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Journal of the American Society for Information Science (JASIS), Volume 47, 1996
Volume 47, Number 1, January 1996
- Jean Tague-Sutcliffe:
Some Perspectives on the Evaluation of Information Retrieval Systems. 1-3 - David C. Blair:
STAIRS Redux: Thoughts on the STAIRS Evaluation, Ten Years after. 4-22 - David Ellis:
The Dilemma of Measurement in Information Retrieval Research. 23-36 - Stephen P. Harter:
Variations in Relevance Assessments and the Measurement of Retrieval Effectiveness. 37-49 - William R. Hersh, Jeffrey Pentecost, David H. Hickam:
A Task-Oriented Approach to Information Retrieval Evaluation. 50-56 - F. W. Lancaster, Jacob W. Ulvila, Susanne M. Humphrey, Linda C. Smith, Bryce Allen, Saul Herner:
Evaluation of Interactive Knowledge-Based Systems: Overview and Design for Empirical Testing. 57-69 - David A. Hull:
Stemming Algorithms: A Case Study for Detailed Evaluation. 70-84 - Micheline Hancock-Beaulieu, Stephen E. Robertson, Edie M. Rasmussen:
Evaluating Interactive Systems in TREC. 85-94 - Robert M. Losee:
Evaluating Retrieval Performance Given Database and Query Characteristics: Analytic Determination of Performance Surfaces. 95-105
Volume 47, Number 2, February 1996
- Carolyn J. Crouch, Michael McGill, Michael Lesk, Karen Sparck Jones, Edward A. Fox, Donna Harman, Donald H. Kraft:
Gerald Salton, March 8, 1927 - August 28, 1995. 108-115
- Michael D. Gordon, Robert K. Lindsay:
Toward Discovery Support Systems: A Replication, Re-Examination, and Extension of Swanson's Work on Literature-Based Discovery of a Connection between Raynaud's and Fish Oil. 116-128 - Ziming Liu:
Dissipative Structure Theory, Synergetics, and Their Implications for the Management of Information Systems. 129-135 - William E. McGrath:
Periodicity in Academic Library Circulation: A Spectral Analysis. 136-145 - Eileen G. Abels, Peter Liebscher, Daniel W. Denman:
Factors That Influence the Use of Electronic Networks by Science and Engineering Faculty at Small Institutions. Part I. Queries. 146-158 - William Steve Lang, Mary Grigsby:
Statistics for Measuring the Efficiency of Electronic Information Retrieval. 159-166
- Stephanie W. Haas, Jeremy Sugarman, Helen R. Tibbo:
A Text Filter for the Automatic Identification of Empirical Articles. 167-169 - Bernard Bayer, Frederick G. Kilgour:
Scholarly Use of Referenced Information in Physics Journals. 170-172 - Blaise Cronin, Kara Overfelt:
Postscript on Program Rankings. 173-176
- Bernd Frohmann:
In-Depth Review: The Jobless Future: Sci-Tech and the Dogma of Work, by Stanley Aronowitz and William DiFazio. 177-179 - Peter Liebscher:
The Myth of the Electronic Library, by William F. Birdsall. 179-181
Volume 47, Number 3, March 1996
- Juan Miguel Campanario:
The Competition for Journal Space among Referees, Editors, and Other Authors and Its Influence on Journals' Impact Factors. 184-192 - Elfreda A. Chatman:
The Impoverished Life-World of Outsiders. 193-206
- Eileen G. Abels, Lois F. Lunin:
Introduction and Overview. 208-209 - Kerryn A. Brandt, Jayne M. Campbell, Willard F. Bryant Jr.:
Reflections on Reference Services. 210-216 - Eileen G. Abels, Paul B. Kantor, Tefko Saracevic:
Studying the Cost and Value of Library and Information Services: Applying Functional Cost Analysis to the Library in Transition. 217-227 - Robert M. Hayes:
Cost of Electronic Reference Resources and LCM: The Library Costing Model. 228-234 - Eileen G. Abels:
Pricing of Electronic Resources: Interviews with Three Vendors. 235-246
- Bella Hass Weinberg:
In-Depth Review: Computational Linguistics in Information Science, by Conrad F. Sabourin. 247-249 - Susan Dunman:
Seeking Meaning: A Process Approach to Library and Information Services, by Carol Collier Kuhlthau. 249-250 - Leah A. Lievrouw:
The Information Society: A Study of Continuity and Change, by John Feather. 250-251 - Pamela Cobbs:
The Cult of Information: A Neo-Luddite Treatise on High-Tech, Artificial Intelligence, and the True Art of Thinking, Second Edition, by Theodore Roszak. 251-252 - Stephanie W. Haas:
The Creative Process: A Computer Model of Storytelling and Creativity, by Scott R. Turner. 252-254 - Sara Tompson:
Managing Internet Information Services, by Cricket Liu, Jerry Peek, Russ Jones, Bryan Buus, and Adrian Nye. 254-255 - Donald Owen Case:
The Trouble with Computers: Usefulness, Usability, and Productivity, by Thomas K. Landauer. 255-256 - Stan Hannah:
Building IBM: Shaping an Industry and Its Technology, by Emerson W. Pugh. 256-257 - Vijay V. Raghavan:
Measurement in Information Science, by Bert R. Boyce, Charles T. Meadow, and Donald H. Kraft. 257-258 - Debora Shaw:
Handbook of Usability Testing: How to Plan, Design, and Conduct Effective Tests, by Jeffrey Rubin. 258-259
Volume 47, Number 4, April 1996
- MaryEllen C. Sievert:
Full-Text Information Retrieval: Introduction. 261-262 - Claudia Pearce, Charles K. Nicholas:
TELLTALE: Experiments in a Dynamic Hypertext Environment for Degraded and Multilingual Data. 263-275 - Diane Nahl, Carol Tenopir:
Affective and Cognitive Searching Behavior of Novice End-Users of a Full-Text Database. 276-286 - David Ellis, Jonathan Furner, Peter Willett:
On the Creation of Hypertext Links in Full-Text Documents: Measurement of Retrieval Effectiveness. 287-300
- Juan Miguel Campanario:
Have Referees Rejected Some of the Most-Cited Articles of All Times? 302-310 - Stephen P. Harter, Yung-Rang Cheng:
Colinked Descriptors: Improving Vocabulary Selection for End-User Searching. 311-325
- Michael Lesk:
The Future of Software, edited by Derek Leebaert. 326-327 - Mary Ellen Soper:
A Library Manager's Guide to the Physical Processing of Nonbook Materials, by Karen C. Driessen and Sheila A. Smyth. 327-328 - Rebecca Green:
Typologies and Taxonomies: An Introduction to Classification Techniques, by Kennet D. Bailey. 328-329 - Herbert J. Lidstone:
Computational Organization Theory, edited by Kathleen M. Carley and Michael J. Prietula. 329-330 - William E. McGrath:
Chaos and Catastrophe Theories, by Courtney Brown. 330-332
Volume 47, Number 5, May 1996
- Shoichi Taniguchi:
A System for Analyzing Cataloging Rules: A Feasibility Study. 338-356 - Yiming Yang, W. John Wilbur:
Using Corpus Statistics to Remove Redundant Words in Text Categorization. 357-369 - Kathleen M. Swigger, Ken Hartness:
Cooperation and Online Searching via a Computer-Supported Cooperative Problem Solving Environment. 370-379 - Gerhard Geldenhuys, Lezánne Human:
Comparison of Two Indices for the Investigation of Cooperation Graphs. 380-384 - C. J. van Rijsbergen, Mounia Lalmas:
Information Calculus for Information Retrieval. 385-398
- Robin Peek:
Detour: The Truth about the Information Superhighway, by Michael Sullivan-Trainor. 399 - V. Marielle McFarland, Hermann L. Totten:
Out in the Cold - Academic Boycotts and the Isolation of South Africa, by Lorraine J. Haricombe and F. W. Lancaster. 399-401 - Tina C. Fu:
Academic Libraries as High-Tech Gateways: A Guide to Design and Space Decisions, by Richard J. Bazillion and Connie Braun. 401-402 - Jamshid Beheshti:
Sociomedia: Multimedia, Hypermedia, and the Social Construction of Knowledge, edited by Edward Barrett. 402-403 - Charles Cole:
Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought, by Douglas Hofstadter. 403-404 - Lynne McKechnie:
Genreflecting: A Guide to Reading Interests in Genre Fiction, by Diana Tixier Herald. 404-405 - Janette R. Hill:
Information Seeking in Electronic Environments, by Gari Marchionini. 405-406
Volume 47, Number 6, June 1996
- Robert M. Hayes:
Joseph Becker, April 15, 1923 - July 23, 1995. 412-414
- Peter van den Besselaar, Loet Leydesdorff:
Mapping Change in Scientific Specialties: A Scientometric Reconstruction of the Development of Artificial Intelligence. 415-436 - Andrew Large, Jamshid Beheshti, Alain Breuleux, Andre Renaud:
Effect of Animation in Enhancing Descriptive and Procedural Texts in a Multimedia Learning Environment. 437-448 - John R. Conlon, Sumali J. Conlon:
Optimal Use of an Information Retrieval System. 449-457 - Pedro Alvarez, Antonio Pulgarín:
The Rasch Model. Measuring the Impact of Scientific Journals: Analytical Chemistry. 458-467 - Pedro Alvarez, Antonio Pulgarín:
The Rasch Model. Measuring Information from Keywords: The Diabetes Field. 468-476
- Bandula W. Abeysundara:
Video Dialtone Technology: Digital Video over ADSL, HFC, FTTC, and ATM, by Daniel Minoli. 477-478 - Mary Ellen Litzinger:
Designing and Writing Online Documentation: Hypermedia for Self-Supporting Products, Second Edition, by William Horton. 478 - Alan T. Schroeder Jr.:
Innovation the Library: The Adoption of New Ideas in Public Libraries, by Verna L. Pungitore. 479 - Alfred T. Lee:
Global Perspectives on the Ecology of Human-Machine Systems, edited by John M. Flach, Peter A. Hancock, Jeff Caird, and Kim J. Vicente. J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. 47(6): 479 (1996) - Alfred T. Lee:
Local Applications of the Ecological Approach to Human-Machine Systems, edited by Peter A. Hancock, John M. Flach, Jeff Caird, and Kim J. Vicente. 480 - Darlene E. Weingand:
Software and Intellectual Property Protection: Copyright and Patent Issues for Computer and Legal Professionals, by Bernard A. Galler. 480-482 - Alan MacLennan:
The Artificial Life Route to Artificial Intelligence: Building Embodied, Situated Agents, edited by Luc Steels and Rodney Brooks. 482-483
Volume 47, Number 7, July 1996
- Robert G. Crawford:
Ian A. Mcleod, February 15, 1943 - December 15, 1995. 487
- Micheline Hancock-Beaulieu, Christine L. Borgman:
A New Era for OPAC Research: Introduction to Special Topic Issue on Current Research in Online Public Access Systems. 491-492 - Christine L. Borgman:
Why Are Online Catalogs Still Hard to Use? 493-503 - Carol A. Hert:
User Goals on an Online Public Access Catalog. 504-518 - Karen M. Drabenstott, Marjorie S. Weller:
Failure Analysis of Subject Searches in a Test of a New Design for Subject Access to Online Catalogs. 519-537 - Allyson Carlyle:
Ordering Author and Work Records: An Evaluation of Collocation in Online Catalog Displays. 538-554 - Ray R. Larson, Jerome McDonough, Paul O'Leary, Lucy Kuntz, Ralph Moon:
Cheshire II: Designing a Next-Generation Online Catalog. 555-567 - Christine L. Borgman, Sandra G. Hirsh, John Hiller:
Rethinking Online Monitoring Methods for Information Retrieval Systems: From Search Product to Search Process. 568-583
Volume 47, Number 8, August 1996
- Anthony Debons:
Jack Belzer, January 16, 1910 - June 22, 1995. 586-587
- Jean-Christophe Doré, Tiiu Ojasoo, Yoshiko Okubo, Thomas Durand, Gérard Dudognon, Jean-François Miquel:
Correspondence Factor Analysis of the Publication Patterns of 48 Countries over the Period 1981-1992. 588-602 - Amanda Spink:
Multiple Search Sessions Model of End-User Behavior: An Exploratory Study. 603-609 - Richard E. Quandt:
Simulation Model for Journal Subscription by Libraries. 610-617 - Dale Hibner, Richard Bellaver, Frank M. Groom:
Interlinking E-Mail Systems. 618-623 - Teresa Olwick Grose:
Reading the Bones: Information Content, Value, and Ownership Issues Raised by the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. 624-631 - Chris D. Paice:
Method for Evaluation of Stemming Algorithms Based on Error Counting. 632-649
- Pit Pichappan:
Levels of Citation Relations between Papers. 650-652
- Alice Robbin:
Telecommunications Politics: Ownership and Control of the Information Highway in Developing Countries, edited by Bella Mody, Johannes M. Bauer, and Joseph D. Staubhaar. 653-654 - Donald R. Smith:
The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Reference Service and Bibliographic Instruction, edited by Gary M. Pitkin. 654-655 - Thomas A. Peters:
Human Factors in Information Systems: Emerging Theoretical Bases, edited by Jane M. Carey. 655-656
Volume 47, Number 9, September 1996
- Madeline M. Henderson:
Calvin N. Mooers, October 24, 1919 - December 1, 1994. 659-661
- Robin Peek:
Electronic Publishing Grows up. 665-668 - Linda Schamber:
What Is a Document? Rethinking the Concept in Uneasy Times. 669-671 - Lisa Covi, Rob Kling:
Organizational Dimensions of Effective Digital Library Use: Closed Rational and Open Natural Systems Models. 672-689 - Fytton Rowland, Cliff McKnight, Jack Meadows, Peter Such:
ELVYN: The Delivery of an Electronic Version of a Journal from the Publisher to Libraries. 690-700 - Zane L. Berge, Mauri P. Collins:
IPCT Journal Readership Survey. 701-710 - Joseph W. Janes, Louis B. Rosenfeld:
Networked Information Retrieval and Organization: Issues and Questions. 711-715
- Katherine W. McCain:
Dictionary of Bibliometrics, by Virgil Diodato. 716-717 - Peter G. Underwood:
Critical Issues in Systems Theory and Practice, edited by Keith Ellis, Amanda Gregory, Bridget R. Mears-Young, and Gillian Ragsdell. 717-719 - Terrence A. Brooks:
Designing Information Technology in the Postmodern Age: From Method to Metaphor, by Richard Coyne. 719-720 - Alison M. Keyes:
Beyond the Information Systems Outsourcing Bandwagon: s The Insourcing Response, by Mary Celia Lacity and Rudy Hirschheim. 720-722 - Stephen Marvin:
Library Patrons and the Law, by Arlene Bielefield and Lawrence Cheeseman. 722 - Melanie J. Norton:
Expertise and Technology, Cognition and Human-Computer Cooperation, edited by Jean-Michel Hoc, Pietro C. Cacciabue, and Erik Hollnagel. 722-725 - Donna Zoccola Soultoukis:
The Internet Access Cookbook: A Librarian's Commonsense Guide to Low-Cost Connections, by Karen G. Schneider. 725
Volume 47, Number 10, October 1996
- Leo Egghe:
Source-Item Production Laws for the Case That Items Have Multiple Sources with Fractional Counting of Credits. 730-748 - Michael Persin, Justin Zobel, Ron Sacks-Davis:
Filtered Document Retrieval with Frequency-Sorted Indexes. 749-764 - Dietmar Wolfram:
Inter-Record Linkage Structure in a Hypertext Bibliographic Retrieval System. 765-774 - Ronald Rousseau, Guido Van Hooydonk:
Journal Production and Journal Impact Factors. 775-780
- Peter Kokol, Tatjana Kokol:
Linguistic Laws and Computer Programs. 781-785 - Andrew Dillon, Dille Schaap:
Expertise and the Perception of Shape in Information. 786-788
- Charles H. Davis:
At the Crossroads: Librarians on the Information Superhighway, by Herbert S. White. 789-790 - Nikola K. Kasabov:
Fril - Fuzzy and Evidential Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence, by J. F. Baldwin, T. P. Martin, and B. W. Pilsworth. 790-791 - Julian Warner:
Electric Words: Dictionaries, Computers, and Meanings, by Yorick A. Wilks, Brian M. Slator, and Louise M. Guthrie. 791-792 - Doborah Hunt:
Finding Government Information on the Internet, edited by John Maxymuk. 792-794 - Robert M. Losee:
Measuring Information: An Information Services Persepective, by Jean Tague-Sutcliffe. 794-795