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IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, Volume 3
Volume 3, Number 1, March 2017
- Younes Farouj, Jean-Marc Freyermuth
, Laurent Navarro, Marianne Clausel, Philippe Delachartre:
Hyperbolic Wavelet-Fisz Denoising for a Model Arising in Ultrasound Imaging. 1-10 - Mai Le, Jeffrey A. Fessler
Efficient, Convergent SENSE MRI Reconstruction for Nonperiodic Boundary Conditions via Tridiagonal Solvers. 11-21 - Sampurna Biswas, Soura Dasgupta, Raghuraman Mudumbai, Mathews Jacob
Subspace Aware Recovery of Low Rank and Jointly Sparse Signals. 22-35 - Florian Rousset, Nicolas Ducros
, Andrea Farina
, Gianluca Valentini
, Cosimo D'Andrea, Françoise Peyrin
Adaptive Basis Scan by Wavelet Prediction for Single-Pixel Imaging. 36-46 - Hang Zhao, Orazio Gallo, Iuri Frosio
, Jan Kautz:
Loss Functions for Image Restoration With Neural Networks. 47-57 - Michael J. Landau, Peter A. Beling:
Optimal Model-Based 6-D Object Pose Estimation With Structured-Light Depth Sensors. 58-73 - Francis Li, Hicham Sekkati, Jason Deglint, Christian Scharfenberger, Mark Lamm, David A. Clausi, John S. Zelek, Alexander Wong:
Simultaneous Projector-Camera Self-Calibration for Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Projection Mapping. 74-83 - Stanley H. Chan
, Xiran Wang, Omar A. Elgendy
Plug-and-Play ADMM for Image Restoration: Fixed-Point Convergence and Applications. 84-98 - Zhen Wang, Ghassan AlRegib:
Interactive Fault Extraction in 3-D Seismic Data Using the Hough Transform and Tracking Vectors. 99-109 - Yaniv Romano, John Isidoro, Peyman Milanfar:
RAISR: Rapid and Accurate Image Super Resolution. 110-125 - Kai Tan, Weihai Li:
Imaging and Parameter Estimating for Fast Moving Targets in Airborne SAR. 126-140
Volume 3, Number 2, June 2017
- Shuchin Aeron, Eric L. Miller
, Melba M. Crawford, Alison Malcom, Andreas Reigber, Jocelyn Chanussot:
Guest Editorial Computational Imaging for Earth Sciences. 144-145 - Abderrahim Halimi
, José M. Bioucas-Dias
, Nicolas Dobigeon
, Gerald S. Buller, Stephen McLaughlin
Fast Hyperspectral Unmixing in Presence of Nonlinearity or Mismodeling Effects. 146-159 - Christos G. Tsinos, Athanasios A. Rontogiannis, Kostas Berberidis:
Distributed Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing via Joint Sparsity and Low-Rank Constrained Non-Negative Matrix Factorization. 160-174 - Vinicius Ferraris, Nicolas Dobigeon
, Qi Wei, Marie Chabert:
Robust Fusion of Multiband Images With Different Spatial and Spectral Resolutions for Change Detection. 175-186 - Daniel-Chen Soncco, Clara Barbanson, Mila Nikolova, Andrés Almansa
, Yann Ferrec:
Fast and Accurate Multiplicative Decomposition for Fringe Removal in Interferometric Images. 187-201 - Alejandro Parada-Mayorga
, Gonzalo R. Arce:
Colored Coded Aperture Design in Compressive Spectral Imaging via Minimum Coherence. 202-216 - Richard Obermeier, José Ángel Martínez Lorenzo
Sensing Matrix Design via Mutual Coherence Minimization for Electromagnetic Compressive Imaging Applications. 217-229 - Adrien Lagrange, Mathieu Fauvel, Manuel Grizonnet
Large-Scale Feature Selection With Gaussian Mixture Models for the Classification of High Dimensional Remote Sensing Images. 230-242 - Andrea Marinoni
, Paolo Gamba:
Unsupervised Data Driven Feature Extraction by Means of Mutual Information Maximization. 243-253 - Chunlei Huo, Zhixin Zhou, Kun Ding, Chunhong Pan:
Online Target Recognition for Time-Sensitive Space Information Networks. 254-263 - Rajiv Kumar, Oscar López
, Damek Davis, Aleksandr Y. Aravkin, Felix J. Herrmann
Beating Level-Set Methods for 5-D Seismic Data Interpolation: A Primal-Dual Alternating Approach. 264-274 - Kenji Nose Filho, João Marcos Travassos Romano:
Low-Rank Decomposition Based on Disjoint Component Analysis With Applications in Seismic Imaging. 275-281 - Laurent Demanet
, Vincent Jugnon:
Convex Recovery From Interferometric Measurements. 282-295 - Martina Teresa Bevacqua, Lorenzo Crocco
, Loreto Di Donato, Tommaso Isernia:
Non-Linear Inverse Scattering via Sparsity Regularized Contrast Source Inversion. 296-304 - Ajinkya Kadu
, Tristan van Leeuwen, Wim A. Mulder
Salt Reconstruction in Full-Waveform Inversion With a Parametric Level-Set Method. 305-315 - Saptarshi Das
, Xi Chen, Michael P. Hobson:
Fast GPU-Based Seismogram Simulation From Microseismic Events in Marine Environments Using Heterogeneous Velocity Models. 316-329 - Bo Fan, Shuchin Aeron, Adam Pedrycz, Henri-Pierre Valero:
On Acoustic Signal Compression for Ultrasonic Borehole Imaging. 330-343 - Mika Takala, Timo D. Hämäläinen, Sampsa Pursiainen
The Effect of Hardware-Computed Travel Time on Localization Accuracy in the Inversion of Experimental (Acoustic) Waveform Data. 344-354 - Pu Wang, Lalitha Venkataramanan, Vikas Jain:
Sparse Clustered Bayesian-Inspired T1-T2 Inversion From Borehole NMR Measurements. 355-368 - Michael Thiel, Dzevat Omeragic:
High-Fidelity Real-Time Imaging With Electromagnetic Logging-While-Drilling Measurements. 369-378
Volume 3, Number 3, September 2017
- William T. Freeman
, Andreas E. Savakis, Yoav Y. Schechner, Noah Snavely, Wolfgang Heidrich
Guest Editorial Special Issue on Extreme Imaging. 382-383 - M. Salman Asif, Ali Ayremlou, Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Richard G. Baraniuk:
FlatCam: Thin, Lensless Cameras Using Coded Aperture and Computation. 384-397 - Guy Satat, Matthew Tancik
, Ramesh Raskar:
Lensless Imaging With Compressive Ultrafast Sensing. 398-407 - Chen Fu, Michael L. Don
, Gonzalo R. Arce:
Compressive Spectral Imaging via Polar Coded Aperture. 408-420 - Shiry Ginosar, Kate Rakelly, Sarah Sachs, Brian Yin, Crystal Lee, Philipp Krähenbühl, Alexei A. Efros:
A Century of Portraits: A Visual Historical Record of American High School Yearbooks. 421-431 - Qiqin Dai, Emeline Pouyet, Oliver Cossairt, Marc Walton, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos:
Spatial-Spectral Representation for X-Ray Fluorescence Image Super-Resolution. 432-444 - Joshua Rapp
, Vivek K. Goyal
A Few Photons Among Many: Unmixing Signal and Noise for Photon-Efficient Active Imaging. 445-459 - Yoann Altmann
, Reuben Aspden, Miles J. Padgett
, Steve McLaughlin
A Bayesian Approach to Denoising of Single-Photon Binary Images. 460-471 - Abderrahim Halimi
, Aurora Maccarone
, Aongus McCarthy, Steve McLaughlin
, Gerald S. Buller
Object Depth Profile and Reflectivity Restoration From Sparse Single-Photon Data Acquired in Underwater Environments. 472-484 - Luciano C. Caldas, Paulo C. Greco
, Carlos C. Pagani, Luiz A. Baccalá:
Acoustic Imaging of In-Duct Aeroengine Noise Sources Using Rotating Beamforming and Phased Arrays. 485-492 - Qian Gong, Esteban Vera
, Dathon R. Golish, Steven D. Feller, David J. Brady, Michael E. Gehm
Model-Based Multiscale Gigapixel Image Formation Pipeline on GPU. 493-502
Volume 3, Number 4, December 2017
- Ikenna Odinaka
, Joseph A. O'Sullivan, David G. Politte, Kenneth P. MacCabe, Yan Kaganovsky, Joel A. Greenberg, Manu N. Lakshmanan, Kalyani Krishnamurthy, Anuj J. Kapadia
, Lawrence Carin, David J. Brady:
Joint System and Algorithm Design for Computationally Efficient Fan Beam Coded Aperture X-Ray Coherent Scatter Imaging. 506-521 - Mohammad Aghagolzadeh
, Hayder Radha:
Joint Estimation of Dictionary and Image from Compressive Samples. 522-534 - Gregory Ongie
, Mathews Jacob:
A Fast Algorithm for Convolutional Structured Low-Rank Matrix Recovery. 535-550 - Oren Barkan, Jonathan Weill, Shai Dekel, Amir Averbuch:
A Mathematical Model for Adaptive Computed Tomography Sensing. 551-565 - Fei Wen
, Ling Pei
, Yuan Yang, Wenxian Yu, Peilin Liu:
Efficient and Robust Recovery of Sparse Signal and Image Using Generalized Nonconvex Regularization. 566-579 - Niranjan Thanikachalam
, Loïc Baboulaz
, Damien Firmenich, Sabine Süsstrunk, Martin Vetterli
Handheld Reflectance Acquisition of Paintings. 580-591 - Stijn Bettens
, Colas Schretter
, Nikos Deligiannis
, Peter Schelkens
Bounds and Conditions for Compressive Digital Holography Using Wavelet Sparsifying Bases. 592-604 - Chinh Dang
, Hayder Radha:
Fast Single-Image Super-Resolution Via Tangent Space Learning of High-Resolution-Patch Manifold. 605-616 - Rui Liu, Lin Fu, Bruno De Man, Hengyong Yu
GPU-Based Branchless Distance-Driven Projection and Backprojection. 617-632 - Cecilia Aguerrebere
, Andrés Almansa
, Julie Delon, Yann Gousseau, Pablo Musé:
A Bayesian Hyperprior Approach for Joint Image Denoising and Interpolation, With an Application to HDR Imaging. 633-646 - Ronan Fablet
, Phi Huynh Viet, Redouane Lguensat
Data-Driven Models for the Spatio-Temporal Interpolation of Satellite-Derived SST Fields. 647-657 - Yoann Altmann
, Aurora Maccarone, Aongus McCarthy, Gregory E. Newstadt, Gerald S. Buller, Steve McLaughlin
, Alfred O. Hero III:
Robust Spectral Unmixing of Sparse Multispectral Lidar Waveforms Using Gamma Markov Random Fields. 658-670 - Leonard Schmiester, Martin Möddel
, Wolfgang Erb, Tobias Knopp
Direct Image Reconstruction of Lissajous-Type Magnetic Particle Imaging Data Using Chebyshev-Based Matrix Compression. 671-681 - Daniil Kazantsev
, Folkert Bleichrodt, Tristan van Leeuwen, Anders Kaestner
, Philip J. Withers, Kees Joost Batenburg, Peter D. Lee
A Novel Tomographic Reconstruction Method Based on the Robust Student's t Function For Suppressing Data Outliers. 682-693 - Saiprasad Ravishankar
, Raj Rao Nadakuditi
, Jeffrey A. Fessler
Efficient Sum of Outer Products Dictionary Learning (SOUP-DIL) and Its Application to Inverse Problems. 694-709 - Marta M. Betcke
, Ben T. Cox
, Nam Huynh, Edward Z. Zhang, Paul C. Beard, Simon R. Arridge:
Acoustic Wave Field Reconstruction From Compressed Measurements With Application in Photoacoustic Tomography. 710-721 - Yosra Marnissi, Yuling Zheng, Emilie Chouzenoux
, Jean-Christophe Pesquet:
A Variational Bayesian Approach for Image Restoration - Application to Image Deblurring With Poisson-Gaussian Noise. 722-737 - Yenting Lin
