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export results for "Sjoerd de Vries"
@article{DBLP:journals/bmcbi/KravchenkoVSB24, author = {Anna Kravchenko and Sjoerd Jacob de Vries and Malika Sma{\"{\i}}l{-}Tabbone and Isaure Chauvot de Beauch{\^{e}}ne}, title = {{HIPPO:} HIstogram-based Pseudo-POtential for scoring protein-ssRNA fragment-based docking poses}, journal = {{BMC} Bioinform.}, volume = {25}, number = {1}, pages = {129}, year = {2024} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2409-16071, author = {Sjoerd de Vries and Dirk Thierens}, title = {Learning with Confidence: Training Better Classifiers from Soft Labels}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/2409.16071}, year = {2024} }
@article{DBLP:journals/jcisd/KaramiMGLDLLVT23, author = {Yasaman Karami and Samuel Murail and Julien Giribaldi and Benjamin Lefranc and Florian Defontaine and Olivier Lesouhaitier and J{\'{e}}r{\^{o}}me Leprince and Sjoerd Jacob de Vries and Pierre Tuff{\'{e}}ry}, title = {Exploring a Structural Data Mining Approach to Design Linkers for Head-to-Tail Peptide Cyclization}, journal = {J. Chem. Inf. Model.}, volume = {63}, number = {20}, pages = {6436--6450}, year = {2023} }
@article{DBLP:journals/nar/ReyMVDT23, author = {Julien Rey and Samuel Murail and Sjoerd Jacob de Vries and Philippe Derreumaux and Pierre Tuff{\'{e}}ry}, title = {{PEP-FOLD4:} a pH-dependent force field for peptide structure prediction in aqueous solution}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Res.}, volume = {51}, number = {{W1}}, pages = {432--437}, year = {2023} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2309-04318, author = {Sjoerd de Vries and Dirk Thierens}, title = {Generating the Ground Truth: Synthetic Data for Label Noise Research}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/2309.04318}, year = {2023} }
@article{DBLP:journals/bioinformatics/MoniotGVB22, author = {Antoine Moniot and Yann Guermeur and Sjoerd Jacob de Vries and Isaure Chauvot de Beauch{\^{e}}ne}, title = {ProtNAff: protein-bound Nucleic Acid filters and fragment libraries}, journal = {Bioinform.}, volume = {38}, number = {16}, pages = {3911--3917}, year = {2022} }
@article{DBLP:journals/cbm/VriesDTHLOTB22, author = {Sjoerd de Vries and Thijs ten Doesschate and Joan E. E. Tott{\'{e}} and Judith W. Heutz and Yvette G. T. Loeffen and Jan Jelrik Oosterheert and Dirk Thierens and Edwin Boel}, title = {A semi-supervised decision support system to facilitate antibiotic stewardship for urinary tract infections}, journal = {Comput. Biol. Medicine}, volume = {146}, pages = {105621}, year = {2022} }
@article{DBLP:journals/jtaer/SchrotenboerCHV22, author = {Dana Schrotenboer and Efthymios Constantinides and Carolina Herrando and Sjoerd de Vries}, title = {The Effects of Omni-Channel Retailing on Promotional Strategy}, journal = {J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res.}, volume = {17}, number = {2}, pages = {360--374}, year = {2022} }
@article{DBLP:journals/ijec/VollenbroekVD21, author = {Wouter Vollenbroek and Sjoerd de Vries and Jan van Dijk}, title = {Supporting Social Capital by Utilizing Community Network Positions}, journal = {Int. J. e Collab.}, volume = {17}, number = {2}, pages = {40--54}, year = {2021} }
@article{DBLP:journals/kbs/VriesT21, author = {Sjoerd de Vries and Dirk Thierens}, title = {A reliable ensemble based approach to semi-supervised learning}, journal = {Knowl. Based Syst.}, volume = {215}, pages = {106738}, year = {2021} }
@article{DBLP:journals/nar/KaramiRPMTV19, author = {Yasaman Karami and Julien Rey and Guillaume Postic and Samuel Murail and Pierre Tuff{\'{e}}ry and Sjoerd Jacob de Vries}, title = {DaReUS-Loop: a web server to model multiple loops in homology models}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Res.}, volume = {47}, number = {Webserver-Issue}, pages = {W423--W428}, year = {2019} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ict4ageingwell/ReitsmaSV19, author = {Auke Reitsma and Ton Spil and Sjoerd de Vries}, title = {Using Laddering to Understand the Use of Gamified Wearables by Seniors}, booktitle = {{ICT4AWE}}, pages = {92--103}, publisher = {SciTePress}, year = {2019} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/amcis/SchulzSV18, author = {Luisa Schulz and Ton Spil and Sjoerd de Vries}, title = {Gamified Wearables in Obesity Therapy for Youth}, booktitle = {{AMCIS}}, publisher = {Association for Information Systems}, year = {2018} }
