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Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Volume 29
Volume 29, Number 1, January 2017
- Kamila Smigasiewicz, Gabriel Sami Hasan, Rolf Verleger:
Rebalancing Spatial Attention: Endogenous Orienting May Partially Overcome the Left Visual Field Bias in Rapid Serial Visual Presentation. 1-13 - Elizabeth V. Goldfarb, Monja Isabel Froböse, Roshan Cools, Elizabeth A. Phelps:
Stress and Cognitive Flexibility: Cortisol Increases Are Associated with Enhanced Updating but Impaired Switching. 14-24 - Satoshi Tsujimoto, Aldo Genovesio:
Firing Variability of Frontal Pole Neurons during a Cued Strategy Task. 25-36 - Margaret L. Schlichting, Katharine F. Guarino, Anna C. Schapiro, Nicholas B. Turk-Browne, Alison R. Preston:
Hippocampal Structure Predicts Statistical Learning and Associative Inference Abilities during Development. 37-51 - Inês Bramão, Mikael Johansson:
Benefits and Costs of Context Reinstatement in Episodic Memory: An ERP Study. 52-64 - Connor Lane, Shipra Kanjlia, Hilary Richardson, Anne Fulton, Akira Omaki, Marina Bedny:
Reduced Left Lateralization of Language in Congenitally Blind Individuals. 65-78 - William W. Graves, Olga Boukrina, Samantha R. Mattheiss, Edward J. Alexander, Sylvain Baillet:
Reversing the Standard Neural Signature of the Word-Nonword Distinction. 79-94 - Laurens Van Calster, Arnaud D'Argembeau, Eric Salmon, Frédéric Peters, Steve Majerus:
Fluctuations of Attentional Networks and Default Mode Network during the Resting State Reflect Variations in Cognitive States: Evidence from a Novel Resting-state Experience Sampling Method. 95-113 - Nadja Tschentscher, Olaf Hauk:
Frontal Cortex Supports the Early Structuring of Multiple Solution Steps in Symbolic Problem-solving. 114-124 - Brighid Lynch, Patrick Beukema, Timothy D. Verstynen:
Differentiating Visual from Response Sequencing during Long-term Skill Learning. 125-136 - Senne Braem, Joseph A. King, Franziska M. Korb, Ruth M. Krebs, Wim Notebaert, Tobias Egner:
The Role of Anterior Cingulate Cortex in the Affective Evaluation of Conflict. 137-149 - Fraser Milton, Pippa Bealing, Kathryn L. Carpenter, Abdelmalek Bennattayallah, Andy J. Wills:
The Neural Correlates of Similarity- and Rule-based Generalization. 150-166 - Zhuo Fang, Valya Sergeeva, Laura B. Ray, Jeremy Viczko, Adrian M. Owen, Stuart M. Fogel:
Sleep Spindles and Intellectual Ability: Epiphenomenon or Directly Related? 167-182 - Yvonne Y. Chen, Jeremy B. Caplan:
Rhythmic Activity and Individual Variability in Recognition Memory: Theta Oscillations Correlate with Performance whereas Alpha Oscillations Correlate with ERPs. 183-202 - Talia Shrem, Leon Y. Deouell:
Hierarchies of Attention and Experimental Designs: Effects of Spatial and Intermodal Attention Revisited. 203-219
Volume 29, Number 2, February 2017
- Samhita Dasgupta, Sarah C. Tyler, Jonathan Wicks, Ramesh Srinivasan, Emily D. Grossman:
Network Connectivity of the Right STS in Three Social Perception Localizers. 221-234
- Bruce P. Doré, Chelsea Boccagno, Daisy Burr, Alexa Hubbard, Kan Long, Jochen Weber, Yaakov Stern, Kevin N. Ochsner:
Finding Positive Meaning in Negative Experiences Engages Ventral Striatal and Ventromedial Prefrontal Regions Associated with Reward Valuation. 235-244 - Goran Papenberg, Nina Becker, Beata Ferencz, Moshe Naveh-Benjamin, Erika J. Laukka, Lars Bäckman, Yvonne Brehmer:
Dopamine Receptor Genes Modulate Associative Memory in Old Age. 245-253 - Guglielmo Lucchese, Jeff Hanna, Anne Autenrieb, Tally McCormick Miller, Friedemann Pulvermüller:
