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Information Processing and Management, Volume 44
Volume 44, Number 1, January 2008
- Pia Borlund, Ian Ruthven:
Introduction to the special issue on evaluating interactive information retrieval systems. 1-3 - Ann Blandford, Anne Adams, Simon Attfield, George Buchanan, Jeremy Gow, Stephann Makri, Jon Rimmer, Claire Warwick:
The PRET A Rapporter framework: Evaluating digital libraries from the perspective of information work. 4-21 - Daniela Petrelli:
On the role of user-centred evaluation in the advancement of interactive information retrieval. 22-38 - Ayse Göker, Hans I. Myrhaug:
Evaluation of a mobile information system in context. 39-65 - Fernando López-Ostenero, Víctor Peinado, Julio Gonzalo, Felisa Verdejo:
Interactive question answering: Is Cross-Language harder than monolingual searching? 66-81 - Mika Käki, Anne Aula:
Controlling the complexity in comparing search user interfaces via user studies. 82-91 - Irene Lopatovska, Hartmut B. Mokros:
Willingness to pay and experienced utility as measures of affective value of information objects: Users' accounts. 92-104 - Carol Tenopir, Peiling Wang, Yan Zhang, Beverly Simmons, Richard Pollard:
Academic users' interactions with ScienceDirect in search tasks: Affective and cognitive behaviors. 105-121 - Diane Kelly, David J. Harper, Brian Landau:
Questionnaire mode effects in interactive information retrieval experiments. 122-141
- Christina Lioma, Iadh Ounis:
A syntactically-based query reformulation technique for information retrieval. 143-162 - Miles Efron:
Query expansion and dimensionality reduction: Notions of optimality in Rocchio relevance feedback and latent semantic indexing. 163-180 - Douglas W. Oard, Daqing He, Jianqiang Wang:
User-assisted query translation for interactive cross-language information retrieval. 181-211 - Per Ahlgren, Leif Grönqvist:
Evaluation of retrieval effectiveness with incomplete relevance data: Theoretical and experimental comparison of three measures. 212-225 - Hideo Joho, Joemon M. Jose:
Effectiveness of additional representations for the search result presentation on the web. 226-241 - Madhu C. Reddy, Patricia Ruma Spence:
Collaborative information seeking: A field study of a multidisciplinary patient care team. 242-255 - Madhu C. Reddy, Bernard J. Jansen:
A model for understanding collaborative information behavior in context: A study of two healthcare teams. 256-273 - Reijo Savolainen:
Source preferences in the context of seeking problem-specific information. 274-293 - Wu He, Sanda Erdelez, Feng-Kwei Wang, Chi-Ren Shyu:
The effects of conceptual description and search practice on users' mental models and information seeking in a case-based reasoning retrieval system. 294-309 - Jacques Savoy:
Searching strategies for the Hungarian language. 310-324 - Mislav Malenica, Tomislav Smuc, Jan Snajder, Bojana Dalbelo Basic:
Language morphology offset: Text classification on a Croatian-English parallel corpus. 325-339 - Dian Tjondronegoro, Amanda Spink:
Web search engine multimedia functionality. 340-357 - Paul Huntington, David Nicholas, Hamid R. Jamali M.:
Website usage metrics: A re-assessment of session data. 358-372 - Kyung-Sun Kim:
Effects of emotion control and task on Web searching behavior. 373-385 - David Robins, Jason Holmes:
Aesthetics and credibility in web site design. 386-399
- Sheri Edwards:
Thomas M. Cover and Joy A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory (2nd ed.), John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2006). 400-401 - Delia Neuman:
L. Henderson and J. Tallman, Editors, Stimulated Recall and Mental Models: Tools for Teaching and Learning Computer Literacy, Scarecrow Press, Lanham, MD (2006) xi+, 287 pp ISBN: 0-8108-5222-5. 401-403 - Daniel T. Naso:
John Talbot and Dominic Welsh, Complexity and cryptography: an introduction , Cambridge University Press, New York (2006) ISBN 0521617715. 403-405 - Siddharth Maini:
Mobile Database Systems, Vijay, Kumar. Wiley-Interscience Inc., Hoboken, NJ (2006), ISBN: 0-471-46792-8. 405-407 - Brandy Linn Maistros:
Robert L. Popp and John Yen, Editors, Emergent Information Technologies and Enabling Policies for Counter-Terrorism, John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey (2006) ISBN 978-0-471-78655-9. 407-409
- Fabrizio Falchi, Claudio Gennaro, Pavel Zezula:
Erratum to "Nearest neighbor search in metric spaces through Content-Addressable Networks" [Information Processing and Management 43 (2007) 665-683]. 410 - Fabrizio Falchi, Claudio Gennaro, Pavel Zezula:
Nearest neighbor search in metric spaces through Content-Addressable Networks. 411-429 - Chen-Yu Lee, Von-Wun Soo:
Erratum to "The conflict detection and resolution in knowledge merging for image annotation" [Information Processing and Management 42 (2006) 1030-1055]. 430
Volume 44, Number 2, March 2008
- Ryen W. White, Gary Marchionini, Gheorghe Muresan:
Evaluating exploratory search systems: Introduction to special topic issue of information processing and management. 433-436 - Ian Ruthven, Mark Baillie, Leif Azzopardi, Ralf Bierig, Emma Nicol, Simon O. Sweeney, Murat Yaciki:
Contextual factors affecting the utility of surrogates within exploratory search. 437-462 - Bill Kules, Ben Shneiderman:
Users can change their web search tactics: Design guidelines for categorized overviews. 463-484 - Orland Hoeber, Xue Dong Yang:
Evaluating WordBars in exploratory Web search scenarios. 485-510 - Daqing He, Peter Brusilovsky, Jae-wook Ahn, Jonathan Grady, Rosta Farzan, Yefei Peng, Yiming Yang, Monica Rogati:
An evaluation of adaptive filtering in the context of realistic task-based information exploration. 511-533 - Yan Qu, George W. Furnas:
Model-driven formative evaluation of exploratory search: A study under a sensemaking framework. 534-555
- Jeremy Gow, Ann Blandford, Sally Jo Cunningham:
Special issue on digital libraries in the context of users' broader activities. 556-557 - Michael B. Twidale, Anatoliy A. Gruzd, David M. Nichols:
Writing in the library: Exploring tighter integration of digital library use with the writing process. 558-580 - Muhammad Asim Qayyum:
Capturing the online academic reading process. 581-595 - Umer Farooq, Craig H. Ganoe, John M. Carroll, Isaac G. Councill, C. Lee Giles:
Design and evaluation of awareness mechanisms in CiteSeer. 596-612 - Stephann Makri, Ann Blandford, Anna Louise Cox:
Investigating the information-seeking behaviour of academic lawyers: From Ellis's model to design. 613-634 - Maria Cristina Pattuelli:
Teachers' perspectives and contextual dimensions to guide the design of N.C. history learning objects and ontology. 635-646 - Charles Inskip, Richard Butterworth, Andrew MacFarlane:
A study of the information needs of the users of a folk music library and the implications for the design of a digital library system. 647-662
- Simon O. Sweeney, Fabio Crestani, David E. Losada:
'Show me more': Incremental length summarisation using novelty detection. 663-686 - Min Zhang, Guodong Zhou, AiTi Aw:
Exploring syntactic structured features over parse trees for relation extraction using kernel methods. 687-701 - Marina Santini:
Zero, single, or multi? Genre of web pages through the users' perspective. 702-737 - Mahmoud Rokaya, El-Sayed Atlam, Masao Fuketa, Tshering C. Dorji, Jun-ichi Aoe:
Ranking of field association terms using Co-word analysis. 738-755 - Matthew Chang, Chung Keung Poon:
Efficient phrase querying with common phrase index. 756-769 - Leo Egghe, Ronald Rousseau:
An h-index weighted by citation impact. 770-780 - Samir Abdou, Jacques Savoy:
Searching in Medline: Query expansion and manual indexing evaluation. 781-789 - Efstathios Stamatatos:
Author identification: Using text sampling to handle the class imbalance problem. 790-799 - Nan Ma, Jiancheng Guan, Yi Zhao:
Bringing PageRank to the citation analysis. 800-810 - Mark Baillie, Leif Azzopardi, Ian Ruthven:
Evaluating epistemic uncertainty under incomplete assessments. 811-837 - Tao Qin, Xu-Dong Zhang, Ming-Feng Tsai, De-Sheng Wang, Tie-Yan Liu, Hang Li:
Query-level loss functions for information retrieval. 838-855 - Leo Egghe:
The measures precision, recall, fallout and miss as a function of the number of retrieved documents and their mutual interrelations. 856-876 - Ali Mohammad Zareh Bidoki, Nasser Yazdani:
DistanceRank: An intelligent ranking algorithm for web pages. 877-892 - Xiaomin Ning, Hai Jin, Hao Wu:
RSS: A framework enabling ranked search on the semantic web. 893-909 - Saverio Perugini:
Symbolic links in the Open Directory Project. 910-930 - Jahna Otterbacher, Dragomir R. Radev, Omer Kareem:
Hierarchical summarization for delivering information to mobile devices. 931-947 - Qun G. Jiao, Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie, Vicki L. Waytowich:
The relationship between citation errors and library anxiety: An empirical study of doctoral students in education. 948-956 - Morten Hertzum:
Collaborative information seeking: The combined activity of information seeking and collaborative grounding. 957-962 - Paul Thompson:
Looking back: On relevance, probabilistic indexing and information retrieval. 963-970 - M. E. Maron:
An Historical Note on the Origins of Probabilistic Indexing. 971-972
- Jennifer Papin-Ramcharan:
What is documentation? English translation of the classic French text by Suzanne Briet. Translated and edited by Ronald E. Day and Laurent Martinet with Hermina G.B. Anghelescu, Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2006, xi+72 pp, ISBN 978-0-8108-5109-2. 973-976 - Gregory S. Hunter:
Carol E.B. Choksy, Domesticating Information: Managing Documents Inside the Organization , Scarecrow Press (2006) ISBN 0-8108-5190-3 250 pp. 977-978 - Bernard J. Jansen:
Myatt, G.J. (2007). Making sense of data: a practical guide to exploratory data analysis and data mining (pp. 280). Wiley. 978-979 - Jennifer Papin-Ramcharan:
William Sonn, Paradigms lost: The life and deaths of the printed word , The Scarecrow Press (2006) 398pp., ISBN 978-0-8108-5262-4. 979-982 - Henry C. Foley:
The wealth of networks: How social production transforms markets and freedom (hardcover), Yochai Benkler. Yale University Press (2006). 528 pp, ISBN 978-0300110562. 982-983 - Michael Kress:
Intelligent Internet Knowledge Networks: Processing Of Concepts and Wisdom. John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey. October 2006, ISBN 0471788562. 983-984 - Tefko Saracevic:
Honoring reviewers and reviewing. 985
Volume 44, Number 3, May 2008
- Xiaoyan Li:
A new robust relevance model in the language model framework. 991-1007 - Guodong Zhou, Min Zhang, Dong-Hong Ji, Qiaoming Zhu:
Hierarchical learning strategy in semantic relation extraction. 1008-1021 - Nina Wacholder, Lu Liu:
Assessing term effectiveness in the interactive information access process. 1022-1031 - Xiaojun Wan, Jianwu Yang, Jianguo Xiao:
Towards a unified approach to document similarity search using manifold-ranking of blocks. 1032-1048 - Hans Friedrich Witschel:
Global term weights in distributed environments. 1049-1061 - Rey-Long Liu:
Interactive high-quality text classification. 1062-1075 - Yi Zhang, Wei Xu:
Fast exact maximum likelihood estimation for mixture of language model. 1076-1085 - W. S. Wong, Robert Wing Pong Luk, Hong Va Leong, Lai Kuen Ho, Dik Lun Lee:
Re-examining the effects of adding relevance information in a relevance feedback environment. 1086-1116 - David Bodoff:
Test theory for evaluating reliability of IR test collections. 1117-1145 - María Teresa Martín-Valdivia, Manuel Carlos Díaz-Galiano, Arturo Montejo-Ráez, Luis Alfonso Ureña López:
Using information gain to improve multi-modal information retrieval systems. 1146-1158 - Xiaoyan Li, W. Bruce Croft:
An information-pattern-based approach to novelty detection. 1159-1188 - Hwa Jeong Son, Soo-Hyung Kim, Ji Soo Kim:
Text image matching without language model using a Hausdorff distance. 1189-1200 - Adel Hafiane, Bertrand Y. Zavidovique:
Local relational string and mutual matching for image retrieval. 1201-1213 - Shu-Ming Hsieh, Chiun-Chieh Hsu:
Retrieval of images by spatial and object similarities. 1214-1233 - Giannis Tsakonas, Christos Papatheodorou:
Exploring usefulness and usability in the evaluation of open access digital libraries. 1234-1250 - Bernard J. Jansen, Danielle L. Booth, Amanda Spink:
Determining the informational, navigational, and transactional intent of Web queries. 1251-1266 - Lilian Woudstra, Bart van den Hooff:
Inside the source selection process: Selection criteria for human information sources. 1267-1278 - Dietmar Wolfram:
Search characteristics in different types of Web-based IR environments: Are they the same? 1279-1292 - Alberto Díaz, Antonio García, Pablo Gervás:
User-centred versus system-centred evaluation of a personalization system. 1293-1307 - Andrew Thatcher:
Web search strategies: The influence of Web experience and task type. 1308-1329 - Yan Zhang:
The influence of mental models on undergraduate students' searching behavior on the Web. 1330-1345 - Hong (Iris) Xie:
Users' evaluation of digital libraries (DLs): Their uses, their criteria, and their assessment. 1346-1373 - Jon Rimmer, Claire Warwick, Ann Blandford, Jeremy Gow, George Buchanan:
An examination of the physical and the digital qualities of humanities research. 1374-1392
- David Elsweiler:
Personal Information Management, Jones, W., Teevan, J. University of Washington Press, 2007. ISBN: 978-0-295-98737-8. 1393-1396
Volume 44, Number 4, July 2008
- Guobiao Hu, Shuigeng Zhou, Jihong Guan, Xiaohua Hu:
Towards effective document clustering: A constrained K-means based approach. 1397-1409 - Michela Montesi, Trilce Navarrete:
Classifying web genres in context: A case study documenting the web genres used by a software engineer. 1410-1430 - Elisabetta Fersini, Enza Messina, Francesco Archetti:
Enhancing web page classification through image-block importance analysis. 1431-1447 - Tayfun Kucukyilmaz, Berkant Barla Cambazoglu, Cevdet Aykanat, Fazli Can:
Chat mining: Predicting user and message attributes in computer-mediated communication. 1448-1466 - Brian Hilligoss, Soo Young Rieh:
Developing a unifying framework of credibility assessment: Construct, heuristics, and interaction in context. 1467-1484 - Olga Vechtomova, Murat Karamuftuoglu:
Lexical cohesion and term proximity in document ranking. 1485-1502 - Rahmatollah Fattahi, Concepción S. Wilson, Fletcher T. H. Cole:
An alternative approach to natural language query expansion in search engines: Text analysis of non-topical terms in Web documents. 1503-1516 - Jesús Vilares, Miguel A. Alonso, Manuel Vilares Ferro:
Extraction of complex index terms in non-English IR: A shallow parsing based approach. 1517-1537 - Nashat Mansour, Ramzi A. Haraty, Walid Daher, Manal Houri:
An auto-indexing method for Arabic text. 1538-1545 - Quang Minh Vu, Atsuhiro Takasu, Jun Adachi:
Improving the performance of personal name disambiguation using web directories. 1546-1561 - P. Jason Morrison:
Tagging and searching: Search retrieval effectiveness of folksonomies on the World Wide Web. 1562-1579 - Georgios Paltoglou, Michail Salampasis, Maria Satratzemi:
A results merging algorithm for distributed information retrieval environments that combines regression methodologies with a selective download phase. 1580-1599 - David M. Zajic, Bonnie J. Dorr, Jimmy Lin:
Single-document and multi-document summarization techniques for email threads using sentence compression. 1600-1610 - Arnaud Quirin, Oscar Cordón, José Santamaría, Benjamín Vargas-Quesada, Félix de Moya-Anegón:
A new variant of the Pathfinder algorithm to generate large visual science maps in cubic time. 1611-1623 - José Luis Ortega, Isidro F. Aguillo:
Visualization of the Nordic academic web: Link analysis using social network tools. 1624-1633 - Glynn Harmon:
Remembering William Goffman: Mathematical information science pioneer. 1634-1647
Volume 44, Number 5, September 2008
- I-Chin Wu, Duen-Ren Liu, Pei-Cheng Chang:
Toward incorporating a task-stage identification technique into the long-term document support process. 1649-1672 - Mette Skov, Birger Larsen, Peter Ingwersen:
Inter and intra-document contexts applied in polyrepresentation for best match IR. 1673-1683 - Tao Li, Shenghuo Zhu, Mitsunori Ogihara:
Text categorization via generalized discriminant analysis. 1684-1697 - Lung-Hao Lee, Cheng-Jye Luh:
Generation of pornographic blacklist and its incremental update using an inverse chi-square based method. 1698-1706 - Wai Ming Wang, Chi Fai Cheung, Wing Bun Lee, S. K. Kwok:
Mining knowledge from natural language texts using fuzzy associated concept mapping. 1707-1719 - Jan Snajder, Bojana Dalbelo Basic, Marko Tadic:
Automatic acquisition of inflectional lexica for morphological normalisation. 1720-1731 - Nils Pharo:
The effect of granularity and order in XML element retrieval. 1732-1740 - Abebe Rorissa:
User-generated descriptions of individual images versus labels of groups of images: A comparison using basic level theory. 1741-1753 - Kazuhiro Seki, Javed Mostafa:
Gene ontology annotation as text categorization: An empirical study. 1754-1770 - Jimmy Lin, Michael DiCuccio, Vahan Grigoryan, W. John Wilbur:
Navigating information spaces: A case study of related article search in PubMed. 1771-1783 - Charles Cole:
A socio-cognitive framework for designing interactive IR systems: Lessons from the Neanderthals. 1784-1793