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Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Volume 157
Volume 157, Number 1, 1 January 2006
- María J. Campión, Juan Carlos Candeal, Esteban Induráin:
Representability of binary relations through fuzzy numbers. 1-19 - Jian Ma, Zhi-Ping Fan, Yan-Ping Jiang, Ji-Ye Mao, Louis Ma:
A method for repairing the inconsistency of fuzzy preference relations. 20-33
- Yuh-Wen Chen, Moussa Larbani:
Two-person zero-sum game approach for fuzzy multiple attribute decision making problems. 34-51
- Manas Kumar Maiti, Manoranjan Maiti:
Fuzzy inventory model with two warehouses under possibility constraints. 52-73 - Josefa Mula, Raul Poler, J. P. Garcia:
MRP with flexible constraints: A fuzzy mathematical programming approach. 74-97 - Richard Y. K. Fung, Yizeng Chen, Jiafu Tang:
Estimating the functional relationships for quality function deployment under uncertainties. 98-120
- Jiancheng Guan, Yueqin Wu:
Repairable consecutive-k-out-of-n: F system with fuzzy states. 121-142 - M. A. Symeonaki, Giorgos B. Stamou:
Rate of convergence, asymptotically attainable structures and sensitivity in non-homogeneous Markov systems with fuzzy states. 143-159
Volume 157, Number 2, 16 January 2006
- Radim Belohlávek, Vilém Vychodil:
Algebras with fuzzy equalities. 161-201
- Mustafa Demirci:
Non-existence of non-trivial L-algebras containing field structure in the sense of Belohlávek and an open question. 202-204 - Radim Belohlávek, Vilém Vychodil:
An answer to Demirci's open question, a clarification of his result, and a correction of his interpretation of the result. 205-211
- Xiaoping Xue, Yongqiang Fu:
On the structure of solutions for fuzzy initial value problem. 212-229 - Heriberto Román-Flores, Yurilev Chalco-Cano:
H-continuity of fuzzy measures and set defuzzification. 230-242 - Sang Yeol Joo, Yun Kyong Kim, Joong Sung Kwon, Gyeong Suk Choi:
Convergence in distribution for level-continuous fuzzy random sets. 243-255 - Zhenyuan Wang, Rong Yang, Pheng-Ann Heng, Kwong-Sak Leung:
Real-valued Choquet integrals with fuzzy-valued integrand. 256-269 - Jin-xuan Fang:
On fixed degree theorems for fuzzy mappings in Menger PM-spaces. 270-285 - Gabriele H. Greco:
Sendograph metric and relatively compact sets of fuzzy sets. 286-291
- Endre Pap, Ivana Stajner-Papuga:
A limit theorem for triangle functions. 292-307
- Yann Rébillé:
A Yosida-Hewitt decomposition for minitive set functions. 308-318
Volume 157, Number 3, 1 February 2006
- Marie-Hélène Masson, Thierry Denoeux:
Inferring a possibility distribution from empirical data. 319-340
- Manolis Wallace, Yannis Avrithis, Stefanos D. Kollias:
Computationally efficient sup-t transitive closure for sparse fuzzy binary relations. 341-372
- Koen Maes, Bernard De Baets:
Rotation-invariant t-norm solutions of a system of functional equations. 373-397 - Zhudeng Wang:
Generating pseudo-t-norms and implication operators. 398-410 - Mi Hye Kim:
Homogeneity properties of seminormed fuzzy integrals. 411-426
- Hongjun Zhou, Guo-Jun Wang:
A new theory consistency index based on deduction theorems in several logic systems. 427-443
- Tatjana Petkovic:
Congruences and homomorphisms of fuzzy automata. 444-458
- Sergey A. Solovyov:
On the category Set(JCPos). 459-465
- Radoslaw Smogura:
A note on the article: "Residual implications revisited". 466-469
Volume 157, Number 4, 16 February 2006
- John B. Theocharis:
A high-order recurrent neuro-fuzzy system with internal dynamics: Application to the adaptive noise cancellation. 471-500 - Radhia Hassine, Fakhreddine Karray, Adel M. Alimi, Mohamed Selmi:
Approximation properties of piece-wise parabolic functions fuzzy logic systems. 501-515
- Santiago Aja-Fernández, Carlos Alberola-López:
Fuzzy feedback system analysis using transition matrices. 516-543 - Engang Tian, Chen Peng:
Delay-dependent stability analysis and synthesis of uncertain T-S fuzzy systems with time-varying delay. 544-559
- Le-Diem Bui, Yong-Gi Kim:
An obstacle-avoidance technique for autonomous underwater vehicles based on BK-products of fuzzy relation. 560-577 - Paris A. Mastorocostas:
A recurrent fuzzy filter for the analysis of lung sounds. 578-594
Volume 157, Number 5, 1 March 2006
- Vilém Novák:
What is Fuzzy Logic? 595-596 - Petr Hájek:
What is mathematical fuzzy logic. 597-603 - Libor Behounek, Petr Cintula:
Fuzzy logics as the logics of chains. 604-610 - Vladik Kreinovich, Hung T. Nguyen:
Which fuzzy logic is the best: Pragmatic approach (and its theoretical analysis). 611-614 - Irina Perfilieva:
Logical foundations of rule-based systems. 615-621 - Chris Cornelis, Glad Deschrijver, Etienne E. Kerre:
Advances and challenges in interval-valued fuzzy logic. 622-627 - Jun Ma, S. Chen, Yang Xu:
Fuzzy logic from the viewpoint of machine intelligence. 628-634 - Vilém Novák:
Which logic is the real fuzzy logic? 635-641 - Libor Behounek, Petr Cintula:
From fuzzy logic to fuzzy mathematics: A methodological manifesto. 642-646
- Nehad N. Morsi, Wafik Boulos Lotfallah, Moataz Saleh El-Zekey:
The logic of tied implications, part 1: Properties, applications and representation. 647-669 - San-Min Wang, Ming-Yan Wang:
Undefinability of min-conjunction in MTL. 670-676 - Petr Hájek:
Computational complexity of t-norm based propositional fuzzy logics with rational truth constants. 677-682
- David Buhagiar, Emmanuel Chetcuti, Anatolij Dvurecenskij:
Loomis-Sikorski representation of monotone sigma-complete effect algebras. 683-690
- Shin Asahina, Kenta Uchino, Toshiaki Murofushi:
Relationship among continuity conditions and null-additivity conditions in non-additive measure theory. 691-698 - Qi-fen Xie, Jin-xuan Fang:
Corrections and remarks to the paper in Fuzzy and Systems 124 (2001) 117-123. 699-704
- Milan Mares:
Book review. 705
Volume 157, Number 6, 16 March 2006
- Tomasz Kubiak, Iraide Mardones-Pérez, María Angeles de Prada-Vicente:
L-uniform spaces versus ?(L)-uniform spaces. 719-738 - Jinming Fang:
Sums of L-fuzzy topological spaces. 739-754 - Javier Gutiérrez García, María Angeles de Prada-Vicente:
Hutton [0, 1]-quasi-uniformities induced by fuzzy (quasi-)metric spaces. 755-766 - Li Qinghua, Jinming Fang:
Countability axioms in I-fuzzy topological spaces. 767-779 - Yueli Yue, Jinming Fang:
On separation axioms in I-fuzzy topological spaces. 780-793 - Fu-Gui Shi:
A new approach to L-T2, L-Urysohn, and L-completely Hausdorff axioms. 794-803 - T. K. Breuckmann, S. R. T. Kudri:
Hurewicz spaces and the selectively omega*-grouping property. 804-812 - Javier Gutiérrez García:
On stratified L-valued filters induced by T-filters. 813-819
- Jinming Fang:
Categories isomorphic to L-FTOP. 820-831 - Yueli Yue, Jinming Fang:
Categories isomorphic to the Kubiak-Sostak extension of TML. 832-842 - Sergey A. Solovyov:
Categories of lattice-valued sets as categories of arrows. 843-854 - Yongming Li:
A categorical approach to lattice-valued fuzzy automata. 855-864
- Fu-Gui Shi, Zhen-Guo Xu:
A note on "Urysohn separation property in topological molecular lattices". 865-867
Volume 157, Number 7, 1 April 2006
- Xinwang Liu:
On the maximum entropy parameterized interval approximation of fuzzy numbers. 869-878 - Slavka Bodjanova:
Median alpha-levels of a fuzzy number. 879-891 - Gisella Facchinetti, Nicoletta Pacchiarotti:
Evaluations of fuzzy quantities. 892-903 - Ester Van Broekhoven, Bernard De Baets:
Fast and accurate center of gravity defuzzification of fuzzy system outputs defined on trapezoidal fuzzy partitions. 904-918 - Ying-Ming Wang, Jian-Bo Yang, Dong-Ling Xu, Kwai-Sang Chin:
On the centroids of fuzzy numbers. 919-926
- Patrick Meyer, Marc Roubens:
On the use of the Choquet integral with fuzzy numbers in multiple criteria decision support. 927-938 - Silvia Muzzioli, Huguette Reynaerts:
Fuzzy linear systems of the form A1x+b1=A2x+b2. 939-951 - József Dombi, Norbert Gyorbíró:
Addition of sigmoid-shaped fuzzy intervals using the Dombi operator and infinite sum theorems. 952-963
- Ali Jaballah, Fathi B. Saidi:
Uniqueness results in the representation of families of sets by fuzzy sets. 964-975 - Salih Aytar, Musa A. Mammadov, Serpil Pehlivan:
Statistical limit inferior and limit superior for sequences of fuzzy numbers. 976-985
- Barnabás Bede:
A note on "two-point boundary value problems associated with non-linear fuzzy differential equations". 986-989 - Wenyi Zeng, Hongxing Li:
Note on "Some operations on intuitionistic fuzzy sets" [Fuzzy Sets and Systems 114 (2000) 477], . 990-991
Volume 157, Number 8, 16 April 2006
- Hugues Bersini, Thierry Denoeux, Didier Dubois, Henri Prade:
In Memoriam: Philippe Smets (1938-2005).
