How are ORCIDs integrated in dblp?

The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is an international non-profit initiative to uniquely identify scientific and other academic authors. See the official ORCID website for details and how to obtain your ORCID. We consider ORCIDs a great help in uncovering errors in our data and we strongly encourage you to register and use your ORCID in your publications.

Recently, we started enriching the author signature data in dblp with links to ORCIDs we have harvested from publicly available data sources. An author signature is what we call a (publication, author) pair. As of March 2019, there are about 1.1 million author signatures with such an ORCID link in dblp. For more than 40,000 author bibliographies, this ORCID link has been manually checked and verified by the dblp team. However, at the moment, ORCIDs are not added continuously but in batches. We hope to improve the integration in the future.

ORCID data in dblp.xml and data APIs

Publication Records

Linked author signatures of publication are exported through the XML data dump (see How to parse dblp.xml) and the XML API. The vast majority of these linked ORCIDs are harvested automatically from metadata provided by the publishers and from the ORCID data dump. Here is an example of an author signature linked to an ORCID:

<article key="journals/pvldb/Ley09">
<author orcid="0000-0001-7580-4351">Michael Ley</author>

Person Records

For person records, we link ORCID URLs only if we have manually verified that the bibliography and the ORCID represent the same person. This is in addition to any automatically harvested ORCID that may be present in the bibliography's publication records. Here is an example of a linked and verified ORCID in a person record:

<www key="homepages/l/MichaelLey">
<author>Michael Ley</author>
<title>Home Page</title>

ORCID data on author bibliography pages

We also display ORCID information on the author bibliography pages in the following way:

This bibliography has one or more confirmed ORCIDs. These ORCIDs have been manually verified.

This bibliography has a single, automatically harvested ORCID available. However, this ORCID is not manually verified yet.

This bibliography has multiple conflicting and unconfirmed ORCIDs available. This might indicate that this bibliography actually represents multiple persons (so called homonyms). Or, this bibliography is just a disambiguation page which should not have any ORCID listed. We are actively working on such bibliographies to resolve these issues.