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SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Volume 26
Volume 26, Number 1, 2012
- Boris Alexeev, Alexandra Ovetsky Fradkin, Ilhee Kim:
Forbidden Induced Subgraphs of Double-split Graphs. 1-14 - Domingos Dellamonica Jr., Subrahmanyam Kalyanasundaram
, Daniel M. Martin, Vojtech Rödl, Asaf Shapira:
A Deterministic Algorithm for the Frieze-Kannan Regularity Lemma. 15-29 - Don Coppersmith, Victor S. Miller:
Binary Nontiles. 30-38 - Minghui Jiang, Vincent Pilaud
, Pedro J. Tejada:
On a Dispersion Problem in Grid Labeling. 39-51 - Hai-Yang Zhu, Xin-Zhong Lu, Cui-Qi Wang, Ming Chen:
Labeling Planar Graphs without 4, 5-Cycles with a Condition on Distance Two. 52-64 - Douglas S. Stones:
Formulae for the Alon-Tarsi Conjecture. 65-70 - János Barát
, Zoltán Füredi, Ida Kantor
, Younjin Kim, Balázs Patkós:
Large Bd-Free and Union-free Subfamilies. 71-76 - Petr Gregor
, Riste Skrekovski
, Vida Vukasinovic
Queue Layouts of Hypercubes. 77-88 - David Cook II, Uwe Nagel:
Cohen-Macaulay Graphs and Face Vectors of Flag Complexes. 89-101 - Guoli Ding, Cheng Liu:
A Chain Theorem for 3+-Connected Graphs. 102-113 - Akiyoshi Shioura:
Neighbor Systems, Jump Systems, and Bisubmodular Polyhedra. 114-144 - Frédéric Havet, Bruce A. Reed, Jean-Sébastien Sereni:
Griggs and Yeh's Conjecture and L(p, 1)-labelings. 145-168 - Babak Farzad, Dirk Oliver Theis:
Random Lifts of $K_5\backslashe$ are 3-Colorable. 169-176 - Raphaël M. Jungers:
The Synchronizing Probability Function of an Automaton. 177-192 - Chun-Hung Liu, Gerard J. Chang
Roman Domination on 2-Connected Graphs. 193-205 - Alejandro Erickson, Abraham Isgur, Bradley W. Jackson, Frank Ruskey
, Stephen M. Tanny:
Nested Recurrence Relations with Conolly-like Solutions. 206-238 - Darryn E. Bryant
, Nicholas J. Cavenagh, Barbara M. Maenhaut, Kyle Pula, Ian M. Wanless:
Nonextendible Latin Cuboids. 239-249 - Shay Solomon:
The MST of Symmetric Disk Graphs (in Arbitrary Metric Spaces) is Light. 250-262 - Klaus Jansen, Roberto Solis-Oba:
Packing Squares with Profits. 263-279 - Wendy Finbow, Elissa Ross
, Walter Whiteley:
The Rigidity of Spherical Frameworks: Swapping Blocks and Holes. 280-304 - Eyal Ackerman, Radoslav Fulek
, Csaba D. Tóth:
Graphs That Admit Polyline Drawings with Few Crossing Angles. 305-320 - János Körner, Silvia Messuti, Gábor Simonyi:
Families of Graph-different Hamilton Paths. 321-329 - Christoph Dürr, Flavio Guiñez, Martín Matamala
Reconstructing 3-Colored Grids from Horizontal and Vertical Projections is NP-Hard: A Solution to the 2-Atom Problem in Discrete Tomography. 330-352 - Domingos Dellamonica Jr., Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
, Vojtech Rödl, Andrzej Rucinski
Universality of Random Graphs. 353-374 - Hsin-Lung Wu, Jen-Chun Chang:
Constructing Constant Composition Codes via Distance-Increasing Mappings. 375-383 - Bryn Garrod, Grzegorz Kubicki, Michal Morayne:
How to Choose the Best Twins. 384-398 - Vadim E. Levit
, Eugen Mandrescu:
Vertices Belonging to All Critical Sets of a Graph. 399-403 - Manuel Bodirsky
, Hubie Chen, Tomás Feder:
On the Complexity of MMSNP. 404-414
Volume 26, Number 2, 2012
- Andreas Brieden, Peter Gritzmann:
On Optimal Weighted Balanced Clusterings: Gravity Bodies and Power Diagrams. 415-434 - Deepak Bal
, Alan M. Frieze
Packing Tight Hamilton Cycles in Uniform Hypergraphs. 435-451 - Andrew D. King, Linyuan Lu
, Xing Peng:
A Fractional Analogue of Brooks' Theorem. 452-471 - Beáta Faller, Mike A. Steel
Trait-Dependent Extinction Leads to Greater Expected Biodiversity Loss. 472-481 - Maria Elisa Fernandes
, Dimitri Leemans
, Mark Mixer:
All Alternating Groups An with $n\geq12$ Have Polytopes of Rank $\lfloor\frac{n-1}{2}\rfloor$. 482-498 - Pierre Charbit
, Fabien de Montgolfier, Mathieu Raffinot:
Linear Time Split Decomposition Revisited. 499-514 - Gennadiy Averkov:
On the Size of Lattice Simplices with a Single Interior Lattice Point. 515-526 - Saori Watanabe, Kota Ishii, Masanori Sawa:
A q-Analogue of the Addressing Problem of Graphs by Graham and Pollak. 527-536 - Svante Janson, Yuval Peres:
Hitting Times for Random Walks with Restarts. 537-547 - Boris Bukh:
Multidimensional Kruskal-Katona Theorem. 548-554 - Brandon Humpert, Jeremy L. Martin
The Incidence Hopf Algebra of Graphs. 555-570 - Fedor V. Fomin
, Petr A. Golovach
, Pawel Pralat:
Cops and Robber with Constraints. 571-590 - Yusuke Kobayashi, Yuichi Yoshida:
Algorithms for Finding a Maximum Non-k-Linked Graph. 591-604 - Frank Ruskey
, Joe Sawada, Aaron Williams:
De Bruijn Sequences for Fixed-Weight Binary Strings. 605-617 - Arnab Bhattacharyya, Elena Grigorescu, Madhav Jha, Kyomin Jung, Sofya Raskhodnikova, David P. Woodruff:
Lower Bounds for Local Monotonicity Reconstruction from Transitive-Closure Spanners. 618-646 - Daniel Král'
, Matjaz Krnc
, Martin Kupec, Borut Luzar
, Jan Volec
Extending Fractional Precolorings. 647-660 - Atsuhiro Nakamoto
, Katsuhiro Ota, Kenta Ozeki
Book Embedding of Toroidal Bipartite Graphs. 661-669 - Michael Krivelevich, Reto Spöhel:
Creating Small Subgraphs in Achlioptas Processes With Growing Parameter. 670-686 - Michael A. Henning, Anders Yeo
Vertex Disjoint Cycles of Different Length in Digraphs. 687-694 - Omid Amini, Fedor V. Fomin
, Saket Saurabh:
Counting Subgraphs via Homomorphisms. 695-717 - Zvi Lotker, Boaz Patt-Shamir, Dror Rawitz:
Rent, Lease, or Buy: Randomized Algorithms for Multislope Ski Rental. 718-736 - Zoltán Füredi, Attila Sali:
Optimal Multivalued Shattering. 737-744 - Tomoki Nakamigawa, Norihide Tokushige
Counting Lattice Paths via a New Cycle Lemma. 745-754 - Dillon Mayhew
, Gordon F. Royle
The Internally 4-Connected Binary Matroids with No $M(K_{5}\backslash e)$-Minor. 755-767 - Harold S. Connamacher
, Michael Molloy:
The Satisfiability Threshold for a Seemingly Intractable Random Constraint Satisfaction Problem. 768-800 - Julie Delon
, Julien Salomon, Andrei N. Sobolevski
Local Matching Indicators for Transport Problems with Concave Costs. 801-827 - D. Dzindzalieta, Tomas Juskevicius
, Matas Sileikis
Optimal Probability Inequalities for Random Walks Related to Problems in Extremal Combinatorics. 828-837 - John L. Goldwasser, John M. Talbot:
Vertex Ramsey Problems in the Hypercube. 838-853 - Seth Sullivant
The Disentangling Number for Phylogenetic Mixtures. 856-859 - Maria Chudnovsky
, Paul D. Seymour
Growing Without Cloning. 860-880
Volume 26, Number 3, 2012
- David G. Glynn
