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Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, Volume 8
Volume 8, Number 1, March/April 1995
- Libero Nigro:
A Real-Time Architecture Based on Shlaer-Mellor Object Lifecycles. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(1): 20-31 (1995) - Diomidis Spinellis, Sophia Drossopoulou, Susan Eisenbach:
Object-Oriented Technology in Multiparadigm Language Implementation. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(1): 33-38 (1995) - Jan-Bon Chen, Samuel C. Lee:
Pursuing Safe Polymorphism in OOP. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(1): 39-45 (1995)
- Ed Swanstrom:
Beyond Methodology Transfer: O-O Mentoring Meets Project Management. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(1): 57-59 (1995)
- James E. Rumbaugh:
OMT: The Functional Model. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(1): 10-14 (1995)
- Ivar Jacobson, Magnus Christerson:
A Growing Consensus on Use Cases. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(1): 15-19 (1995)
- Andrew Koenig:
Patterns and Antipatterns. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(1): 46-48 (1995)
- Wilf R. LaLonde, John R. Pugh:
Complexity in C++: A Smalltalk Perspective. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(1): 49-56 (1995)
Volume 8, Number 2, May 1995
- Sara Porat, L. Paul Fertig:
Class Assertions in C++. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(2): 30-37 (1995) - Hendra Suwanda, William Yip:
Using C++ Class Templates. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(2): 38-44 (1995) - Shelly S. Stubbs, Doris L. Carver, Andrew Hoppe:
IPCC++: A Concurrent C++ Based on a Shared-Memory Model. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(2): 45-50, 66 (1995) - David Chenho Kung, Jerry Gao, Pei Hsia, Jeremy Lin, Yasufumi Toyoshima:
Class Firewall, Test Order, and Regression Testing of Object-Oriented Programs. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(2): 51-65 (1995)
- James E. Rumbaugh:
OMT: The Development Process. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(2): 8-16, 76 (1995)
- Ivar Jacobson, Stefan Bylund, Patrik Jonsson, Staffan Ehneboom:
Using Contracts and Use Cases to Build Pluggable Architectures. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(2): 18-24, 76 (1995)
- Neil Hunt:
C++ Boundary Conditions and Edge Cases. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(2): 25-29 (1995)
- Donald Firesmith:
Inheritance Guidelines. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(2): 67-72 (1995)
- Andrew Koenig:
Is Programming Like Photography? J. Object Oriented Program. 8(2): 73-75 (1995)
- Wilf R. LaLonde, John R. Pugh:
Preparing for 3D Graphics: Interfacing to OpenGL. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(2): 77-84 (1995)
Volume 8, Number 3, June 1995
- Michael J. Chonoles, Clinton C. Gilliam:
Real-Time Object-Oriented System Design Using the Object Modeling Technique. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(3): 16-24 (1995) - K. X. Thrampoulidis, K. N. Agavanakis:
Object Interaction Diagram: A New Technique in Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(3): 25-32, 39 (1995) - Danilo Dabbene, Silverio Damiani:
Adding Persistence to Objects Using Smart Pointers. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(3): 33-39 (1995) - Bhavani Thuraisingham:
Towards the Design of a Multilevel Secure Object-Oriented Database Management System. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(3): 42-49 (1995) - Michael Ackroyd:
Object-Oriented Design of a Finite State Machine. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(3): 50-59 (1995)
- Ivar Jacobson:
Formalizing Use-Case Modeling. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(3): 10-14 (1995)
- Andrew Koenig:
Wrapping up the Standard. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(3): 60-62 (1995)
- Wilf R. LaLonde, John R. Pugh:
Rendering 3-D Graphics in OpenGL. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(3): 63-72 (1995)
Volume 8, Number 4, July/August 1995
- François Pachet:
On the Embeddability of Production Rules in Object-Oriented Languages. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(4): 19-24 (1995) - Richard J. Mitchell, John Howse, Ian Maung:
As-a: A Relationship to Support Code Reuse. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(4): 25-33, 55 (1995) - Murali Vemulapati, Ram D. Sriram, Amar Gupta:
Incremental Loading in the Persistent C++ Language E. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(4): 34-42 (1995) - John A. Campbell, V. John Joseph:
The Object-Oriented Design and Implementation of a Relational Database Management System. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(4): 43-47 (1995) - Wei Li, Sallie M. Henry, Dennis G. Kafura, Robert S. Schulman:
Measuring Object-Oriented Design. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(4): 48-55 (1995)
- James E. Rumbaugh:
Driving to a Solution: Reification and the Art of System Design. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(4): 6-13 (1995)
- Kumar V. Vadaparty:
Persistent Pointers: I. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(4): 14-18 (1995)
- Andrew Koenig:
An Example of Language-Sensitive Design. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(4): 56-58, 61 (1995)
- Robert Howard:
Threaded Simulation. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(4): 59-61 (1995)
- Richard Riehle:
Inaugurating an Ada Column. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(4): 62-64, 69 (1995)
Volume 8, Number 5, September 1995
- Winnie W. Y. Pun:
Using OOA/D Methods for O-O and KBS Development Environments. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(5): 21-28, 61 (1995) - Matthew M. Huntbach:
An Introduction to RGDC as a Concurrent Object-Oriented Language. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(5): 29-37 (1995) - Bill Murray, Adrian Robson:
On Behavior, Inheritance, and Evolution. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(5): 38-42 (1995)
- Steven Craig Bilow:
Five for '95: This Year's Hot New Books. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(5): 43-45 (1995)
- Kumar V. Vadaparty:
Revisiting Persistent Pointers. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(5): 62-64, 85 (1995)
- Andrew Koenig:
Function Objects, Templates, and Inheritance. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(5): 65-68, 84 (1995)