Electrophysiological Evidence for Early and Interactive Symbol Access and Rule Processing in Retrieving and Combining Language Constructions. 254-266 - Zheng Ye, Arjen Stolk, Ivan Toni, Peter Hagoort:
Oxytocin Modulates Semantic Integration in Speech Comprehension. 267-276 - Akiko E. Callan, Daniel E. Callan, Hiroshi Ando:
The Importance of Spatiotemporal Information in Biological Motion Perception: White Noise Presented with a Step-like Motion Activates the Biological Motion Area. 277-285 - Stephen M. Emrich, Jeffrey S. Johnson, David W. Sutterer, Bradley R. Postle:
Comparing the Effects of 10-Hz Repetitive TMS on Tasks of Visual STM and Attention. 286-297 - Ima Trempler, Anne-Marike Schiffer, Nadiya El-Sourani, Christiane Ahlheim, Gereon R. Fink, Ricarda I. Schubotz:
Frontostriatal Contribution to the Interplay of Flexibility and Stability in Serial Prediction. 298-309 - Jade B. Jackson, Anina N. Rich, Mark A. Williams, Alexandra Woolgar:
Feature-selective Attention in Frontoparietal Cortex: Multivoxel Codes Adjust to Prioritize Task-relevant Information. 310-321 - Noam Brezis, Zohar Z. Bronfman, Galit Yovel, Yonatan Goshen-Gottstein:
The Electrophysiological Signature of Remember-Know Is Confounded with Memory Strength and Cannot Be Interpreted as Evidence for Dual-process Theory of Recognition. 322-336 - Sabrina Brigadoi, Simone Cutini, Federica Meconi, Marco Castellaro, Paola Sessa, Mattia Marangon, Alessandra Bertoldo, Pierre Jolicoeur, Roberto Dell'Acqua:
On the Role of the Inferior Intraparietal Sulcus in Visual Working Memory for Lateralized Single-feature Objects. 337-351 - Qiong Zhang, Matthew M. Walsh, John R. Anderson:
The Effects of Probe Similarity on Retrieval and Comparison Processes in Associative Recognition. 352-367 - Jordan E. Pierce, Jennifer E. McDowell:
Reduced Cognitive Control Demands after Practice of Saccade Tasks in a Trial Type Probability Manipulation. 368-381 - Anastasia Klimovich-Gray, Mirjana Bozic, William D. Marslen-Wilson:
Domain-specific and Domain-general Processing in Left Perisylvian Cortex: Evidence from Russian. 382-397 - Jonathan S. Cant, Yaoda Xu:
The Contribution of Object Shape and Surface Properties to Object Ensemble Representation in Anterior-medial Ventral Visual Cortex. 398-412
Volume 29, Number 3, March 2017
- Ethan M. McCormick, Eva H. Telzer:
Adaptive Adolescent Flexibility: Neurodevelopment of Decision-making and Learning in a Risky Context. 413-423 - Roman Osinsky, Natalie Ulrich, Patrick Mussel, Lena Feser, Aruni Gunawardena, Johannes Hewig:
The Feedback-related Negativity Reflects the Combination of Instantaneous and Long-term Values of Decision Outcomes. 424-434 - Julia Mossbridge, Jacob Zweig, Marcia Grabowecky, Satoru Suzuki:
An Association between Auditory-Visual Synchrony Processing and Reading Comprehension: Behavioral and Electrophysiological Evidence. 435-447 - Avril Treille, Coriandre Vilain, Thomas Hueber, Laurent Lamalle, Marc Sato:
Inside Speech: Multisensory and Modality-specific Processing of Tongue and Lip Speech Actions. 448-466 - Amanda Elton, Christopher T. Smith, Michael H. Parrish, Charlotte A. Boettiger:
Neural Systems Underlying Individual Differences in Intertemporal Decision-making. 467-479 - Sayeed A. D. Kizuk, Kyle E. Mathewson:
Power and Phase of Alpha Oscillations Reveal an Interaction between Spatial and Temporal Visual Attention. 480-494 - Benjamin W. Mooneyham, Michael D. Mrazek, Alissa J. Mrazek, Kaita L. Mrazek, Dawa T. Phillips, Jonathan W. Schooler:
States of Mind: Characterizing the Neural Bases of Focus and Mind-wandering through Dynamic Functional Connectivity. 495-506 - Raphael Kaplan, Daniel Bush, James A. Bisby, Aidan J. Horner, Sofie S. Meyer, Neil Burgess:
Medial Prefrontal-Medial Temporal Theta Phase Coupling in Dynamic Spatial Imagery. 507-519 - Luca Lo Verde, Maria Concetta Morrone, Claudia Lunghi:
Early Cross-modal Plasticity in Adults. 520-529 - Hugo J. Spiers, Bradley C. Love, Mike E. Le Pelley, Charlotte E. Gibb, Robin A. Murphy:
Anterior Temporal Lobe Tracks the Formation of Prejudice. 530-544 - Nina Becker, Grégoria Kalpouzos, Jonas Persson, Erika J. Laukka, Yvonne Brehmer:
Differential Effects of Encoding Instructions on Brain Activity Patterns of Item and Associative Memory. 545-559 - John A. E. Anderson, Saman Sarraf, Tarek Amer, Buddhika Bellana, Vincent Man, Karen L. Campbell, Lynn Hasher, Cheryl L. Grady:
Task-linked Diurnal Brain Network Reorganization in Older Adults: A Graph Theoretical Approach. 560-572 - Jodie Davies-Thompson, Kimberley Fletcher, Charlotte Hills, Raika Pancaroglu, Sherryse L. Corrow, Jason J. S. Barton:
Perceptual Learning of Faces: A Rehabilitative Study of Acquired Prosopagnosia. 573-591
Volume 29, Number 4, April 2017
- Ellen L. Stavrinos, James P. Coxon:
High-intensity Interval Exercise Promotes Motor Cortex Disinhibition and Early Motor Skill Consolidation. 593-604 - Tom Bullock, James C. Elliott, John T. Serences, Barry Giesbrecht:
Acute Exercise Modulates Feature-selective Responses in Human Cortex. 605-618 - Norman Forschack, Søren K. Andersen, Matthias M. Müller:
Global Enhancement but Local Suppression in Feature-based Attention. 619-627 - Tobias Katus, Anna Grubert, Martin Eimer:
Intermodal Attention Shifts in Multimodal Working Memory. 628-636 - Tim C. Kietzmann, Anna L. Gert, Frank Tong, Peter König:
Representational Dynamics of Facial Viewpoint Encoding. 637-651 - Sean James Fallon, Marieke E. van der Schaaf, Niels ter Huurne, Roshan Cools:
The Neurocognitive Cost of Enhancing Cognition with Methylphenidate: Improved Distractor Resistance but Impaired Updating. 652-663 - Clara Colombatto, Gregory McCarthy:
The Effects of Face Inversion and Face Race on the P100 ERP. 664-676 - Tijl Grootswagers, Susan G. Wardle, Thomas A. Carlson:
Decoding Dynamic Brain Patterns from Evoked Responses: A Tutorial on Multivariate Pattern Analysis Applied to Time Series Neuroimaging Data. 677-697 - Moritz Köster, Holger Finger, Maren-Jo Kater, Christoph Schenk, Thomas Gruber:
Neuronal Oscillations Indicate Sleep-dependent Changes in the Cortical Memory Trace. 698-707 - B. Locke Welborn, Benjamin C. Gunter, Stephanie Vezich, Matthew D. Lieberman:
Neural Correlates of the False Consensus Effect: Evidence for Motivated Projection and Regulatory Restraint. 708-717 - Sara Garofalo, Christopher Timmermann, Simone Battaglia, Martin E. Maier, Giuseppe Di Pellegrino:
Mediofrontal Negativity Signals Unexpected Timing of Salient Outcomes. 718-727 - Sean James Fallon, Nahid Zokaei, Agnes Norbury, Sanjay G. Manohar, Masud Husain:
Dopamine Alters the Fidelity of Working Memory Representations according to Attentional Demands. 728-738 - Jennifer S. Lieberman, Colin T. Kyle, Amber Schedlbauer, Jared Stokes, Arne D. Ekstrom:
A Tale of Two Temporal Coding Strategies: Common and Dissociable Brain Regions Involved in Recency versus Associative Temporal Order Retrieval Strategies. 739-754 - Lotte J. Talsma, Henryk A. Kroese, Heleen A. Slagter:
Boosting Cognition: Effects of Multiple-Session Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Working Memory. 755-768
Volume 29, Number 5, May 2017
- Ettore Ambrosini, Antonino Vallesi:
Domain-general Stroop Performance and Hemispheric Asymmetries: A Resting-state EEG Study. 769-779 - Chase S. Sherwell, Marta I. Garrido, Ross Cunnington:
Timing in Predictive Coding: The Roles of Task Relevance and Global Probability. 780-792 - Ian C. Ballard, Kelly Hennigan, Samuel M. McClure:
Mere Exposure: Preference Change for Novel Drinks Reflected in Human Ventral Tegmental Area. 793-804 - Sara Agosta, Denise Magnago, Sarah C. Tyler, Emily D. Grossman, Emanuela Galante, Francesco Ferraro, Nunzia Mazzini, Gabriele Miceli, Lorella Battelli:
The Pivotal Role of the Right Parietal Lobe in Temporal Attention. 805-815 - Nelleke C. van Wouwe, Daniel O. Claassen, Joseph S. Neimat, Kristen E. Kanoff, Scott A. Wylie:
Dopamine Selectively Modulates the Outcome of Learning Unnatural Action-Valence Associations. 816-826 - Chenjie Xia, Alexandra Touroutoglou, Karen S. Quigley, Lisa Feldman Barrett, Bradford C. Dickerson:
Salience Network Connectivity Modulates Skin Conductance Responses in Predicting Arousal Experience. 827-836 - Brennan R. Payne, Kara D. Federmeier:
Pace Yourself: Intraindividual Variability in Context Use Revealed by Self-paced Event-related Brain Potentials. 837-854 - Adam Tierney, Travis White-Schwoch, Jessica MacLean, Nina Kraus:
Individual Differences in Rhythm Skills: Links with Neural Consistency and Linguistic Ability. 855-868 - Anli Liu, Thomas Thesen, William B. Barr, Chris Morrison, Patricia Dugan, Xiuyuan Wang, Michael R. Meager, Werner K. Doyle, Ruben Kuzniecky, Orrin Devinsky, Karen E. Blackmon:
Parahippocampal and Entorhinal Resection Extent Predicts Verbal Memory Decline in an Epilepsy Surgery Cohort. 869-880 - Philippe A. Chouinard, Deiter K. Meena, Robert L. Whitwell, Matthew D. Hilchey, Melvyn A. Goodale:
A TMS Investigation on the Role of Lateral Occipital Complex and Caudal Intraparietal Sulcus in the Perception of Object Form and Orientation. 881-895 - Mante S. Nieuwland, Andrea E. Martin:
Neural Oscillations and a Nascent Corticohippocampal Theory of Reference. 896-910 - Dongyun Li, Christopher Rorden, Hans-Otto Karnath:
"Nonspatial" Attentional Deficits Interact with Spatial Position in Neglect. 911-918 - Jack C. Rogers, Matthew H. Davis:
Inferior Frontal Cortex Contributions to the Recognition of Spoken Words and Their Constituent Speech Sounds. 919-936
Volume 29, Number 6, June 2017
- Grace Truong, Rebecca M. Todd:
SOAP Opera: Self as Object and Agent in Prioritizing Attention. 937-952
- Nathan M. Petro, L. Forest Gruss, Siyang Yin, Haiqing Huang, Vladimir Miskovic, Mingzhou Ding, Andreas Keil:
Multimodal Imaging Evidence for a Frontoparietal Modulation of Visual Cortex during the Selective Processing of Conditioned Threat. 953-967 - Valentina Rossi, Naomi Vanlessen, Mareike Bayer, Annika Grass, Gilles Pourtois, Annekathrin Schacht:
Motivational Salience Modulates Early Visual Cortex Responses across Task Sets. 968-979 - Lars Hausfeld, Alexander Gutschalk, Elia Formisano, Lars Riecke:
Effects of Cross-modal Asynchrony on Informational Masking in Human Cortex. 980-990 - Sarah L. Peters, Lesley K. Fellows, Signy Sheldon:
The Ventromedial Frontal Lobe Contributes to Forming Effective Solutions to Real-world Problems. 991-1001 - Daniele Corbo, Guy A. Orban:
Observing Others Speak or Sing Activates Spt and Neighboring Parietal Cortex. 1002-1021 - Lukas Schilberg, Teresa Schuhmann, Alexander Thomas Sack:
Interindividual Variability and Intraindividual Reliability of Intermittent Theta Burst Stimulation-induced Neuroplasticity Mechanisms in the Healthy Brain. 1022-1032 - Thomas Hinault, Jean-Michel Badier, Sylvain Baillet, Patrick Lemaire:
The Sources of Sequential Modulations of Control Processes in Arithmetic Strategies: A Magnetoencephalography Study. 1033-1043 - Muge Ozker, Inga M. Schepers, John F. Magnotti, Daniel Yoshor, Michael S. Beauchamp:
A Double Dissociation between Anterior and Posterior Superior Temporal Gyrus for Processing Audiovisual Speech Demonstrated by Electrocorticography. 1044-1060 - J. Ryan Morehead, Jordan A. Taylor, Darius E. Parvin, Richard B. Ivry:
Characteristics of Implicit Sensorimotor Adaptation Revealed by Task-irrelevant Clamped Feedback. 1061-1074 - Patrick S. Sadil, Rosemary A. Cowell:
A Computational Model of Perceptual and Mnemonic Deficits in Medial Temporal Lobe Amnesia. 1075-1088 - Brian A. Metzger, Kyle E. Mathewson, Evelina Tapia, Monica Fabiani, Gabriele Gratton, Diane M. Beck:
Regulating the Access to Awareness: Brain Activity Related to Probe-related and Spontaneous Reversals in Binocular Rivalry. 1089-1102 - Tom Verguts:
Binding by Random Bursts: A Computational Model of Cognitive Control. 1103-1118
Volume 29, Number 7, July 2017
- Katerina D. Kandylaki, Karen Henrich, Arne Nagels, Tilo Kircher, Ulrike Domahs, Matthias Schlesewsky, Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, Richard Wiese:
Where Is the Beat? The Neural Correlates of Lexical Stress and Rhythmical Well-formedness in Auditory Story Comprehension. 1119-1131 - Malte C. Viebahn, Mirjam Ernestus, James M. McQueen:
Speaking Style Influences the Brain's Electrophysiological Response to Grammatical Errors in Speech Comprehension. 1132-1146 - Shima Seyed-Allaei, Zahra Nasiri Avanaki, Bahador Bahrami, Tim Shallice:
Major Thought Restructuring: The Roles of Different Prefrontal Cortical Regions. 1147-1161 - Alice Blumenthal-Dramé, Volkmar Glauche, Tobias Bormann, Cornelius Weiller, Mariacristina Musso, Bernd Kortmann:
Frequency and Chunking in Derived Words: A Parametric fMRI Study. 1162-1177 - Gavin K. Hanson, Evangelia G. Chrysikou:
Attention to Distinct Goal-relevant Features Differentially Guides Semantic Knowledge Retrieval. 1178-1193 - Patricia Sayegh, Diana J. Gorbet, Kara M. Hawkins, Kari L. Hoffman, Lauren Sergio:
The Contribution of Different Cortical Regions to the Control of Spatially Decoupled Eye-Hand Coordination. 1194-1211 - Anne S. Berry, Martin Sarter, Cindy Lustig:
Distinct Frontoparietal Networks Underlying Attentional Effort and Cognitive Control. 1212-1225 - Amanda E. van Lamsweerde, Jeffrey S. Johnson:
Assessing the Effect of Early Visual Cortex Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Working Memory Consolidation. 1226-1238 - Olympia Colizoli, Jaap M. J. Murre, H. Steven Scholte, Romke Rouw:
Creating Colored Letters: Familial Markers of Grapheme-Color Synesthesia in Parietal Lobe Activation and Structure. 1239-1252 - Anna Manelis, Vencislav Popov, Christopher A. Paynter, Matthew Walsh, Mark E. Wheeler, Keith M. Vogt, Lynne M. Reder:
Cortical Networks Involved in Memory for Temporal Order. 1253-1266 - Felix Duecker, Teresa Schuhmann, Nina Bien, Christianne Jacobs, Alexander Thomas Sack:
Moving Beyond Attentional Biases: Shifting the Interhemispheric Balance between Left and Right Posterior Parietal Cortex Modulates Attentional Control Processes. 1267-1278 - Lisa Marieke Kluen, Agorastos Agorastos, Klaus Wiedemann, Lars Schwabe:
Noradrenergic Stimulation Impairs Memory Generalization in Women. 1279-1291 - Michael Lifshitz, Robert T. Thibault, Raquel R. Roth, Amir Raz:
Source Localization of Brain States Associated with Canonical Neuroimaging Postures. 1292-1301 - Bradley Voytek, Jason Samaha, Camarin E. Rolle, Zachery Greenberg, Navdeep Gill, Shai Porat, Tahim Kader, Sabahat Rahman, Rick Malzyner, Adam Gazzaley:
Preparatory Encoding of the Fine Scale of Human Spatial Attention. 1302-1310
Volume 29, Number 8, August 2017
- Dagmar Zeithamova, Alison R. Preston:
Temporal Proximity Promotes Integration of Overlapping Events. 1311-1323 - Donna J. Bridge, Neal J. Cohen, Joel L. Voss:
Distinct Hippocampal versus Frontoparietal Network Contributions to Retrieval and Memory-guided Exploration. 1324-1338 - Jordan Poppenk, Kenneth A. Norman:
Multiple-object Tracking as a Tool for Parametrically Modulating Memory Reactivation. 1339-1354 - Thomas C. Gunter, J. E. Douglas Weinbrenner:
When to Take a Gesture Seriously: On How We Use and Prioritize Communicative Cues. 1355-1367 - Buyun Xu, Joan Liu-Shuang, Bruno Rossion, James Tanaka:
Individual Differences in Face Identity Processing with Fast Periodic Visual Stimulation. 1368-1377 - Simone Falk, Cosima Lanzilotti, Daniele Schön:
Tuning Neural Phase Entrainment to Speech. 1378-1389 - Angie A. Kehagia, Rong Ye, Dan W. Joyce, Orla M. Doyle, James B. Rowe, Trevor W. Robbins:
Parsing the Roles of the Frontal Lobes and Basal Ganglia in Task Control Using Multivoxel Pattern Analysis. 1390-1401 - Regine Bader, Axel Mecklinger:
Separating Event-related Potential Effects for Conceptual Fluency and Episodic Familiarity. 1402-1414 - Bradley Lega, James Germi, Michael D. Rugg:
Modulation of Oscillatory Power and Connectivity in the Human Posterior Cingulate Cortex Supports the Encoding and Retrieval of Episodic Memories. 1415-1432 - Tugçe Tosun, Dilara Berkay, Alexander Thomas Sack, Yusuf Özgür Çakmak, Fuat Balci:
Inhibition of Pre-Supplementary Motor Area by Continuous Theta Burst Stimulation Leads to More Cautious Decision-making and More Efficient Sensory Evidence Integration. 1433-1444 - Susheel Kumar, Péter Kaposvári, Rufin Vogels:
Encoding of Predictable and Unpredictable Stimuli by Inferior Temporal Cortical Neurons. 1445-1454 - Freek van Ede, Ole Jensen, Eric Maris:
Supramodal Theta, Gamma, and Sustained Fields Predict Modality-specific Modulations of Alpha and Beta Oscillations during Visual and Tactile Working Memory. 1455-1472
Volume 29, Number 9, September 2017
- Nahid Zokaei, Christopher MacKellar, Giedre Cepukaityte, Eva Zita Patai, Anna Christina Nobre:
Cognitive Training in the Elderly: Bottlenecks and New Avenues. 1473-1482 - Camarin E. Rolle, Joaquin A. Anguera, Sasha N. Skinner, Bradley Voytek, Adam Gazzaley:
Enhancing Spatial Attention and Working Memory in Younger and Older Adults. 1483-1497 - Benjamin Katz, Jacky Au, Martin Buschkuehl, Tessa Abagis, Chelsea Zabel, Susanne M. Jaeggi, John Jonides:
Individual Differences and Long-term Consequences of tDCS-augmented Cognitive Training. 1498-1508 - Claudia Metzler-Baddeley, Sonya Foley, Silvia De Santis, Cyril Charron, Adam Hampshire, Karen Caeyenberghs, Derek K. Jones:
Dynamics of White Matter Plasticity Underlying Working Memory Training: Multimodal Evidence from Diffusion MRI and Relaxometry. 1509-1520 - Alex Coburn, Oshin Vartanian, Anjan Chatterjee:
Buildings, Beauty, and the Brain: A Neuroscience of Architectural Experience. 1521-1531