What are the criteria for dblp to index a journal or conference?

The dblp computer science bibliography aims to be a high-quality online reference for bibliographic information, focusing major computer science publication venues. In order to cope with the ever growing publication landscape in computer science and to guarantee the high quality of the database, it is indispensable to assign priorities for the inclusion of publication venues. These priorities are mainly based on the scientific relevance of a venue to the computer science community. Beside the scientific merit, technical aspects such as the availability of processable high-quality meta data have to be considered, too.

To come to a fair judgment, a venue application and review process has been installed by the

dblp advisory board

. This process complements the ongoing daily work of the dblp team. It is also designed to communicate the standards that are assumed to maintain the high quality of the collection.

The dblp advisory board has defined a set of minimum standards that any publication series should meet in order to be indexed by dblp. A summary of the different requirements is given below. Please note that beside the eligibility of a publication venue, the workload and the resources at dblp are always a limiting factor for the inclusion of new venues. This can mean that while a venue may meet the formal criteria below, other venues may take precedence or we simply do not have the resources to include further venues (yet).

Aspects of the venue

Aspects of the editors and authors

Publication standards

Accessibility and long-term availability