky Yoose. Chicago, IL: ALA Editions, 2022. - Yu-Hui Chen, Carol Anne Germain, Abebe Rorissa:
More than a Decade Later: Library Web Usability Practices at ARL Academic Libraries in 2007 and 2020. - Jaime Hammond:
Community College Library: Reference and Instruction. Janet Pinkley and Kaela Casey, eds. Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, 2022. - Rachel E. Scott
, Anne Shelley
, Julie Murphy, Murphy Park, Mallory Jallas:
Exploring Faculty Perspectives on Text Selection and Textbook Affordability. - Tammie Busch
, Debbie Campbell, Susan Howell
, Mary Konkel, Dennis Krieb, Mingyan Li, Cathy Mayer, Ross Taft:
Liaising the Catalog: Collaborating Across Library Departments to Promote Successful Discoverability through Enhanced Cataloging. - Jessica Schomberg:
Practicing Social Justice in Libraries. Alyssa Brissett and Diana Moronta, eds. New York: Routledge, 2022. - Jason Dyck:
Paul M. Dover. The Information Revolution in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. - Lizzy Walker:
Siegel Spratford, Becky. (2021) The Readers' Advisory Guide to Horror, Third Edition. Chicago: ALA Editions, 2021. - Cathryn Copper, Sara Eddin:
Breaking Barriers: How Libraries Can Better Support Female Architecture Students for Professional Success. - Sarah Hartman-Caverly, Alexandria Chisholm, Alexandrea Glenn:
Digital Shred: Case Study of a Remote Privacy Literacy Collaboration. - Marcela Isuster, Donna Langille:
DH Eh? A Survey of Digital Humanities Courses in Canadian LIS Education.
Volume 84, Number 3, 2023
- Jeffrey Garrett:
Brian Michael Murphy. We the Dead: Preserving Data at the End of the World. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2022. 316 p. Hardcover $32.95 (ISBN: 9781469668284); ebook $23.99 (ISBN: 9781469668307). LCCN: 2021-058924. - Mark Dahlquist:
Toward a Framework for Information Creativity. - Walter Schlect:
Steven Ruszczycky. Vulgar Genres. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 2021. 207p. Paper, $30 (ISBN: 978-0-226-78875-3). - Alexander Deeke
, Naomi Binnie:
The Impact of Decorative Images on Student Performance: A Two-Year Study of Online Library Modules. - Gail McMillan, Leslie O'Brien, Edward Lener:
OA and the Academy: Evaluating an OA Fund with Authors' Input. - Maria Atilano:
Learning in Action: Designing Successful Graduate Student Work Experiences in Academic Libraries. Arianne Hartsell-Gundy, Kim Duckett, and Sarah Morris, eds. Chicago, IL: ACRL Editions, 2022. 272p. Paper, $86 (ISBN: 978-0-8389-3680-1). - Minglu Wang
, Adrian Ho, Kristen Totleben:
Is C&RL Ready for a Data Sharing Policy? - Mitsu Nakamura:
Beyond the Book: Unique and Rare Primary Sources for East Asian Studies Collected in North America. Jidong Yang, ed. New York: Columbia University Press, 2022. 368 pp. Hardcover, $60, (ISBN 9780924304989). - Junior Tidal:
The Ultimate Privacy Field Guide: A Workbook of Best Practices. Erin Berman, Bonnie Tijerina, eds. Chicago, IL: ALA Editions, 2022. 96 pp. Paperback, $29.99 (978-0-8389-3730-3). - Dan DeSanto:
Carrots and Sticks: A Qualitative Study of Library Responses to the UK's Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 Open Access Policy. - Tara Grove:
How Multilingual Is Area Studies? Citation Patterns of German Studies Scholars at American Institutions. - Leah Richardson
Cheryl Oestreicher. Reference and Access for Archives and Manuscripts, (SAA) Archival Fundamentals Series III. Chicago, IL: Society of American Archivists, 2022. Edited by Peter J. Wosh. 195 pages. Paper, PDF, Kindle $69.00 (ISBN: 978-1-945246-40-1). - Sarah Jones, Emily Lapworth
, Tammi Kim
Assessing Diversity in Special Collections and Archives. - Kristin Hoffmann, Selinda Adelle Berg, Kristine R. Brancolini, Marie R. Kennedy:
Complex and Varied: Factors Related to the Research Productivity of Academic Librarians in the United States.