An Invariant for Hypersurfaces in Prime Characteristic. 881-883 - Daniel Král'
, Jean-Sébastien Sereni, Ladislav Stacho:
Min-Max Relations for Odd Cycles in Planar Graphs. 884-895 - Vijay V. Vazirani:
Rational Convex Programs and Efficient Algorithms for 2-Player Nash and Nonsymmetric Bargaining Games. 896-918 - Charles A. Cusack, Timothy Lewis, Daniel Simpson, Samuel Taggart:
The Complexity of Pebbling in Diameter Two Graphs. 919-928 - Rommel M. Barbosa, Erika M. M. Coelho, Mitre Costa Dourado, Dieter Rautenbach, Jayme Luiz Szwarcfiter:
On the Carathéodory Number for the Convexity of Paths of Order Three. 929-939 - George B. Mertzios, Derek G. Corneil:
A Simple Polynomial Algorithm for the Longest Path Problem on Cocomparability Graphs. 940-963 - Michael Krivelevich, Wojciech Samotij:
Optimal Packings of Hamilton Cycles in Sparse Random Graphs. 964-982 - Yann Ollivier, Cédric Villani:
A Curved Brunn-Minkowski Inequality on the Discrete Hypercube, Or: What Is the Ricci Curvature of the Discrete Hypercube? 983-996 - Le Anh Vinh:
On the Permanents of Matrices with Restricted Entries Over Finite Fields. 997-1007 - Pinar Heggernes
, Pim van 't Hof
, Daniel Lokshtanov, Jesper Nederlof:
Computing the Cutwidth of Bipartite Permutation Graphs in Linear Time. 1008-1021 - Xujin Chen, Zhibin Chen, Wenan Zang:
Total Dual Integrality in Some Facility Location Problems. 1022-1030 - Michael Belfrage, Torsten Mütze, Reto Spöhel:
Probabilistic One-Player Ramsey Games via Deterministic Two-Player Games. 1031-1049 - Tristram Bogart
, Eric Katz:
Obstructions to Lifting Tropical Curves in Surfaces in 3-Space. 1050-1067 - Vida Dujmovic, Gwenaël Joret, David R. Wood
An Improved Bound for First-Fit on Posets Without Two Long Incomparable Chains. 1068-1075 - David G. Glynn
, David Byatt:
Graphs for Orthogonal Arrays and Projective Planes of Even Order. 1076-1087 - Binlong Li, Zdenek Ryjácek, Ying Wang, Shenggui Zhang:
Pairs of Heavy Subgraphs for Hamiltonicity of 2-Connected Graphs. 1088-1103 - Jan Draisma, Tyrrell B. McAllister, Benjamin Nill:
Lattice-Width Directions and Minkowski's 3d-Theorem. 1104-1107 - Gregory Z. Gutin, Mark Jones:
Note on Large Subsets of Binary Vectors with Similar Distances. 1108-1111 - T. Arthur Terlep
, Jason Williford:
Graphs from Generalized Kac-Moody Algebras. 1112-1120 - Naonori Kakimura, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi:
Packing Directed Circuits through Prescribed Vertices Bounded Fractionally. 1121-1133 - Kunal Dutta
, Dhruv Mubayi, C. R. Subramanian:
New Lower Bounds for the Independence Number of Sparse Graphs and Hypergraphs. 1134-1147 - Laurent Bulteau
, Guillaume Fertin
, Irena Rusu:
Sorting by Transpositions Is Difficult. 1148-1180 - Soumik Pal:
Brownian Approximation to Counting Graphs. 1181-1188 - Enoch Peserico, Luca Pretto:
HITS Can Converge Slowly, But Not Too Slowly, in Score and Rank. 1189-1209 - Víctor Blanco
, Justo Puerto
An Application of Integer Programming to the Decomposition of Numerical Semigroups. 1210-1237 - Tao Jiang, Robert Seiver:
Turán Numbers of Subdivided Graphs. 1238-1255 - Daniel S. Shetler, Michael A. Wurtz, Stanislaw P. Radziszowski:
On Some Multicolor Ramsey Numbers Involving K3+e and K4-e. 1256-1264 - Abbas Mehrabian:
On the Density of Nearly Regular Graphs with a Good Edge-Labeling. 1265-1268 - Ararat Harutyunyan, Bojan Mohar:
Planar Graphs Have Exponentially Many 3-Arboricities. 1269-1280 - Irena Penev
Coloring Bull-Free Perfect Graphs. 1281-1309 - Chiara Ravazzi, Fabio Fagnani:
On the Growth Rate of the Input-Output Weight Distribution of Convolutional Encoders. 1310-1345 - Xujin Chen, Guoli Ding, Xiaodong Hu, Wenan Zang:
The Maximum-Weight Stable Matching Problem: Duality and Efficiency. 1346-1360 - Volker Kaibel, Kanstantsin Pashkovich, Dirk Oliver Theis:
Symmetry Matters for Sizes of Extended Formulations. 1361-1382 - Ross J. Kang
, Matthias Mnich
, Tobias Müller:
Induced Matchings in Subcubic Planar Graphs. 1383-1411 - Shin-ichi Tanigawa:
Generic Rigidity Matroids with Dilworth Truncations. 1412-1439 - Daniela Kühn, Deryk Osthus:
On Pósa's Conjecture for Random Graphs. 1440-1457 - Luérbio Faria, Sulamita Klein, Matej Stehlík:
Odd Cycle Transversals and Independent Sets in Fullerene Graphs. 1458-1469
Volume 26, Number 4, 2012
- Amin Coja-Oghlan, Angélica Y. Pachón-Pinzon
The Decimation Process in Random k-SAT. 1471-1509 - Pierre Aboulker, Marko Radovanovic
, Nicolas Trotignon, Kristina Vuskovic:
Graphs That Do Not Contain a Cycle with a Node That Has at Least Two Neighbors on It. 1510-1531 - Yong-Gao Chen, Quan-Hui Yang:
On a Problem of Nathanson Related to Minimal Additive Complements. 1532-1536 - Andreas Wendemuth, Italo Simonelli:
Majority Decisions in Overlapping Committees and Asymptotic Size of Dichotomies. 1537-1549 - Erik Ordentlich, Farzad Parvaresh, Ron M. Roth:
Asymptotic Enumeration of Binary Matrices with Bounded Row and Column Sums. 1550-1575 - Pavol Hell, Arash Rafiey:
Monotone Proper Interval Digraphs and Min-Max Orderings. 1576-1596 - Pavol Hell, Arash Rafiey:
The Dichotomy of Minimum Cost Homomorphism Problems for Digraphs. 1597-1608 - József Balogh, Tom Bohman
, Béla Bollobás, Yi Zhao:
Turán Densities of Some Hypergraphs Related to Kk+1k. 1609-1617 - Elena Grigorescu, Tali Kaufman, Madhu Sudan:
Succinct Representation of Codes with Applications to Testing. 1618-1634 - Steven Kelk, Leo van Iersel, Nela Lekic, Simone Linz
, Céline Scornavacca, Leen Stougie:
Cycle Killer...Qu'est-ce que c'est? On the Comparative Approximability of Hybridization Number and Directed Feedback Vertex Set. 1635-1656 - Dániel Gerbner, Nathan Lemons, Cory Palmer
, Balázs Patkós, Vajk Szécsi:
Almost Intersecting Families of Sets. 1657-1669 - Giuseppe Di Battista
, Fabrizio Frati
, Maurizio Patrignani:
Nonconvex Representations of Plane Graphs. 1670-1681 - Frédéric Maffray, Grégory Morel:
On 3-Colorable P5-Free Graphs. 1682-1708 - Dariusz Dereniowski
From Pathwidth to Connected Pathwidth. 1709-1732 - Anthony Nixon
, John C. Owen, Steve C. Power:
Rigidity of Frameworks Supported on Surfaces. 1733-1757 - Sushmita Gupta, Venkatesh Raman, Saket Saurabh:
Maximum r-Regular Induced Subgraph Problem: Fast Exponential Algorithms and Combinatorial Bounds. 1758-1780 - Cem Güneri, Ferruh Özbudak
A Bound on the Minimum Distance of Quasi-cyclic Codes. 1781-1796 - Deanna Dreher:
Cycles in Graphs and Covers. 1797-1819

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