Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      43rd FSTTCS 2023: Hyderabad, India

      42nd FSTTCS 2022: Chennai, India

      41st FSTTCS 2021: Virtual Event

      40th FSTTCS 2020: Goa, India / Virtual Event

      39th FSTTCS 2019: Bombay, India

      38th FSTTCS 2018: Ahmedabad, India

      37th FSTTCS 2017: Kanpur, India

      36th FSTTCS 2016: Chennai, India

      35th FSTTCS 2015: Bangalore, India

      34th FSTTCS 2014: New Delhi, India

      33rd FSTTCS 2013: Guwahati, India

      32nd FSTTCS 2012: Hyderabad, India

      31st FSTTCS 2011: Mumbai, India

      30th FSTTCS 2010: Chennai, India

      29th FSTTCS 2009: Kanpur, India

      28th FSTTCS 2008: Bangalore, India

      27th FSTTCS 2007: New Delhi, India

      26th FSTTCS 2006: Kolkata, India

      25th FSTTCS 2005: Hyderabad, India

      24th FSTTCS 2004: Chennai, India

      23rd FSTTCS 2003: Mumbai, India

      22nd FSTTCS 2002: Kanpur, India

      21st FSTTCS 2001: Bangalore, India

      20th FSTTCS 2000: New Delhi, India

      19th FSTTCS 1999: Chennai, India

      18th FSTTCS 1998: Chennai, India

      17th FSTTCS 1997: Kharagpur, India

      16th FSTTCS 1996: Hyderabad, India

      15th FSTTCS 1995: Bangalore, India

      14th FSTTCS 1994: Madras, India

      13th FSTTCS 1993: Bombay, India

      12th FSTTCS 1992: New Delhi, India

      11th FSTTCS 1991: New Delhi, India

      10th FSTTCS 1990: Bangalore, India

      9th FSTTCS 1989: Bangalore, India

      8th FSTTCS 1988: Pune, India

      7th FSTTCS 1987: Pune, India

      6th FSTTCS 1986: New Delhi, India

      5th FSTTCS 1985: New Delhi, India

      4th FSTTCS 1984: Bangalore, India