Volume 84, Number 4, 2023
- Kyra Hahn:
Jason N. Houle and Fenaba R. Addo. A Dream Defaulted: The Student Loan Crisis among Black Borrowers. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press, 2022. 208p. Paper, $39 ISBN: 978-1-68253-756-5. - Sarah Rose Fitzgerald, Rebecca Reznik-Zellen, Suenita Berube, Cai Fischietto:
Semiotic Analysis of a Science Library: Inclusion and Messaging. - Melissa H. Cantrell, Sarah Wipperman:
Open Access Author Contracts and Alignment with the Open Ethos: A Global Study. - A. Denton:
From Educational Experiment to Standard Bearer: University 101 at the University of South Carolina. Daniel B. Friedman, Tracy L. Skipper & Catherine S. Greene, eds. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2022. 272 pp. Paperback, $32.99, (978-1-64336-366-0). - Stephen E. Wiberley Jr., Deborah D. Blecic, Sandra L. De Groote
, Mary Shultz:
Publication Patterns of U.S. Academic Librarians and Libraries, 2013-2017 with Comparison to Preceding Studies. - Kathryn Houk
, Jordan Nielsen
Inclusive Hiring in Academic Libraries: A Qualitative Analysis of Attitudes and Reflections of Search Committee Members. - Claudia Berger:
Making with Data: Physical Design and Craft in a Data-Driven World, Samuel Huron, Till Nagel, Lora Oehlberg, and Wesley Willett, eds. (2022). Boca Raton: AK Peters/CRC Press, 2022, 392 p. $54.95 ISBN: 978-1-0321-8222-3. - Whitney Kramer:
Academic Libraries and Collaborative Research Services. Carrie Forbes, ed. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2022. 312 pp. Hardcover, $150 (978-1-5381-5368-0). - Megan Frost, Michael C. Goates, Gregory M. Nelson
The Benefits of Hosting a Poster Competition in an Academic Library. - Ana Ndumu:
Jarvis R. Givens. Fugitive Pedagogy: Carter G. Woodson and the Art of Black Teaching. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2021. Hardcover, 320 p. $36 ISBN 978-0-6749-8368-7. - Emily Cox
Research Outputs as Testimony & the APC as Testimonial Injustice in the Global South. - Andrea Malone:
The Data Literacy Cookbook. Kelly Getz and Meryl Brodsky, eds. Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2022. 256p. Paper, $82.00 (ISBN: 978-0-8389-3925-3). - Laura Saunders:
Librarian Perspectives on Misinformation: A Follow-Up and Comparative Study. - Karleigh Riesen
, Sara Whitver:
Reflection and Transfer Learning in the One-Shot: Demonstrating Student Learning. - Craig Hadley
Inspiration for Academic Museums: Two Decades of Academic Library Leadership Research.
