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IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 17
Volume 17, Number 1, January 2011
- Anthony Steed, Robert W. Lindeman:
Guest Editor's Introduction Special Section on the Virtual Reality Conference (VR). 1-2 - Malcolm Hutson, Dirk Reiners:
JanusVF: Accurate Navigation Using SCAAT and Virtual Fiducials. 3-13 - Sabarish V. Babu, Timofey Grechkin, Benjamin Chihak, Christine Ziemer, Joseph K. Kearney, James F. Cremer, Jodie M. Plumert:
An Immersive Virtual Peer for Studying Social Influences on Child Cyclists' Road-Crossing Behavior. 14-25 - Jason Sewall, Jur P. van den Berg, Ming C. Lin, Dinesh Manocha:
Virtualized Traffic: Reconstructing Traffic Flows from Discrete Spatiotemporal Data. 26-37 - Yu Sheng, Theodore C. Yapo, Christopher Young, Barbara Cutler:
A Spatially Augmented Reality Sketching Interface for Architectural Daylighting Design. 38-50 - Tze-Yui Ho, Liang Wan, Chi-Sing Leung, Ping-Man Lam, Tien-Tsin Wong:
Unicube for Dynamic Environment Mapping. 51-63 - Xin Sun, Qiming Hou, Zhong Ren, Kun Zhou, Baining Guo:
Radiance Transfer Biclustering for Real-Time All-Frequency Biscale Rendering. 64-73 - Mizuki Kagaya, William Brendel, Qingqing Deng, Todd Kesterson, Sinisa Todorovic, Patrick J. Neill, Eugene Zhang:
Video Painting with Space-Time-Varying Style Parameters. 74-87 - Gem Stapleton, Peter Rodgers, John Howse, Leishi Zhang:
Inductively Generating Euler Diagrams. 88-100 - Jonathan M. Stott, Peter Rodgers, Juan Carlos Martinez-Ovando, Stephen G. Walker:
Automatic Metro Map Layout Using Multicriteria Optimization. 101-114 - Jiantao Pu, David S. Paik, Xin Meng, Justus E. Roos, Geoffrey D. Rubin:
Shape "Break-and-Repair" Strategy and Its Application to Automated Medical Image Segmentation. 115-124
Volume 17, Number 2, February 2011
- Thomas Ertl:
Editor's Note. 129 - João Comba, Daniel Weiskopf:
Guest Editor's Introduction: Special Section on the Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV). 130-131 - Iurie Chiosa, Andreas Kolb:
GPU-Based Multilevel Clustering. 132-145 - László Szirmay-Kalos, Gabor Liktor, Tamás Umenhoffer, Balázs Tóth, Shree Kumar, Glenn Lupton:
Parallel Iteration to the Radiative Transport in Inhomogeneous Media with Bootstrapping. 146-158 - Arne Schmitz, Tobias Rick, Thomas Karolski, Torsten W. Kuhlen, Leif Kobbelt:
Efficient Rasterization for Outdoor Radio Wave Propagation. 159-170 - Yu-Shuen Wang, Chaoli Wang, Tong-Yee Lee, Kwan-Liu Ma:
Feature-Preserving Volume Data Reduction and Focus+Context Visualization. 171-181 - Suthambhara Nagaraj, Vijay Natarajan:
Relation-Aware Isosurface Extraction in Multifield Data. 182-191 - Carlos D. Correa, Kwan-Liu Ma:
Visibility Histograms and Visibility-Driven Transfer Functions. 192-204 - Natalia V. Andrienko, Gennady L. Andrienko:
Spatial Generalization and Aggregation of Massive Movement Data. 205-219 - Libor Vása, Václav Skala:
A Perception Correlated Comparison Method for Dynamic Meshes. 220-230 - Yuanyuan Li, Fan Bao, Eugene Zhang, Yoshihiro Kobayashi, Peter Wonka:
Geometry Synthesis on Surfaces Using Field-Guided Shape Grammars. 231-243 - Sachin Patil, Jur P. van den Berg, Sean Curtis, Ming C. Lin, Dinesh Manocha:
Directing Crowd Simulations Using Navigation Fields. 244-254 - Angus Antley, Mel Slater:
