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Quantum, Volume 4
Volume 4, January 2020
- Cihan Okay
, Robert Raussendorf
Homotopical approach to quantum contextuality. 217 - Niel de Beaudrap
, Dominic Horsman
The ZX calculus is a language for surface code lattice surgery. 218 - Ravi Kunjwal
Hypergraph framework for irreducible noncontextuality inequalities from logical proofs of the Kochen-Specker theorem. 219 - Joran van Apeldoorn, András Gilyén, Sander Gribling, Ronald de Wolf:
Convex optimization using quantum oracles. 220 - Shouvanik Chakrabarti, Andrew M. Childs
, Tongyang Li, Xiaodi Wu:
Quantum algorithms and lower bounds for convex optimization. 221 - Yelena Guryanova
, Nicolai Friis
, Marcus Huber
Ideal Projective Measurements Have Infinite Resource Costs. 222 - Hakop Pashayan
, Stephen D. Bartlett
, David Gross:
From estimation of quantum probabilities to simulation of quantum circuits. 223 - Tasio Gonzalez-Raya
, Enrique Solano, Mikel Sanz
Quantized Three-Ion-Channel Neuron Model for Neural Action Potentials. 224 - Augustin Vanrietvelde
, Philipp Andres Höhn, Flaminia Giacomini
, Esteban Castro-Ruiz:
A change of perspective: switching quantum reference frames via a perspective-neutral framework. 225
Volume 4, February 2020
- Adrián Pérez-Salinas
, Alba Cervera-Lierta
, Elies Gil-Fuster
, José I. Latorre
Data re-uploading for a universal quantum classifier. 226 - Evgeny Mozgunov
, Daniel A. Lidar
Completely positive master equation for arbitrary driving and small level spacing. 227 - Austin K. Daniel
, Rafael N. Alexander
, Akimasa Miyake:
Computational universality of symmetry-protected topologically ordered cluster phases on 2D Archimedean lattices. 228 - Christopher Eltschka
, Jens Siewert
MaximumN-body correlations do not in general imply genuine multipartite entanglement. 229 - Joran van Apeldoorn, András Gilyén, Sander Gribling, Ronald de Wolf:
Quantum SDP-Solvers: Better upper and lower bounds. 230 - Paul Boes
, Rodrigo Gallego, Nelly Huei Ying Ng
, Jens Eisert
, Henrik Wilming
By-passing fluctuation theorems. 231 - Christos Charalambous
, Miguel Ángel García-March
, Gorka Muñoz-Gil
, Przemyslaw R. Grzybowski
, Maciej Lewenstein
Control of anomalous diffusion of a Bose polaron. 232 - Michele Dall'Arno
, Francesco Buscemi
, Valerio Scarani
Extension of the Alberti-Ulhmann criterion beyond qubit dichotomies. 233 - Alessandro Rudi, Leonard Wossnig, Carlo Ciliberto, Andrea Rocchetto, Massimiliano Pontil, Simone Severini:
Approximating Hamiltonian dynamics with the Nyström method. 234 - Yingkai Ouyang
, David Robert White
, Earl T. Campbell:
Compilation by stochastic Hamiltonian sparsification. 235 - Mirjam Weilenmann
, Roger Colbeck
Analysing causal structures in generalised probabilistic theories. 236 - Matthew B. Hastings:
Classical and Quantum Algorithms for Tensor Principal Component Analysis. 237
Volume 4, March 2020
- Davide Orsucci
, Jean-Daniel Bancal
, Nicolas Sangouard, Pavel Sekatski
How post-selection affects device-independent claims under the fair sampling assumption. 238 - G. S. Thekkadath
, B. A. Bell, Ian A. Walmsley
, A. I. Lvovsky:
Engineering Schrödinger cat states with a photonic even-parity detector. 239 - Philipp Strasberg
Thermodynamics of Quantum Causal Models: An Inclusive, Hamiltonian Approach. 240 - Salman Beigi, Leila Taghavi