Volume 84, Number 5, 2023
- Ian Bogus, Candace A. Yano, Shannon Zachary, Jacob Nadal, Mary E. Miller, Helen N. Levenson, Fern Brody, Sara Amato:
A Model to Determine Optimal Numbers of Monograph Copies for Preservation in Shared Print Collections. - Erin Owens
Authorship in Academic Librarianship Journals, 2015-2019: Evaluating Author Occupations, National and Institutional Affiliations, and Coauthorship. - Sarah M. Horowitz, Colleen W. Barrett:
So You Want to Be a Leader? Examining Pathways to Special Collections Administration. - Qiana Johnson:
Foundations of Intellectual Freedom. Emily J. M. Knox. Chicago: ALA Neal-Schumann, 2023. 144 p. Paper, $54.99 (978-0-8389-3783-9). - Clarissa Ihssen
Thriving as a Mid-career Librarian: Identity, Advocacy & Pathways. Brandon K. West & Elizabeth Galoozis, eds. Chicago, IL: ACRL Press, 2023. 358pp. Paperback, $92 (ISBN: 978-0-8389-3941-3). - Katelyn Quirin Manwiller, Amelia Anderson, Heather Crozier:
Hidden Barriers: The Experience of Academic Librarians and Archivists with Invisible Illnesses and/or Disabilities. - Nicolas Pares, Peter Organisciak:
The Effects of Research Data Management Services: Associating the Data Curation Lifecycle with Open Research Output. - Kaia Macleod:
Libraries as Dysfunctional Organizations and Workplaces. Spencer Acadia, ed. New York: Routledge University Press, 2023, 316 p. Paper, $35.96 ISBN: 978-0-3677-4709-1. - Beatrice Canales:
Using Open Educational Resources to Promote Social Justice. CJ Ivory and Angela Pashia, eds. Chicago: ACRL Press, 2022, 299p. $92 ($82.80 ALA members) ISBN: 978-0-8389-3678-8. - Sarah R. Kostelecky, Lori Townsend, David A. Hurley:
Is Cultural Humility Too Easy? - Mingkun Wei, Ismael Mostafavi, Russell Savage
, Changyang Feng, Shima Moradi:
Exploring the Evolution and Characteristics of the iSchool Movement in China. - Alexandra Provo:
Arte Programmata: Freedom, Control, and the Computer in 1960s Italy. Lindsay Caplan. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2022. 328p. Paper, $33 ISBN: 978-1-5179-0995-6. - Laura Wilson:
Intersections of Open Educational Resources and Information Literacy. Mary Ann Cullen and Elizabeth Dill, eds. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2002. 386p. Paper, $112.00 (ISBN 978-0-8389-3673-3). - Chris Alen Sula, Claudia Berger:
Training Information Professionals in the Digital Humanities: An Analysis of DH Courses in LIS Education. - Jasmine Shumaker:
The Library's Guide to Sexual & Reproductive Health Information. Barbara A. Alvarez. Chicago, IL: ALA Editions, 2023. 136p.
Volume 84, Number 6, 2023
- David Pixton
Teaching Expert Information Literacy Behaviors through Decision-Based Learning. - David Durant
Teaching Critical Reading Skills: Strategies for Academic Librarians. Hannah Gascho Rempel and Rachel Hamelers, eds. Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2023. 2v. 256p. Paper, $120.00 (ISBN: 978-0-8389-3961-1). - Hannah Cole:
Belinha S. De Abreu. Media Literacy for Justice: Lessons for Changing the World. Chicago: ALA Neal-Schuman, 2022, 184 p. $54.99 ($49.49 ALA members) ISBN: 978-0-8389-4892-7. - Quinn Galbraith, Alexandra Carlile Butterfield, Chase Cardon:
Judging Journals: How Impact Factor and Other Metrics Differ across Disciplines. - Linda Miles, Robin Brown:
Community College Librarians' Research and Publication Practices. - Joanna Gadsby:
Academic Librarian Burnout: Causes and Responses. Christina Holm, Ana Guimaraes, and Nashieli Marcano, eds. Chicago, IL: ACRL, 2022. 370p. Paper, $98 (ISBN: 978-0-8389-4856-9). - Latesha Velez, Michelle Rosquillo:
Reframing the Library Residency Narrative. - Maryalice Wade:
Academic Librarian Faculty Status. Compiled and written by Edgar Bailey and Melissa Becher. Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2022. 163 pp. Paperback, $52.00 (978-0-8389-3664-1). - Katie Lai
How Well Does ChatGPT Handle Reference Inquiries? An Analysis Based on Question Types and Question Complexities. - Nicole Doro:
Embracing Change: Alternatives to Traditional Research Writing Assignments. Silke Higgins and Ngoc-Yen Tran, eds. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2022. 319 p. Paper, $86.00 (978-0-8389-3766-2). - Jennie Gerke
, Juliann Couture, Jennifer Knievel:
Once You Get Tenure, You're on Your Own: Mentoring and Career Support for Mid-Career Academic Librarians. - Diane Mizrachi, Michal Busek:
Discovery and Recovery: Uncovering Nazi Looted Books in the UCLA Library and Repatriation Efforts. - Mohammad Hosseini, Kristi L. Holmes:
The Evolution of Library Workplaces and Workflows via Generative AI. - John Eye
Improving Contract Negotiations for Library Collections through Open Records Requests.

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