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IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Volume 17
Volume 17, Number 1, January 1998
- Andrew B. Kahng, Majid Sarrafzadeh:
Guest Editorial. 1-2 - Charles J. Alpert, Tony F. Chan
, Andrew B. Kahng, Igor L. Markov, Pep Mulet
Faster minimization of linear wirelength for global placement. 3-13 - Jeffrey L. Burns, Jack A. Feldman:
C5M-a control-logic layout synthesis system for high-performance microprocessors. 14-23 - Jason Cong, Andrew B. Kahng, Kwok-Shing Leung:
Efficient algorithms for the minimum shortest path Steiner arborescence problem with applications to VLSI physical design. 24-39 - Rony Kay, Lawrence T. Pileggi:
EWA: efficient wiring-sizing algorithm for signal nets and clock nets. 40-49 - Huiqun Liu, Martin D. F. Wong
Network-flow-based multiway partitioning with area and pin constraints. 50-59 - Hiroshi Murata, Kunihiro Fujiyoshi, Mineo Kaneko:
VLSI/PCB placement with obstacles based on sequence pair. 60-68
Volume 17, Number 2, February 1998
- Radu Marculescu
, Diana Marculescu
, Massoud Pedram:
Probabilistic modeling of dependencies during switching activity analysis. 73-83 - James E. Beck, Daniel P. Siewiorek
Automatic configuration of embedded multicomputer systems. 84-95 - Preeti Ranjan Panda, Nikil D. Dutt
, Alexandru Nicolau:
Incorporating DRAM access modes into high-level synthesis. 96-109 - Lieven Vandenberghe, Stephen P. Boyd, Abbas A. El Gamal:
Optimizing dominant time constant in RC circuits. 110-125 - Parthasarathi Dasgupta, Susmita Sur-Kolay, Bhargab B. Bhattacharya:
A unified approach to topology generation and optimal sizing of floorplans. 126-135 - Kaiyuan Huang, Vinod K. Agarwal, Krishnaiyan Thulasiraman:
Diagnosis of clustered faults and wafer testing. 136-148 - Valery Axelrad:
Grid quality and its influence on accuracy and convergence in device simulation. 149-157 - Sujit Dey, Vijay Gangaram, Miodrag Potkonjak:
A controller redesign technique to enhance testability of controller-data path circuits. 157-168 - Steve H. Jen, Bing J. Sheu:
A compact and unified MOS DC current model with highly continuous conductances for low-voltage ICs. 169-172 - Harsha Sathyamurthy, Sachin S. Sapatnekar
, John P. Fishburn:
Speeding up pipelined circuits through a combination of gate sizing and clock skew optimization. 173-182 - Chia-Chun Tsai, Chwan-Ming Wang, Sao-Jie Chen
NEWS: a net-even-wiring system for the routing on a multilayer PGA package. 182-189
Volume 17, Number 3, March 1998
- Thang Nguyen Bui, Byung Ro Moon:
GRCA: a hybrid genetic algorithm for circuit ratio-cut partitioning. 193-204 - Peter A. Beerel, Chris J. Myers
, Teresa H. Meng:
Covering conditions and algorithms for the synthesis of speed-independent circuits. 205-219 - Luca Benini, Enrico Macii, Massimo Poncino, Giovanni De Micheli
Telescopic units: a new paradigm for performance optimization of VLSI designs. 220-232 - D. Michael Miller:
An improved method for computing a generalized spectral coefficient. 233-238 - Michael S. Hsiao, Elizabeth M. Rudnick, Janak H. Patel:
Application of genetically engineered finite-state-machine sequences to sequential circuit ATPG. 239-254 - David B. Lavo, Brian Chess, Tracy Larrabee, F. Joel Ferguson:
Diagnosing realistic bridging faults with single stuck-at information. 255-268 - Irith Pomeranz, Sudhakar M. Reddy:
Low-complexity fault simulation under the multiple observation time and the restricted multiple observation time testing approaches. 269-278 - José Monteiro
, Srinivas Devadas, Abhijit Ghosh:
Sequential logic optimization for low power using input-disabling precomputation architectures. 279-284
Volume 17, Number 4, April 1998
- Daniel Brand, Reinaldo A. Bergamaschi, Leon Stok:
Don't cares in synthesis: theoretical pitfalls and practical solutions. 285-304 - Ali M. Niknejad, Ranjit Gharpurey, Robert G. Meyer:
Numerically stable Green function for modeling and analysis of substrate coupling in integrated circuits. 305-315 - Kai Zhu, Martin D. F. Wong
Switch bound allocation for maximizing routability in timing-driven routing of FPGA's. 316-323 - Marwan A. Gharaybeh, Michael L. Bushnell, Vishwani D. Agrawal:
The path-status graph with application to delay fault simulation. 324-332 - Irith Pomeranz, Sudhakar M. Reddy:
Design-for-testability for path delay faults in large combinational circuits using test points. 333-343 - Alessandro Balboni, Claudio Costi, Massimo Pellencin, Andrea Quadrini, Donatella Sciuto:
Clock skew reduction in ASIC logic design: a methodology for clock tree management. 344-356 - David Ihsin Cheng, Kwang-Ting Cheng
, Deborah C. Wang, Malgorzata Marek-Sadowska:
A hybrid methodology for switching activities estimation. 357-366 - M. K. Kidambi, Akhilesh Tyagi, Mohammed R. Madani, Magdy A. Bayoumi:
Three-dimensional defect sensitivity modeling for open circuits in ULSI structures. 366-371 - Suet Fong Tin, Ashraf A. Osman, Kartikeya Mayaram:
Comments on "A small-signal MOSFET model for radio frequency IC applications". 372-374
Volume 17, Number 5, May 1998
- Herman Schmit, Donald E. Thomas:
Address generation for memories containing multiple arrays. 377-385 - Mitrajit Chatterjee, Dhiraj K. Pradhan, Wolfgang Kunz:
LOT: Logic Optimization with Testability. New transformations for logic synthesis. 386-399 - Masaki Kondo, Hidetoshi Onodera, Keikichi Tamaru:
Model-adaptable MOSFET parameter-extraction method using an intermediate model. 400-405 - Hsiao-Feng Steven Chen, D. T. Lee:
On crossing minimization problem. 406-418 - Kerry S. Lowe, P. Glenn Gulak:
A joint gate sizing and buffer insertion method for optimizing delay and power in CMOS and BiCMOS combinational logic. 419-434 - Vladimir B. Dmitriev-Zdorov:
Multicycle generalization. A new way to improve the convergence of waveform relaxation for circuit simulation. 435-443 - John F. Beetem:
Rebel: a clustering algorithm for look-up table FPGA's. 444-451 - Krishnendu Chakrabarty
Zero-aliasing space compaction using linear compactors with bounded overhead. 452-457 - Rolf Drechsler
, Martin Sauerhoff, Detlef Sieling:
The complexity of the inclusion operation on OFDD's. 457-459 - Juho Kim, David Hung-Chang Du:
Performance optimization by gate sizing and path sensitization. 459-462
Volume 17, Number 6, June 1998
- Chih-Shun Ding, Qing Wu, Cheng-Ta Hsieh, Massoud Pedram:
Stratified random sampling for power estimation. 465-471 - Evguenii I. Goldberg, Tiziano Villa, Robert K. Brayton, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
Theory and algorithms for face hypercube embedding. 472-488 - Peichen Pan, Arvind K. Karandikar, C. L. Liu:
Optimal clock period clustering for sequential circuits with retiming. 489-498 - Sudip Nag, Rob A. Rutenbar
Performance-driven simultaneous placement and routing for FPGA's. 499-518 - Shigetoshi Nakatake, Kunihiro Fujiyoshi, Hiroshi Murata, Yoji Kajitani:
Module packing based on the BSG-structure and IC layout applications. 519-530 - Albrecht P. Stroele, Hans-Joachim Wunderlich:
Hardware-optimal test register insertion. 531-539 - Naveena Nagi, Abhijit Chatterjee, Heebyung Yoon, Jacob A. Abraham:
Signature analysis for analog and mixed-signal circuit test response compaction. 540-546 - Shangzhi Sun, David Hung-Chang Du, Hsi-Chuan Chen:
Efficient timing analysis for CMOS circuits considering data dependent delays. 546-552
Volume 17, Number 7, July 1998
- Koichi Fukuda
, Kenji Nishi:
An interpolated flux scheme for cellular automaton device simulation. 553-560 - Ernst Leitner, Siegfried Selberherr
Mixed-element decomposition method for three-dimensional grid adaptation. 561-572 - Harm Arts, Michel R. C. M. Berkelaar, Koen van Eijk:
Computing observability don't cares efficiently through polarization. 573-581 - Kevin J. Kerns, Andrew T. Yang:
Preservation of passivity during RLC network reduction via split congruence transformations. 582-591 - Daniel R. Brasen, Gabriele Saucier:
Using cone structures for circuit partitioning into FPGA packages. 592-600 - Stan Y. Liao, Srinivas Devadas, Kurt Keutzer:
Code density optimization for embedded DSP processors using data compression techniques. 601-608 - Michael Jünger, Sebastian Leipert, Petra Mutzel
A note on computing a maximal planar subgraph using PQ-trees. 609-612 - Xiao Quan Li, Marwan A. Jabri:
Machine learning-based VLSI cells shape function estimation. 613-623 - A. R. Naseer, M. Balakrishnan, Anshul Kumar:
Direct mapping of RTL structures onto LUT-based FPGA's. 624-631 - Raymond S. Winton, William R. Bandy:
A simple, continuous, analytical charge/capacitance model for the short-channel MOSFET. 631-638
Volume 17, Number 8, August 1998
- Yuhua Cheng, Kai Chen, Kiyotaka Imai, Chenming Hu:
A unified MOSFET channel charge model for device modeling in circuit simulation. 641-644 - Altan Odabasioglu, Mustafa Celik, Lawrence T. Pileggi:
PRIMA: passive reduced-order interconnect macromodeling algorithm. 645-654 - Charles J. Alpert, Jen-Hsin Huang, Andrew B. Kahng:
Multilevel circuit partitioning. 655-667 - Yi-Kan Cheng, Prasun Raha, Chin-Chi Teng, Elyse Rosenbaum, Sung-Mo Kang:
ILLIADS-T: an electrothermal timing simulator for temperature-sensitive reliability diagnosis of CMOS VLSI chips. 668-681 - Kwang-Il Park, Kyu Ho Park:
Event suppression by optimizing VHDL programs. 682-691 - Chih-Ang Chen, Sandeep K. Gupta:
Efficient BIST TPG design and test set compaction via input reduction. 692-705 - Indradeep Ghosh
, Anand Raghunathan
, Niraj K. Jha:
A design-for-testability technique for register-transfer level circuits using control/data flow extraction. 706-723 - Shih-Arn Hwang, Jin-Hua Hong, Cheng-Wen Wu
Sequential circuit fault simulation using logic emulation. 724-736
Volume 17, Number 9, September 1998
- Jason Cong, Chang Wu:
An efficient algorithm for performance-optimal FPGA technology mapping with retiming. 738-748 - Alex Kondratyev, Michael Kishinevsky, Alexandre Yakovlev
Hazard-free implementation of speed-independent circuits. 749-771 - Feng Wang, Donald L. Dietmeyer:
Exploiting near symmetry in multilevel logic synthesis. 772-781 - Kenneth Y. Yun, Bill Lin, David L. Dill, Srinivas Devadas:
BDD-based synthesis of extended burst-mode controllers. 782-792 - Jun Dong Cho
, Majid Sarrafzadeh:
Four-bend top-down global routing. 793-802 - Nozomu Togawa, Masao Yanagisawa, Tatsuo Ohtsuki:
Maple-opt: a performance-oriented simultaneous technology mapping, placement, and global routing algorithm for FPGAs. 803-818 - Asawaree Kalavade, P. A. Subrahmanyam:
Hardware/software partitioning for multifunction systems. 819-837 - Chih-Chang Lin, Malgorzata Marek-Sadowska, Kwang-Ting Cheng
, Mike Tien-Chien Lee:
Test-point insertion: scan paths through functional logic. 838-851 - Chih-Chang Lin, Malgorzata Marek-Sadowska, Mike Tien-Chien Lee, Kuang-Chien Chen:
Cost-free scan: a low-overhead scan path design. 852-861 - Zhihua Wang, Georges G. E. Gielen
, Willy M. C. Sansen:
Probabilistic fault detection and the selection of measurements for analog integrated circuits. 862-872 - Marwan A. Gharaybeh, Michael L. Bushnell, Vishwani D. Agrawal:
A parallel-vector concurrent-fault simulator and generation of single-input-change tests for path-delay faults. 873-876 - Yiming Gong, Sreejit Chakravarty:
Locating bridging faults using dynamically computed stuck-at fault dictionaries. 876-887
Volume 17, Number 10, October 1998
- Ali Dasdan, Rajesh K. Gupta:
Faster maximum and minimum mean cycle algorithms for system-performance analysis. 889-899 - Bharat P. Dave, Niraj K. Jha:
COHRA: hardware-software cosynthesis of hierarchical heterogeneous distributed embedded systems. 900-919 - Robert P. Dick, Niraj K. Jha:
MOGAC: a multiobjective genetic algorithm for hardware-software cosynthesis of distributed embedded systems. 920-935 - Miodrag Potkonjak, Mani B. Srivastava:
Behavioral optimization using the manipulation of timing constraints. 936-947 - Luca Benini, Patrick Vuillod, Giovanni De Micheli:
Iterative remapping for logic circuits. 948-964 - Rolf Drechsler
, Bernd Becker
Ordered Kronecker functional decision diagrams-a data structure for representation and manipulation of Boolean functions. 965-973 - Taewhan Kim, William Jao, Steven W. K. Tjiang:
Circuit optimization using carry-save-adder cells. 974-984 - Michael D. Hutton, Jonathan Rose, Jerry P. Grossman, Derek G. Corneil:
Characterization and parameterized generation of synthetic combinational benchmark circuits. 985-996 - Ramachandra Achar, Michel S. Nakhla, Qi-Jun Zhang:
Full-wave analysis of high-speed interconnects using complex frequency hopping. 997-1016 - Irith Pomeranz, Sudhakar M. Reddy:
Test sequences to achieve high defect coverage for synchronous sequential circuits. 1017-1029 - Jing-Jou Tang, Kuen-Jong Lee, Bin-Da Liu:
A graph representation for programmable logic arrays to facilitate testing and logic design. 1030-1043 - Krishnendu Chakrabarty
, Brian T. Murray:
Design of built-in test generator circuits using width compression. 1044-1051 - Vivek Tiwari, Sharad Malik
, Pranav Ashar:
Guarded evaluation: pushing power management to logic synthesis/design. 1051-1060
Volume 17, Number 11, November 1998
- Enrico Macii, Massoud Pedram, Fabio Somenzi:
High-level power modeling, estimation, and optimization. 1061-1079 - Cheng-Ta Hsieh, Massoud Pedram:
Microprocessor power estimation using profile-driven program synthesis. 1080-1089 - S. Turgis, Daniel Auvergne:
A novel macromodel for power estimation in CMOS structures. 1090-1098 - Chih-Shun Ding, Chi-Ying Tsui
, Massoud Pedram:
Gate-level power estimation using tagged probabilistic simulation. 1099-1107 - Enric Pastor
, Jordi Cortadella
, Alex Kondratyev, Oriol Roig:
Structural methods for the synthesis of speed-independent circuits. 1108-1129 - Michael Theobald, Steven M. Nowick:
Fast heuristic and exact algorithms for two-level hazard-free logic minimization. 1130-1147 - Rui Escadas Martins, Wolfgang Pyka, Rainer Sabelka, Siegfried Selberherr
High-precision interconnect analysis. 1148-1159 - Mahesh B. Patil:
New discretization scheme for two-dimensional semiconductor device simulation on triangular grid. 1160-1165 - Chris C. N. Chu, Martin D. F. Wong
A matrix synthesis approach to thermal placement. 1166-1174 - Hannah Honghua Yang, Martin D. F. Wong
Optimal min-area min-cut replication in partitioned circuits. 1175-1183 - Michael Kishinevsky, Alex Kondratyev, Luciano Lavagno, Alexander Saldanha, Alexander Taubin:
Partial-scan delay fault testing of asynchronous circuits. 1184-1199 - Haluk Konuk, F. Joel Ferguson:
Oscillation and sequential behavior caused by opens in the routing in digital CMOS circuits. 1200-1210 - Radomir S. Stankovic:
Some remarks on terminology in spectral techniques for logic design: Walsh transform and Hadamard matrices. 1211-1214
Volume 17, Number 12, December 1998
- Edward A. Lee
, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
A framework for comparing models of computation. 1217-1229 - Carl J. Wordelman, Thomas J. T. Kwan, Charles M. Snell:
Comparison of statistical enhancement methods for Monte Carlo semiconductor simulation. 1230-1235 - Walter Bohmayr, Alexander Burenkov, Jürgen Lorenz
, Heiner Ryssel, Siegfried Selberherr
Monte Carlo simulation of silicon amorphization during ion implantation. 1236-1243 - Richard Plasun, Michael Stockinger, Siegfried Selberherr
Integrated optimization capabilities in the VISTA technology CAD framework. 1244-1251 - M. B. Anand, Hideki Shibata, Masakazu Kakumu:
Multiobjective optimization of VLSI interconnect parameters. 1252-1261 - Akira Nagao, Isao Shirakawa, Takashi Kambe:
A layout approach to monolithic microwave IC. 1262-1272 - Aurobindo Dasgupta, Ramesh Karri
High-reliability, low-energy microarchitecture synthesis. 1273-1280 - Chi-Ying Tsui
, Massoud Pedram, Alvin M. Despain:
Low-power state assignment targeting two- and multilevel logic implementations. 1281-1291 - Andrew R. Conn, Paula K. Coulman, Ruud A. Haring, Gregory L. Morrill, Chandramouli Visweswariah, Chai Wah Wu
JiffyTune: circuit optimization using time-domain sensitivities. 1292-1309 - Jacob Savir:
Random pattern testability of memory address logic. 1310-1318 - Pierre-Yves Calland, Anne Mignotte, Olivier Peyran, Yves Robert
, Frédéric Vivien
Retiming DAGs [direct acyclic graph]. 1319-1325 - Vinay Dabholkar, Sreejit Chakravarty, Irith Pomeranz, Sudhakar M. Reddy:
Techniques for minimizing power dissipation in scan and combinational circuits during test application. 1325-1333 - Aiguo Xie, Peter A. Beerel:
Efficient state classification of finite-state Markov chains. 1334-1339

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