Quantum Speedup Based on Classical Decision Trees. 241 - Joshua B. Ruebeck
, Piers Lillystone, Joseph Emerson:
ψ-epistemic interpretations of quantum theory have a measurement problem. 242 - Sebastian Wagner, Jean-Daniel Bancal
, Nicolas Sangouard, Pavel Sekatski:
Device-independent characterization of quantum instruments. 243 - Chung-Yun Hsieh
Resource Preservability. 244 - Mischa P. Woods, Álvaro M. Alhambra
Continuous groups of transversal gates for quantum error correcting codes from finite clock reference frames. 245 - Xavier Valcarce
, Pavel Sekatski
, Davide Orsucci
, Enky Oudot, Jean-Daniel Bancal
, Nicolas Sangouard:
What is the minimum CHSH score certifying that a state resembles the singlet? 246 - Eric C. Peterson
, Gavin E. Crooks
, Robert S. Smith
Two-Qubit Circuit Depth and the Monodromy Polytope. 247 - Marco Cerezo
, Alexander Poremba
, Lukasz Cincio
, Patrick J. Coles
Variational Quantum Fidelity Estimation. 248
Volume 4, April 2020
- María García Díaz
, Benjamin Desef
, Matteo Rosati
, Dario Egloff
, John Calsamiglia
, Andrea Smirne
, Michalis Skotiniotis
, Susana F. Huelga
Accessible coherence in open quantum system dynamics. 249 - Fabio Anza
, Francesca Pietracaprina
, John Goold
Logarithmic growth of local entropy and total correlations in many-body localized dynamics. 250 - Thomas Rowan Scruby, Dan E. Browne
A Hierarchy of Anyon Models Realised by Twists in Stacked Surface Codes. 251 - Matthew Amy
, Andrew N. Glaudell, Neil J. Ross
Number-Theoretic Characterizations of Some Restricted Clifford+T Circuits. 252 - Colin Do-Yan Lee, John Watrous:
Detecting mixed-unitary quantum channels is NP-hard. 253 - Dominic W. Berry
, Andrew M. Childs
, Yuan Su
, Xin Wang
, Nathan Wiebe
Time-dependent Hamiltonian simulation withL1-norm scaling. 254 - Simon Milz
, Fattah Sakuldee
, Felix A. Pollock
, Kavan Modi
Kolmogorov extension theorem for (quantum) causal modelling and general probabilistic theories. 255 - Panagiotis Kl. Barkoutsos
, Giacomo Nannicini
, Anton Robert, Ivano Tavernelli
, Stefan Woerner
Improving Variational Quantum Optimization using CVaR. 256 - Filip B. Maciejewski
, Zoltán Zimborás
, Michal Oszmaniec
Mitigation of readout noise in near-term quantum devices by classical post-processing based on detector tomography. 257 - Matteo Lostaglio
, Gabriel Senno
Contextual advantage for state-dependent cloning. 258 - Carlo Sparaciari
, Lídia del Rio
, Carlo Maria Scandolo
, Philippe Faist
, Jonathan Oppenheim
The first law of general quantum resource theories. 259 - Jan Kolodynski
, Alejandro Máttar, Paul Skrzypczyk
, Erik Woodhead
, Daniel Cavalcanti
, Konrad Banaszek
, Antonio Acín
Device-independent quantum key distribution with single-photon sources. 260 - Georgios Styliaris
, Paolo Zanardi:
Symmetries and monotones in Markovian quantum dynamics. 261 - David Schmid
, Denis Rosset
, Francesco Buscemi
The type-independent resource theory of local operations and shared randomness. 262
Volume 4, May 2020
- Jonas M. Kübler
, Andrew Arrasmith
, Lukasz Cincio
, Patrick J. Coles
An Adaptive Optimizer for Measurement-Frugal Variational Algorithms. 263 - Alexander M. Dalzell
, Aram Wettroth Harrow
, Dax Enshan Koh
, Rolando L. La Placa
How many qubits are needed for quantum computational supremacy? 264 - Joris Kattemölle
, Jasper van Wezel
Conditions for superdecoherence. 265 - Thomas Vidick, Tina Zhang:
Classical zero-knowledge arguments for quantum computations. 266 - Daniel Jost Brod, Michal Oszmaniec
Classical simulation of linear optics subject to nonuniform losses. 267 - Marius Schulte
, Victor J. Martínez-Lahuerta, Maja S. Scharnagl, Klemens Hammerer
Ramsey interferometry with generalized one-axis twisting echoes. 268 - James Stokes, Josh A. Izaac
, Nathan Killoran, Giuseppe Carleo
Quantum Natural Gradient. 269 - Andreu Riera-Campeny
, Maria Moreno-Cardoner
, Anna Sanpera
Time crystallinity in open quantum systems. 270 - Christian Arenz, Denys I. Bondar
, Daniel Burgarth
, Cecilia Cormick
, Herschel Rabitz
Amplification of quadratic Hamiltonians. 271 - Carlos Bravo-Prieto
, Josep Lumbreras-Zarapico, Luca Tagliacozzo
, José I. Latorre
Scaling of variational quantum circuit depth for condensed matter systems. 272 - Daniel Nickelsen
, Michael Kastner
Modelling equilibration of local many-body quantum systems by random graph ensembles. 273 - Raffaele Salvia
, Vittorio Giovannetti:
Energy upper bound for structurally stable N-passive states. 274 - Nikola Paunkovic
, Marko Vojinovic
Causal orders, quantum circuits and spacetime: distinguishing between definite and superposed causal orders. 275
Volume 4, June 2020
- Zhang Jiang
, Amir Kalev
, Wojciech Mruczkiewicz
, Hartmut Neven
Optimal fermion-to-qubit mapping via ternary trees with applications to reduced quantum states learning. 276 - Jacob C. Bridgeman
, Daniel Barter
Computing data for Levin-Wen with defects. 277 - Adrian Chapman
, Steven T. Flammia
Characterization of solvable spin models via graph invariants. 278 - Ross Duncan
, Aleks Kissinger
, Simon Perdrix
, John van de Wetering
Graph-theoretic Simplification of Quantum Circuits with the ZX-calculus. 279 - Elie Wolfe
, David Schmid
, Ana Belén Sainz
, Ravi Kunjwal
, Robert W. Spekkens
Quantifying Bell: the Resource Theory of Nonclassicality of Common-Cause Boxes. 280 - Giuseppe Magnifico
, Marcello Dalmonte
, Paolo Facchi
, Saverio Pascazio
, Francesco V. Pepe
, Elisa Ercolessi
Real Time Dynamics and Confinement in the Zn Schwinger-Weyl lattice model for 1+1 QED. 281 - Andrea Coladangelo
A two-player dimension witness based on embezzlement, and an elementary proof of the non-closure of the set of quantum correlations. 282 - Jianhao M. Yang
Switching Quantum Reference Frames for Quantum Measurement. 283 - Felix Huber
, Markus Grassl
Quantum Codes of Maximal Distance and Highly Entangled Subspaces. 284 - John Martin
, Stefan Weigert
, Olivier Giraud:
Optimal Detection of Rotations about Unknown Axes by Coherent and Anticoherent States. 285 - Shima Bab Hadiashar, Ashwin Nayak:
On the Entanglement Cost of One-Shot Compression. 286 - Jessica Lemieux, Bettina Heim, David Poulin, Krysta M. Svore, Matthias Troyer:
Efficient Quantum Walk Circuits for Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm. 287
Volume 4, July 2020
- Wojciech Górecki
, Sisi Zhou
, Liang Jiang
, Rafal Demkowicz-Dobrzanski
Optimal probes and error-correction schemes in multi-parameter quantum metrology. 288 - Daniel Burgarth
, Paolo Facchi
, Hiromichi Nakazato
, Saverio Pascazio
, Kazuya Yuasa
Quantum Zeno Dynamics from General Quantum Operations. 289 - Viacheslav V. Kuzmin, Pietro Silvi:
Variational quantum state preparation via quantum data buses. 290 - Nikitas Stamatopoulos
