21st CIKM 2012: Maui, HI, USA

Refine list

showing all ?? records

Keynote address

KM track: recommender systems

KM track: pattern mining

IR track: evaluation methodologies

IR track: social media search

KM track: link and graph mining

IR track: language technologies

DB track: graph and knowledge base

DB track: temporal, spatial and multimedia databases

KM track: matrix methods and anomaly detection

KM track: social networks

IR track: advertising

IR track: system architecture, distributed IR, scalability

KM track: advertisement and products

KM track: clustering

IR track: recommendation systems

IR track: digital libraries and citation analysis

KM track: text mining

IR track: formal retrieval models and learning to rank

DB track: probabilistic and uncertain data

DB track: top-k and nearest neighbor queries

KM track: spatial and temporal methods

IR track: web search

DB track: web data management

KM track: information extraction

IR track: topic modeling and content and sentiment analysis

DB track: query processing, optimization and performance

KM track: classification and semantic methods