The Effect on Lower Spine Muscle Activation of Walking on a Narrow Beam in Virtual Reality. 255-259 - Lars Grammel, Melanie Tory, Margaret-Anne D. Storey:
Erratum to "How Information Visualization Novices Construct Visualizations". 260
Volume 17, Number 3, March 2011
- Thomas Ertl:
Editorial: EIC Farewell and New EIC Introduction. 261-262 - Ming C. Lin:
A Message From the New Editor-in-Chief. 263 - Luke J. Gosink, Christoph Garth, John C. Anderson, E. Wes Bethel, Kenneth I. Joy:
An Application of Multivariate Statistical Analysis for Query-Driven Visualization. 264-275 - Daniel Archambault, Tamara Munzner, David Auber:
Tugging Graphs Faster: Efficiently Modifying Path-Preserving Hierarchies for Browsing Paths. 276-289 - Kim Marriott, Peter Sbarski, Tim van Gelder, Daniel Prager, Andy Bulka:
Hi-Trees and Their Layout. 290-304 - Carlos D. Correa, Robert Hero, Kwan-Liu Ma:
A Comparison of Gradient Estimation Methods for Volume Rendering on Unstructured Meshes. 305-319 - Kai-Uwe Doerr, Falko Kuester:
CGLX: A Scalable, High-Performance Visualization Framework for Networked Display Environments. 320-332 - Di Xu, Colin Doutre, Panos Nasiopoulos:
Correction of Clipped Pixels in Color Images. 333-344 - Guodong Rong, Yang Liu, Wenping Wang, Xiaotian Yin, Xianfeng David Gu, Xiaohu Guo:
GPU-Assisted Computation of Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation. 345-356 - Juyong Zhang, Jianmin Zheng, Jianfei Cai:
Interactive Mesh Cutting Using Constrained Random Walks. 357-367 - Taehyun Rhee, John P. Lewis, Ulrich Neumann, Krishna S. Nayak:
Scan-Based Volume Animation Driven by Locally Adaptive Articulated Registrations. 368-379 - Jochen Lang, Sheldon Andrews:
Measurement-Based Modeling of Contact Forces and Textures for Haptic Rendering. 380-391
Volume 17, Number 4, April 2011
- Hans-Jörg Schulz, Steffen Hadlak, Heidrun Schumann:
The Design Space of Implicit Hierarchy Visualization: A Survey. 393-411 - Tobias Schafhitzel, Kudret Baysal, Mikael Vaaraniemi, Ulrich Rist, Daniel Weiskopf:
Visualizing the Evolution and Interaction of Vortices and Shear Layers in Time-Dependent 3D Flow. 412-425 - Zahid Hossain, Usman R. Alim, Torsten Möller:
Toward High-Quality Gradient Estimation on Regular Lattices. 426-439 - Ross Maciejewski, Ryan Hafen, Stephen Rudolph, Stephen G. Larew, Michael A. Mitchell, William S. Cleveland, David S. Ebert:
Forecasting Hotspots - A Predictive Analytics Approach. 440-453 - Wolfgang Steffen, Nicholas Koning, Stephan Wenger, Christophe Morisset, Marcus A. Magnor:
Shape: A 3D Modeling Tool for Astrophysics. 454-465 - Qiming Hou, Xin Sun, Kun Zhou, Christian Lauterbach, Dinesh Manocha:
Memory-Scalable GPU Spatial Hierarchy Construction. 466-474 - Carsten Dachsbacher:
Analyzing Visibility Configurations. 475-486 - Pradeep Sen, Soheil Darabi:
Compressive Rendering: A Rendering Application of Compressed Sensing. 487-499 - Guiqing Li, Canjiang Ren, Jiahua Zhang, Weiyin Ma:
Approximation of Loop Subdivision Surfaces for Fast Rendering. 500-514 - Woojin Ahn, Doo Yong Lee:
Real-Time Resolution of Self-Intersection in Dynamic Cylindrical Free-Form Deformation. 515-526 - I-Chen Lin, Jen-Yu Peng, Chao-Chih Lin, Ming-Han Tsai:
Adaptive Motion Data Representation with Repeated Motion Analysis. 527-538 - Daniel Archambault, Helen C. Purchase, Bruno Pinaud:
Animation, Small Multiples, and the Effect of Mental Map Preservation in Dynamic Graphs. 539-552
Volume 17, Number 5, May 2011
- Ming C. Lin:
Editor's Note. 553-554 - Jarke J. van Wijk:
Guest Editor's Introduction: Special Section on the IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST). 555-556 - Steffen Koch, Harald Bosch, Mark Giereth, Thomas Ertl:
Iterative Integration of Visual Insights during Scalable Patent Search and Analysis. 557-569 - Youn ah Kang, Carsten Görg, John T. Stasko:
How Can Visual Analytics Assist Investigative Analysis? Design Implications from an Evaluation. 570-583 - Andrada Tatu, Georgia Albuquerque, Martin Eisemann, Peter Bak, Holger Theisel, Marcus A. Magnor, Daniel A. Keim:
Automated Analytical Methods to Support Visual Exploration of High-Dimensional Data. 584-597 - Hans-Jörg Schulz, Steffen Hadlak, Heidrun Schumann:
Point-Based Visualization for Large Hierarchies. 598-611 - Markus van Almsick, Tim H. J. M. Peeters, Vesna Prckovska, Anna Vilanova, Bart M. ter Haar Romeny:
GPU-Based Ray-Casting of Spherical Functions Applied to High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging. 612-625 - Martin Nöllenburg, Alexander Wolff:
Drawing and Labeling High-Quality Metro Maps by Mixed-Integer Programming. 626-641 - Vikas Ramachandra, Keigo Hirakawa, Matthias Zwicker, Truong Q. Nguyen:
Spatioangular Prefiltering for Multiview 3D Displays. 642-654 - Helmut Prendinger, Sebastian Ullrich, Arturo Nakasone, Mitsuru Ishizuka:
MPML3D: Scripting Agents for the 3D Internet. 655-668 - Kun Zhou, Minmin Gong, Xin Huang, Baining Guo:
Data-Parallel Octrees for Surface Reconstruction. 669-681 - Michael Lentine, Jon Gretarsson, Craig A. Schroeder, Avi Robinson-Mosher, Ronald Fedkiw:
Creature Control in a Fluid Environment. 682-693 - Günay Orbay, Levent Burak Kara:
Beautification of Design Sketches Using Trainable Stroke Clustering and Curve Fitting. 694-708 - Suthambhara Nagaraj, Vijay Natarajan:
Errata to "Relation-Aware Isosurface Extraction in Multifield Data'. 709-710
Volume 17, Number 6, June 2011
- Willem F. Bronsvoort, Jens Gravesen, John Keyser:
Guest Editor's Introduction: Special Section on the Joint Conference on Geometric Design and Solid and Physical Modeling (GDSPM). 713-714 - Paul Merrell, Dinesh Manocha:
Model Synthesis: A General Procedural Modeling Algorithm. 715-728 - Adarsh Krishnamurthy, Sara McMains, Kirk Haller:
GPU-Accelerated Minimum Distance and Clearance Queries. 729-742 - Quentin Mérigot, Maks Ovsjanikov, Leonidas J. Guibas:
Voronoi-Based Curvature and Feature Estimation from Point Clouds. 743-756 - Brian Whited, Jarek Rossignac:
Ball-Morph: Definition, Implementation, and Comparative Evaluation. 757-769 - Tino Weinkauf, Holger Theisel, Allen Van Gelder, Alex T. Pang:
Stable Feature Flow Fields. 770-780 - Marcel Hlawatsch, Joachim E. Vollrath, Filip Sadlo, Daniel Weiskopf:
Coherent Structures of Characteristic Curves in Symmetric Second Order Tensor Fields. 781-794 - Niklas Elmqvist, Pierre Dragicevic, Jean-Daniel Fekete:
Color Lens: Adaptive Color Scale Optimization for Visual Exploration. 795-807 - Lyndsey Clarke, Min Chen, Benjamin Mora:
Automatic Generation of 3D Caricatures Based on Artistic Deformation Styles. 808-821 - Nan Zhang, Huamin Qu, Robert M. Sweet:
Orientation-Preserving Rod Elements for Real-Time Thin-Shell Simulation. 822-835 - Charlie C. L. Wang:
Approximate Boolean Operations on Large Polyhedral Solids with Partial Mesh Reconstruction. 836-849 - Richard Southern, Jian J. Zhang:
Motion-Sensitive Anchor Identification of Least-Squares Meshes from Examples. 850-856 - Oliver Bimber, Daniel Klöck, Toshiyuki Amano, Anselm Grundhöfer, Daniel Kurz:
Closed-Loop Feedback Illumination for Optical Inverse Tone-Mapping in Light Microscopy. 857-870
Volume 17, Number 7, July 2011
- Daniel Thalmann, Benjamin Lok:
Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality and Software Technology (VRST 2009). 873-874 - Sehwan Kim, Christopher Coffin, Tobias Höllerer:
Robust Relocalization and Its Evaluation for Online Environment Map Construction. 875-887 - Frank Steinicke, Gerd Bruder, Scott Kuhl, Pete Willemsen, Markus Lappe, Klaus H. Hinrichs:
Natural Perspective Projections for Head-Mounted Displays. 888-899 - Hiroki Mori, Erika Sumiya, Tomohiro Mashita, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Haruo Takemura:
A Wide-View Parallax-Free Eye-Mark Recorder with a Hyperboloidal Half-Silvered Mirror and Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation. 900-912 - Pierre Caserta, Olivier Zendra:
Visualization of the Static Aspects of Software: A Survey. 913-933 - Johannes Kehrer, Philipp Muigg, Helmut Doleisch, Helwig Hauser:
Interactive Visual Analysis of Heterogeneous Scientific Data across an Interface. 934-946 - Jonathan Palacios, Eugene Zhang:
Interactive Visualization of Rotational Symmetry Fields on Surfaces. 947-955 - Adam Arbree, Bruce Walter, Kavita Bala:
Heterogeneous Subsurface Scattering Using the Finite Element Method. 956-969 - Martin Servin, Claude Lacoursière, Fredrik Nordfelth, Kenneth Bodin:
Hybrid, Multiresolution Wires with Massless Frictional Contacts. 970-982 - Jin Huang, Yiying Tong, Kun Zhou, Hujun Bao, Mathieu Desbrun:
Interactive Shape Interpolation through Controllable Dynamic Deformation. 983-992 - Long Zhang, Ying He, Jiazhi Xia, Xuexiang Xie, Wei Chen:
Real-Time Shape Illustration Using Laplacian Lines. 993-1006 - Dilip Mathew Thomas, Vijay Natarajan, Georges-Pierre Bonneau:
Link Conditions for Simplifying Meshes with Embedded Structures. 1007-1019 - Gem Stapleton, Leishi Zhang, John Howse, Peter Rodgers:
Drawing Euler Diagrams with Circles: The Theory of Piercings. 1020-1032
Volume 17, Number 8, August 2011
- Ming C. Lin:
Editor's Note. 1033 - Manuel M. Oliveira, Daniel G. Aliaga:
Guest Editor's Introduction: Special Section on the Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D). 1034-1035 - Eric Enderton, Erik Sintorn, Peter Shirley, David P. Luebke:
Stochastic Transparency. 1036-1047 - Samuli Laine, Tero Karras:
Efficient Sparse Voxel Octrees. 1048-1059 - Christian Miller, Okan Arikan, Don Fussell:
Frankenrigs: Building Character Rigs from Multiple Sources. 1060-1070 - Romain Vergne, Romain Pacanowski, Pascal Barla, Xavier Granier, Christophe Schlick:
Improving Shape Depiction under Arbitrary Rendering. 1071-1081 - Chenglei Wu, Yebin Liu, Qionghai Dai, Bennett Wilburn:
Fusing Multiview and Photometric Stereo for 3D Reconstruction under Uncalibrated Illumination. 1082-1095 - Ares Lagae, Sylvain Lefebvre, Philip Dutré:
Improving Gabor Noise. 1096-1107 - Anthony Pajot, Loïc Barthe, Mathias Paulin, Pierre Poulin:
Representativity for Robust and Adaptive Multiple Importance Sampling. 1108-1121 - Chunxia Xiao, Meng Liu, Yongwei Nie, Zhao Dong:
Fast Exact Nearest Patch Matching for Patch-Based Image Editing and Processing. 1122-1134 - Chunxia Xiao, Yongwei Nie, Feng Tang:
Efficient Edit Propagation Using Hierarchical Data Structure. 1135-1147 - Marcel Hlawatsch, Filip Sadlo, Daniel Weiskopf:
Hierarchical Line Integration. 1148-1163 - Brendan Moloney, Marco Ament, Daniel Weiskopf, Torsten Möller:
Sort-First Parallel Volume Rendering. 1164-1177 - I-Cheng Yeh, Chao-Hung Lin, Olga Sorkine, Tong-Yee Lee:
Template-Based 3D Model Fitting Using Dual-Domain Relaxation. 1178-1190
Volume 17, Number 9, September 2011
- Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Gudrun Klinker, Benjamin Lok:
Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference (VR). 1193-1194 - Mathias Moehring, Bernd Froehlich:
Natural Interaction Metaphors for Functional Validations of Virtual Car Models. 1195-1208 - Behzad Sajadi, Aditi Majumder:
Autocalibrating Tiled Projectors on Piecewise Smooth Vertically Extruded Surfaces. 1209-1222 - Frank Steinicke, Gerd Bruder, Klaus H. Hinrichs, Pete Willemsen:
Change Blindness Phenomena for Virtual Reality Display Systems. 1223-1233 - Rolf Nordahl, Luca Turchet, Stefania Serafin:
Sound Synthesis and Evaluation of Interactive Footsteps and Environmental Sounds Rendering for Virtual Reality Applications. 1234-1244 - Sangyoon Lee, Hong Hua:
Effects of Viewing Conditions and Rotation Methods in a Collaborative Tabletop AR Environment. 1245-1258 - Christoph W. Borst, Jan-Phillip Tiesel, Emad Habib, Kaushik Das:
Single-Pass Composable 3D Lens Rendering and Spatiotemporal 3D Lenses. 1259-1272 - Micah K. Johnson, Kevin Dale, Shai Avidan, Hanspeter Pfister, William T. Freeman, Wojciech Matusik:
CG2Real: Improving the Realism of Computer Generated Images Using a Large Collection of Photographs. 1273-1285 - Hong-Yun Kim, Chang-Hyo Yu, Lee-Sup Kim:
A Memory-Efficient Unified Early Z-Test. 1286-1294 - Dehui Xiang, Jie Tian, Fei Yang, Qi Yang, Xing Zhang, Qingde Li, Xin Liu:
Skeleton Cuts - An Efficient Segmentation Method for Volume Rendering. 1295-1306 - Peer-Timo Bremer, Gunther H. Weber, Julien Tierny, Valerio Pascucci, Marcus S. Day, John B. Bell:
Interactive Exploration and Analysis of Large-Scale Simulations Using Topology-Based Data Segmentation. 1307-1324 - Antonio J. Rueda Ruiz, Francisco R. Feito:
EL-REP: A New 2D Geometric Decomposition Scheme and Its Applications. 1325-1336 - Jarek Rossignac:
Ordered Boolean List (OBL): Reducing the Footprint for Evaluating Boolean Expressions. 1337-1351
Volume 17, Number 10, October 2011
- Gudrun Klinker, Tobias Höllerer, Hideo Saito, Oliver Bimber:
Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR). 1353-1354 - Steven J. Henderson, Steven Feiner:
Exploring the Benefits of Augmented Reality Documentation for Maintenance and Repair. 1355-1368 - Nate Hagbi, Oriel Bergig, Jihad El-Sana, Mark Billinghurst:
Shape Recognition and Pose Estimation for Mobile Augmented Reality. 1369-1379