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SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Volume 28
Volume 28, Number 1, 2014
- Zhixiong Chen, Arne Winterhof
Interpolation of Fermat Quotients. 1-7 - Cai Heng Li
, Shaohui Sun, Jing Xu:
Self-Complementary Circulants of Prime-Power Order. 8-17 - Allan Lo
An Edge-Colored Version of Dirac's Theorem. 18-36 - Mario Ullrich
Swendsen-Wang Is Faster than Single-Bond Dynamics. 37-48 - Leo van Iersel, Steven Kelk, Nela Lekic, Leen Stougie:
Approximation Algorithms for Nonbinary Agreement Forests. 49-66 - Andrzej Czygrinow, Theodore Molla:
Tight Codegree Condition for the Existence of Loose Hamilton Cycles in 3-Graphs. 67-76 - Brendan D. McKay
, Pascal Schweitzer
, Patrick Schweitzer:
Competition Numbers, Quasi-line Graphs, and Holes. 77-91 - Hao Huang:
On the Maximum Induced Density of Directed Stars and Related Problems. 92-98 - Deeparnab Chakrabarty, Gagan Goel, Vijay V. Vazirani, Lei Wang, Changyuan Yu:
Submodularity Helps in Nash and Nonsymmetric Bargaining Games. 99-115 - Radoslav Fulek
Estimating the Number of Disjoint Edges in Simple Topological Graphs via Cylindrical Drawings. 116-121 - Christian Richter:
A Density Result for Random Packings of Unit Disks. 122-126 - Robert Krauthgamer, Huy L. Nguyen, Tamar Zondiner:
Preserving Terminal Distances Using Minors. 127-141 - Antonio Breda d'Azevedo, Ilda Inácio Rodrigues
Bicontactual Regular Hypermaps. 142-159 - Ronald J. Gould, Paul Horn, Colton Magnant:
Multiply Chorded Cycles. 160-172 - Russell Impagliazzo
, Cristopher Moore
, Alexander Russell
An Entropic Proof of Chang's Inequality. 173-176 - Zdenek Dvorák
, Tereza Klimosová
Strong Immersions and Maximum Degree. 177-187 - Tony Huynh
, Stefan H. M. van Zwam:
Intertwining Connectivities in Representable Matroids. 188-196 - Piotr Majerski, Jakub Przybylo:
On the Irregularity Strength of Dense Graphs. 197-205 - Cheng-Wei Lee, Hsueh-I Lu:
Replacement Paths via Row Minima of Concise Matrices. 206-225 - Guillaume Chapuy, Matt DeVos, Jessica McDonald, Bojan Mohar, Diego Scheide:
Packing Triangles in Weighted Graphs. 226-239 - Anja Fischer:
An Analysis of the Asymmetric Quadratic Traveling Salesman Polytope. 240-276 - Hans L. Bodlaender
, Bart M. P. Jansen, Stefan Kratsch:
Kernelization Lower Bounds by Cross-Composition. 277-305 - Antoine Deza, Frédéric Meunier, Pauline Sarrabezolles:
A Combinatorial Approach to Colourful Simplicial Depth. 306-322 - Laura Florescu, Shirshendu Ganguly, Lionel Levine
, Yuval Peres:
Escape Rates for Rotor Walks in Zd. 323-334 - Dieter Rautenbach, Jean-Sébastien Sereni:
Transversals of Longest Paths and Cycles. 335-341 - Cyril Banderier, Hsien-Kuei Hwang
, Vlady Ravelomanana, Vytas Zacharovas:
Analysis of an Exhaustive Search Algorithm in Random Graphs and the nclog n-Asymptotics. 342-371 - Alex Scott, Elizabeth Wilmer:
Hypergraphs of Bounded Disjointness. 372-384 - Ron Aharoni, Daniel Kotlar
A Weak Version of Rota's Bases Conjecture for Odd Dimensions. 385-393 - Liam O'Carroll, Francesc Planas-Vilanova
, Rafael H. Villarreal
Degree and Algebraic Properties of Lattice and Matrix Ideals. 394-427 - Nathan Kaplan
MacWilliams Identities for m-tuple Weight Enumerators. 428-444 - Kenjiro Takazawa:
Optimal Matching Forests and Valuated Delta-Matroids. 445-467 - Felix Joos, Dieter Rautenbach, Thomas Sasse:
Induced Matchings in Subcubic Graphs. 468-473 - Jeroen Schillewaert, Koen Thas:
Construction and Comparison of Authentication Codes. 474-489 - Tasuku Soma
Fast Deterministic Algorithms for Matrix Completion Problems. 490-502 - Dániel Marx, Paul Wollan:
Immersions in Highly Edge Connected Graphs. 503-520 - Zdenek Dvorák
, Bernard Lidický
4-Critical Graphs on Surfaces Without Contractible $(\le\!4)$-Cycles. 521-552 - Brett Kolesnik, Nick Wormald:
Lower Bounds for the Isoperimetric Numbers of Random Regular Graphs. 553-575
Volume 28, Number 2, 2014
- Chandra Chekuri, Nitish Korula:
A Graph Reduction Step Preserving Element-Connectivity and Packing Steiner Trees and Forests. 577-597 - Piotr Sniady
Robinson-Schensted-Knuth Algorithm, Jeu de Taquin, and Kerov-Vershik Measures on Infinite Tableaux. 598-630 - Mathew C. Francis, Pavol Hell, Juraj Stacho:
Blocking Quadruple: A New Obstruction to Circular-Arc Graphs. 631-655 - Hamed Amini, Yuval Peres:
Shortest-Weight Paths in Random Regular Graphs. 656-672 - Jennifer Iglesias, Nathaniel Ince, Po-Shen Loh
Computing with Voting Trees. 673-684 - Azhvan Sheikh Ahmady, Jason P. Bell, Bojan Mohar:
Integral Cayley Graphs and Groups. 685-701 - Xing Peng, Craig Timmons:
Infinite Turán Problems for Bipartite Graphs. 702-710 - Neal Bushaw, Nathan Kettle:
Turán Numbers for Forests of Paths in Hypergraphs. 711-721 - Longjiang Qu, Cunsheng Ding
Dickson Polynomials of the Second Kind that Permute Zm. 722-735 - Elizabeth S. Allman
, John A. Rhodes
, Amelia Taylor:
A Semialgebraic Description of the General Markov Model on Phylogenetic Trees. 736-755 - Rahil Baber, John M. Talbot:
A Solution to the 2/3 Conjecture. 756-766 - Itai Benjamini, Igor Shinkar, Gilad Tsur:
Acquaintance Time of a Graph. 767-785 - Pablo Candela
, Olof Sisask:
Convergence Results for Systems of Linear Forms on Cyclic Groups and Periodic Nilsequences. 786-810 - Noga Alon, Harout K. Aydinian, Hao Huang:
Maximizing the Number of Nonnegative Subsets. 811-816 - Tomás Feder, Pavol Hell, Benoît Larose, Mark H. Siggers, Claude Tardif:
Graphs Admitting k-NU Operations. Part 2: The Irreflexive Case. 817-834 - Ricardo Restrepo, Daniel Stefankovic
, Juan Carlos Vera
, Eric Vigoda, Linji Yang:
Phase Transition for Glauber Dynamics for Independent Sets on Regular Trees. 835-861 - Rohan Kapadia
Matroids with a Modular 4-Point Line. 862-877 - Fedor V. Fomin
, Petr A. Golovach
Long Circuits and Large Euler Subgraphs. 878-892 - Raphael Yuster:
Edge-Disjoint Cliques in Graphs with High Minimum Degree. 893-910 - Wesley Pegden
An Extension of the Moser-Tardos Algorithmic Local Lemma. 911-917 - Karen Meagher
, Pablo Spiga:
An Erdös-Ko-Rado Theorem for the Derangement Graph of PGL3(q) Acting on the Projective Plane. 918-941 - Naonori Kakimura, Mizuyo Takamatsu:
Matching Problems with Delta-Matroid Constraints. 942-961 - Gábor Hetyei:
Hurwitzian Continued Fractions Containing a Repeated Constant and An Arithmetic Progression. 962-985 - Federico Ardila, Tia Baker, Rika Yatchak:
Moving Robots Efficiently Using the Combinatorics of CAT(0) Cubical Complexes. 986-1007
Volume 28, Number 3, 2014
- Ron Goldman, Plamen Simeonov, Yilmaz Simsek
Generating Functions for the q-Bernstein Bases. 1009-1025 - William L. Kocay, Donald L. Kreher