- Irina Perfilieva:
Fuzzy transforms: Theory and applications. 993-1023 - Martina Danková, Martin Stepnicka:
Fuzzy transform as an additive normal form. 1024-1035
- Cheng-Jian Lin, Yong-Ji Xu:
A self-adaptive neural fuzzy network with group-based symbiotic evolution and its prediction applications. 1036-1056 - Shang-Ming Zhou, John Q. Gan:
Constructing accurate and parsimonious fuzzy models with distinguishable fuzzy sets based on an entropy measure. 1057-1074 - Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate, Riccardo Rovatti:
Consistent Sobolev regression via fuzzy systems with overlapping concepts. 1075-1091
- Jacek M. Leski:
On support vector regression machines with linguistic interpretation of the kernel matrix. 1092-1113 - Changha Hwang, Dug Hun Hong, Kyung Ha Seok:
Support vector interval regression machine for crisp input and output data. 1114-1125
- Ioannis K. Vlachos, George D. Sergiadis:
Parametric indices of fuzziness for automated image enhancement. 1126-1138
Volume 157, Number 9, May 2006
- Nathalie Perrot:
Fuzzy concepts applied to food product quality control. 1143-1144 - Nathalie Perrot, Irina Ioannou, I. Allais, C. Curt, Joseph Hossenlopp, Gilles Trystram:
Fuzzy concepts applied to food product quality control: A review. 1145-1154 - Boyko Iliev, Malin Lindquist, Linn Robertsson, Peter Wide:
A fuzzy technique for food- and water quality assessment with an electronic tongue. 1155-1168 - S. Kupongsak, Jinglu Tan:
Application of fuzzy set and neural network techniques in determining food process control set points. 1169-1178 - Irina Ioannou, Gilles Mauris, Gilles Trystram, Nathalie Perrot:
Back-propagation of imprecision in a cheese ripening fuzzy model based on human sensory evaluations. 1179-1187 - Patrice Buche, Juliette Dibie-Barthélemy, Ollivier Haemmerlé, Rallou Thomopoulos:
Fuzzy concepts applied to the design of a database in predictive microbiology. 1188-1200 - Valerie J. Davidson, Joanne Ryks, Aamir Fazil:
Fuzzy risk assessment tool for microbial hazards in food systems. 1201-1210
- Bong-Jae Rhee, Sangchul Won:
A new fuzzy Lyapunov function approach for a Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy control system design. 1211-1228 - Chong Lin, Qing-Guo Wang, Tong Heng Lee:
Delay-dependent LMI conditions for stability and stabilization of T-S fuzzy systems with bounded time-delay. 1229-1247 - Thierry-Marie Guerra, Alexandre Kruszewski, Laurent Vermeiren, Helene Tirmant:
Conditions of output stabilization for nonlinear models in the Takagi-Sugeno's form. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 157(9): 1248-1259 (2006)
- Hai-Jun Rong, N. Sundararajan, Guang-Bin Huang, P. Saratchandran:
Sequential Adaptive Fuzzy Inference System (SAFIS) for nonlinear system identification and prediction. 1260-1275
- Mohammed Chadli, Ahmed El Hajjaji:
Comment on "Observer-based robust fuzzy control of nonlinear systems with parametric uncertainties". 1276-1281
Volume 157, Number 10, May 2006
- Jaroslav Ramík:
Duality in fuzzy linear programming with possibility and necessity relations. 1283-1302 - Tien-Fu Liang:
Distribution planning decisions using interactive fuzzy multi-objective linear programming. 1303-1316 - Valerio Lacagnina, Antonio Pecorella:
A stochastic soft constraints fuzzy model for a portfolio selection problem. 1317-1327 - Xue-quan Li, Bo Zhang, Hui Li:
Computing efficient solutions to fuzzy multiple objective linear programming problems. 1328-1332