, Antonio Ortega:
Object-Based High Contrast Traveltime Tomography. 738-748 - Dingyi Li
, Zengfu Wang:
Video Superresolution via Motion Compensation and Deep Residual Learning. 749-762 - Jiaqing Huang
, Mingzhai Sun, Jianjie Ma, Yuejie Chi
Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction for High-Density Three-Dimensional Single-Molecule Microscopy. 763-773 - Seyed Reza Mousavi, Hassan Rivaz
, Ali Sadeghi-Naini
, Gregory J. Czarnota, Abbas Samani
Breast Ultrasound Elastography Using Full Inversion-Based Elastic Modulus Reconstruction. 774-782 - Chia-Chen Lee, Wen-Liang Hwang
Mixture of Gaussian Blur Kernel Representation for Blind Image Restoration. 783-797 - Lois Mignard-Debise
, John F. Restrepo, Ivo Ihrke:
A Unifying First-Order Model for Light-Field Cameras: The Equivalent Camera Array. 798-810 - Matthieu Hog
, Neus Sabater, Benoit Vandame, Valter Drazic:
An Image Rendering Pipeline for Focused Plenoptic Cameras. 811-821 - Xiong Zhou, Saurabh Prasad
Domain Adaptation for Robust Classification of Disparate Hyperspectral Images. 822-836 - Sejuti Rahman
, Antonio Robles-Kelly
Estimating Reflectance Parameters, Light Direction, and Shape From a Single Multispectral Image. 837-852 - Markus Haltmeier
, Sunghwan Moon, Daniela Schiefeneder:
Inversion of the Attenuated V-Line Transform With Vertices on the Circle. 853-863 - Pedram Mojabi
, Joe LoVetri:
Evaluation of Balanced Ultrasound Breast Imaging Under Three Density Profile Assumptions. 864-875 - Zeeshan Nadir
, Michael S. Brown, Mary L. Comer, Charles A. Bouman:
A Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction Approach to Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Tomography. 876-890 - Raji Susan Mathew, Joseph Suresh Paul:
A Frequency-Dependent Regularization for Autocalibrating Parallel MRI Using the Generalized Discrepancy Principle. 891-900 - Casey J. Pellizzari
, Russell E. Trahan, Hanying Zhou, Skip Williams, Stacie E. Williams, Bijan Nemati, Michael Shao, Charles A. Bouman:
Synthetic Aperature LADAR: A Model-Based Approach. 901-916 - Gianluca Gennarelli, Ilaria Catapano, Francesco Soldovieri
Reconstruction Capabilities of Down-Looking Airborne GPRs: The Single Frequency Case. 917-927 - Md. Delwar Hossain
, Ananda Sanagavarapu Mohan
Cancer Detection in Highly Dense Breasts Using Coherently Focused Time-Reversal Microwave Imaging. 928-939 - Gang Xu, Lei Yang, Guoan Bi, Mengdao Xing
Enhanced ISAR Imaging and Motion Estimation With Parametric and Dynamic Sparse Bayesian Learning. 940-952 - Charlotte Curtis, Benjamin R. Lavoie
, Elise C. Fear
An Analysis of the Assumptions Inherent to Near-Field Beamforming for Biomedical Applications. 953-965 - Changjian Zhu
, Li Yu
, Zengqiang Yan, Sen Xiang:
Frequency Estimation of the Plenoptic Function Using the Autocorrelation Theorem. 966-981 - Sofiane Mihoubi
, Olivier Losson
, Benjamin Mathon
, Ludovic Macaire
Multispectral Demosaicing Using Pseudo-Panchromatic Image. 982-995 - Huan-Yuan Chen, Shu-Hao Hsu, Wen-Jyi Hwang
, Chau-Jern Cheng:
An Efficient FPGA-Based Parallel Phase Unwrapping Hardware Architecture. 996-1007 - Yuan Cao, Heng Qi
, Jien Kato, Keqiu Li:
Hash Ranking With Weighted Asymmetric Distance for Image Search. 1008-1019

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