- Wilf R. LaLonde, John R. Pugh:
Tool Upgrading: Replacing the VisualWorks File Browser. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(5): 69-77 (1995)
- Richard Riehle:
Satisfying Software Requirements Extensions. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(5): 78-84 (1995)
Volume 8, Number 6, October 1995
- H. M. Al-Haddad, K. M. George:
A Survey of Method Binding and Implementation Selection in Object-Oriented Programming Languages. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(6): 28-41 (1995) - Wen-Tsung Chang, Chien-Chao Tseng:
Clustering Approach to Grouping Objects in Message-Passing Systems. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(6): 42-50 (1995)
- Eric Lazarus:
Toward Object-Oriented Mentoring Methodology. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(6): 64-68, 72 (1995) - Mike Frankel:
Why Waste Time on Irrelevant Case Studies? J. Object Oriented Program. 8(6): 70-72 (1995) - Desmond D'Souza:
Effective C++ Learning and Teaching. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(6): 73-76 (1995)
- Brian Henderson-Sellers:
Who Needs an Object-Oriented Methodology Anyway? J. Object Oriented Program. 8(6): 6-8 (1995)
- James E. Rumbaugh:
What is a Method? J. Object Oriented Program. 8(6): 10-16, 26 (1995)
- Kumar V. Vadaparty:
Memory-Mapped Architectures. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(6): 18-26 (1995)
- Andrew Koenig:
Variations on a Handle Theme. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(6): 77-80 (1995)
- Wilf R. LaLonde, John R. Pugh:
Building a Log Book in VisualAge. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(6): 81-84 (1995)
- Robert Howard:
The New Eiffel Kernel Library Standard. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(6): 85-88 (1995)
Volume 8, Number 7, November/December 1995
- T. Case, Brian Henderson-Sellers, Graham C. Low:
Extending the MOSES Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Methodology to Include Database Applications. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(7): 28-34, 56 (1995) - Daniel Hoffman, Paul A. Strooper:
The Testgraph Methodology: Automated Testing of Collection Classes. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(7): 35-41 (1995) - Darius Blasband:
The YAFL Programming Language. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(7): 42-49 (1995) - Barry Alan Feigenbaum:
Smalltalk/2: An Enhanced Smalltalk. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(7): 50-56 (1995)
- James E. Rumbaugh:
Taking Things in Context: Using Composites to Build Models. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(7): 6-10, 20 (1995)
- Kumar V. Vadaparty:
Pointer Swizzling at Page-Fault Time. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(7): 12-20 (1995)
- Neil Hunt:
Automatically Tracking Test Case Execution. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(7): 22-27 (1995)
- Wilf R. LaLonde, John R. Pugh:
Extending the VisualAge Log Book with a Reader/Writer Part. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(7): 57-60, 63 (1995)
- Andrew Koenig:
Another Handle Variation. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(7): 61-63 (1995)
- Robert Howard:
The New Eiffel Kernel Library Standard: Class General. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(7): 64-65 (1995)
- Richard Riehle:
Reuse Through Generic Templates. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(7): 66-70 (1995)
Volume 8, Number 8, January 1996
- Jan-Bon Chen, Samuel C. Lee:
Generation and Reorganization of Subtype Hierarchies. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(8): 26-35 (1996) - Ed Seidewitz:
Controlling Inheritance. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(8): 36-42 (1996) - Sophia Drossopoulou, Stephan Karathanos, Dan Yang:
Type-Checking Smalltalk. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(8): 43-47, 72 (1996) - Stephen R. Schach:
The Cohesion and Coupling of Objects. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(8): 48-50 (1996)
- John Q. Zhang, Efrem Sternbach:
Financial Software Design Patterns. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(8): 6-12 (1996)
- James E. Rumbaugh:
To Form a More Perfect Union: Unifying the OMT and Booch Methods. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(8): 14-18, 65 (1996)
- Kumar V. Vadaparty:
Developing an ODBMS Application: Basic Steps. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(8): 19-21, 25 (1996)
- Neil Hunt:
Performance Testing C++ Code. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(8): 22-25 (1996)
- Andrew Koenig:
Function Adaptors. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(8): 51-53 (1996)
- Wilf R. LaLonde, John R. Pugh:
Dynamically Resizing Panes. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(8): 54-58, 72 (1996)
- Robert Howard:
More About the Eiffel Library Kernel Standard. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(8): 59-60 (1996)
- Kelly E. Murray:
An Invitation to CLOS. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(8): 62-63 (1996)
Volume 8, Number 9, February 1996
- Chung-Yeung Pang:
A Software Development Approach Using a Base Architecture, Cluster Patterns, and Surrogates. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(9): 24-32 (1996) - Jan-Bon Chen, Samuel C. Lee:
The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Type-Safe Polymorphism. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(9): 33-42, 47 (1996) - Helmut Balzert:
From OOA to GUIs: The JANUS System. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(9): 43-47 (1996)
- John Q. Zhang, Efrem Sternbach:
Financial Software Design Patterns. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(9): 6-12 (1996)
- James E. Rumbaugh:
Models for Design: Generating Code for Associations. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(9): 13-17 (1996)
- Neil Hunt:
Unit Testing. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(9): 18-23 (1996)
- Andrew Koenig:
Compatibility vs. Progress. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(9): 48-50 (1996)
- Richard Riehle:
OOP for Business Data Processing. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(9): 51-56 (1996)
- Wilf R. LaLonde, John R. Pugh:
Building a Region Editor. J. Object Oriented Program. 8(9): 57-64 (1996)
- Desmond D'Souza:
Behavior-Driven vs. Data-Driven: A Nonissue? J. Object Oriented Program. 8(9): 65-72 (1996)

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