@article{DBLP:journals/jcc/VriesZ17, author = {Sjoerd Jacob de Vries and Martin Zacharias}, title = {Fast and accurate grid representations for atom-based docking with partner flexibility}, journal = {J. Comput. Chem.}, volume = {38}, number = {17}, pages = {1538--1546}, year = {2017} }
@article{DBLP:journals/nar/VriesRSZT17, author = {Sjoerd Jacob de Vries and Julien Rey and Christina E. M. Schindler and Martin Zacharias and Pierre Tuff{\'{e}}ry}, title = {The pepATTRACT web server for blind, large-scale peptide-protein docking}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Res.}, volume = {45}, number = {Webserver-Issue}, pages = {W361--W364}, year = {2017} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/hci/BeldadAV17, author = {Ardion Beldad and Fitria Avicenna and Sjoerd de Vries}, title = {The Effects of Online Review Message Appeal and Online Review Source Across Two Product Types on Review Credibility, Product Attitude, and Purchase Intention}, booktitle = {{HCI} {(24)}}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {10294}, pages = {163--173}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2017} }
@article{DBLP:journals/ploscb/BeaucheneVZ16, author = {Isaure Chauvot de Beauch{\^{e}}ne and Sjoerd Jacob de Vries and Martin Zacharias}, title = {Binding Site Identification and Flexible Docking of Single Stranded {RNA} to Proteins Using a Fragment-Based Approach}, journal = {PLoS Comput. Biol.}, volume = {12}, number = {1}, year = {2016} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ic3k/VollenbroekV16, author = {Wouter Vollenbroek and Sjoerd de Vries}, title = {Interaction Patterns in Web-based Knowledge Communities: Two-Mode Network Approach}, booktitle = {{KMIS}}, pages = {100--107}, publisher = {SciTePress}, year = {2016} }
@article{DBLP:journals/ijwbc/VollenbroekVCK14, author = {Wouter Vollenbroek and Sjoerd de Vries and Efthymios Constantinides and Piet Kommers}, title = {Identification of influence in social media communities}, journal = {Int. J. Web Based Communities}, volume = {10}, number = {3}, pages = {280--297}, year = {2014} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/webist/VollenbroekCV13, author = {Wouter Vollenbroek and Efthymios Constantinides and Sjoerd de Vries}, title = {Co-creation in Social Media Platforms: End-users as Innovation Partners - Online Co-innovation within the Open Discovery Space}, booktitle = {{WEBIST}}, pages = {381--385}, publisher = {SciTePress}, year = {2013} }
@article{DBLP:journals/grid/WassenaarDLSVSZBGFRBHJBJGSVDVVFKSFILSJVBPMFB12, author = {Tsjerk A. Wassenaar and Marc van Dijk and Nuno Loureiro{-}Ferreira and Gijs van der Schot and Sjoerd Jacob de Vries and Christophe Schmitz and Johan van der Zwan and Rolf Boelens and Andrea Giachetti and Lucio Ferella and Antonio Rosato and Ivano Bertini and Torsten Herrmann and Hendrik R. A. Jonker and Anurag Bagaria and Victor Jaravine and Peter G{\"{u}}ntert and Harald Schwalbe and Wim F. Vranken and Jurgen F. Doreleijers and Gert Vriend and Geerten W. Vuister and Daniel Franke and Alexey Kikhney and Dmitri I. Svergun and Rasmus H. Fogh and John M. C. Ionides and Ernest D. Laue and Chris A. E. M. Spronk and Simonas Jurksa and Marco Verlato and Simone Badoer and Stefano Dal Pra and Mirco Mazzucato and Eric Frizziero and Alexandre M. J. J. Bonvin}, title = {WeNMR: Structural Biology on the Grid}, journal = {J. Grid Comput.}, volume = {10}, number = {4}, pages = {743--767}, year = {2012} }
@article{DBLP:journals/ploscb/WijkMVTB12, author = {Sjoerd J. L. van Wijk and Adrien S. J. Melquiond and Sjoerd Jacob de Vries and H. Th. Marc Timmers and Alexandre M. J. J. Bonvin}, title = {Dynamic Control of Selectivity in the Ubiquitination Pathway Revealed by an {ASP} to {GLU} Substitution in an Intra-Molecular Salt-Bridge Network}, journal = {PLoS Comput. Biol.}, volume = {8}, number = {11}, year = {2012} }