- Ying-Ming Wang, Celik Parkan:
A general multiple attribute decision-making approach for integrating subjective preferences and objective information. 1333-1345 - Teimuraz Tsabadze:
A method for fuzzy aggregation based on group expert evaluations. 1346-1361
- Elisenda Molina, Juan Tejada:
Linear production games with fuzzy control. 1362-1383
- Yasuo Narukawa, Vicenç Torra:
Generalized transformed t-conorm integral and multifold integral. 1384-1392 - Ronald R. Yager, Zeshui Xu:
The continuous ordered weighted geometric operator and its application to decision making. 1393-1402 - Susanne Saminger:
On ordinal sums of triangular norms on bounded lattices. 1403-1416
Volume 157, Number 11, June 2006
- Laurent Foulloy, Eric Benoit:
Building a class of fuzzy equivalence relations. 1417-1437 - Patrick Bosc, Olivier Pivert:
About approximate inclusion and its axiomatization. 1438-1454 - Thomas Vetterlein, Mirko Navara:
Defuzzification using Steiner points. 1455-1462 - Bernard De Baets, Saskia Janssens, Hans E. De Meyer:
Meta-theorems on inequalities for scalar fuzzy set cardinalities. 1463-1476 - Wenyi Zeng, Hongxing Li:
Relationship between similarity measure and entropy of interval valued fuzzy sets. 1477-1484 - Beloslav Riecan:
On a problem of Radko Mesiar: General form of IF-probabilities. 1485-1490
- Giulianella Coletti, Barbara Vantaggi:
Possibility theory: Conditional independence. 1491-1513 - Joaquín Abellán, Manuel Gómez-Olmedo:
Measures of divergence on credal sets. 1514-1531
- Werner Kuich, George Rahonis:
Fuzzy regular languages over finite and infinite words. 1532-1549 - José Javier Astrain, José Ramón González de Mendívil, José Ramón Garitagoitia:
Fuzzy automata with epsilon-moves compute fuzzy measures between strings. 1550-1559 - Björn Borchardt, Andreas Maletti, Branimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic, Heiko Vogler:
Cut sets as recognizable tree languages. 1560-1571
- Yao Ouyang, Hongxia Sun, Jun Li:
Some notes on V-homogeneity property of semiconormed fuzzy integrals. 1572-1575
Volume 157, Number 12, June 2006
- Xiaohui Tang, Guoqing Chen:
Equivalence and transformation of extended algebraic operators in fuzzy relational databases. 1581-1596 - Zongmin Ma, Huaiqing Wang:
STEP implementation of imperfect EXPRESS model in fuzzy object-oriented databases. 1597-1621 - Patrick Bosc, Nadia Liétard, Olivier Pivert:
About the processing of possibilistic queries involving a difference operation. 1622-1640
- Yen-Liang Chen, Tony Cheng-Kui Huang:
A new approach for discovering fuzzy quantitative sequential patterns in sequence databases. 1641-1661
- Yongchuan Tang, Jiacheng Zheng:
Linguistic modelling based on semantic similarity relation among linguistic labels. 1662-1673
- Hong-Zhong Huang, Ming Jian Zuo, Zhan-Quan Sun:
Bayesian reliability analysis for fuzzy lifetime data. 1674-1686 - Janice L. Pappas:
Biological taxonomic problem solving using fuzzy decision-making analytical tools. 1687-1703 - Jing Nie, Jiangchua Wen, Ji Luo, Xin He, Zheng Zhou:
An adaptive fuzzy logic based secure routing protocol in mobile ad hoc networks. 1704-1712 - Dobrila Petrovic, Ying Xie, Keith J. Burnham:
Fuzzy decision support system for demand forecasting with a learning mechanism. 1713-1725
Volume 157, Number 13, July 2006
- Abdelhamid Bouchachia, Witold Pedrycz:
Enhancement of fuzzy clustering by mechanisms of partial supervision. 1733-1759