On Reconstructing Graphs and Their Complements. 1026-1034 - Philip M. Long, Rocco A. Servedio
On the Weight of Halfspaces over Hamming Balls. 1035-1061 - Shoni Gilboa, Rom Pinchasi:
On the Union of Arithmetic Progressions. 1062-1073 - Chris Berg, Franco Saliola, Luis Serrano:
Combinatorial Expansions for Families of Noncommutative k-Schur Functions. 1074-1092 - Stefan Felsner:
The Order Dimension of Planar Maps Revisited. 1093-1101 - Chun-Hung Liu:
An Upper Bound on the Fractional Chromatic Number of Triangle-Free Subcubic Graphs. 1102-1136 - Nicola Apollonio, Bruno Simeone:
Improved Approximation of Maximum Vertex Coverage Problem on Bipartite Graphs. 1137-1151 - Katharina T. Huber, Vincent Moulton
, Charles Semple
, Taoyang Wu
Representing Partitions on Trees. 1152-1172 - Shay Solomon, Michael Elkin:
Balancing Degree, Diameter, and Weight in Euclidean Spanners. 1173-1198 - Daniel Horsley
Embedding Partial Steiner Triple Systems with Few Triples. 1199-1213 - Allan Lo
, Klas Markström:
ℓ-Degree Turán Density. 1214-1225 - Genghua Fan, Baogang Xu, Tianjun Ye, Xingxing Yu:
Forbidden Subgraphs and 3-Colorings. 1226-1256 - Roi Krakovski, Bojan Mohar:
Homological Face-Width Condition Forcing K6-Minors in Graphs on Surfaces. 1257-1275 - Michael E. Picollelli:
The Final Size of the Cℓ-free Process. 1276-1305 - Geoffrey R. Grimmett, Zhongyang Li:
Strict Inequalities for Connective Constants of Transitive Graphs. 1306-1333 - Marcin Jakub Kaminski, Lukasz Kowalik
Beyond the Vizing's Bound for at Most Seven Colors. 1334-1362 - Gwenaël Joret, Christophe Paul
, Ignasi Sau
, Saket Saurabh, Stéphan Thomassé
Hitting and Harvesting Pumpkins. 1363-1390 - Sergio Cabello
, Markus Chimani, Petr Hlinený
Computing the Stretch of an Embedded Graph. 1391-1401 - Rong Chen
, Geoff Whittle:
Intertwining Connectivity in Matroids. 1402-1404 - Robby G. McKilliam
, Alex J. Grant
, I. Vaughan L. Clarkson:
Finding a Closest Point in a Lattice of Voronoi's First Kind. 1405-1422 - Meghana Nasre
Popular Matchings: Structure and Strategic Issues. 1423-1448 - Liliana Alcón, Marisa Gutierrez, Glenn H. Hurlbert:
Pebbling in Split Graphs. 1449-1466 - Jeong Han Kim, Sangjune Lee:
Universality of Random Graphs for Graphs of Maximum Degree Two. 1467-1478 - Christos A. Athanasiadis:
Edgewise Subdivisions, Local h-Polynomials, and Excedances in the Wreath Product $\mathbb{Z}_r \wr \mathfrak{S}_n$. 1479-1492 - Noga Alon, Sagi Snir, Raphael Yuster:
On the Compatibility of Quartet Trees. 1493-1507 - Satyan L. Devadoss, Daoji Huang, Dominic Spadacene:
Polyhedral Covers of Tree Space. 1508-1514 - Abhijin Adiga, L. Sunil Chandran:
Representing a Cubic Graph as the Intersection Graph of Axis-Parallel Boxes in Three Dimensions. 1515-1539 - Katharina Jochemko, Raman Sanyal:
Arithmetic of Marked Order Polytopes, Monotone Triangle Reciprocity, and Partial Colorings. 1540-1558 - Joseph P. S. Kung, Dillon Mayhew
, Irene Pivotto, Gordon F. Royle
Maximum Size Binary Matroids with no AG(3, 2)-Minor are Graphic. 1559-1577 - Yehuda Afek, Yakov Babichenko, Uriel Feige, Eli Gafni, Nati Linial, Benny Sudakov:
Musical Chairs. 1578-1600 - David Coudert, Guillaume Ducoffe:
Recognition of C4-Free and 1/2-Hyperbolic Graphs. 1601-1617 - Nicolas Lichiardopol:
Proof of a Conjecture of Henning and Yeo on Vertex-Disjoint Directed Cycles. 1618-1627 - Yezhou Wu, Dong Ye