, Daniel J. Egger
, Yue Sun
, Christa Zoufal
, Raban Iten
, Ning Shen
, Stefan Woerner
Option Pricing using Quantum Computers. 291 - Lorenzo Maccone, Alberto Riccardi:
Squeezing metrology: a unified framework. 292 - Armin Tavakoli, Nicolas Gisin:
The Platonic solids and fundamental tests of quantum mechanics. 293 - Paolo Perinotti
Cellular automata in operational probabilistic theories. 294 - Michael Newman
, Leonardo Andreta de Castro
, Kenneth R. Brown
Generating Fault-Tolerant Cluster States from Crystal Structures. 295 - Ian D. Kivlichan
, Craig Gidney, Dominic W. Berry
, Nathan Wiebe, Jarrod R. McClean, Wei Sun, Zhang Jiang, Nicholas C. Rubin, Austin G. Fowler, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Hartmut Neven, Ryan Babbush:
Improved Fault-Tolerant Quantum Simulation of Condensed-Phase Correlated Electrons via Trotterization. 296 - Andrea Coladangelo
, Or Sattath
A Quantum Money Solution to the Blockchain Scalability Problem. 297 - Tom Bannink, Jop Briët, Farrokh Labib, Hans Maassen:
Quasirandom quantum channels. 298 - Senrui Chen, Eric Chitambar
Entanglement-breaking superchannels. 299 - Oskar Slowik
, Martin Hebenstreit
, Barbara Kraus
, Adam Sawicki
A link between symmetries of critical states and the structure of SLOCC classes in multipartite systems. 300 - Markus P. Müller:
Law without law: from observer states to physics via algorithmic information theory. 301
Volume 4, August 2020
- Debashis Saha
, Rafael Santos
, Remigiusz Augusiak
Sum-of-squares decompositions for a family of noncontextuality inequalities and self-testing of quantum devices. 302 - Madhav Krishnan Vijayan
, Austin P. Lund
, Peter P. Rohde
A robust W-state encoding for linear quantum optics. 303 - Leonid P. Pryadko
On maximum-likelihood decoding with circuit-level errors. 304 - Jeremy C. Adcock
, Sam Morley-Short
, Axel Dahlberg
, Joshua W. Silverstone
Mapping graph state orbits under local complementation. 305 - Alexander F. Shaw, Pavel Lougovski, Jesse R. Stryker
, Nathan Wiebe:
Quantum Algorithms for Simulating the Lattice Schwinger Model. 306 - Juan Miguel Arrazola, Alain Delgado, Bhaskar Roy Bardhan, Seth Lloyd:
Quantum-inspired algorithms in practice. 307 - Ravishankar Ramanathan, Monika Rosicka
, Karol Horodecki
, Stefano Pironio, Michal Horodecki
, Pawel Horodecki:
Gadget structures in proofs of the Kochen-Specker theorem. 308 - Shishir Khandelwal
, Maximilian P. E. Lock
, Mischa P. Woods:
Universal quantum modifications to general relativistic time dilation in delocalised clocks. 309 - Xiaotong Ni
Neural Network Decoders for Large-Distance 2D Toric Codes. 310 - Pramod Padmanabhan, Fumihiko Sugino, Diego Trancanelli
Braiding quantum gates from partition algebras. 311 - Nai-Hui Chia, Sean Hallgren, Fang Song
On Basing One-way Permutations on NP-hard Problems under Quantum Reductions. 312 - Cécilia Lancien, Christian Majenz
Weak approximate unitary designs and applications to quantum encryption. 313 - Ryan Sweke
, Frederik Wilde
, Johannes Jakob Meyer
, Maria Schuld
, Paul K. Faehrmann
, Barthélémy Meynard-Piganeau, Jens Eisert
Stochastic gradient descent for hybrid quantum-classical optimization. 314
Volume 4, September 2020
- Kiryl Pakrouski
Automatic design of Hamiltonians. 315 - Armin Tavakoli, Marek Zukowski
, Caslav Brukner:
Does violation of a Bell inequality always imply quantum advantage in a communication complexity problem? 316 - U. Seyfarth
, Andrei B. Klimov
, H. de Guise
, Gerd Leuchs
, Luis L. Sánchez-Soto
Wigner function for SU(1, 1). 317 - Kyungjoo Noh
, Liang Jiang
, Bill Fefferman
Efficient classical simulation of noisy random quantum circuits in one dimension. 318 - John H. Selby
, Ciarán M. Lee:
Compositional resource theories of coherence. 319 - Le Phuc Thinh
, Michele Dall'Arno, Valerio Scarani:
Worst-case Quantum Hypothesis Testing with Separable Measurements. 320 - Mohan Sarovar
, Timothy Proctor
, Kenneth Rudinger, Kevin C. Young, Erik Nielsen, Robin Blume-Kohout
Detecting crosstalk errors in quantum information processors. 321 - Ewout van den Berg
, Kristan Temme:
Circuit optimization of Hamiltonian simulation by simultaneous diagonalization of Pauli clusters. 322 - Simon Apers
Expansion Testing using Quantum Fast-Forwarding and Seed Sets. 323 - Chufan Lyu
, Victor Montenegro
, Abolfazl Bayat
Accelerated variational algorithms for digital quantum simulation of many-body ground states. 324 - Andreas Ketterer
, Nikolai Wyderka
, Otfried Gühne
Entanglement characterization using quantum designs. 325 - Dragomir Davidovic
Completely Positive, Simple, and Possibly Highly Accurate Approximation of the Redfield Equation. 326 - Loïc Henriet, Lucas Beguin, Adrien Signoles
, Thierry Lahaye, Antoine Browaeys, Georges-Olivier Reymond, Christophe Jurczak:
Quantum computing with neutral atoms. 327 - Alexander Nietner
, Bram Vanhecke
, Frank Verstraete
, Jens Eisert, Laurens Vanderstraeten
Efficient variational contraction of two-dimensional tensor networks with a non-trivial unit cell. 328 - Tomoyuki Morimae, Suguru Tamaki:
Additive-error fine-grained quantum supremacy. 329 - Tyler J. Volkoff
Distillation of maximally correlated bosonic matter from many-body quantum coherence. 330 - Shawn X. Cui
, Dawei Ding, Xizhi Han, Geoffrey Penington, Daniel Ranard
, Brandon C. Rayhaun
, Zhou Shangnan
Kitaev's quantum double model as an error correcting code. 331 - Armin Tavakoli, Emmanuel Zambrini Cruzeiro
, Jonatan Bohr Brask
, Nicolas Gisin, Nicolas Brunner:
Informationally restricted quantum correlations. 332 - Alastair A. Abbott
, Julian Wechs
, Dominic Horsman
, Mehdi Mhalla
, Cyril Branciard
Communication through coherent control of quantum channels. 333 - Elizabeth Crosson, Tameem Albash
, Itay Hen
, A. P. Young:
De-Signing Hamiltonians for Quantum Adiabatic Optimization. 334 - Philipp Pilar
, Daniele De Bernardis
, Peter Rabl
Thermodynamics of ultrastrongly coupled light-matter systems. 335 - Sahar Alipour
, Aurélia Chenu
, Ali T. Rezakhani
, Adolfo del Campo
Shortcuts to Adiabaticity in Driven Open Quantum Systems: Balanced Gain and Loss and Non-Markovian Evolution. 336 - Ivan Supic
, Joseph Bowles
Self-testing of quantum systems: a review. 337 - Wojciech Slomczynski
, Anna Szymusiak
Morphophoric POVMs, generalised qplexes, and 2-designs. 338
Volume 4, October 2020
- Federica Maria Surace
, Giuliano Giudici
, Marcello Dalmonte
Weak-ergodicity-breaking via lattice supersymmetry. 339 - Andrea Mari
, Thomas R. Bromley, Josh A. Izaac
, Maria Schuld, Nathan Killoran:
Transfer learning in hybrid classical-quantum neural networks. 340 - Xiu-Zhe Luo, Jin-Guo Liu, Pan Zhang
, Lei Wang:
Yao.jl: Extensible, Efficient Framework for Quantum Algorithm Design. 341