@article{DBLP:journals/displays/EmmerikVB11, author = {Martijn L. van Emmerik and Sjoerd C. de Vries and Jelte E. Bos}, title = {Internal and external fields of view affect cybersickness}, journal = {Displays}, volume = {32}, number = {4}, pages = {169--174}, year = {2011} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/iwsg/WassenaarDLSVSZBGFRBHJBJGSVDVVFKSFILSVBPMFB11, author = {Tsjerk A. Wassenaar and Marc van Dijk and Nuno Loureiro{-}Ferreira and Gijs van der Schot and Sjoerd Jacob de Vries and Christophe Schmitz and Johan van der Zwan and Rolf Boelens and Andrea Giachetti and Lucio Ferella and Antonio Rosato and Ivano Bertini and Torsten Herrmann and Hendrik R. A. Jonker and Anurag Bagaria and Victor Jaravine and Peter G{\"{u}}ntert and Harald Schwalbe and Wim F. Vranken and Jurgen F. Doreleijers and Gert Vriend and Geerten W. Vuister and Daniel Franke and Alexey Kikhney and Dmitri I. Svergun and Rasmus H. Fogh and John M. C. Ionides and Ernest D. Laue and Chris A. E. M. Spronk and Marco Verlato and Simone Badoer and Stefano Dal Pra and Mirco Mazzucato and Eric Frizziero and Alexandre M. J. J. Bonvin}, title = {WeNMR: Structural Biology on the Grid}, booktitle = {IWSG-Life}, series = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings}, volume = {819}, publisher = {CEUR-WS.org}, year = {2011} }
@article{DBLP:journals/giq/JansenVS10, author = {Jurjen Jansen and Sjoerd de Vries and Paul van Schaik}, title = {The Contextual Benchmark Method: Benchmarking e-Government services}, journal = {Gov. Inf. Q.}, volume = {27}, number = {3}, pages = {213--219}, year = {2010} }
@incollection{DBLP:books/others/10/VriesSS10, author = {Sjoerd de Vries and Paul van Schaik and Dick Slettenhaar}, title = {Schooltrack: an {EPSS} for Action Research}, booktitle = {Electronic Performance Support}, publisher = {Gower Publ.}, year = {2010} }
@article{DBLP:journals/toh/HogemaVEK09, author = {Jeroen H. Hogema and Sjoerd C. de Vries and Jan B. F. van Erp and Raymond J. Kiefer}, title = {A Tactile Seat for Direction Coding in Car Driving: Field Evaluation}, journal = {{IEEE} Trans. Haptics}, volume = {2}, number = {4}, pages = {181--188}, year = {2009} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/egov/JansenVGAD09, author = {Jurjen Jansen and Sjoerd de Vries and Thea van der Geest and Rex Arendsen and Jan van Dijk}, title = {The State of Client-Centered Public Service Delivery in the Netherlands}, booktitle = {{EGOV}}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {5693}, pages = {293--304}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2009} }
@article{DBLP:journals/bioinformatics/VriesB06, author = {Sjoerd Jacob de Vries and Alexandre M. J. J. Bonvin}, title = {Intramolecular surface contacts contain information about protein-protein interface regions}, journal = {Bioinform.}, volume = {22}, number = {17}, pages = {2094--2098}, year = {2006} }
@article{DBLP:journals/ijwbc/VriesK04, author = {Sjoerd de Vries and Piet Kommers}, title = {Online knowledge communities: future trends and research issues}, journal = {Int. J. Web Based Communities}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, pages = {115--123}, year = {2004} }
@article{DBLP:journals/informaticaSI/Vries03, author = {Sjoerd de Vries}, title = {Concourse: The Design of an Online Collaborated Writing Center}, journal = {Informatica (Slovenia)}, volume = {27}, number = {3}, pages = {255--262}, year = {2003} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/iadis/Vries02, author = {Sjoerd de Vries}, title = {A Reference Model for the Development of Networked Organizational Communication: {A} Communication Perspective}, booktitle = {{ICWI}}, pages = {799--804}, publisher = {{IADIS}}, year = {2002} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ifip3-1/Vries02, author = {Sjoerd de Vries}, title = {Online Knowledge Communities: Meeting Places for Continuing Professional Development}, booktitle = {{SECIII}}, series = {{IFIP} Conference Proceedings}, volume = {244}, pages = {215--224}, publisher = {Kluwer}, year = {2002} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/webnet/VriesBR00, author = {Sjoerd de Vries and Paul Bloemen and Lonneke Roossink}, title = {Online Knowledge Communities}, booktitle = {WebNet}, pages = {124--129}, publisher = {{AACE}}, year = {2000} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/webnet/VriesD96, author = {Sjoerd de Vries and Henk Donker}, title = {{HERODOTUS:} An Educational Site as an Integral Part of a Study Book}, booktitle = {WebNet}, publisher = {{AACE}}, year = {1996} }

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