, Wenan Zang, Cun-Quan Zhang:
Nowhere-Zero 3-Flows in Signed Graphs. 1628-1637 - Noga Alon, Erik D. Demaine, MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi, Panagiotis Kanellopoulos
, Tom Leighton:
Correction: Basic Network Creation Games. 1638-1640
Volume 28, Number 4, 2014
- Thomas J. Savitsky:
Enumeration of 2-Polymatroids on up to Seven Elements. 1641-1650 - Dóra Erdös, András Frank, Krisztián Kun:
Sink-Stable Sets of Digraphs. 1651-1674 - Jessica A. Enright
, Lorna Stewart, Gábor Tardos
On List Coloring and List Homomorphism of Permutation and Interval Graphs. 1675-1685 - Andrzej Zak:
On Packing Two Graphs with Bounded Sum of Sizes and Maximum Degree. 1686-1698 - Reut Levi, Dana Ron
, Ronitt Rubinfeld:
Testing Similar Means. 1699-1724 - Nir Halman, Diego Klabjan, Chung-Lun Li
, James B. Orlin
, David Simchi-Levi:
Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Schemes for Stochastic Dynamic Programs. 1725-1796 - Bill Jackson, Tibor Jordán, Shin-ichi Tanigawa:
Combinatorial Conditions for the Unique Completability of Low-Rank Matrices. 1797-1819 - Ping Li, Hong-Jian Lai:
On Mod (2s+1)-Orientations of Graphs. 1820-1827 - Anna Huber, Andrei A. Krokhin
Oracle Tractability of Skew Bisubmodular Functions. 1828-1837 - Peter Keevash, John Lenz, Dhruv Mubayi:
Spectral Extremal Problems for Hypergraphs. 1838-1854 - Satoru Fujishige
, Shin-ichi Tanigawa:
A Min-Max Theorem for Transversal Submodular Functions and Its Implications. 1855-1875 - Johannes Carmesin
, Reinhard Diestel, Matthias Hamann
, Fabian Hundertmark:
k-Blocks: A Connectivity Invariant for Graphs. 1876-1891 - Yiqiao Wang, Xiaoxue Hu, Wei-Fan Wang:
Planar Graphs with $\Delta\ge 9$ are Entirely (Δ+2)-Colorable. 1892-1905 - Ali Mohammadian, Behruz Tayfeh-Rezaie:
On a Family of Diamond-Free Strongly Regular Graphs. 1906-1915 - Mamadou Moustapha Kanté, Vincent Limouzy, Arnaud Mary
, Lhouari Nourine:
On the Enumeration of Minimal Dominating Sets and Related Notions. 1916-1929 - Rom Pinchasi:
A Finite Family of Pseudodiscs Must Include a "Small" Pseudodisc. 1930-1934 - Javier Cano, Csaba D. Tóth, Jorge Urrutia:
Upper Bound Constructions for Untangling Planar Geometric Graphs. 1935-1943 - Michael J. Todd:
An Improved Kalai-Kleitman Bound for the Diameter of a Polyhedron. 1944-1947 - Jean Cardinal, Kolja B. Knauer
, Piotr Micek, Torsten Ueckerdt:
Making Octants Colorful and Related Covering Decomposition Problems. 1948-1959 - Marek Eliás
, Jirí Matousek, Edgardo Roldán-Pensado
, Zuzana Safernová
Lower Bounds on Geometric Ramsey Functions. 1960-1970 - Pavlos Eirinakis, Dimitrios Magos, Ioannis Mourtos
From One Stable Marriage to the Next: How Long Is the Way? 1971-1979 - Frank Mousset, Rajko Nenadov
, Angelika Steger:
On the Number of Graphs Without Large Cliques. 1980-1986 - Jérémie Chalopin, Victor Chepoi
, Panos Papasoglu, Timothée Pecatte:
Cop and Robber Game and Hyperbolicity. 1987-2007 - Anthony Nixon
, John C. Owen, Steve C. Power:
A Characterization of Generically Rigid Frameworks on Surfaces of Revolution. 2008-2028 - Júlio Araújo
, Nicolas Nisse, Stéphane Pérennes:
Weighted Coloring in Trees. 2029-2041 - Boris Bukh, Jie Ma:
Longest Common Subsequences in Sets of Words. 2042-2049

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